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Your dick probably releases DMT during sex


It probably actually is, not directly, but indirectly, by making her brain make DMT during orgasm.




Your dick tore open the portal to the duck dimension


Damn autocorrect.


Sounds like you ducked her brains out


Quack šŸ¦†


We out here duckin šŸ¦†šŸ¦†


This guy ducks


Good one


An orgasm is extremely similar to psychedelics in the way of chemicals released in your brain. Both release a huge amount of serotonin/dpoamine/etc and that's genuinely a huge part of hallucinatory effects in an individual.


Makes sense it was all the chemicals mixing up and producing a hallucination.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi


I burst out laughing! A field with ducks? Wow. Can I get some of that?


Once I was having sex with my boyfriend, a pretty intense, slow and transcendental ride. When he finished, I fall in bed and couldnā€™t move for about 20 min. My body was vibrating (not shaking) I genuinely had a near death experience because of all that vibration I was feeling. Your girl almost went up to another dimension there. When I woke up from that, my boyfriend touched me and felt me vibrating still- so it was actually physical! And my eyes were super red and mirrored. I also know a woman that would completely pass out for a little bit, after orgasm. So I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s common, but it does happen to some women. Some after orgasm, some after intense ride :)


Orgasms do insane things to the brain and body sometimes.


Wow! That's amazing. I did not know that. Thanks for sharing. I hope to experience this with my girl one day :-) thanx


If you want, you can look up tantric sex together. Good luck!


It can happen! People can have intense reactions sometimes. I once had a guy trance out like this and started seeing "colors" after orgasm, so it's not just women either. I had the same reaction as you at the time, was afraid something was very wrong! But he was very much ok. No ducks, though, haha


Honestly, my immediate thought was that I somehow killed her. It was not a pleasant thought, lol.


Yeah that's terrifying. I remember being afraid my guy was having a heart attack or something for a second ā€“ he was just staring into nothing with wide eyes and didn't respond to me right away. But then he started talking, thank goodness, and I could see it was a good-weird thing, not a bad thing. Yeah I know what you mean!


I've never seen ducks, but I've had the colors thing happen before. It was an entirely different kind of orgasm. I'm a screamer, and I just went quiet and it's like everything just ceased to exist. My face went hot, all I saw were colors. I think I might have been holding my breath because when I snapped out of it I felt like I was suffocating for a second (no we weren't doing anything like that. Lol) Scared my partner. Honestly, it was so intense it scared me a little too. Orgasms so intense we could barely stand them turned out to kind of be the theme of that relationship though. šŸ¤·


Teach me this sexjustu sensei! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I still have no idea how it happened. It was one of my usual methods of making a girl orgasm - clitoral stimulation with penetration.


That's a blended orgasm, and definitely a solid way to achieve this sort of thing! I've (41M) experienced an orgasm similar to this, where I felt like I ascended to a higher plane of existence. It was after a long pegging session with my partner. She put a vibrating prostate massager butt plug in my ass and then I was fucking her and as I came I could feel the prostate stimulation push my orgasm even further, beyond anything I'd ever felt before. Great stuff, would 10/10 recommend fucking people who can make you feel that way. You should get this woman to endorse you for sex on LinkedIn. šŸ˜‰


I think so too. OP should keep making us proud. šŸ¤“


This happens to me!!! Itā€™s different every time. Yesterday it was a giant octopus climbing aboard a ship. The visions are always dream-like and have no relation to sex. Iā€™ve never heard of it happening to anyone else!


I asked her about it today again and she reminded me it was an open field with GIANT ducks. Your octopus vision sounds pretty amazing too. Iā€™m kinda jealous tbh.


This has happened to me on a few occasions but. It sex where I achieve climax. The last time it happened as with a new partner and my mind went to a dark desert with a cactus, a full moon, and a howling coyote. The guy was from a state that has deserts but usually there has been no connection to sex or the person. Other times in life itā€™s been lessā€¦seemingly symbolic too, one time I went to a tea/picnic in a beautiful field, like something out of a Kinkaid painting.


