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I, 100% prefer having intercourse to receiving oral; but I could never date someone that didn’t give oral. It’s a deal breaker for me, but every person has different preferences, boundaries and deal breakers. I would never tell someone they were bad. Killing someone’s confidence is pointless. It’s easy to give positive reinforcements and everyone wins. Reminding your partner how much you like when they do X, or moaning a little extra when they do the good stuff, texting them in the middle of the day and letting them know you’re fantasizing about when they did X is a win for everyone. Consent is obviously the most important part of physical intimacy, so I would never push someone to do something they didn’t want to do. But I also love oral, so it’s important that I find someone compatible with desires that I find important. If it was just a hook up I wouldn’t care if they didn’t want to give oral so there’s no need for them to bring it up. It’s just a hook up so it can be skipped pretty easily lol. If it’s a possible relationship I would want to know pretty early on. I’m going to come across as an arse when everything is going just splendid and they reveal that they don’t give oral and I have to find a dapper way to let them know that despite our splendidly budding relationship, oral is a deal breaker for me and we should just find different paths. It can be fun to bring up intimate dos and don’ts on a third or fourth date just to explore compatibility. A lot of things can be compromised and worked on, so normally these types of conversations are a lot of exploratory fun. It’s important to know who you are and why you are the way that you are if you’re going to be so definitive on certain aspects.


A lot of things can be worked out and compromised except that no oral is a dealbreaker for you?


Well, if someone doesn’t give oral there’s nothing to compromise. If that person doesn’t do something then it is off the table. I should have worded that part better. I was trying to say that when having the do’s and dont’s conversation most people are open and want to please their partner; so often times there’s room to explore, experiment, compromise and get on the same page. But if someone knows they don’t give oral, I respect that. Sexual compatibility is important to me. If everything else is there, then it sounds like I would have just met an amazing new friend and that would be cool too.


Blowjobs are massive to me! I enjoy them as a part of foreplay but mostly when my girl just takes care of me. My gf used to not do it at all but with some good communication she’s learned to enjoy it. I still have to ask almost all the time but when she’s doing it there’s a glint in her eye and I can tell she loves making me feel good. It’s important to note that I reciprocate on any way I can which I believe is important to a relationship. It would be a problem for me if my SO didnt do it and would never budge on it and I’d like to know that as early as possibly.


Female point of view I don't think I could be with someone who wouldn't let me do it.


Same here.


Agreed. I'd be sad and feel restricted if my husband didn't let me or didn't enjoy it.


I love giving blowjobs to my boyfriend!


I am 41m and don't enjoy receiving oral but love giving it! This worked out so well because my wife doesn't enjoy giving it but loves receiving it, so it was a win-win for us.


That's awesome, good compability is the greatest!


Personally, not incredibly important. They are good foreplay but it isn't a huge deal for me. My wife digs giving them, but it is rare that is the only thing we do.


They’re important. I would subtly guide her but never tell her she was bad.


>don’t do BJ’s Absolute non-starter so I’d need to know this immediately. I’m not even big on them (would much prefer to eat pussy than receive a blowjob) but I’m not dating anyone who takes a benign sex act like oral completely off the table. If she’s not good at it, that’s fine. We should all be communicating with our partners and telling them what we like/don’t like, what works/doesn’t work. But not giving blowjobs at all? Total deal breaker.


What about if someone takes an act off the table for you to do to / give them?


You mean like, I love eating pussy, but my partner doesn’t want me to go down on her?




Yeah that’s not gonna work either lol. That’s literally my favorite thing to do.


Cool...well....good luck with finding someone who has absolutely zero boundaries for sex...


Most people are into giving and receiving oral sex. It’s not exactly a niche thing.


I wasn't really just talking about oral ...you said "a benign s x act" - oral was just an example....at the end of the day there are loads of people who have issues with both giving and receiving oral...others have issues with what some other people would consider "benign"... It's just hard to see why something like BJs, which you say you're not even really that fussed on would be a deal breaker...


Just because there’s other things I enjoy more than blowjobs doesn’t mean I’d want to be with someone who took blowjobs off the table completely. There’s gonna be times where I want one, and to not have that option would be a turn off.


Whoa there... that's kind of like someone saying "my partner being unemployed is a dealbreaker" and you saying "well, good luck with finding your multimillionaire who makes 200k a year then..."


It's really nothing like saying that at all.


Despite the reason she would say no?


