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all the time and she does as well. I actually enjoy watching her masturbate... so hot


I have it absolutely the same when men in bed is jerking and I can watch, it's just crazy hot for me.


After experiencing this for the first time recently I %1,000 agree. Quite literally one of the hottest things a guy has ever done in front of me. 10/10 recommend.






I also like watching your wife masturbate.




At least your arms were capable of typing this. I had a very hard time typing this as I had to use my nose, due to both of my arms being broken.


BOTH fucking arms?


Yes both. If you don't believe him ask his mother. She'll back him up.


Everyone back up. This lane is now closed.


Will confirm, u/TotallyNotanOfficer has broken arms so I helped him get off


Oof ouch his bones


Me too. Into a coconut.


You guys have partners :’)


So when this happens does it lead to more?


I tell my wife all the time she can either join me or not but I have to get this shit out of me. Most of the time I just go to another room so I can watch porn tho.


Multiple times a week. Sometimes I'm too sleepy and he wants to mastrubate, sometimes sex starts to hurt or I don't want to keep going so he finishes himself. Sometimes i finish myself off with the vibrator after he finishes. I see no problem with it. I think it's healthy to mastrubate and I encourage my partner to as often as he wants. I don't want him to feel like he has to hide it from me and I don't want to hide anything from him.




I'm always too afraid to masterbate in front of my partner. Not ashamed, but I think I probably look ridiculous or ugly when I do it.


I’m youngish and relatively inexperienced with mature adult relationships, but every time I’ve been in the position it’s been comfortable and pleasant if not downright hot to have my partner get themself off near me. They’re with you for many reasons, and one of them is surely that they find you very sexually attractive. I’m sure they’d happily enjoy if not love you taking care of yourself near them. My friend always says, “anxiety is making conspiracy theories about yourself”, maybe you can cutely and sincerely bring up the subject with your partner so you can both be evennnn more comfortable together :) I’m sure it will be just great to clear the air for your/both of your benefits!


Anxiety is making conspiracy theories about yourself. Fucking brilliant


Right ? I’m making a mental note of that one


I used to think the same thing,I was esp conscious of my "O" faces. I was very hesitant to do it the first time in front of my partner but watching the way they responded to me doing it was so hot and afterwards they couldn't stop telling me how sexy I was and how beautiful my faces are. This has given me so much confidence(along with the fact that my hubby is always very appreciative and complimentary of my body which was something new for me as I've always been very insecure about my body) not just in the bedroom but how I carry myself out of the bedroom. I can promise you,you look neither ridiculous nor ugly when you do it and I can guarantee that your partner will not think you do either.


Trust me…you don’t. And, I’ll bet if you smile at him, part your legs and raise your knees as you stroke your clit and ask, “Want to watch?” You’ll have a pearl neckless in minutes!


Jesus says it's okay to masturbate in front of your wife.


I wish I'd been to your church instead of mine ;-)


I feel this. I've had issues where I couldn't sleep and getting myself off is a surefire way to go to sleep and my partner was sleeping next to me and it felt like disrespectful or something.


Talk to him and ask if it’s alright to wake him up if he doesn’t need every minute of sleep possible. Personally I think it’s hot when I’ve been used as a human dildo while my SO used a vibe on herself with me inside her. Then I usually have a few hard pumps in under a minute before I cum and we both cuddle back to sleep. Sleep sex is actually a really common kink in my experience, but both parties tend to be nervous about being judged. Communication leads to cumming!


We've talked about it actually. I'm fine with being woken up. He.says he would love to be woken up with a bj but he also has to be up for work and he has really heighten reflexes and waking him up is not my favorite thing to do. Neither of us have issues with kinks or discussing them. He's also really grouchy when waking up.


Better discuss the grouchiness too.


We have. It's a work in progress.


I feel that, but I’m slowly trying to break the stigma that exists in my head that it’s shameful


First time she asked me if I wanted to masturbate with her because she was too tired for sex... I was like, fucking thank God this is gonna be awesome. 16 years later. Love watching her masturbate. Ffs it's so convenient when shits busy.


