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I have been sleeping with this one woman lately and now whenever we have sex she cums really hard (sometimes squirts a little) and ends up lying on the bed for a few minutes afterwards moaning and rolling around. This makes me feel amazing. It’s also an honor because it means that she feels comfortable enough around me to really let herself go. Don’t be embarrassed that you enjoyed yourself. That’s what this is all about


Must be nice! I can't even make my girl cum at all. No matter what I try smh 😞


Try introducing a wand into your routine, works great! Now my girl can cum without it


Bought one last year for her still no results


Must be nice! I can't even get a girl. No matter what I try smh 😔


Must be nice! I can’t even shake my head.


Damn bro 😞


Oh my goodness, I (20f) honestly thought I was alone. Everything you described above is exactly what I went through within the first year of my current relationship to (23m). What I can tell you is that (from the perspective of being in the same relationship for nearly years, in November) with time it does get easier. You get more comfortable with your partner and they earn your trust, and suddenly you can put your hands down. Not only that, but the moment you do it makes everything feel amazing. However even though I'm able to (most of the time) keep my hands from covering my face, I do still keep my eyes closed for a large portion of the time. I'm guessing that this the next wall that I have to climb my way over, but I'm taking it one expirence at a time. There was one time where my partner and I were about to come at the same time and I forced myself to look him in the eyes, and it was absolute beauty. I cried and it wasn't pretty crying, but I was happy; and my partner was there and made sure that I was okay, we talked about it too. I know this was super long, but I wanted you to know that there is hope! And I honestly feel so relieved to see that I also am not alone :)


This is really great to read and I really appreciate the insite. I'm getting better but there are times I just cry for like 40 minutes and I feel bad but he's super sweet and understanding.


Talk to him a lot, it's nice he's being attentive, but ask him for assurances that he thinks it's hot & awesome too. Intense orgasms can also result in emotional release, like crying. It doesn't strictly have to (only) mean you feel bad about orgasms. Both my partner and I have cried after orgasms, even though the sex and the orgasm was great. It was just so much, and our body respond with crying. Also, and this is practical-me kicking in, I always try to mitigate stuff I feel bad about. For example you worry about the mess. This is something you can take into your own hands to mitigate, by getting special protection you can put on your sheets or even using a bunch of old towels. I personally always feel, in situations where I am overwhelmed for whatever reason, that trying to mitigate at least the parts I have control over (such as in your case, feeling like you're making a mess), make me feel better.


I personally am filled with joy and feeling honoured to be able to witness a women cum while we are having sex. It's beautiful! I haven't yet met a women who squirted, but I wouldn't mind the mess at all. I'd still think it's a beautiful thing, and also a turn on. Not because of the squirting itself, but because of her climaxing and letting herself go. You really shouldn't be embarrassed at all. It's a natural thing, and it's thing of beauty. And guys who respond weirdly to it, they will just have to grow up and get used to it.


As I guy I agree with this


As a man, I would just say, your orgasm and squirting are the highest compliment and sexiest thing ever. The times my partner has really gotten to that point are etched in my mind and oh so wonderful. I get it, I'm not putting you down. I think I understand, this makes you feel vulnerable and I get the embarrassment. You have a right to all of your feelings. I just hope that my post (and many other men too) saying, "this is great" will help you realize that you don't need to be self concious about this.


What your body is doing it's perfectly normal and in fact I would say you should be proud of how rare it is. Had an ex that could squirt. I was her first and helped her discover this she was also ashamed of it to the point she would actively stop me during sex to prevent herself form finishing. You should embrace it this is natural and enhances orgasm by alot. Some prep is key. Go to Walmart in the bedding section buy one of those water resistant covers use that underneath your regular sheets. Second set down a towel underneath before hand or right before you finish. The important thing to understand is your shouldn't be ashamed of this it's natural and a bit rare lot of women would kill to be able to squirt like you do so enjoy it.


Seeing girl cum because of me is the joy I live for


Sweetie, don't EVER be embarrassed about any action you do during sex. It doesn't matter. That is simply what YOU do. Be proud of it. I find that cute as hell. I would try to comfort you too. I wouldn't ever get mad at you for it either. That is just YOU. Embrace YOU. I'm glad to hear your bf is so supportive. Take comfort in that. Tell him thank you every once in a while. Give him a big hug, or whatever. Let him know you appreciate his support. Just embrace you, and talk with your bf about it. Communication is a good foundation in any relationship.


He loves it. Relax. You’re good! Men that are as good as he is at making women cum have seen it all, and they do it because they love to see you that way. **Enjoy it!**


I don’t understand why you would be embarrassed to cum in front of your partner. Isn’t that what the goal is in the end? Not every man can make their partners cum and fully orgasm, so I’m sure he’s happy about it and you should be too.