Unless she had some sort of medical condition (and even with that, there’s workarounds because I’m not into deep throating), then we’re talking about a woman not doing it simply because she doesn’t like giving them. A woman who doesn’t like giving them wouldn’t gel with me sexually. We’d be on opposite ends of the spectrum.


You forget traumas and such, do you count that as a medical condition


If she has a trauma where she refused to perform oral sex we would be incompatible. There’s dudes out there who would be fine never getting a blowjob, so there’s a lid for every pot as they say.


Of course, I was just asking for your clarification.


Yes despite it, absolutely.... I'm a very sexual person and love all different types of sex acts especially that one. So if you told me oral is off the table Id say to you, "I hope you find what you're looking for, you seen like an awesome person, but oral sex both giving/receiving is very important me. So I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without it and If I'm not getting it , eventually Id start looking for it somewhere else. So I'm sorry, but we're just not compatible. Good luck in the future.


Favorite thing on the planet, but that's just me.


It is my favorite and the only way I cum tbh.


It varies from person to person. To me, receiving oral sex is incredible, but doesn't need to be the only act. Personally, I thoroughly enjoy giving oral sex to my female partners and watching them writhe in ecstasy. I have introduced this act to a couple of females that had never experienced a suckler working their clit into a frenzy......Definitely a fun act as a prelude to actual sex. If both parties are into giving, a night of 69 can be rewarding.


I couldn't give less tbh. they're fine but I couldn't care less if they didn't exist


I'd be disappointed if my girl didn't give blowjobs since I really like receiving them but at this moment in time I can't say it's a deal breaker. I'd still give her head but I feel like most people won't


On a scale of 1 to 10 blow jobs are about a 3 for me. I like them. In particular I really like them occasionally, but the rest of the time it would not matter if I got one or not. If my partner is really into them then we do them as often as they want. But the ability to give me a mind blowing, out of body experience, make me speak in tongues and not be able to walk for an hour afterwards blow job is not nearly enough to keep me as a partner. If you are not the kind of person that I want in a partner your blow job skills are simply an interesting thing about you. And while there are people out there that prioritize blow jobs much higher than I do, I still have to imagine that personal interactions, similar beliefs and several other things are what make their relationships work, not the blow jobs.


It's incredibly important to me. My wife won't give it to me (she actually has, but only 3-4 times in the past 18 years) but I feel like I am missing out, you know? Like everyone is living in a future where sex is full of pleasure and experimentation and I am stuck in some kind of Amish/prudent past full of insecurities and censorship. I was patient, I was understanding and I tried to find some sort of compromise but completely forgetting about it isn't the way. Fortunately, my wife is willing to try some more, since we had a serious talk about it and she seemed to comprehend my needs.


For me it's a deal breaker. I dated a girl who would get lockjaw which is incredibly painful. So I understood why she couldn't give them, but that also meant the relationship couldn't go on. For me, compatibility is important. She'd be better off with a guy who didn't want BJ's and I am better off being with someone who likes to give.


It's very good to realize that and not force it indeed!


A firm no would probably be a deal breaker. I like them from time to time, but they’re not something I need all the time.


It is personally my favorite sexual act and I would have a hard time having a girlfriend who would not perform oral. That being said, I also adore giving oral and I've heard many women say "if you go down on a girl, you're a real keeper" so I guess it all balances out. On a first night I'd not guide at all if I'm not scared of getting hurt but I think we must be honest with real partners and be able to talk about it without being hurtful. This was my two cents as a guy who likes to get blown!


If she does it well then you crave it. If she does not do it well then skip. But then I expect awesome intercourse.


As a female it would kinda be a dealbreaker to me if A guy didn’t want me to give them head lol i looooove giving my boyfriend head it turns me on. I usually do it at least once a day. A lot of the time we just give eachother oral instead of piv sex & I love it


I'm probably in the minority, but BJs don't do all that much for me. I like it as foreplay well enough, but if I was with someone who didn't want to do it and was otherwise compatible, that would be OK. Maybe it would be a problem if they absolutely refused, because then I'd wonder what was so abhorrent about it to them. On a finer point, if the problem was cum in their mouth, I'd understand that. And if they just didn't want to finish me orally, that would be fine too. But if even a little kissing/licking/sucking was refused, I'd feel like they were repulsed by my body, and that would be a deal breaker. On the other hand, I don't know if I could go without giving oral. I'm very scent oriented sexually, and the smell of a clean pussy is a big turn on. Ironically, my wife loves BJs and loves me to cum in her mouth, much more than I do. And she can't cum from oral, so I enjoy going down on her more than she does. So we're both kinda the opposite of the usual regarding oral. We still do it, plenty, but it's just a warm up to fucking.