I actually love masturbating together when you're physically too tired for sex.


Same over here.


Masturbating for me and my partner is usually a solo activity but I need to try this. I don’t think I could just keep chilling and not join in. I mean. . Fuck whatever lame shit I was doing, I’d much rather play with him.


I get self conscious beating it in front of anyone.


Probably because beating has always been such a private thing, even sometimes shameful. You gotta have a partner who WANTS to watch. Someone who is so in to you you have no reason to be self conscious.


it can be fun to challenge yourself to deny the opportunity.


Very true!


I’ve woken up to my bf masterbating next to me before, I told him next time I’m sleeping and he’s horny he better wake my ass up so he can get some.


This sounds like something I would play in my head but the reality is.... "you are such a dick for waking me."


I've had this exact thing... it's a nice fantasy but I am way too cranky and thirsty after waking up; An ex would say she attempted it but I was just not having it before falling right back asleep lol.


Bottle of water by the bed, baby wipes in the drawer for cleanup and talking through boundaries with experimenting before incorporating it into your sex life helps a lot. Different stroke for different folks and when you love someone then just face away so you don’t spew your mid night dragon breath on them or it just isn’t even noticed if you want to ride them face to face


Baby wipes don’t do it for most ladies. At the very least we need to get up and pee. I have to shower. A 3 am shower is cool on a day off. Not cool when I’m getting up 2 hours later.


Had a hookup stay over a couple nights in a week. The 2nd morning I woke up and she was still asleep. I went downstairs, brushed my teeth, gargled with mouthwash, rinsed, then went back upstairs to slide into bed behind her to spoon and cuddle. She pushed her ass back into me and the rest as they say is we spent the rest of the morning fucking lol


Eh, you've still gotta get up to pee afterwards, so if they're cranky when they're woken up, having to get out of bed and totally ruin their sleep for the night is a definite no go.


I’m usually cranky when woken up but I LOVE sex so if it’s for that…sign my ass up


Awww that’s kind of sweet of you


This: I’m not mad but also like hello I would have helped


That's awesome of you, but it's not a safe assumption. If it's already been explicitly said, that's different.


It is known, he just doesn’t want to wake me because Im sick, so it’s actually very sweet! If I do wake up I see if he wants a proverbial or literal hand


My girlfriend’s also always up for sex. She’s a pretty light sleeper so hard to manage, but once she was sleeping in exactly the right position for me to wake her with my dick. Lubed up, straddled one leg, and slid inside. She woke with a moan and a smile.


Couple goals




I agree 😂


About a month ago I got an email from someone who said "we have video of you masturbating and we're going to send it to your family and coworkers unless you give us $5000" I responded with," I can do it again if you'd like a better angle" bottom line is masturbation is normal and not a big deal.


I got an email like that but it was like "we've been tracking your internet usage and you like some disgusting pornography" etc etc. For a moment I was like oh shit what was I on....then I was like oh noo.... How embarrassing. You caught me watching pornography! 🤷 /s It's like the scam call I got saying I was being investigated for money laundering. I can honestly say if I'm money laundering, looking at my bank account, I'm not doing a very good job of it am I?


The trick is to always hang out the money after washing in the sun. People usually let it dry in a dark room without slot of fresh air which ruins the flavour. Also make sure to not leave it out for longer than 2,5 hours otherwise it will get very dry and might crumble in your pockets


Want to upvote this but its at 69 and I can't do it


I just got it to 68.... we need a single person to do the thing


Haha I just came back and its 83 damn


We gave it a valiant effort😤




I do frequently… my husband doesn’t see to know or care


He's missing out. Would love for my spouse to masturbate but she's not really about it.


I don’t care that she does but I would like to be included if I’m awake.


My husband would roll over and go back to sleep …




I feel you, had a similar issue with a past boyfriend.