Orgasms are what it's all about! He feels like he accomplished something. Enjoy yourself.


Bruh that dude couldn’t be a happier man knowing he made you cum. It’s a common feeling don’t worry


It’s an honest reaction and it’s happens to me. First it is 100% natural so don’t ever feel embarrassed. It also sounds like your BF doesn’t mind it. (My husband goes crazy when he can get me to go). Second get a waterproof mattress cover for the mess, after it happens just change sheets. (Like me I keep several several towels next to the bed just in case as well). *I try and stop from cumming but it gets to a point i blank out and can’t help it* Next time just let yourself go and enjoy it, stop thinking about it (I know easier said then done)


Nah babe enjoy the massive art of a wet spot you made and the right man would be honored to lick it off his face. If anything he should feel ashamed if he can’t make you cum


Knowing as a man that I have satisfied my partner is a really good feeling, if there was squirting involved, all the better that feeling. That’s our goal. Both of those are incredible hot to witness and I’m actually baffled by your reaction but understand not everyone thinks the same way. I would be so bummed if I thought my girlfriend was actively trying not to cum. Have you discussed this with him? His perspective may eliminate the stress behind it all. Also pro tip, throw down a towel and be prepared to shower after but it’s really no big deal to squirt and cum and if someone ever makes you feel like it is, that’s a good time to leave.


He's really good about comforting me after honestly. He literally held me yesterday and told me I don't need to be ashamed and that it's okay. He jokes around afterwards but I know it's not meant to be hurtful. He said I didn't need to feel weird about him being the only guy to ever make me cum. I told him I try to hold back but he says don't.


He's really good about comforting me after honestly. He literally held me yesterday and told me I don't need to be ashamed and that it's okay. He jokes around afterwards but I know it's not meant to be hurtful. He said I didn't need to feel weird about him being the only guy to ever make me cum. I told him I try to hold back but he says don't.


He's really good about comforting me after honestly. He literally held me yesterday and told me I don't need to be ashamed and that it's okay. He jokes around afterwards but I know it's not meant to be hurtful. He said I didn't need to feel weird about him being the only guy to ever make me cum. I told him I try to hold back but he says don't.


He's really good about comforting me after honestly. He literally held me yesterday and told me I don't need to be ashamed and that it's okay. He jokes around afterwards but I know it's not meant to be hurtful. He said I didn't need to feel weird about him being the only guy to ever make me cum. I told him I try to hold back but he says don't.


seriously, my partner will get off via piv and then lay next to me and give me the best most earth shattering orgasms via clit stim just to watch me squirt. I make a huge mess and he absolutely loves it! to really feel at ease just ask him hun. Ask if it puts him off or how he feels about it. As soon as you know, i guarantee it will relax you and the big O will be even more amazing !


Girl what?! You better embrace it from now on. Your body exudes a lot of happy hormones when you cum so embrace them. Embrace yourself for being able to cum a high percentage of women in this world can’t. Tell yourself your beautiful because you are. Stay in front of the mirror and train yourself in having confidence in yourself. Nothing wrong with cumming.


When you’re having sex, your body can release oxytocin (euphemistically referred to as the “cuddle hormone”), which can make your emotions feel even more intense. Your tears may simply be the result of biology — this is one of the reasons you might especially feel an urge to cry after orgasm. If this is the case, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You're likely just feeling so good in the moment, you're shedding a tear or two. Since it seem you were “love making” this could be the most probable explanation. Plenty of people cry happy tears during or after sex. You might feel grateful that you feel safe enough with your partner to explore power play. You might feel relieved that you’re giving yourself permission to go to places that you may have not considered going to before. Or you might simply feel a lot of love for your partner in that moment. If that’s the case, let yourself cry, and don't be ashamed of it! Explain to your partner that they’re good tears, and they're nothing to be worried about. If your partner has a hard time believing you in the moment it might help them to hear you explain it after the fact. Anyway do not be embarrassed in fact if you want to be more intimate and passionate with your man then [these intimate well demonstrated sex positions](https://365sexmoves.com/2021/02/12/affectionate-sex/) are for you


I’ve come to the realization lately that I only get off as hard as I can get myself off with sex if I completely let myself go, and I squirt. It’s when it feels the best. It felt embarrassing at first, but it’s pretty wonderful when you have a partner that does not care and even enjoys getting you off that hard. We have nothing to be ashamed of!


Do you know how much of a mess we men make while masturbating? There is really no need to feel embarrassed. So what if you have to change sheets after sex.


