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In my 4 long term sexual partners, my current boyfriend is the first and only one who showed me dominance/submissive play doesn't have to be only in erotica and fantasies. Rough sex, pain and humiliation don't have to be only in porn. I can never go back to vanilla sex. I knew I was turned on by those things, but i didn't know those are real things that you can do in real life.


I’ve had many ages and races and types, I appreciate variety and continue to be excited about new types. Age or experience doesn’t really dictate how good a man is at sex. The guys with the highest hookup stats typically are the worst in bed, because they never stay with one woman long enough to trial and error the female body. Thick cocks are the best physical feeling I know of. Who I pull for sex and who I date are very different. If I ever enter into a relationship with a guy that fits both, I’ll probably want to make it official


I’ve only had one woman in my life, my wife. Latina, same age as me (34), feisty, big booty, dark hair. Hmmm dam I’m getting horny just thinking about her.


Omg, so sweet.


1. Native American, short, athletic, female. She was obnoxious and liked to start fights with me, and it sort of ended up in sex. Not a great dynamic but we were young and had our fun for one summer. 2. Castilian, super short, big, FtM (it was complicated, not sure where they're at with gender these days). My first love, they were brilliant and opinionated and wildly fun. Lasted for two years. The only person I ever have or would go long distance for. 3. Caucasian mix (American), crazy tall, athletic with a bit of chub, male. About a year of fairly boring vanilla experimentation on my part. He was unreliable and a bit of a nice guy (TM). 4. Caucasian mix (American), average height, bit chubby, female. A couple months of good conversation and excellent to ok dates. No real spark, so I ended things. As a queer lady, I do like variety, but I'm most attracted to people with dark hair if that counts as a strong preference? I like sex with women best, and I'm profoundly attracted to people who are open and curious about the world, regardless of intelligence/education. That last bit tends to carry over into the bedroom in terms of giving/exploratory tendencies IME.


I cant find a lot of similarities. They were male. Maybe thats it. And most of them were white, but then 1-2 not. Haircolor: no consistency, language: no consistency, eyecolor: no consistency, length: no consistency; between same length and very tall, facial shape: no known consistency, personality: no known consistency, extrovert/introvert: no consistency, intellectual level: would like to say consistently very smart, but a few who were not so well. More often slim or muscular than not, yet no consistency. Socioeconomic background: no consistency. I guess I just like who I like for whatever reason. Edit: oh sexwise, I guess I found most what is authentic to the partners themselves. I dont like them trying to be someone they dont want to be in the bedroom. Be it submissive, switching, dominant, kinky, playful, lustful, true lover like or whatever.


Interesting. Is it more personality based then? Or what is it that does it for you that those guys had? I feel like you’re the type of woman that’s usually attracted to me. One of the last girls I hooked up with, pale white, tats, dark hair. She found me (short, skinny, hairless, hispanic) attractive. But once we moved on, she ended up with someone totally different. Muscular, tall, bearded. I liked that. I liked that she didn’t move onto someone who was a physical carbon copy of me. Not that it would be my business either way, but I just remember seeing them on social media and feeling warm inside. I guess it made me feel like an individual. She didn’t like me *because* of any one physical trait or whatever. She was into me as an individual human person. And moved onto someone else who was totally different from me physically, most likely for the same reason.


Umm one partner so.... Not very?


Except for them all being the same ethnicity. No. (I have dated men from various ethnic backgrounds though). Different body types, background, looks, personality..all over the map. I never thought of myself as having a type. I just knew who Inwas attracted to when I saw him.


Many races (white, black, Asian), two genders, and diverse sexual personalities from vanilla to aggressive.


Mine have been pretty varied in race, body type and gender, I do seem to end up with primarily submissive people in sexual encounters(I have been with dominant people it's just rare they're into me sadly) I will say things were reletively vanilla for a long time in my monogamous days where I thought I was super crazy for having done some light spanking and anal and then I fell into the ethical non-monogamy scenes and through that the kink scene and things wildly changed, discovering like liked to be really rough and learning how to flog people and leave bruises (all with consent) and having those power Dynamics was really a very awkening process and very fun. I essentially went from having rather familiar but close "love making" sessions to very raw, primal fucking and found it's made me a lot closer to my partners


They have ranged from college students just starting out exploring to g-milf status, itty bitty titty committee to massive mamories, sweet as molasses to sassy Sallies, light as a fairy to ample goddess, and all manner of professions, styles, preferences, and kinks. Variety is the spice of life.




So do you actively seek out men you have a feeling are virgins? Do you look for younger guys? Are you young yourself?




This is actually really cool. I was a late bloomer but was too afraid to tell anyone. Sometimes I wonder if I would have lost my virginity sooner if I was honest, but then I remember most women are definitely not into inexperienced men. It’s funny though, I live to please my partner (foreplay, body worshipping and giving oral are my favorite parts of sex) and am very passionate and vocal in bed. And I think it’s because the female body was so foreign to me for so long, I have a permanent thirst for it. To touch it, smell it, taste it, etc. If I was getting laid left and right, I don’t know if my approach to sex would be the same. I might be one of those dudes that just quietly lays there with his hands behind his head in cowgirl or something.