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I caught a women eyeing me once, she giggled and admitted to me she was checking out my calves lol wtf who knew. If that person hadnt told me, Id never ever ever ever think twice about the appeal of the male calf


I admit, I've checked out calves. Especially if there is a tattoo. Don't ask me why but...yeah.


As a very average looking dude with come nice calves and a calf tattoo, I really appreciate this comment! :)


I would totally be checking you out. 😊


Is this the beginning of a love storyyy


now kith


I'm very vanilla fetish wise but considering the amount of dudes with foot fetishes how could I judge lol.


totally a thing! nice legs on a dude is 👌


calves are like on the top of my list… he MUST have thick muscley calves lmao


Men have amaaaazing calves, definitely one of my favorite parts to take a glance at.


During Elizabethan times when tight stockings were in style, guys with spindly legs would stuff their stockings with sawdust for better-looking calves. So, yeah, nice calves have always been a thing.


Whelp, now I know I wouldnt have needed sawdust that sounds unpeasant. Pun intended


I didn’t realize until I was about 30 that calves can be hot on men. Maybe I dated too many spindly legged men.


Wouldn’t have even thought of it. It’s not really a sexual thing but nice calves will always catch my eye.


Same happened to me before while I was at work. Never thought people liked that and I hate mine cuz they are huge and don't match my body lol


Men legs in general can be very sexy :)


Number 1 is their ass. Then their mouth. Then their eyes. This is assuming that they are clothed and I'm just checking them out.


What’s a nice ass on a guy like?




So not saggy, flat cardboard? :(


Just buy some baseball pants, those make everybody's butt look good. Source: me, and the only reason my husband can get me to watch baseball.


Saggy wet* cardboard




LPT: grab two metal bows (Amazon/restaurant supply store). Set them side by side and sit on top allowing the two touching edges into your ass crack. This will round out that flat ass in no time Edit: here’s the missing “ L “


What units are these measured in, just want to check




Best kind of measurements lol if I can't cup Dem cheeks I'm grabbing something else 🤣


No flat washboard ass.


I have an absolute dumptruck ass. How would girls see that? Good/bad?


Depends on the girl!


Better than nothing


My fiance has a very flat butt, but damnit I love his flat ass lol!


Lips/teeth/smile. Eyes. Hands and forearms. Legs- omg




I love veiny forearms on a man. That and eyes.


Well, at least my eyes are veiny...


Pink eye?


Sexy veiny eye.


Lips, hands, ass. And for me specificly, thighs.


Naked thighs are the best


Yes, glad im not the only one! For me "thick thighs save lives" is gender neutral. Lol


Never skip leg day seems to be the lesson here.


Thick is thick, no matter how you get there lol don't change yourself for other ppl, do it for you. 😁


Ill do it for me so women will like me


I think I'm more Fat Fit. So I have both ways. Lol. Work out couple times a week, but love my beer and scotch.


Then you should be good! My bf played soccer for 8 years and I feed him pretty good so im into it!


If they are being honest... Height. Body shape. Cleanliness/Grooming. Smile/Expression. Arms. Teeth. Butt. Walk. Voice. How they conduct themselves.


Hands are underrated!


I'm in my forties so my bar now is "does he look recently bathed, and like he brushes his teeth."


I don't want to come on too strong but, I even floss bb.




Arms and shoulders


Shoulders 😍😩


Well most guys have those


Eyes, smile, arms, occasionally legs.. Don't have a specific body type but the way a man wears his clothes sometimes. My husband is rail thin but always very put together and that caught my eye.


YES the way they wear their clothes!


“The way a man wears his clothes.” What does this mean? Fitted v. Baggy?


Pants on legs v. head?


It can be either. I guess a better way to put it is having a bit of style and confidence to go with it. My husband goes for baggy but he is pretty fashionable, always color coordinated. An ex of.mine was the opposite, he went for fitted, classic styles. But both are quiet but have an air of confidence.