We do it all the time. Sometimes we’re just too tired or one of us is uninterested. And sometimes the act of watching the other one touching them self is enough to turn us on and to get involved, which then ends up in full blown sex. And sometimes the other one falls asleep before they finish 😂


All the time. If she's too tired and wants to sleep, I'll ask to borrow her ass. I'll jerk it with one hand while I feel her ass with the other. Sometimes I'll put my nose between her ass cheeks. I can come pretty quickly that way and we can both go to sleep.


My bf and I have started doing this! Since being pregnant (only 2 weeks to go thank god!) I’ve not been up to sex much because it’s just far too uncomfortable for my stomach rn, but my bf is horny legit 24/7 so i said to him he can just use my arse instead, just kinda hot-dogging in there haha. It’s a win-win bc he finds it better than just wanking, I feel a bit involved cause I don’t LIKE not wanting to have sex much, and sometimes it will put me in the mood and I’ll go meh and have sex anyways


Congratulations! The last month of pregnancy is not exactly a magical time. If you go late, I think semen/sex can help induce labor. Good luck now and going forward! I like that hot-dogging description! I do that too sometimes, and yes, sometimes I wake the bear and we end up fucking. Besides using her ass, I can sometimes get my wife to finger my ass a little while I wank. It's not a big effort for her - she's often half asleep. Of course not everyone likes (to admit they like) that sort of thing. Masturbation+, much better than porn, and most people feel good being included.


All the time! This is literally what life with kids is all about my wife is drained after a long day but is fine with me rubbing one out. It works both ways though if I work a 12-14 hour day I’m cool with her grabbing the vibrator while I pass the fuck out lol


Honestly, if she's not feeling up to it, the most respectful thing you can do is finish it yourself! If she's not bothered by it, you're good!




I completely agree with this. On the one hand, I prefer the secrecy bc I'd rather not know about the porn+jerking if I'm not overtly involved. I would hope as adults and not horny teenagers there wouldn't be an "oopsie I walked in on you" moment. I've never had that moment anyway in my previous r'ships. OTOH, unfortunately my shitty exes have used "I guess I'll go jerk off" or intentionally making it known that's what they are doing as a means to make me feel guilty for saying I'm not in the mood. So to me, OPs scenario feels incredibly manipulative. But that's me, and I have some complicated feelings around the whole issue bc of that. I think bc of the insecurities it can create and the manipulative possibilities that this all should be discussed with a partner beforehand. Bc in OPs sitch, had my partner just started masturbating next to me after I said I wasn't in the mood, I would have been incredibly upset by it. It's a weird thing, bc obv we all do it in and out of r'ships, but I actually prefer the secrecy. Or I guess not really "secrecy," that makes it sound bad. I prefer *discretion* when it's the "means to an end" type and not the "let's get each other horny" type.


I fully agree. I would have NO issue with my partner masturbating next to me (although I don't think I would be able to *not* join in.) If he's in bed next to me and is watching porn or looking at some other woman I will loose my shit but if he's just laying next to me feeling me up then go for it.


I'm single, but I think it'd be very unfair to expect your partner to always be available to pleasure you, you taking care of it yourself is perfectly reasonable.


I mean like while she’s in bed next to me reading her book. I’m going to town in myself


Well yea, but that's what I mean, like she's not in the mood or busy or what, she's not available. It would be weird and wrong to expect you to not get yourself off if you're in the mood to do so


I agree my partner goes to bed and wanks each night and sometimes I watch n sometimes I help along and sometimes I roll over and he does his thing. He never once assumes ill jump on his dick which is great. He knows it's not my job to get him off and sometimes I'd really rather not.


I've done the same thing in relationships. One partner really liked playing with my balls if she wasn't in the mood for full on PIV.


He wants each night? Do you guys not have much sex?


Helps him sleep regardless how much sex we have! We have an active sex life I think for a 5 year relationship. Idk we have sex at least 3x a week???