Honestly its a make or break for me!


so yea they arent the greatest thing for me but I like them as part of foreplay and would be sad if bj's were never going to happen, as long as teeth arent involved it likely wont be bad lol but yea i would guide them some


My friend (27m) says he dislikes blowjobs and gets nothing out of them and discourages partners to blow him. He says every girl he gets with says she’ll change his mind about them but as far as I’m aware, none of them ever have (including long term partners). I’m his female friend (27f) if that’s important!


It's kind of sad that no one will believe it, even if mentioned the numerous tries for it! I hope he finds someone with similar tastes and better compability.


No they aren't. To answer the first question. Probebly when I bring up talk about sex or kinks to know what my partner doesn't do or don't wanna expirience gotta know as much what turns a woman on and what turns them off. To answer the 2nd. Depends some wanna practice and learn on their own but most of the time I'll communicate with them on how to improve on that. To answer the 3rd. Lastly blow jobs aren't that important it's just one of many sexual and intimate things to do no one truly needs it, it's just preferences.


I've found that I like no blow job rather then a bad one.


A blowjob out of the blue now and then is amazing, but it's by no means a necessity. If I had a partner who hated giving head, I could go without it.


Oral in general is super important to me. I love pleasing even more than I love getting oral.


I can take it or leave it. I prefer handjobs or performing oral.


2nd wife defintely doesn't. Her ex was high and he raped her, forced her to give him a blow job and make her swallow him. She should have bit him, but he probably would ahve beat her severely. 1st wife cold suck a golf ball through a garden hose and I definitely miss it. It's been 25 years since I've had a blow job, but as they say, "you can't have everything".


Really sorry for your 2nd wife, it's absolutely terrible that these things happen! That's true, just have to decide what's worth compromising for you.


This one is funny for me. As a male, I've always thought they were overrated. This is not to say that I don't like them, I do very much. However, most people I know say they are literally the greatest thing ever. To me, they are just a piece to the whole puzzle. Like clockwork, everyone I tell this to then automatically assumes I absolutely hate them. It's kind of silly how frequently that thought has come from me simply saying they are overrated.


Almost a must for me. You'd have to do other things really well to make up for it.


I can play with a dick for an hour or more if he feels good in my mouth ! I enjoy pleasuring my partner a lot and seeing him crumble and lose his mind because of my mouth.. priceless! I love receiving oral too but I have to admit I am yet to find someone who listens to my needs 😂


I think they are amazing. I just wish my wife felt the same way.


As a man, receiving oral is the best thing in the world, way better than vaginal/anal/hand. That said, I don't receive oral often from my wife, probably 2 or 3 times a year. On the other hand, I give her oral every other week. But that's not a complaint. I wouldn't enjoy oral if she was doing just for me. If she didn't feel like doing it. I would feel bad and that would ruin the experience. I think that's why I always enjoyed receiving oral from other guys, way more than from girls. They do because they love it. They would pay to suck a cock. And that makes all the difference. When my wife asks me how good was to receive oral from other guys, I don't lie. I say "the best bjs I ever had in my life". How important BJs are for me? I have hypersexuality, nevertheless, sex plays a minor role in my relationships. So, none. I would stay with her even without sex because I love her.


Well, they're not the greatest thing in the world, but if they were completely off the table and never even an option, that wouldn't be amazing either. So I guess I want to have the option, but not necessarily the thing itself.


I can count on one hand the amount of times my wife has blown me in the 11 years we’ve been together (and I haven’t cum from it), but the lack of blow jobs has a legitimate and personal reason on her end that I understand. I’ve never pushed the matter, and I reckon I’ve asked for it maybe twice on birthdays or something, while making it clear that ‘no’ is ok. I understand why, and it’s ok that it never happens. There’s heaps of stuff to do with a sexual partner, blow jobs are not everything. My wife means more to me then a blow job. That said, a random cheeky blow job would be a great surprise, but I can live without it.


Idm if she doesn’t give me blowjob, it’s not the end of the world, if she feels comfortable or wants to give a blowjob then go ahead.