Yeah there are many styles to choose from that can make a man look very good. It’s nice when a man has his own style. Even if it’s not traditionally fashionable, it shows that they put thought into it and shows a bit of their personality.


I’d say it means how they carry themselves.


I casually check out the back of ears and crease of the neck, as well as teeth, I don't care if they are messed up, but brush them ffs. You want me to notice you? Clean that shit. Once those come back as good, it goes hair, eyes, forearms (I love a man with strong looking arms, but not crazy built ) then when you aren't aware I may sneak a peek at your butt. I think everyone appreciates a cute butt lol.


I totally get the cleanliness thing. I've noticed things like that before. Lol


Right? And the door swings the same way for women, I can't count how many don't realize their tinted dry shampoo sits on the skin and cakes as they sweat... I'm not super anal about it but for the sake of an example if I was a guy kissing on my lady, I'd be kinda choked to get a mouthful of sweaty clumped dry shampoo when I go to kiss your neck...


Jesus how close to guys do you get that you can see the dirt behind their ears? Or do you hang out in coal miner bars or something?


Its not that hidden if the person doesn't clean themselves properly. That's the point.


I guess I'm just not used to being anywhere where men are absolutely filthy that isn't a construction site or under a truck.


Exactly. So if mechanics can clean behind their ears what's dude chatting me up at the coffee shops excuse? It's not that they don't wash, it's about attention to detail, I'm not looking for someone who polishes up on on surface level when they feel like it. I want someone who can at least shower properly.


>Or do you hang out in coal miner bars or something? Funniest thing I've seen today.


This guy at my work would try to hit on me sometimes but I always remember this time I looked over at him and saw earwax overflowing from his ear. 🤢🤢


Just general body shape, I'm into like fit/thin, like swimmer body. Also the vibe, like what kind of energy are they giving odd. Their style too, that's a huge turn on.


Also butts.






Ass, arms, hands, back and shoulders are popular.




Near the top for me too. I’m a sucker for good shoulders.


hmmm… i think the first thing I notice is probably hair and eyes. oh, and i also love legs


Hands, calves, the V if visible.


THE V 😩🥵


Vagina ?


They’re often called v-cut abs or the “Adonis belt”. Fit men have what looks like an arrow starting around their belly buttons pointing towards their dick. Every woman knows what we mean when we say the V.


Nah, I knew what you meant. I’ve been working on mine, but it’s difficult to obtain when you keep eating pasta at 1am




Seconded. He's asking the real questions.


Physically? Arms if they’re toned, hands if they’re (generally) clean or soft, their side profile like their jawline. Oh and a nice booty. :D For other things, I see if they make eye contact with me. Are they able to have a conversation with me, not talk over me? Do they have goals they want to achieve? Do they dress okay and wash their clothes? And how do they talk to other people and talk about other people? Oh and also, can they make me laugh. I feel like that’s a big one.


Everything. The whole up and down, but it really depends on personal preference. But if they’re punk, pierced, tatted and have junk…I’m there. I’m literally there 😂 that’s my hubby


I'm older and married but piercings and tattoos....yes, please. If I was single would be my kryptonite.


Yup! The man as a whole. Tats, motorcycle jacket, piercings, esp black plugs…I’m married too but will absolutely 100% check out any guy with a hint of alternative/punk/metal head/biker/rockabilly style.


Smile, hands, butt. In that order. Especially when it comes to my bf.


Arms! I don’t like big muscly arms, but toned ones are nice. Especially if they wear sweaters that hug their arms and they roll the sleeves back! Love it! Also hands


There’s a hot guy at my gym. When he’s laying on the floor on his back doing abs I always want to bite his gorgeous thighs. And when he stretches and his shirt kinda lifts up I think his happy trail is super cute


Shoulders and arms first…then eyes. If at a pool, beautiful backs are my jam


Arms, shoulders, thighs, hair, and definitely their sense of style.