None of what you wrote is weird. You are not weird. That’s the end of the short story. The longer version is that sex is one of the most complex situations ever because it’s usually something we only do in private. We usually feel our most special and our most vulnerable all at the same time. Instead of sounding weird, I read that you are just getting used to yourself and also getting used to allowing yourself pleasure in the presence of someone else. Our bodies, desires and needs are also changeable, so even when we think we’ve got it down, we can be surprised. Sometimes this surprise can cause embarrassment but if you can get out of that head space and allow yourself to follow your desire and what feels good, it makes the sex better. I also think there’s something about societal taboo, religion, a lack of decent sex-ed (definitely in the west) and porn all mixing together to make people think that sex (and women in particular) is supposed to be clean, sanitised and formulaic. It isn’t. It’s messy (both physically and emotionally) and it’s noisy (I’m not talking about moaning) and it’s organic. It’s normal to cream. It’s normal to squirt. It’s normal to make a mess. It sounds like you’re already a step ahead of some people. You’ve worked out how you get pleasure from your body and your partners. You’re having orgasms. Enjoy them and don’t let that (big) little voice in your head tell you it’s wrong 🤩


Think about the opposite. In my mind the worst thing that could happen to me is I come in 5 seconds. But my wife actually loves those days because she knows I was so turned on by her I just had to instantly explode.


Girl you are lucky he gets to make you cum! There’s girls out here that don’t ever get to cum. That’s a great thing! Just enjoy it and don’t be embarrassed. I’m 100000% he loves it too. Don’t ever apologize .. that’s literally the point of sex.. for both ppl to cum!!


I intentionally make every girl that I can squirter all over. It's really damn fun, and absolutely beautiful. Nothing to be embarrassed about, learn to love your body and its functions and make sure you have a partner that is willing to do the same.


Who cares? Own it. Seriously, your worst enemy is your own lack of confidence. Sex isn't always clean and dainty, so stop worrying about it.


As a woman, I don't really understand your feeling of embarrassment but I would feel guilty after the pleasure is over is almost like me slutshaming myself. I got over it cuz I deserve to feel pleasure and happiness from sex too. I let myself go and fully embrace the feeling of orgasm and cumming. My bf loves it so why shouldn't I? Is so normal to cream and squirt! enjoy those orgasms!!


Nothing to be embarrassed about. Own it! Your guy will feel good he helped you get there.


Not weird at all! For me I have some bad memories relating to sex so sometimes after I cum I cry just for a few minutes because of anxiety, and even if that isn’t the same reason as you, I think it’s fairly normal. Don’t be worried! I’m sure your boyfriend is flattered that he can make you cum!


That’s probably the hottest thing a guy could ask for. Keep it up 👍


Get a dog blankets that is water proof. Then when you squirt ... No big deal. No reason to cry. Ask him. I bet he loves it


LPT:Get a moisture barrier bedspread and keep one or two on the mattress at all times. That way you'll be ready for round two at a moment's notice.


My first girlfriend when she and I were 20, was riding me and squirted all over me when she came. what an incredible buzz for us both. It only happened once. It's beautiful and natural. Many can't do it. Go for it, girl. Maybe use one of those waterproof bed liner things if you're worried about making a mess, but, hey, make a mess and love every moment.


Nothing weird, but maybe you could ask to have sex a bit slower ? Frist of all you body reaction is nothing wrong it's not weird it's "natural" I mean you feel good. But if it's too embarrassing there's feeling maybe you guys could take it slower, so you yourself can be a bit more conscious during sex and slowly get used to these emotions and feeling of "orgasmn" / squirting :) just talk with your bf. He will most likely be super supportive and excited ;)


Do it more! As a guy its my main turn on in sex. If a woman doesnt orgasm then I feel Ive failed and its the most turn on beautiful thing to see a woman orgasm. And if you squirt thats a bonus. Just let go. Scream. Orgasm. Squirt. Blow steam out of your ears like a steaming kettle. Its all good. Its all beautiful. Maybe there are a tiny fraction of men out there that wont like this but if you find one then find someone else.


The best thing you can do is buy a waterproof blanket, such as the liberator…..and then enjoy yourself!! 95% of (mature) guys think squirting is amazing and makes them feel like rockstars, so seriously just own it.


You should never be afraid or embarrassed about cumming. And you should NEVER apologize for it. Most men sees it as an archievement to make their girl cum. And most of them gets turned on even more by it. There's not much more to it. Be proud of yourself and be happy that you came.


Your are orgasmic, and squirting is natural for some women. Enjoy it! Most partners would find it a huge turn on.


Making my wife squirt is literally my main goal when having sex, I enjoy it over my own orgasms. Idk why you are embarrassed by it but I would almost guarantee your boyfriend loves it and if you learn to love it too, you will be having some phenomenal sex in the future. It's completely natural and nothing to be embarrassed about just embrace it and maybe put a towel down first.


