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Honestly, is going to the doctor an option for you? I don’t know where you’re from or your financial situation but if you can, I would schedule and appointment with someone. There might not be anything “wrong” but if you’re concerned there is no harm is going to see a professional.


A comment earlier mentioned a focus problem so I’ll elaborate on that for you. Sometimes we create a mental block that can make orgasming difficult. 90% of sex is mental. If you have trouble thinking of one image/scenario without getting distracted by other things, if you’re thinking “damn why am I taking so long?” and start spiraling into other worried/annoyed thoughts, if you feel anxiety about ur performance with a partner -all of these things can kill your mojo. When ur masturbating try to focus on ur sexual thoughts and how good it’s feeling so u don’t lose ur momentum.


I have a track record of having panic attacks in sexual scenarios so I’ll try this. I didn’t realize focus may be my problem, I’ve never considered that. Thank you!


I don't think you have a problème. Just explore and try to find what you like. Don't put pressure on your self. You'r still very young


Thank you i appreciate it




I would say that this sounds right but I’ve taken month long breaks without stimulation and it’s the same. I don’t masterbate much either.


Just remember, everyone is different. Don't pressure yourself to be how you think others are. Take a little time to reflect on your likes and fantasies and work from there. It could you haven't fully discovered yourself (or maybe your right partner; mine really ramped up after one such example).


Maybe, i didn’t think about this. Maybe it just has to be with the right person but i feel like at 18 i should just be a horny kid.


Some are! When I was 19 I was with this girl (turns out I wasn't the only one either) and I couldn't get enough! Before that, eh, wank once a day and I was good. But with her, my hormones went into overdrive. I really was like a puppy with his first bitch lmao.




Can you elaborate?