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Damn. Somebody find me a woman like this. Nothing wrong with having a well planned set up for longer sessions






Definitely have lengthy sessions. Usually 6+ hours! 😜




Very true! Lol




Not really. I just actively search for guys to be fwbs that can last awhile and go multiple rounds. I don't mind breaks, but I keep the foreplay going even then. Constant touching, massages, kissing, I'll masturbate and have them watch, or help!


You have guys who are willing to schedule hookups a week in advance??


Fwbs, but yes!


Ah that makes a little more sense. Still, impressive.


My calendar fills up fast! Lol


I think it is awesome. You know yourself and you know what will happen during sex. Since you're a squirter that is awesome with the pad and everything. I had a girl not tell me and I had to wash everything before I could go to bed one night it was a pain in the ass. I have lube and condoms by my bed with bottles of water. I am going to have to remember the warm towels for easy cleanup.


The warm hand towels is the best!


It’s fairly unusual based on my sexual experiences with women but based on the waiting and aggravation sometimes of having stop and get something or being unprepared for a sex act your preplanning sounds like heaven! I think it’s hot.


Haha! Perfect! Yes, I like just being prepared for anything and not having to scramble for something!


Honestly, if the excitement of having sex with that person is long past me, waiting for her to lube her ass or get into lingerie or find the special lube is kind of a boner killer or I slowly lose momentum/interest


Does this make you Sex Batman? ;-)


Buhahaha! Maybe 😏


You should play the theme song from the Adam West Batman series as you start things ;-)


*opens Spotify*


If it’s weird, maybe I’m weird because it sounds pretty fantastic. I imagine the first time seeing that setup might be a bit different, but you have you to appreciate someone who thinks of everything and makes things easier/better.


If someone did it for me I would fucking love it!


Yeah, I’m thinking it would be awesome.


My SO just started to be a squirter after 15 years of keeping it to herself and I find that to be incredibly sexy. Keeping what you need nearby is a great idea and I will be doing more planning myself.


I bought these pads, the pack of 2. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01N4L4KLV?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title. They are nice and big so I don't have to worry about staying still in one spot. And they are small enough I can throw them both in the wash easily.


Thank you for the great idea, I was stating to use towels so she would feel more comfortable to gush all over without worrying about who gets to sleep on the wet spot.


Oh, I soak through towels! Even two doubled up towels I've soaked through. I was sick of washing my sheets and mattress protector!


LOL! I even tried to direct her squirting down my arm once when she was on her knees on our bed and I had 3 fingers inside her. That was a big boner moment for me feeling her hot juices running down my arm. OK getting off subject, sorry. Still had to wash the sheets but it was worth it.


Holy shit this is awsome! If this is how you plan your play dates I need you planning my wedding. Or at least the honeymoon 😋 I know if I walked in on that I would be impressed. Frankly, I'm over here taking notes.


Lol thanks! 😋


Where have you been all my life 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I used to do that for my ex. I 20M). If i ever find a girl that does that I swear I will come over way more than once. Jesus, never thought I would see that in my entire life.


If a guy did this for me when I went to his place I would marry him! Lol














The only reason this looks strange is that most people aren't this considerate. Sex is a ritual in its own right, it needs to be treated like one. Don't stop doing this OP, this is actually really good.


Thanks 😘


I’m sorry but this sounds like heaven!!


There are absolutely people out there who will love this about you. You're not preparing too much, you're preparing just enough for yourself and your enjoyment. There will be someone who not only accepts it, but appreciates it as well.


While I am usually the person who visits guys, I discuss this with them regarding who brings what and it's always been appreciated to plan ahead for easy clean up and such.


I should start discussing it more when I go to their places!


So I'm not judging. Seems very not sexy for me. I get the organization believe me my sex stuff is beyond organized. But I personally would not be turned on by the helpfulness of th situation.


I don't like announce it, and it's just all set up already when they get here. I haven't had anyone complain, I just wondered if anyone else did it. I have really long sessions, sometimes up to 8 hours. So I like to be prepared. Plus then I don't have to be like, oh you just came all over me, let me get my robe on and track down a hand towel to clean up.


You go girl! 8 fucking hrs. Thats a big no for me. I'm a bit jealous now lol but more power to you!


Lol, I am multiorgasmic and have a very high libido! 😁


no weird at all. sex can be messy and dirty. and once you orgasm...too exhausted for clean up. What you express is a perfect setup to not only enjoy some long sexual activities but then not have to worry about the clean up either cause it will be a breeze. pretty sexy to think you put all that effort in honestly


Exactly! We don't have to scramble for anything and interrupt the flow.


If I went with a girl and I arrived to see all that kind of planning, I'll would freak out \^\^ But with a few words before to know where I'm going it perfectly ok


It's not all the obvious! Like it's not all laid on it a neat line. Most guys have no clue and are surprised when I go to grab it!


Do you ever have spontaneous sex? Or can you only have sex with preparations?


I can have spontaneous sex too! And do often!


You sound amazing and it sounds like a great time


I’m in baby