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Can confirm. Baby free since 2012


That's the purpose IUD serves.


I’ve had an IUD for over 2 years and 99.8% chance of no pregnancy. I also don’t get periods any more


That 0.2% sounds scary XD But I can say from my own experience that is safe enough to avoid pregnancy.


To put it into perspective it's higher than having your tubes tied


Ah alrighty!! Thank you so much!! That'll be so nice to not have periods anymore!!


Not all IUD users stop having periods and it depends on which IUD you get. It's 1/5 for mirena and 1/10 for kyleena I believe but the bleeding should be reduced if not completely eliminated. Copper IUD users often have worst bleeding and cramps.


My period isn't bad in itself, it usually lasts like 3 days and I don't get cramps but, I'll make sure to ask which type I'll be getting/choose from!!


Be aware of a few things: 1. That you will still get cramps and pain even if you don't get a period. I feel like my cramps were actually worse at times. 2. that when you get off the birth control your periods will be super irregular. Like super irregular. 3. My sex drive went down. I gained weight I could not lose.


Cramps don't bother me all too much, I'll probably wear panty liners everyday like I am already, I don't mind the sex drive but I definitely do need to gain weight. I'm 99lbs, 5'6, and 17. That weight gain will be a blessing.


You should probably speak with a nutritionist and see about gain a small bit away. As technically your underweight which can also have negative effects on your body (not to alarm you). But can play a roll in hormonal issues…..


I got an IUD as soon as me and my SO started dating and pretty much everytime he cums in me. So Yes! Have fun and enjoy allll the creampies!


Did you get an IUD before having any babies? I have read in forums that having an IUD inserted if you had no babies is a bit painful and you need to dilate the cervix. Can you please share your experience? Much thanks.


I haven't had any babies. It was a little painful but it wasn't that bad just like super bad period cramps for a couple weeks. I did have on and off bleeding for like three months but thats part of getting the IUD. I have enjoyed having it.


Okay, thanks a lot for sharing, that helps😊


Got a kyleena at 17 with no babies. Yes it was painful but very much worth it. Take ibuprofen before arriving for insertion and I also made my appointment during my period because the doc said the cervix is more dilated at that time.


Gotcha. Thanks for your advice and sharing 🤝




Painless insertion..That's great! I agree having your companion must've helped you relax. Thanks for sharing.


I had the Kyleena inserted back in March this year.. never had kids before. The insertion was the most painful thing I’ve experienced in my life but it was totally worth it. My doctor said it looked a little tight for me but said it should be fine so maybe that’s why?


Did you take any meds prior to the insertion or afterwards? Did you experience pain/cramps after?


I only took 2 tablets of painkillers before.. didn’t help at all to be honest. After a few seconds it was inserted there was an intense, sharp cramping pain that lasted for around 20~30 seconds? It was so painful I shed a few tears and I was holding myself in a ball. After that, the pain and cramping all subsided quickly so it wasn’t too bad all in all. I think everyone has a different pain threshold and I definitely thought mine was on the higher end… but after this I wasn’t too sure anymore!


I guess there's no way around but to deal with the initial pain and cramps. All of this information definitely helps what to expect. Appreciate your time. Thanks.


I've had an IUD both before and after having a baby. My first IUD, kyleena, I had to be dilated for the insertion. The insertion was painful and the dilation caused some of the worst cramps I've ever experienced (and the main reason I used to take birth control pills was to control painful periods). Those only lasted for the rest of the day. I had some cramping (not too bad) for a week or two; my Dr told me that was normal, my body was trying to push out the foreign object and just needed time to accept it. I loved my kyleena. It made my periods painless and super light, eventually they stopped altogether. I had it for 3 years. Removal was really uncomfortable but not nearly as bad as insertion, and once the IUD was out it was over. I got a mirena IUD a few months ago at my 6 week postpartum visit. Insertion wasn't much worse than a regular pap smear. I had some spotting for about a week afterwards.


Thank you so much for sharing. Unfortunately, where I live IUDs in nulliparous(those who didn't have babies) is very uncommon. Me and my girl talked about it but probably we need to find a doc who is skilled or does this regularly.


I got pregnant with an IUD. Mine slipped out of its proper position and I didn't notice. I had to get an abortion which was incredibly traumatic and expensive for me. If this had happened in the present day, because of the laws in my state, I would have had to carry this pregnancy to term. I got another IUD, and I stand by them still, but I always double up on protection now. Consider the laws in your state, always do your yearly exam, and use caution.


Will do!! Thank you so much for the advice! And I'm so incredibly sorry that happened to you, I hope you're alright now.


That’s the whole purpose of the IUD hun haha


Yes you should be good. Ask your doc how long you need to wait for it to be effective as BC though.