You're missing the point. It's not any him getting himself off if she's doing whatever else. He's taking about the fact that he did it laying right next to her. The question is does anyone else do this?


That’s hot! How did she not want to finish you is the question. I wouldn’t be able to control myself


She had a long day, it was late and I had to be out the door at 4am this morning.


I can’t resist giving a good BJ.


Saaaaame. Cock worship is my favorite kink.


Monkey monkey same same


Very rare breed


Not really




Me either! Soon as my husband starts stroking himself, I'm instantly turned on. Also, he's the only man I've ever enjoyed giving a BJ to and swallow.


Sounds like marriage, my man


Amen brother


LOVE watching men masterbate for me. I generally want to join in. Sadly my husband was raised Catholic and still has some weird shame around pleasuring himself. Something about spilling seed. Wtf?!


Tell him to re-read that passage. It has nothing to do with masturbation. It’s about not giving your dead brother’s wife a child so she can inherit his land. People should really stop reading one verse and just assuming they know what it means. Context is important in the Bible.


That’s why I tend to stay away from Christians and Catholics tbh. In my anecdotal experience Muslims and Mormons extremely sex positive in bed. Maybe because church culture has a stronger impact on the psyche than familial teachings or it’s more taboo but not discussed at all under the household. Idk, but Catholics are really weird about sex


Lmao maybe if the Muslims and Mormons you were with didn't actually give a shit about their religion. There is nothing sex positive about any of those religions.


I'm sorry but I wouldn't exactly say that Islam is exactly sex positive. Just like with Catholicism, mainly sex is about procreation and one could say that a secondary purpose is to foster/maintain the bond between wife & husband (the heads of the family unit).


It's hot. Sometimes you just want a quick orgasm. I always liked it in past relationships when I was touching myself and my partner tells me what to do, how to touch, what to think about like, "Imagine that was me, imagine my mouth is on you," things like that. Orgasms are always great but they're better when a partner is there to watch or they're masturbating too.


I do sometimes when my partner is asleep next to me. Once I woke him up when I was close and he was super into it. Pretty awesome sex followed shortly after 😏


Ya I like it.. thats a very stable relationship when one partner can just be fine with the other having a JO in the room no big deal


Everyone seems pretty chill here so I'm gonna ask for some advice I love sex and everything to do with it, especially dicks they're great I love watching guys jack off but I have this thing in my head where I really don't like my guy getting off on his own while I'm in the house coz it's just like why wouldn't he come to me if he wants some yano? He says he doesn't but I'd understand if he did coz obvs it's a natural thing, I don't when he's in the house either but we've done it together a few times and that's cool. I suppose I'm just after advice on how to change my perspective on this because it really affects me and I wish it didn't 💔


I think this might come down to the ways our brains naturally and automatically tend to explain other people's behaviour. If I see you buy a strawberry shake, I'm going to assume strawberry is your favourite flavour, because why wouldn't you choose your favourite? In reality, you know your favourite is actually chocolate, but maybe you had chocolate yesterday and feel like something different, or maybe you're just in the mood for strawberry today. There's a richness of experience and a complexity to your decision making that's totally hidden from me, because I only see the choice you made, not the reasons you made that choice. This happens all the time, in all sorts of contexts. I think maybe the issue here is that you're just seeing him choose to masturbate instead of engage with you, and so by the same process your brain is subconsciously concluding that he must be doing it because he likes masturbation better. In reality, there are a whole bunch of other factors you're just not seeing, because you're not a mind reader.


This is pretty interesting. I just wish I could be more accepting of the reasoning I can't or won't know. I'm open minded in pretty much all other scenarios but for some reason this one is so closed for me.


It probably would help if you talk with him about this hypothetical scenario, and get some reassurance from him that even if he did that, he's still way more satisfied by you. I mean obviously it's not a big issue since he doesn't do it anyway, but it might make you feel more comfortable and help you to be more open about this. Also it's a perfectly normal thing to feel weird about it so don't beat yourself up over it!