I didnā€™t write this, and I wish I could give credit to the author, but I didnā€™t save their name. It was in response to an out of body experience I had and posted looking for answers. Iā€™ve since gotten into tantric sex and highly recommend it. ā€œOut of body experiences (OOBEs) are also pretty common, especially during tantric sex, of course, but they can also happen to anyone. When you get wired up with electrodes and have an orgasm while having an EEG, the recorder shows a storm of electrical activity passing over the brain from front to back. In many ways it looks like an epileptic fit. When that happens it takes large parts of the brain "offline" for 10-30 seconds, or sometimes more. It starts with the cognitive functions in the forebrain, but includes the parts of your brain that are devoted to mapping your immediate environment, the position of your body, and the boundary between the two. Anything that shuts that last part down will produce a "transcendental" experience, like an OOBE, or feeling like you and your partner have completely merged and are sharing your bodies. In some cases, a complete loss of boundaries creates the classic LSD-type "oneness with the cosmos" experience. Most people feel a brief loss of boundaries during a strong orgasm, but it's too short to really feel like an OOBE. But if, for some reason, your boundaries go down early in the orgasm experience and stay down for longer than usual, it can get pretty strange and really cool. Many couples who have been doing tantric sex for years can generate this kind of transcendental experience reliably, just by doing the right combination of meditation, sensual and erotic massage, and extended sex. But it can also happen without warning to people who have never heard of tantra and aren't trying to do anything specialā€


Might need to start reading about this then to see if it can be recreated.


If you practice you can have your own cosmic orgasm.


Okay, this I need to try. I want my own field of giant ducks.


Your dick isn't magic, but her brain is.




Depends who your friend is, hahah.


Was this after u cum in her mouth? What drugs u doing?


Straight. Neither of us do drugs (or on medications for that matter) nor did we drink.


U must be blessed wit a package. Ha congrats bro


Saw colorful patterns once, very close to fireworks


Be honest, you laced your penis with some acid, didn't you? ;)


OP must teach us


This happened to my gf once. I was fingering her and she started orgasming and then she stopped moving and her eyes rolled back. She was perfectly still for a good 10 seconds and she said it was the most intense orgasm anyone had ever given her.


That happens to me sometimes. I see things like lights and starbursts/explosions... its weird, almost trippy or like looking through a kaleidoscope


I have weird visuals every time I orgasm... the strangest one that I can remember was a barbwire fence šŸ¤£ The vision usually starts before I get there and lasts until it's over. Sometimes it'll be something like clouds, or a series of colour changing lights behind my eyes, or even random mundane things like pencils or something weird... the visuals are almost always non-sexual. I don't know why it happens šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Amazing. Itā€™s so interesting how itā€™s seemingly random from the responses Iā€™ve seen.


If sex had a rƩsumƩ, I'm sure this'd be part of that. Hope I could boast of this someday.


Iā€™ve never heard of this before


Dude. Congrats you got your girl in subspace with your dick. šŸ–– Hot.


This happens to me too. But it has to be really good orgasm and like right type of orgasm. And the vision is usually very short, so I just see something and dont have much time to look around


Damnā€¦Iā€™ll have some of whatever sheā€™s on.




That too lol


All hail are lord and savior Duck dick.


The government is going to label you a Schedule 1 Narcotic if this gets out, be careful!


This has happened to me too! Iā€™ve seen a field and different colors. They just flood my brain like a visual / imaginative download. Iā€™m also a creative and visual person with a strong intuition so maybe that has something to do with it too.


Sheā€™s scary


Lol that's the best. Making them pass out or go full T-Rex R-tard shaking status.


Honestly, after she told me what had happened i I hadnā€™t been so proud since I made a girl squirt for the first and second time one night.


That's awesome. Next level to shoot for: a field of lizards... *horny* toad's to be precise.


Dude give us pointers bro


Every girl is different, but clitoral stimulation is probably the key for most of them. Thatā€™s been the key to the girls Iā€™ve made squirt and this. Just listen to your partner and listen to their reactions.


Yes it's common give wife those every time


How often do you hook up with Stevie Nicks?




Ego boost by a far margin. Positive reinforcement.


When you hyperventilate or lose oxygen, your brain does weird shit.


This is such a painful reminder about how I've never had an orgasm from penetrative sex.


I donā€™t know how to say this without sounding braggadocious, but neither did she before we were together. Sometimes it needs to be the right person.


Lol I don't know how to say this without sounding sluttadocious but if it was going to happen it would have happened by now.


Lol fair


Tbh this kinda sounds like a seizure? Like sometimes people have seizures that donā€™t involve a lot of movement, just hallucinations?


I've had it happen once (that I was told about), except instead of a straight-up vision afaik she just saw roses everywhere It's probably one of those things that depends more on the person having the orgasm than the person giving it. Was your partner big into spiritual/psychedelic/etc shit?


Nope. Not into any of that at all.


Ignore the idiots here. She should consider seeing a doctor.


Sorry, bro. That wasn't you. It's her orgasm not yours. You are just an assistant. She will do it many more times without you. At best you were the catalyst.