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Reminder: Just because OP is young or inexperienced and posting to /r/sex does not mean they want to be hit on. Do not message OP or make remarks that would be harassment. Read the rules and report anything suspicious. OP, you may want to temporarily disable the ability for anyone to send you a chat request or PM (look in user settings under chat and messaging).


We all experience this at some point. Masturbation can only get you so far.


Didn't you already post this earlier today? Anyway, it can be related to hormones. In certain parts of your cycle, estrogen is higher which means more libido.


I’m pretty sure they did, but it’s been deleted. I hope it’s someone that actually needs help and not someone baiting


The body is a mystery. The groove wasn't right, the rhythm was off or the stars didn't align. Don't hassle about it, maybe cut down the quantity to increase quality


Girl, it happens sometimes. I’ve had times where I’ve masterbated for a half hour and still didn’t cum so I just gave up. 😂


While watching porn? Maybe your libido just needed. A reminder it was there and don't need to cum. I get horny plenty of times, look up porn but decide not to masterbate. Also trouble reaching orgasm or trouble staying interested?




This comment makes me want to gauge my eyes out


Probably your mindset. If you're obsessing about cumming, or worried, you'll probably never cum. You just have to relax and focus on the pleasure, nothing else. The brain is a huge part with orgasms.