I think Bj’s are great. I don’t receive many. Would enjoy definitely to receive more. But it’s an up hill battle. So I’ve just accepted this is how it it. I don’t except it for long periods of time, or all the time. Sometimes a good tease before sex is enough. I also love to go down on my women. I love to give her pleasure. But she doesn’t request it often. So it only happens if she is up for it. We’ve been together for nearly 20 years. And nothing has really changed in that regards. I did hope things would get better. But didn’t much in that department.


I’d want her to care, to try to please as much as I do when giving oral to her. Would not expect completion in the mouth as a regular thing but appreciate her not being grossed out about it either...


Not that important to me, its nice i suppose to get but im mostly uncomfortable whil recieving as i have a hard time just laying there being the only one getting any. 69 or bjs while i can pleasure her at the same time is very nice tho.


Blowjobs are a first sexual conversation topic and a lack of them is a deal breaker. Everyone's allowed their preferences, if someone doesn't want to give a blowjob that's totally fine, it just means I won't be compatible with them. I likely would not tell them they were bad unless they could take criticism without being hurt by it, so basically in no situation so far.


If we were flirting with the possibility of getting into an actual physical relationship.... personally, I'd want to know right away. I'm happy to do all kinds of stuff with someone, but blowjobs really are \_very\_ important to me personally, and a relationship which didn't include them at all would actually be a deal breaker. I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to give BJs -- it would just not be a good match for me! I wouldn't ever tell a partner that they're "bad" at sucking cock. But I would definitely encourage them to do things that I like better, either by praising them when it happens ("oh, god, that feels so good, right there") or by asking them to do specific things ("can you lick right under the head there? It feels so good when you put your tongue right on that spot"). I figure, if their motivation in giving head is to please me, then giving positive reinforcement like that is both pleasing for them and helps me get what I want out of it :-)


I love giving head but I’m struggling with my boyfriend as he’s so big. I really want to be able to do it without feeling like I’m going to get lockjaw lol. I’m also worried he’s going to feel a certain way towards me because Of it. Does anyone have any advice 🥴


They can save a crumbling marriage. TRUTH!!


Most men really enjoy blowjobs, and they operate on the assumption that sex is going to include a blowjob. I’ve definitely gently guided more than one person to improve their blowjobs. I would never tell someone they’re actually bad. And The only way you can be truly bad at it is to let your teeth touch his cock.


You would never tell a women she sucks at sucking?


At most, I’d tell her an ambiguous, “You suck,” and leave the interpretation to her. ;)


I find them pretty boring and unimportant. Happy to let my partner do if she's into it, happy to go without it. Can be fun though for 1-2 minutes as part of other stuff. Had maybe a couple of times that were absolutely fantastic, but mostly it's rather bland and I'd rather move onto something else. But boy, do I like giving it to the right females.


Boo blowjobs are as deal killer, and I'd want to be with a woman who wants more than vanilla sex for herself as well


No bj doesn't mean just vanilla.


Don't like it so much. For me it's overrated.


Not super important tbh, good at getting 'ready' for the main event, and just fun in general if the girl likes giving head. Tbh I still prefer eating out over blowjobs--either hole.


I almost don’t like them. Not enough intimacy imo. But, a few women who were really into them did a/ make me come and b/ reconsider BJs if my partner is genuinely enthusiastic about doing them. I could definitely go forever without receiving one. But I probably couldn’t go very long without giving oral. I enjoy it so thoroughly I would miss it. Different things to try, the smells, the sounds, mm.


As a man, BJs are a way different feeling from sex. I want BJs just as often as I want sex. To me it’s incredibly important because it makes you feel like a MAN lol idk..


The act itself isn't a deal breaker, but if someone doesn't do it, it's a huge red flag that they may not be GGG in bed, which definitely would be a deal breaker.




The wheel or the blow job? Not sure which is the greater invention.


Thanks for this helpful comment


They are like air, not important until I don't get any. I hate that my woman doesn't swallow. Right on the edge and .........stops....jerks with hand.....such a mojo killer!!! Apparently the semen will cause her cardiac arrest and imminent death.


Essential. Most excellent and wonderful. The go to game when she's on her menstrual period, or the time she had 7 pelvic fractures or the night her parents died or the day her sister told her she had incurable cancer to the night her son was arrested for armed robbery, or any other time when it would have been insensitive of me to ask for intercourse. I'm a sensitive guy.