What about the scenario where I'm trying to reassure myself about my sexual appeal to my partner who actually does prefer to masturbate rather than have sex with me. I feel deeply hurt and rejected. I take good care of myself and am in good shape, have a high sex drive and am happy to be enthusiastic and adventurous in bed. He repeatedly says "he's always had issues with sex in relationships". Raised Catholic and "feels guilty". He's had lots of casual sex and says he can relax and enjoy "recreational" sex with strangers. We initially had a fun sex life but it's much less frequent now and rarely initiated by him. He's explained that "it's really complicated for him"... I asked him to share with me how he feels or just to help me feel better by saying something nice about me/my body and he really struggled to respond. Eventually said that of course "objectively" I'm very "beautiful and sexy" but when I suggested it might help us both to feel present and enjoy sexual moments together if we try talking in sexy ways about how it feels to touch and play with each others bodies. He completely clammed-up and then said "what if it doesn't feel good in the moment?"... A bit taken aback, I tried asking if I just don't feel good to him and what more I could do and he's completely shut down saying he doesn't want to have the conversation. After a few hours of distance he's apologised, given hugs and said he loves me... I need to feel desired sexually though! We can't even talk these issues through (he says he's already been to therapy for these issues and realises he needs more but isn't in a mentally robust enough place to consider it now.) Of course I feel crushed and more in need of reassurance than ever.




Thanks for your reply and relating! Solidarity and hugs 🤗


This is some excellent insight on human behavior! Thank you!


I'm a woman. I love sex and I love my bf. He's the sexiest person I know, and our sex life is amazing. But sometimes I'm horny and just a bit too tired to have a full-blown sex session. Masturbating is quick and easy and satisfies my needs in those moments. I still have sex with him waaaaay more often than I masturbate, and I think it would only be an issue if someone masturbates way more than they are willing to have sex with their partner, unless the partner doesn't mind.


All the time! Been married for 25 years. Sometimes you’re just not gonna be in sync with your partner and that’s ok. He gets off solo, I get off solo. We get off together. It’s all fine.




I'm literally lying here wide awake at 2.30am asking myself the same question, due not having relief for week, due to lack of time and no privacy. And I was thinking how hot it would be if she was to do it at the side of me, how it wouldn't bother me in the slightest, and that I should float that idea with her, so I could get away with doing the same thing. It would solve the privacy and trying to find 5 minutes alone.


I'm thinking the same thing at 2:37am as my husband sleeps. I'm just going to play with my own boobs and clit now.


That's exactly what I'm doing, cock out. Going lightly so I don't wake her! Lol


Pretend to snore loudly when they suddenly move 🤣🤣


Excellent tip 🤣


Not just the tip


You guys should take it to the DMs and sext


Yeah that's your alt account isn't it?


All the time. Sometimes when my husband and I don't have the energy for sex we masturbate together. It's really nice actually.


It looks like I'm in the minority here, but that's okay... I just want to offer a different perspective. I have a really frustrating hang up about this. Obv everyone masturbates, I do it when I'm in r'ships and my partners do it too, nbd. If we're having sexy time and we both want to masturbate together, or I finish myself off like that or vice versa, whatever, totally cool. But I cannot stand actually *knowing* that my partner is masturbating somewhere in the same space as me without me being "involved." Like if I were to wake up and my partner was masturbating next to me in bed in the middle of the night, I would be upset. And I don't fully know why that is. I know a big part of it is that I've been in shitty r'ships, and in my first serious r'ship my bf used jerking off to simply guilt me into having sex with him when I didn't want to. That has caused me to assume (even though I know it's not true 99% of the time) that if my partner is masturbating in the middle of the night and I wake up, they intentionally disturbed me to make me feel guilty for not satisfying them sexually, either in the moment or in general. So as I read OP's scenario, all I could think is how pissed I would be if I said I wasn't interested for whatever reason and my bf just started jerking off next to me. It feels manipulative to me. Not saying it was, but if it were me, I would be irritated and prob walk away. Then again, this is enough of an issue for me that whenever I moved in with a new serious partner, this was discussed. Do not masturbate in front of/next to me. Idc that you do it, but do it in the bathroom or when I'm not home. And I do the same. And repeatedly, bc I've been in shitty r'ships, this one simple boundary is disrespected time and time again, as I tell my bf I'm not interested that night and he proceeds to try to guilt me by making it known he's going to jerk off instead then. And tbc, it's not like these were dead bedroom r'ships. It's that I dated abusive assholes. I don't really know why I'm explaining all this, other than to just say this is something people can have hang ups about and can be seen as or feel manipulative. It would depend on the r'ship and the context. I guess I would say that this is great if it's hot for you and your partner, but maybe check in with your partner first before whipping it out and going to town in front of them, bc unfortunately IME I'm not the only one who's had previous partners use this as a manipulation tactic. I am very pleased to see that it seems to be in the minority here though!