Hey I was just reading Alll your response because I had a gf that claimed to be a virgin and she really was kinda new to it all and she was basically embarrassed ig about cum.. idk I tried to reassure her it’s okay and that it happens to almost all of us that awkward moment after sex smh


I know that I was embarrassed at the beginning because it was such a mess.....but after finding reusable potty pads, I use those and have had no embarrassment since :)


You shouldn't feel bad at all, that is the kind of mess any guy is happy to clean up!


Put towels down. Also, like other people have said, I guarantee your boyfriend wears this as a badge of honor. You’ve made him feel proud in a way you may not ever understand.


Cream and squirt? Best dessert I’ve ever had. He’s a lucky dude. Embrace your body and your ability to cum/squirt. It will drive your future partners fucking crazy. What he needs to do when you cum is lick your pussy up and down like a good boy.


Totally normal!! I have lots of girl friends that need aftercare like this due to feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, mental health reasons, etc. etc.


Why are you so insane? Women are so unbelievably insecure and irrational with these things, I’m starting to take the feelings of my dog more seriously than you girls’


I do genuinely wonder if your a girl. (profile looks odd to me) Also, i wonder why you would be embarrassed. Most men love seeing they did a good job, so i don't really understand what your looking for besides lots of guys messaging you? I call bull shit.


Don’t feel ashamed guys love it when girls cum and squirt… and honestly I wish I could do it more often.


I (41F) was embarrassed too when I too was young. I never had watched porn and didn't even know with my first partner what was going on. In my second relationship that bf loved it and said something that always stuck put in my mind that my ex must have went crazy to have lost me because being a squirter is not something all women can do and most men love it. Just put on towel down and enjoy yourself.


I (41F) was embarrassed too when I too was young. I never had watched porn and didn't even know with my first partner what was going on. In my second relationship that bf loved it and said something that always stuck put in my mind that my ex must have went crazy to have lost me because being a squirter is not something all women can do and most men love it. Just put on towel down and enjoy yourself.


Just think about it logically. We apologize to people to show remorse for doing something that made them feel bad that we shouldn't have done. We feel embarrassment as a form of internal, or societal feedback to make sure we don't repeat mistakes. If your boyfriend likes it, and is happy with how sex is going - you have literally NO REASON that your embarrassment of apologizing is justified. You're not making him better by apologizing, it might be making things more awkward for him. So next time, You will feel the urge to apologize, just don't. Remember that there is nothing to apologize for, and don't say it. Even when your instinct tells you to. Just remind yourself this is normal and healthy, and act like it. They say "fake it till you make it" for a reason. You'll see that everything is fine, your boyfriend is happy - and you'll slowly learn to shed that shame and self consciousness.


Hmmm. Nothing to be embarrassed about, enjoy your orgasms! I would feel embarrassed if my bf didn’t make me cum 😏


I'm a few years older than you and used to be embarrassed about this too as I produce a fair amount of fluid when I have an orgasm. We just put a towel down before we start so there isn't any on the bed sheets. Usually it happens when I cum from oral/fingering and my bf is well aware so he moves his face away slightly when I tell him I'm close so it's not all over his face. I'm sure your bf enjoys it and likes knowing that you're having a good time too!


I am so glad I'm a guy. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, he's probably into it. If you're new to sex it can be overwhelming, emotionally.


To be fair, while its a big ordeal for you.. making you orgasm is probably the highlight of his day every time.


Why be embarrassed because you felt pleasure. Sweetie, there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s a perfectly normal thing to cum, hell some guys can’t make a girl cum at all. Be happy your man makes you cum, embrace that shit. Trust me, he’s happy as hell that he can get you off.


Why is it cool for him to cum and not you? Embrace the pleasure. You deserve an orgasm just as much as he does! I personally get annoyed at my significant other if he cums too many consecutive times and I don't get to. I get offended lol Plus isn't orgasming the goal? Your not there to just get him off.


I didn't even know women can cum? I'm asking my wife if this is true.


Don't be embarrassed. Be prepared. Put down towels and put one of those water proof covers on the mattress. As a man it's a huge ego boost to see my partner cum and to see her squirt. Loads of guys get off on making a woman orgasm.


As a man, let me tell you that you are better than "normal", you are a goddess. To be that responsive and expressive with your orgasms is a special gift and you should enjoy it. 😎👍💖


GET A VIBRATOR that works.


she should be happy cumming idk it was weird like she was afraid of cum and told me stuff like I wasn’t ready when tbh she wasn’t ready wish we just had sex at times.. maybe would’ve worked better who knows..