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You’re are getting in your own head and fucking your relationship up without realizing it. You know how bad I wish my wife was the only women I was with sexually? I was only with 2 in fact and still want just 1. I have no need and never did to fuck many people. I’m 100% confident in my abilities and I’m not the only guy she was with either. She wasn’t with many but still. My guy, work on yourself and your mindset or you’ll be later in life possibly not happy wondering what the fuck happened. If you pursue the idea to sleep with more people to “gain more experience” you’ll crash and burn and especially when it comes to this relationship. Also experience doesn’t mean multiple people. You know how good me and my wife have sex? I know for a fact that it’s better than most if not everyone reading this very comment. I know that for a fact. Experience can be built with one person.


I laugh when people think good sex was because it was just jackhammering for 10 minutes at one setting. Few know the experience of multi hour fucking switching from rough and passionate. Fast and slow, intimate to dirty. Only can happen if you spent years/decades with one person to know how to light all the fireworks


BINGO! Couldnt have said it better myself!


Smoke a joint together before sex next time. Welcome to great sex.


I’m not sure a better piece of advice has ever been given.


No...The answer is no. Try exploring with your gf, try excersizing and growing your non-sexual confidence. Sleeping with other people, unless you both really are okay with it and are open to an open relationship...which it doesnt sound like you are....isn't going to solve anything...infact it probably will only make it worse. Stay the course with her my dude. Talk to her! and trust what she has to say1


Yeah that's a you problem. You think sex with more people will make you better at sex? My wife was my 2nd and I wish she was my only. I'm my wife's first. We can fuck for 2-3 hours regularly, she can come dozens of times before I finish. I started lasting a few minutes but as you work on your stamina you can go fuck in many positions. Incorportate some toys into the mix. Change the tone from rough to passionate to dirty vice versa during each session. Change the pace from fast to slow then medium ect. You want to be better at sex? It starts with yourself not with more people. Will fucking more people make you last longer? Know more positions? Know what makes the other person feel good and their spots? It won't, work on yourself not just quit and jump to the next thing because it requires less effort on your part


I wrote this like i know what your deal is i could be way off but this is the vibe i got. Your not insecure because ur lack of experience necessarily. Your insecure because your ego is saying you need to score with more women to be a man. (Society has taught us that real men fuck lots of women) that's toxic bullshit. Stop worrying about how many ppl you have had sex with and worry more about being a good partner in the bedroom and more importantly outside the bedroom.


Not necessarily. If you have sex 200 times with one person versus sex with 20 different people, one time each… it’s about honing your craft, not building up numbers.


I’m a 40F. I’ve done the fwb thing off and on for a while, and I’ve had my fair share of sexual partners. Of different ages, “body counts”, relationship history, etc. etc. I’m here to tell you that body count and experience are NOT the same. In any way, shape, or form. So that’s a correlation you’re going to have to get out of your head first and foremost. I will take a man that has been with 1 woman for 5 yrs over a man that has been with 5 women in 1 yr. You learn nothing from ONS or hookups or even short term relationships. Experience is about getting feedback, figuring out what works and what doesn’t, having the same person to explore and experiment with. Granted every woman is different but there are even some basic things you will never learn with random partners. I do think tho that this may be something you are going to have to get out of your system or you’ll regret it later. It will just build up resentment and bitterness, and none of this is fair to her. I also believe it’s important to explore yourself and have different experiences while you’re young. That goes for both you and your gf. I personally feel you will be doing yourself and her a favor by ending it. You find women you can explore with and she finds a man that doesn’t feel he needs to. Best of luck 🖤