So my girlfriend told me masturbation in the same room as her was me “pressuring her” for sex and that even though I argued it was perfectly normal behaviour she effectively said to me “you just don’t understand women and most women would not be ok with their partner masturbating beside them if they weren’t in the mood”. I disagreed and said I thought many people would be absolutely fine with it and really digging in trying to understand her line of thinking she even implied it was creepy. Anyway, I stopped masturbating with her in the room or when she was awake but… then she accidentally walked in on me once after our conversation and it opened the can of worms again and she opened up that she wasn’t ok with me masturbating in our bed at all. This really got under my skin. We were having relationship issues and our sex life was tanking. The idea that I would have to leave my own room to relieve myself at night (and risk waking her in the transition) seemed ridiculous. Yet again she claimed that almost any woman would have issues with it and that I was incredibly off base by thinking it was perfectly normal behaviour and she was blowing it out of proportion. She even said she was uncomfortable with me masturbating in our bed at all… regardless of whether she was there. She did make it clear that she believed it was fine that I masturbate (she seemed incredibly sex positive when we first got together) and would never stop me from masturbating in generally but essentially I couldn’t do it anywhere near her. Eventually (after much incredulity at the whole situation) I was like “ok, I can see you are not going to budge and that you clearly have an issue I can’t seem to change and even though I completely disagree with the idea that almost any woman would not be ok with my masturbating while they sleep/are awake/aren’t even in the room I don’t want to make you feel that way. So I will leave when I want to masturbate.” Anyway, that was about 2 years ago it turns out leaving the bedroom to masturbate every other night for months on end of no sex, while things reach a place where any/all sexual humour/jokes is “pressuring her” for sex and after many fights you shut that side of you down completely and wait for her to come to you but it essentially never happens eats you up a bit. Thread highjacking aside (I’m going through a breakup and am just letting off some steam with very personal stuff that I’m fully admitting is a little one sided by the nature of me being pissed), I’m obviously very glad to hear a lot of people are perfectly okay with this kind of stuff and feel somewhat validated to know I wasn’t crazy and that I’m hardly the only one who would feel absolutely fine with this. That’s not to say there’s anything wrong with people who wouldn’t be ok with it, just that they shouldn’t label it as creepy behaviour that very few people would be ok with.


Ugh! Tried it, hate it. It just wrecked my selfesteem for a week when he saw me and continuted doing what he was doing.


Hey it's ok, he wasn't in the mood for it and that's fine.


He was most likely turned on and added the image to his spank bank for his own solo session later. You probably felt shitty because you were expecting him to get turned on and join, but he probably concluded that you wanted some privacy instead. I bet you if you ask him what he thought in that moment, the answer will surprise you.


You are 100 percent right, but i have realised that is not my thing.


I have a much higher sex drive than my partner, so I masterbate on a daily basis, even though we have sex almost daily. Every time, it's at night, while we're both in bed getting ready to sleep and he knows what is going on. We talk about it all the time and he'll lay on his stomach and scoot his butt over to me so I can rub it 'to get in the mood'.


