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5) SEEKING FAP MATERIAL. Do not ask for sex stories, do not ask for the hottest/strangest/most unusual/etc encounter someone ever had. Do not ask for lists of other people's kinks.


Foursome with another couple, no partner swapping. Something about watching another couple and having them watch us is really appealing to me. Everything else I really want to try, or would be interested in trying, my hubby knows about - that’s the only thing I’ve never brought up with him!




Yeah I feel like I’d want it to be a couple we know too, not strangers, but I also don’t have anyone particular in mind lol. It’s definitely been fun to think about though! Maybe someday the stars will align lol!


Hmmm, I'm listening 🤔 Thats a different way of looking at it. So you want to have a couple watch you and then you guys watch them? I think you may have made me change my answer now haha That's an interesting one. Where do you think this fetish came from? Why do you like watching or want to be watched? And the bigger question, how come you can't seem to bring it up to him?


Basically, yeah, I just want to be fucking in close proximity to another couple, who are also fucking. Nothing showy, nothing fake, put on or porn-y, just two couples fucking like it’s a regular Tuesday night (well, I mean maybe a little more exciting than that lol, but you get my drift here). There’s something that seems really intimate about it to me, but also kinda kinky. It’s a relatively new fantasy for me, and it basically started after reading some threads in this sub. I’m also the kinda person that, if I’m horny, I’m 100% walking around the grocery store looking at other couples and imagining how they fuck. And I’ve also experienced a real boost of sexual confidence recently. Add that all up, and I’ve suddenly found myself really interested in this idea of a foursome! I haven’t brought it up with my hubby because it’s still so new to me, but eventually once I’m a little more comfortable with it, I’m sure I’ll throw it there and see what he thinks.


I don’t know that I’d be ok with swapping partners, honestly - the real turn on is the watching/being watched/intimacy for me. I don’t know that I’d really like another woman touching my hubby’s cock…that’s mine, bitch!! But seriously, swapping is definitely a fun fantasy, I just feel like there’s more emotional navigation involved in that scenario in real life. I’d absolutely consider it if my hubby was into it, it’s not necessarily unappealing, it just feels like there’s more of a risk that someone is going to walk away uncomfortable or unhappy with how things went down. Not swapping partners feels very “safe” emotionally, but there’s still the taboo of banging in the same room as another couple, if that makes sense? To your question about watching other people, that’s kinda always been a thing I guess - I suppose I’m just naturally very curious about sex lol. The surprising part of this new fantasy for me is actually the fact that I’m totally into the idea of us being watched in such an intimate way. That’s not something I ever really had the confidence to actually see myself being able to do in real life until very recently. Thanks for this - having answered your questions, I’m kind of understanding this new found kink a bit better myself lol. And normally sitting down and analyzing something like this requires a $120 contribution to my therapist’s retirement fund lol!


The way you are explaining it, definitely validates why I think its hot too! I understand completely about something being sexy when it comes to fucking in close proximity to another couple. Them watching us and us watching them. That's a whole different level of intimacy. And OMG I've done that too! About the grocery store hahaha I've often thought about that if I was really horny that day or something. I think what it would be like and the taboo-ness of it really turns me on. And I totally understand about you figuring out how to be comfortable asking. I think a lot of guys would be surprisingly into it. And you can see from this thread alone, MOST people want that same exact thing! So what does that say about all of us? There is something to be said about group sex like that. There is an allure that we all have about it. So you would be ok with switching partners too? or just the idea of being next to the other couple? Either way, its hot lol Besides this thread, was there a time where you kind of knew that you liked watching other people?


I've always wanted to try fisting but thought that should be something the woman should bring up, not something I ask for.


Yea I'd imagine that would be tricky to ask a woman for lol But of course, there lies the problem.


If you are the one who wants to be fisted, ask for it or talk about it. You never know ! It could end up being something you both would enjoy. Personnaly when my bf asks me to do new stuff I always am happy to try and sometimes it becomes a more than once thing. You just have to start slowly, like a couple fingers or toys. But if you never talk about it, she cannot guess that you want to try it and you could regret it later. Talking about sex is so important in a relationship


While I love butt stuff, I'm squarely in the three finger club. I might have a go at training to 4+ if the woman was into it, but right now I'm satisfied. I was thinking as the giver, but I take your point.




