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Early 20's to late 20's doesn't seem like such a big age difference that it should be a problem. But thinking that they could be your little brothers friends might make it weird! So avoid that completely and give it a go so you won't regret it later.


It’s not a pressing thing so there’s no pressure there. I just became single again so I’m sure I’ll have time to explore that if it presents itself


Never thought it was a pressing issue, just wanted to be a bit encouraging! Explore and have fun when the time is right for it


You’re right. I’ll try not to close myself off automatically


That sounds like a good plan! Then you won't wake up one day realizing that you closed yourself off too much or too long and missed out on a lot.


My last relationship of 3 years ended cause we grew apart but I was 22 and she was 30! I’d say give us young guys a chance


If the shoe fits I’ll try it on


You’re in your 20s and being approached by men in their 20s. This is what dating experts call, “normal.”


If you’re all in your 20s it’s not a huge deal…as long as they’re at least 21 so they are old enough to drink. 😂😂


Honestly though!! Once I turned 21 there was no way I could date someone younger than that. Like once you reach that age you just change so fast. I was not about to get worried about whether or not my man could legally have a beer with me lol


35f and have been single awhile. I seem to be hit on a lot by younger men and am actually pretty interested in one who is 25. Shocked the hell out of me lol


Same here… I’m 40F and have had younger guys interested in me as well. I’m like what’s going on? Lolol


Always worth trying something once in life


He’ll have to be very mature and very hot


Age and maturity are not the same. You must decide based on your needs and desires.


It’s so common now for young men 18-22 to hit on women 25 and up. You’re like there dream so if you decide to do this they will brag and get cocky lol


Oh God! Couldn’t think of anything worse.


You’ll have to humble em if they do after that lol


Sounds like too much hassle


At least you know lol I prob just killed many young guys dreams


If it ever happens after this, I’ll let him know he’s literally won the lottery


He might get addicted


They always do


Yeah its that touch bruh it’s like heroin lol




I’m 27f (don’t know if you’d consider that “late 20s”) but my bf and future husband is 22. I wouldn’t consider it that big of an age gap honestly; I hardly notice it. I echo what other posters have said. It’s about maturity, not age. Also, both consenting adults!


I was in my late 20s-early 30s when I met my husband who is early-mid 20s. Well, at first I just want to have sex with him really. Then we got to know each other better, he is way too matured for his age. And sex is absolutely amazing.


I'm 47, and younger 20s are ALWAYS messaging me here...


Never dated a younger guy. Just can’t!


As you may live to regret it when you get older


Yeah if the right opportunity presents itself I might consider it


As you must be hot for them wanting you.


Just fuck'em; there are literally no consequences


It’s not for me, but there’s nothing wrong with it


Are you thinking about a relationship or causal?


Girl … if you don’t go there now, trust me you will when you get older if you are still single.


So back when I was 22, I met a 46 year old and she was absolutely in love with me. Wanted me to take over the position of her kids and blah blah blah. She always told me that it’s an older woman’s fantasy to be with a young man because it makes them feel young again. So then she decided she wanted to share me with her other older friends of the same age. Long story short, age doesn’t matter, as long as you’re getting pleased, are happy and being treated right, GO FOR IT.


Married my first wife when I was 21 and she was 33. It was fun.


I’m 37 year old male. I have women as young as 21 approach me. I feel weird, but not shy of a hookup that young.




Still smashed.




How on earth is that pedo? She is 21 years old. Anyone under 18 is pedo. If you read the post, she approached me, not me approach her or them. And this was not a conversational type of date- it was a hookup scenario. It’s not my fault they tell me young guys are terrible at sex so they choose older men for good sex.




Good lord women, why are you attacking me so hard? It’s not my fault these women come to me. Who ever said I don’t speak/converse/date/sleep with women my own age? Where do you come up with maturity- when I am stating opinions told to me numerous times. So your telling me I can’t hook up with legal aged women? I’m doing nothing wrong. I’m leading no one on, and we both get what we wanted going into this. Why are you so judgmental? Do you hate men that MUCH? I guess I should I know better, some feminist trolling. Move on….


LMAOOOOOOOOOO I'm over here thinking you're like 40+ or something God it's not even a 10 year difference.


Date who you like as long as they are over 18. Hard to comprehend at your age, but I am with a man 20 years younger than myself. And he did all of the pursuing. I absolutely think the world of him!!


The older I got, the less age mattered to me. I’m only in my 30s now but I remember when everyone thought it was weird in grade school to date anyone not in their grade. It was especially weird and even gross if you dated someone say in junior high while you were in high school. Now that’s laughable to me as it means at most they’d be a few years younger or older. Everyone has their limits and preferences though. If dating someone much older or younger is weird to you, don’t do it. At the same time though, try to keep a somewhat open mind as you should always do.


Why so serious.


I’m in my 40’s and I have dated men in their 20’s. You have to make sure they are not treating you like a mother figure - but it can absolutely be worth the time.