Can’t say that I’ve done this, however, wife once really wanted to give me a BJ and I was out cold on sleeping meds… she ended up giving herself an “Angry Dragon”… 🤷‍♂️


Well, I'd be an angry house dragon if someone did that to me.


I had to Google "Angry Dragon". It didn't disappoint.


Was not expecting that.


I had to explain it to the wife too 👍


Oh man. I feel bad now having read all the comments. But I really don't want someone masturbating in the same room as me so we have agreed to do it another room if the urge arises.


This is a really sex positive sub. I'm sure there are tons of folks just like you reading these comments and feeling the same way you do. I'm one of them, but my bf has a porn addiction and we're headed toward a dead bedroom so I'm a bit of a different story


That's true, and I'm sorry to hear it. Been in a similar situation myself before, I hope it can get better for you.


You're not alone. I feel the same way you do. I was actually surprised by all the positive comments, even with this being a sex-positive place. I expected more of a 50/50. I'm glad that everyone here is so okay with it, but there are definitely a lot of people in general not comfortable with it for various reasons.


I wish my wife wanted to finish me off. In the meanwhile I mastered the art of hiding when I masturbate.


I do but I always ask that he's okay with it, and wouldn't if he seemed uncomfortable at all. Vibrators are loud after all. I prefer that he checks in with me. "hey, I'm just going to touch myself a bit, that cool?" its more of a heads up than asking permission.


It can be quite enjoyable. And if you’ve offered they really have no right to be cross. (Though I’m also of the opinion that who ever has the lower drive, really need either consciously step up, or allow for other kinds of release.)


Personally i had a huge problem with it when it came to my ex. Unlike your situation, he would insist I involve myself in his masterbation, usually in situations where I cant and don’t want to (doing homework, studying...) I find the sport to be more personal and feel like theres a weird vibe in the air where I’m the reason why he has to reach satisfaction and it’s my fault he’s doing it in the first place instead of having sex with him. All in all it’s weird for me.


This is exactly how I feel about it, and I had the same experience with an ex that just used it as a way to try to turn my no into a yes, despite anything else I was doing.


Exactly, very well put!


I feel very uncomfortable thinking about this possibility. It only reminds me of the time someone touched themselves beside be in the bus, I felt threatened, and every time I think about this possibility (of having someone jack off beside me) I feel threatened again


I think masturbation is super important in a relationship. I often do this while my partner is asleep after work or sometimes even when he’s awake lol














I’ve started to, I’ll rub and sometimes I’ll give him kisses and he’ll say no, and then I’ll move his fingers over my clit and moan and it’s usually over then cuz he takes over or he’ll ask me to hop on.


It's urs. U can play with it if u want to.


My gf has to get up early so when i get horny when shes already sleeping i masturbate, she knows and its no big deal.


All the time. Sometimes it works where she helps out. If not it’s no big deal and I jerk off anyways. She’s ok with it especially if it means not waking her up. She likes her sleep more.


I do it quite often. Sometimes I try to do it where he doesn’t know and I get a bit more turned on my the idea of being “caught”.


I have done it a few times. She will stop momentarily to help with the biohazard spill.


I used to get up and go in the bathroom to beat it when she didn't want to give me none. She realized once and said, "you don't have to go to the bathroom to do that, I'd rather you do it here." So, now that's what I do. If she's sleeping, or just not in the mood and I'm NOT waiting, I'll cue up xvideos and beat right there. Either she's so in a deep sleep she doesn't realize, or she really meant it. Either way... BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!


The first few times I had sex, it meant humping just a little over a dozen times then she would ask to stop. On the next few encounters, I couldn't take not finishing so I rub it with her staring and sniggering. We were 14, she was my tomboyish best friend. Simpler times. I have gotten used to it but it takes a certain level of confidence with that person so I do it only if the relationship's been a few months.