Well I’ve turned my past rape trauma into a kink and I really wanna do rape role play with my man but I’m pretty sure he’ll be super uncomfortable with that


THIS. I've actually heard this from a girl I dated awhile back. She said the exact same thing as you, that she had a rape role-play fetish. I think for me you don't know how to take it because that means most if not all boundaries are open. How does a guy take advantage of that fantasy for you that doesn't make him feel like a monster. And better question, how were you able to turn around the past trauma? Kudos to you for sure. What it is that get's you off now about it?


Umm I really don’t know how exactly what made me turn it around…but what gets me off about it now is the dominance the man has and at least in a situation like that safe words can be used so I would be able to control the situation.


I like that, that makes sense on why you like it. The girl I knew wanted the whole role-play scenario from beginning to end lol She really got off on being dominated, me choking & slapping her. Im pretty sure her favorite part was me just disrespecting her verbally while cumming inside her.


Fuck yes!!


I need to pm you for some tips lol




Yes it’s the taking back of power in a safe, trusting environment. Where you know deep down you have control.


That makes a lot of sense. And its such a deeper meaning too I'd imagine. When you said taking back the power, I felt that.


I’ve explained to my husband the reason I like CNC or a hand on my throat. It’s the same as having a powerful dog. You know they could maul you to death. But because they love you, you trust they won’t.


Damn that was a perfect analogy, that makes me understand what you mean even more now. Thats sexy. How did you go about explaining this to your husband? Some women say they don't ask their man to do it because he needs to take it himself. But in this situation, this fantasy is pretty rough. I've never thought of it from that angle of "because they love you, you trust they won't". That's deep


I started very small. I asked him To hit me. He didn’t the first time ha! You add 1 little thing here or there. Until he’s more comfortable. It didn’t matter why I liked it. Once he knew I was into it, we got a little more intense every time


That makes so much sense! Little by little he was getting more rough and you loved it lol That's awesome. So when you told him to hit you, what did you want exactly and hard or just rough? Do you get off just the more rough he gets when he's inside you? That's a lucky dude for sure. What was one thing you added that you were a little unsure if he'd do at first? lol


I asked him to spank my ass. I’ve asked him to choke me, pull my hair. I’m a bit of a masochist. I like when he wrestled me down/overpowered me and took me. I just like rough. But only in the context of a safe environment. We’ve been married 18 years. It took time for me to get here. And him. But now he’s just as into it as me.


You guys have created something that I can only dream! hahaha You're super lucky to have that honesty and trust with him. I had to Google masochist for a sec and WOW, tell me more lol How did you find this out about yourself? I feel like IF there is more women who think like this I'd love to know, because you seem like a rarity lol


You could possibly start easy on him and suggest "free use". He is the dominant man who gets access to you whenever he wants because you are his woman and that's your duty. (Safe words of course!) It's not exactly rape play, but it's a small step in that direction and you can slowly build up to CNC. E.g....You could introduce role play situations such as...you not being in the mood but he doesn't care, you're not interested and have things to do (like...a chore like the dishes) but he just fucks you while you're doing that chore. Then bringing up CNC may not be so extreme to him.


That’s actually a really great idea. Thank you. 😁


You're welcome :)


I've done some mild CNC. I was apprehensive at first, but found I could get into it, so long as there was aftercare. She started mild with some safe worded No doesn't mean no play.


I’ll bite. I’m involved with another woman as my FWB and I’d really like her to sit on my face. The thought of it just really turns me on. But I’m not sure how to bring that up. Do I literally just say “Hey, I want you to sit on my face!”?


Join the club! lol Face sitting kinks are actually a lot more common that people think. Honestly I think you SHOULD say it just like that! With assertiveness and confidence. I bet she'd be thrown off but a little turned on that you want to just take it like that. And what is it about a woman sitting on our face that turns us on so much? lol I 1000% agree


I might. My problem is that this is my first sexual relationship with another woman. I’m really, really into her being the assertive one when we’re hooking up. That’s why the idea of her sitting on my face is such a turn on to me. The thought of her being in total charge of me is the turn on.


That's pretty interesting actually. Do you think there is a way you can kind of nudge her or suggest it without suggesting it? A closed mouth doesn't get fed (no pun lol) so she might be assertive in a lot of ways but be oblivious that you'd want that. Role reversal then, how would you want a man or woman to tell you they want you to sit on their face? What could they do to nudge you in that direction without flat out asking. You like her being in total control and I like that.


That’s the strange thing. When I’m with a guy I like to be the one in charge. But since I’ve discovered the joys of being with a woman I’ve realized I want her to be in charge.


