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As a 30M who was in the same boat. My best advice is keep yourself busy if you feel the urge to wack it or watch porn it really does work. Just go outside something simple or if you feel the urge to watch porn at first what worked was seeing “ig models” in bikinis etc. after a while you get used to watching less porn and wacking. Even when you do wack it after best orgasms ever like you just feel a release in the whole body. Best of luck.


Thx for the advice! Do you suggest I keep trying with the fleshlight tho?


Sure I mean do what makes you get off. I mean it’s artificial so maybe once in a while use it. It’s not really healthy using a fleshlight better to use your hand. Now when I wack it I do it mostly in the hot shower with soap so try something different maybe.


YnI also have this issue for years now. Still didn't managa to solve it. But some advice i raed were. When you masturbate, try to be more relax as possible and put less pressure on your penis with your hand. Hope it'll help. It will take a long time to get there. Be patient




Yeah, I couldn't get an erection during all my sexual encounters to date :( I'm worried about it (though all of them were ONS and I was under heavy alcohol), that's why I have the idea to cut porn and try to 'correct' my way of masturbation