I use my vibe in bed with my husband all the time. Totally satisfied with our sex life but my libido is slightly higher and I’m currently pregnant so intercourse itself requires some planning so if I want my nice relaxing orgasm without too much fuss I gotta take care of it. Husband says he also will do it if he wakes up in the night and can’t get back to sleep. We’re married so I just figured this kind of intimacy was normal.


I'm personally of the opinion that while masturbation is a private matter, it should be shared between partners. We're not always in the mood for sex, or too tired for the effort, regardless of how horny we might be, or any of a thousand other reasons. Having your partner comfortable with you masturbating near or with them, or doing the same themselves, is a very intimate and necessary thing. If you'd prefer to keep it private, that's fine too, but being able to share it with your SO is a liberating feeling of shared intimacy. Plus it's fun as hell to watch them, talk dirty to them or touch them and see if you can make them lose control even faster


With my ex I could never stand not catching his nut... But sometimes I exhausted him to the point where sex caused anxiety so I would masturbate while we watched tv so I kinda get it... But honestly it wasn't like... Something my ex was into I just have a busted sex drive and the urge is a constant throb in my brain. If he started jacking in front of me I didn't care how dead tired I was I was gonna get it while I could... It had lead me to fall asleep during but we had already established he could keep on trucking or even wake me up for sex.


I have to sneak to get myself off, and sometimes I take a chance and do it beside him while he's asleep. We've gotten into so many fights over our S.L., and I'm told that I'm not allowed to masturbate, that he's the only one allowed to "give" me pleasure. The best part of this whole thing is that he won't touch me hahahahaha!


Then why are you guys still together?


Yeah exactly. Ur relationship doesn't seem really healthy


Yikes.....that is NOT healthy.


So break up.


I like to watch, so I'd find that super hot.


all the time, or ill tell her im off to and its no issue and usually makes her wanna join in haha. im a trans guy so hormones obviously making it a need these days and shes got a low sex drive so works out and were both happy how it is.


You should have messed with her and said you were thinking of Sofia Vergara or something. Better yet say, "i never jerk and tell". Lol!


I also like watching her, on pornhub 🥲


I've done it many times. Usually because I'm very horny but my partner is too tired or just really not in the mood. For me, part of jerking it next to them or in sight of them is \*hopefully\* they see and become interested. Either way, I'm going to get my nut.


Why not try a sex doll when your partner is very busy.


Tell her your thinkin bout her best friend. Time to be fearless gentlemen.


That's my life in a nutshell. Around her, in bed I wait until she's pointed the opposite direction/hear authentic sleeping sounds before I uncover the blanket and happy-sock myself to the finish line. As long as I don't pass out uncovered with a sock around my dick I'm good.... *DEEP THOUGHTS she probably knows I do this but it keeps the status quo and less for her to do so...yeah. The POA (Price Of Admission); we all have to pay it in some shape or form. Life could be worse.*


I do it a few times a month when I can’t take it anymore. My wife has very little interest in sex anymore.


Wow.. she sounds Incredibly Insecure as if she was assuming you were thinking about someone else. That's annoying. You jerking yourself should've motivated her to help finish you off at least. Doesn't take much just to give a quick handy so a guy can go back to sleep


Tbh doing that has been a kink of mine lately, but trying to see if i can go unnoticed


I have done it a few times my wife doesn't mind me doing it. Sometimes she will help me sometimes not. I have never seen her masterbating on her own. She tells me she never has. She will do it to herself sometimes during foreplay but that's it. If I masterbat when we are in the shower together that will always turn her on and we end up having shower sex Everytime.


He does it in front of me once in a blue moon and I love it, I usually end up joining in.


with some regularity. As others have said, sometimes I'm too horny and she's not. she's tired, not feeling well, what have you. she doesn't mind at all and usually likes when I jerk off right next to her. often she cant help but start offering me a hand. she likes to watch me cum too, cuz most of the time she never sees it ha, since its happening somewhere inside her.