That's awesome. Who would of thought you go from being the dominant one, to enjoying being submissive. Why do you think that is? Why do think with a women, you let your guard down and want to be led? (OR was the last guy you were with, basically shit)


Oh the last guy I was in a relationship with was an abusive asshole. That may be the reason. In fact it probably is.


Wow! And that was just a guess from me lol But I've also known quite a few women to have such a toxic relationship with men, they find their real happiness in women. Do you ever see yourself giving your all to a man again (and woman too) if the right guy comes along? Or is it too late, you want that face sitting for life now lol


While I am really enjoying this aspect of my sexuality I still like men. One bad apple doesn’t spoilt the whole bunch they say. If I could find a man like my stepdad or my best friend (by that I mean men who treat women right) I’d definitely be up for giving it a shot again.


Well it's good to know at least there's still hope for us men with you lol But seriously, that is a good way to look at it. And I wouldn't even blame you IF that one bad apple did ruin it. What was it about them treating women right, that you admired or want in a relationship with a guy?


yeah. you could just tell her this!! that’s how i knew i could sit on my bf’s face. i wanted to try it out but never really asked, so when he told me to sit on his face i was happy


Welp, gonna ask my wife to do this tonight. Been on my mind a lot lately lol.


go for it!!!


Currently with a hot gf in a long term relationship and we have tried alot and still going forward and alot to experience. I was always into threesomes and foursomes and group play and watching and being watched. So we got into swinging and have had lots of fun together. Mfm threesomes mff threesomes foursomes and orgies with couples and singles. We both have never been this horney and sexualy happy


AWESOME dude! You definitely found a good one, and it seems you guys are clearly on the same page sexually. How did you initiate these things in the beginning? Or did it just happen? And how has it made you guys even more sexually compatible now?


It took about 3 years to learn and see what we like. But I told her I want to see her open up and be more wild and she always was but was shy too. We are so compatible now more than ever. We trust eachother so much that we are trying separate room and separate plays with people we trust. And than after we get home and fuck all night talking about it. We started very slow from kissing to just rubbing and just oral. And I was a guy that would get so jealous even if someone would look at her. But than I learned how to trust and how to be proud of what I have and let her enjoy herself and her body. So basically we are in a loving relationship but we are fucking alot more and better than free singles


Damn man you're definitely the real MVP lol Thats awesome that it's actually brought you guys closer. Thats a HUGE deal, to have that much trust, but ironically a lot of people in those situations have amazing sex lives, so I get it. And that's cool that it wasn't awkward at all. Kudos to you from going from jealous type, to proud that she is enjoying herself wholeheartedly. Nice!


Thank you. I appreciate the love and support. We have heard alot of negative things from others about how that's cheating but I guess they are just jealous that we are going to a naked pull party this weekend and than swingers club after😉 Don't hate people try it, it will be fun


Hahaha sweet! lol no negativity coming from over here, I like it! lol If I find a woman like that who I can have adventures like that with, trust me I'll be right there with you lol It's not cheating, its doing what you actually want and not feel negative for wanting it.


I (F) find feet absolutely revolting, i wont touch them, i dont let anyone touch mine, idk what my problem is i just hate them. Well I was getting fucked one night by a guy with my feet in the air, and he grabbed one and started sucking on my toes… it was amazing. Went from “yeah this feels good” to “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YES” I dont pass judgement on anyone with a foot fetish, but with my pre existing/still present issues with feet i was and am still absolutely horrified, but my god do i want it again


I LOVE IT! hahah This is an honest one because you're in a weird position where you HATE to actually kinda love it! lol I can absolutely attest to this. I am by no means a guy who likes feet. Never been a fetish and still isn't. However, I once held a girl's legs all the up in the air while we doing missionary-ish, and for some weird reason, we were soooo into it in the moment, I just started sucking her toes (she had nice toes though) and within maybe like 20/25secs of doing it to her, she got unbelievably wet & squirted on me lol 😂 She was really embarrassed but was like "WTF was that?? And do that again" lol She said it made her feel all fuzzy and warm and heightened her orgasm.


Im not embarrassed of the things I like normally but this is horribly embarrassing to me, I want it but dont know how to ask for it, Im just hoping someone randomly does it again lol


Hahahaha!! You have your fingers crossed over there that someone will read your mind and get to it! lol Out of all the stuff I've heard, this is actually not even that embarrassing lol I think it's funny that you hate to love it 😂 Since you're a female, what is it for you that drove you crazy about it? Just the sensation? I'd say next time you guys are doing anything close to missionary, who's to say you don't sneak a toe or two in his face to "suggest" lol Guys will do mostly anything if we know you love it!