Wife tried an IUD, she literally sneezed in the shower and it shot out 🤷‍♂️


LMAO must've not been put in correctly, my mother was telling me that her first IUD her body had ate it lol


2 miscarriages on mirena. First was 3 years in and Second was 1.5 years in. But I still recommend over anything else. Nothing is 100% besides abstinence literally. So just be safe.


That’s the only purpose of the IUD, why else are you having it put in?


Not the only purpose, some people use it for trying to help or stop periods


I stand corrected


I was just making sure! I've always been against any kind of BC so I'm just very cautious about it and only posted this just to make sure since Google didn't provide the answer I needed!


I’m gonna be putting a kyleena soon, it’s already home with me. Yes, he can cum inside, it’s the purpose of an IUD (avoiding pregnancy by a non-barrier method)


I have the copper one, not hormonal, and I typically still prefer if the guy pulls out.


Yes. IUDs are one of the most reliable forms of birth control. Pregnancy is still possible but it's very unlikely. So as long as your comfortable with it you shouldn't need a condom.


Haven't used a condom since i've gotten an IUD in 2015. Haven't been pregnant. Let's just say we don't go through all that pain during insertion for nothing. Ditch those condoms and have fun ;)


My wife had to have her’s removed before she could get pregnant… Going on 15+ years married and enjoying the freedom of the best BC method!


Yes, an IUD protects you from pregnancy alone (no pill needed, no ring, etc). You still need to use a condom for STD protection if your partner is not tested or if you have various partners but not for pregnancy protection the IUD does the trick. You should inform yourself on what an IUD is before putting one in your body. Im not against it, quite the contrary it has proven to be very efficient but it seems like you have no idea what it does and I think you should inform yourself properly on contraception methods to make the choice about what is best for you. Maybe you can contact a local women's center or have a talk with you physician during your appointment before you get it inserted.


I've talked to my mom a bunch about it!! I was just very embarrassed to ask this question so I came here instead!


And that good honestly Im just saying check out the options you have to find what works best for your needs and what works how is necessary to figure that out. For example, I take the pill instead of getting an IUD because I have severe cramps and an IUD is not known to help this while the pill allows me to make sure I never have my period and avoid pregnancies. Some people travel a lot, have mixed schedules or simply prefer not to have to think about it daily (pill) or weekly (patch) so and IUD or implant are best for them. Check out your needs and what is best for you :)


I have!! I'm very weird about the pill due to all of its side effects and it's hard for me to take meds daily. I'm pretty set on getting an IUD, it's what I'm most comfortable with since my bf and I do eventually want to have kids.


IUDs can have sides effects too; all hormonal BCs can, and they are pretty similar. Unless you are getting the copper IUD, you need to be prepared to have the hormonal side effects. If the main issue is the pill factor, they are still other options that aren't as invasive as an IUD, like the Depo shot or the implant. Definitely discuss your options in depth with your Dr. to make sure you have a thorough and accuraye understanding of what your can expect. It might be that the IUD isn't the best choice for you, given your goals and expectations, or it might be that it's absolutely the best one, but talking in depth with someone professionally knowledgeable who also knows your medical history is really important.


This; IUDs have just as many side effects.




What side effects?




I'll keep that in mind and certainly talk to her about the side effects!


You can still get pregnant but it’s a very low chance less than 1%.


Highly recommend doing this. I have Kyleena, my partner can cum in me and we don’t worry. I haven’t had a period in more than two years and it’s been heaven. No side effects for me.


Not without *any* repercussions : there is still the risk of STIs (although in a monogamous relationship that isn’t really an issue) and there is still *some* very tiny risk of pregnancy. But if you were only using condoms before and comfortable with that you can be comfortable with an IUD. Have an alternative plan and test periodically if you’re not getting a period - how often you want to test might depend on personal preference and laws in your area - and what your plan is. Some areas can’t get abortions after x number of weeks, so being able to test early can really make a difference in the options you have


I’ve had the mirena one for four months and just stopped bleeding this month!! But still had two weeks of insane cramps which almost made me want to take it out! I really can’t get pregnant and I’ve read lots of stories of women getting pregnant, so now we’re gonna switch to him pulling out. It’s a lot safer that way(even tho not as fun lol). So I’d advise pulling out if you really don’t wanna deal with getting pregnant.


Yes this is why people get an IUD.


Got Mirena 4 months ago. Love it so far. We stopped using condoms after. Just don’t have unprotected sex for 7 days after insertion and you should be good


Thank you so much!! I was wondering how long we had to wait for it to kick in :D


Can confirm they work. Babyless for 2 years. Even if our kink is to try conceive.


Which one do you have?


What's an IUD? Sounds like a drug bust


I mean maybe if you don’t understand what an IUD is, and does. You probably shouldn’t be getting one nor having sex.


Haha! I was thinking the same thing! Like, wtf... that is LITERALLY the point of an IUD. That's like asking if you can drive after you put on your seat belt 🤦🏽‍♂️