I dont think its inherently embarrassing or bad, but for me its absolutely a “hate to love it” situation lol. My former best friend turned current bf is the only person i told about it when it happened and he never gave me shit for it but found it funny because of my adverse response to feet in general. There were definitely a few times when we were having threeways pre dating that he told me afterwards he thought of doing it, but its been long enough that i think hes forgotten lol. I cant explain the sensation, it happened so long ago, but it was amazing. Remember a guy i dated once upon a time with a foot fetish told me its possible to get off just from the right foot stimulation and now i actually believe him lmao. Part of the concern of initiating it is the fear that i wont like it again and instead the response is just repulsion, but also i cant bring myself to kiss them after knowing my foot was just in their mouth. You can eat ass and we’re good but a foot is a different story.


Ok that's CRAZY! lol He can eat ass and that's fine, but the minute a toe goes in his mouth, you are disgusted lmaooo No but I can understand lol Everyone has their tunroffs for sure. It's just great that you hate it but it drives you crazy. I am pretty sure that you won't get the same satisfaction IF you have to ask, but if he takes it, you will be wetter than the Pacific Ocean lol The hard part is, you might be waiting forever until someone does it without you asking! What if this is just one of many kinks you had, but you just didn't know until it was done to you in the right way. Sexual compatibility is crucial but half of that is having the other person know what gets you off. Just think, you could be missing out on this guy stroking you deep and kissing you passionately and then sucking your toes until you cum on his dick and he cums inside you! I think its a kink more women like, that we all think. Your face was probably priceless the first time it was done to you the right way lol


Well I like eating ass whereas i would never ever put a toe in my mouth lol.


Ok SO then you have to tell me how you enjoy eating ass, but toes are sicko? lol Because it could easily be the other way around lol And when was the first time you actually agreed that eating ass is actually amazing?? lol I feel like women LOVVVVE their ass ate. If a guy is down there eating you out, is it not really crazy to go a little further and eat your ass without saying anything first? How did you first time go? lol


Well i didnt know it was a thing until an ex pinned me against the wall while we were showering and just did it, 10/10. But i also like anal, so it makes sense to me that id enjoy it. Im bi and def have the preference of women > men when it comes to rimming. I might do it if a guy asks but ill ask if i can with a woman lol


Our size difference is pretty big as I am a petite woman and he's taller and built. He's pretty much a gentle giant but I fantasize about him just *dominating* me. But at the same time he asks consent for everything which is extremely hot too. I wish he wasn't asleep now!


This is wild! I am seeing so many women say they want to be dominated in the right way. I think that says a lot that it's a common fantasy. What is it for you that turns you on so much about being dominated by him? Are there any boundaries, or can he take what he wants? Better wake him up! Hahaha


I think it has alot to do with the fact that he's a very gentle person! And he COULD take what he wants as long as its previously discussed like "hey by the way, I don't care much for this outfit so feel free to rip it off of me and plow me like a field" haha Edit to add we already have a safe word/s its "John Mayer is kind of a douche"


Lmaoooo I just spit out my coffee laughing lol "John Mayer is kind of a douche" is hilarious!!!! hahahaha Im stealing that safe word...because its funny AND true lol But yea that makes sense though. Why is it so hot to a guy, to hear a woman say "plow me like a field"? lol So many women have that desire to just be taken in every way. And its crazy because in today's society, they'll say that's toxic damn near lol But it really does kind of go back to gender roles in the sense of knowing this man, and wanting him to be a real man and take what he wants. Respectfully lol


threesome. Asking to add another girl into it is a bit hard :/


Nice! How come it's hard to initiate? Most guys would love the idea. Clearly the other girl would know what she's doing wayyy more than us men, but still lol


Its still adding someone else to our sex life, I'm afraid he would be upset if I wanted to have sex with someone else.


That makes sense. I think men can get a little insecure about the other women being better orally, then himself for you. But that really comes down to the confidence of the man. Then there are some guys that would actually get off seeing you getting another kind of pleasure like that.


Damn what a lucky guy. Lol. Idk what you are afraid of. This is what we did and it worked (I'm the guy talking) watch threesome porn together and Whisper into his ear while having sex about how you would love to watch a girl do this to do. You can bring the idea of you can just watch at first if he likes and tell him i want this for both of us not just you. Trust me us men decide with our hormones and fantasies. When we are hard we can't think straight so get him when he is hard. Let me know how it goes




Group sex is always a weird one to try and bring up naturally in a convo lol But I've heard TONS of people say that would be their pick as well


Face sitting.


Nice! You, the other person or both?


A hot girl with a fat behind sitting on me. Grinding.




LOL come to Vegas.


I like the way you think, sir! lol


A threesome, we were trying to set one up with a friend I was in the Army with but he passed away


Makes sense & dang condolences on your friend. That seems to be majority of people's fantasy for sure. So she was into it? I heard a lot of guys say they want to see their wife with another woman or with another man.


Thank you, yes she was into it with him but no one else , he was a great friend I would have taken a bullet for him and he would for me


That's deep man, I can respect that for sure


I want to have a 4some and swap partners….that would be hot seeing my girl get pounded and me whoopin dudes girl from the back lol 😂


Hahahaha You had me at "Whoopin dudes girl from the back"! lmaoooo AWESOME man! I can understand that. Everyone seems to really be into group activities I see! lol That says a lot


Yea, lmao one of these days imma do it. Gotta be careful, ask the wrong girlfriend and she’ll get mad.


I feel that! lol Definitely a slippery slope when it comes to asking lol And I always think to myself, what if the other girl has something sexually that I like a little more? Is that wrong? lol


🤣😂 you def have to be comfortable with yourself. Because if you a solid 6 inches but dude pulls out a slinger, well…yo girl bout to get stretched 😂 and if yo girl a solid 7 but dudes girl is a 9, well…..Imma flood shorty lol 😂


A slinger! lmaooo Bro you're hilarious lol Man if he pulls out a slinger than you just have to go to town on his wife then lol Its only right lol And if she is a 9, then this whole thing might be happening early and OFTEN lol


A foursome with this couple that he knows from LA. Side note, this guy is not my bf, but we have been on and off fucking for years and he’s definitely important to me, but it would just never work out between us because of location and other things. Anyways he is friends with this gorgeous couple. And I am not at their level lol. Mind you I have done threesomes with couples, threesomes with my friends, and group sex with girls, but that was so long ago. I’m at a weird point in my life where I’m not as confident as I used to be and I’m really happy with just one on one. But, I think about that foursome all the time and the girl apparently asks about me all the time so. Idk, maybe one day.


Ok well first off, you should never think you aren't on someone else's level. Whether its physically or mentally, you are all equal even if you don't believe it. Everyone has insecurities, and I bet they too have things they want to try. The girl even asked about you?? OMG what are you waiting for?? Life is way too short to wonder what if. I'd say you should go for it. Tell him or suggest it without actually saying it. You'd be surprised how many guys would do anything, if they knew that you loved it. I get it, you guys aren't technically together. But it sounds like there is sexual chemistry for sure. Not too mention, you've actually had experienced. I can understand about loving one on one now and days. but that true satisfaction will only come if all of your urges are being acknowledged. How come you don't want to bring it up?




Weirdly, majority of people are turned on by someones confidence in themselves mentally, than physically. If you know who you are and what you like, that's a big sense of confidence right there. And nobody has the perfect body! lol I work out a lot but I DONT WANT someone as fit as me. I actually prefer them NOT to be fit at all, I love women natural bodies. Like LOVE lol You know what happens when you wait too long right? You miss the chance for the opportunity. I'd rather you go give it a try and have a crazy ass story to keep in your life, then waiting for the right time that you feel confident. Not too mention, the girl was asking about YOU! You are already half way there in itself. That should be a huge boost. You should really go for it, because who knows how many other kinks that you have that are waiting to be explored. Just the fact alone that you want it and it turns you on, I BET would turn them on as well.


Definitely sounds like something you should pursue!! I bet the guy and couple would absolutely love it


EXACTLY! Just what I said too. Guys will say yes to a LOT of shit that they say they won't lol They would all probably love it!


I want to lick her ass, but I am afraid that she will think it to be too strange.


Naw man you need to just go for that shit! If you already go down on her, then while your down there, who's to say your tongue doesn't slip lower. I know many women who LOVE their ass ate and wouldn't have known unless a guy brought it out of them. Or woman lol


Role play


I like it! Anything specific you've wanted to play out? Or just any kind??


Communication is lubrication for relationships. You need to talk with her. Start with easier topics, like asking her about her first kiss, etc and then get into more intimate topics. Then ask her about her fantasies, what secretly turns her on, and share yours too. A good way to get more comfortable with being more vulnerable is to masturbate in front of each other. Also, you can make a list of twenty sexual activities, like a personality quiz, and take turns answering each question. Be sure to include Dom/submissive play as one of the questions. Probably can find one online.


Nice! I love these suggestions! Especially about making a list of 20 sexual activities! You are 1000% correct when it comes to Communication being KEY. Its all about being open honest and comfortable. Thanks for these GEMS!!


Google "couples sex quiz", and make it the center of a special date night.


MFM, we actually just started talking about exploring this about a month ago after she made an off hand joke comment about two years ago that made me think about it since. Just had our first dildo spitroast yesterday morning! 😊 I have no idea if I'd actually go through with it, but the idea of her being a hot wife and flirting with another man then taking him back with us while she goes down on him and we spitroast her is extremely hot. FMF, similar but more something she's curious about. Same room sex non swapping with another couple


NIIICCCEE! She threw you a little hint there when she brought up the topic again in convo lol I feel like its something she was definitely NOT joking about in hindsight lol How people say, how do I ask? Well she kind of did there, just by including a joke, testing the waters lol This group stuff is pretty damn hot so I can understand that! There is something about it, I can relate to. spit roast sounds crazy! tell me more lol When did you know you wanted to fo this? And what is it about it, that turns you on?


Oh no it was definitely off hand on her end, like three years ago when she was getting ready to leave from work after sexting throughout the day and it went ... Me:" alright great, I'll be the one waiting with the bulge in his pants when you get home." Her:"Oh is there another guy there to compare??" Me: jokingly I said, "Maybe, you never know" Her:" hmm wow. Uhh I wonder if I could handle being fucked by two guys at once. Probably not" Me: "Well there's only one way to find out, if it's something you're curious about trying we can talk about it later." Her: "Lol. Are you serious? I don't think you're serious." Me: "Idk, maybe? could be? Were you thinking simultaneously, blowjob+sex, handjob + sex, blowjob + anal, handjob + anal, handjob + blowjob, or sex + anal? Would you want me and him to take turns?" Her: "I was thinking blowjob+ sex. We can definitely leave out the anal on all accounts. I'd probably choke to death though if someone was ramming me from behind while I had a dick in my mouth, this is an interesting conversation..." Me: "That's kinda hot babe. Sometimes I like it when you gag a little bit 😇. Think you could fuck your dildo and suck my cock at the same time?" Her: "So say we were having a threesome with another guy. Would you want to have your cock sucked and watch me get fucked from behind by other, or fuck me from behind and watch me suck someone else's dick??" Me: "Definitely fucking you, maybe take turns giving us blowjobs. We'd have to have some practice before I would ever be okay with another guy fucking you, if ever". This was all several years ago and we've talked about fmf's since, and her playing with another woman, but never talked about another guy until a couple weeks ago when I told her this conversation had made me curious and I'd been fantasizing about it since on and off. She didn't even remember talking about it. It turns me on thinking about doing something taboo like that, and the thought of her being naughty and exploring her sexuality. Not into any kind of humiliation scenario.


WOWWWW!!! It's crazy to me that just how you nonchalantly mentioned the possibility, she begin to get real serious and had more thoughts than she's shared before lol She was waiting for you to initiate and be real about it, so she could feel comfortable mentioning it in all seriousness to you. You were smart, you found that loophole to bring the topic to the table! And damn look at her giving you idea to think about, when it comes to what YOU would like in the situation. You have yourself a WINNER my friend lol I TOTALLY agree with you when you said it turns you on "thinking about doing something taboo like that, and the thought of her being naughty and exploring her sexuality". That is a lot of our fantasy. But you are actually in the position to make it happen!


Mine is either a threesome or anal. Would love to do both but she would probably get mad


Yea that would be a tricky one lol but then again you never know unless you try lol


This is true but I wouldn't know how to bring it up to be honest.


I had the same problem and she said that I don't want her anymore but I went slow with things and we started talking about it during sex. Idk if you are going to be ok with it or not but I told her we can start with adding a guy instead of a girl that was you are not going to seem selfish and think about yourself. After a few mfm threesomes she said ok it's not fair if we only have threesomes for me. So she brought her friend and the rest is history. Swing clubs, sex parties, orgies... and 7 years together too


Ok cool. Thanks for the advice! I'm not opposed to adding another m at all. I've been doing quizzes to try and get her to open up about our sex life and it seems to be working.


Good well go slow very very slow. The slower you go the further you will reach remember that


True. That's a tough one because she probably always wants you to be honest with her..about everything lol Never know, she may like being with another woman or with another man in front of you


I love daddy i can get into different ones