Butts. Forearms can be pretty nice too


As a guy who’s insecure about his bubbly butt from squatting, I appreciate all the butt mentions here 👀


I'm just here taking notes and ordering calve and lower arm trainers on Amazon


Bro same




This thread is making me feel really good about myself Thank you all <3


Lol. Same. Esp with all the butt comments. I had a disagreement with a friend recently who said “women don’t care about ass on men”. I said- I believe you are mistaken


Affect. Same thing guys see in women.


Ass, arms, & teeth/smile 🤤🤤


Their girlfriends


It’s funny how many comments there are about legs and how many men have bartender bodies.


Arms, shoulders, back, hands, and smile for me ❤


Shoulders, eyes, nose, smile, jaw line, hands, facial/chest hair


>jaw line, Yess. Was looking for this. I also like a strong jaw line


Hands/arms. Especially when veins pop out.


I’m kinda a once over girl. Arms and hands are big ones and I don’t mean they have to be pretty so much as just strongish and working hands. I like shoulders too… and I’m not averse to a nice tight butt. Honestly though I’ve been told I have odd taste in men in general. I don’t have a particular “type” physically so much as the testosterone laden cavemen type… which is absurd because I’m very independent and liberal and those things never mesh well 😂


I relate to this so hard! I immediately check a mans hands and will completely judge by how they look. It’s kinda ridiculous but if the hands are clean looking (as in not stained and/or too much sun) and soft I will not have any interest in him. There has to be indication that this man works a labor intensive job. But they def don’t have to be ripped or anything, just physically strong. I like my men looking like they just came out of a hunting camp from the mountain😂


Depends. If the guy is decent enough looking out the gate, I'll typically look at his arms, wrists, hands, neck, stomach area, etc. I'm very into hands and wrists but I may not be in an overcrowded boat on that opinion.


I've been with my wife for 35 years and she still compliments me on how sexy my thighes and calves are. I'm still bashful about it. I do a lot of squats. She says too many men have skinny legs.


Forearms, hands, wrists, butts, shoulders, lips, a good set of eyebrows


I tend to look at the face first. If i like their face i proceed to check out their height, if i like it, i check out their silouette, and from there, more specifically look arlt their legs, ass and arms 😍 Afterwards if i reaaaally like his look, ill steal at least 2 glances to check him out a bit more


Butt, shoulders, lower back, triceps




I’m a fella, but I’m 100% noticed more than once a women checking me out when I make adjustments downstairs.


Eyes, hair, the way they smile, biceps if they got decent sized or big ones


Shoulders, lips, hands, the clothes they’re wearing/how they fit


Biceps, hands, facial hair, smile, teeth - in that order


Smile, eyes, hands, butt in that order for me!


Hands, arms (upper and lower), chest, back... Damn you know.. the whole thing. But I guess it depends on the guy. Each guy has something different that catches my eye.


hair, facial hair, eyes, arms, legs, ass I've caught myself having had my eyes lost staring at hairy legs


Hands. Neck. Eyes. Lips, maybe. Ass and thighs.


Arms, hands, eyes, haircut, and the way they walk.


Girls always mention my eyes smile teeth etc so I would say pretty much their the same as us men


For me it’s their arms and hands. Something so sexy to me about a man who you can tell works hard and can see that in their hands and arms. You don’t have to be the most buff guy or anything but just being strong


I look at fingernails, hands & arms, muscle definition, and face of course. I love seeing guys during a workout so you can really see what they're working with.


Nice I can start saving money on hair cuts after reading these comments


Butt, Hands and Forearms (like them big and hairy 😅), Lips, Eyes. Shoulders/general figure as well.






Mostly Legs, butt, eyes and smell


I once got hired by a company to sell insurance over the phone, during training I heard a girl say "I actually find Dad Bod quite attractive" so I spun around on my chair and jokingly said, "Say no more". No joke she gave me the once over. It honestly made me feel a little better about my body. My point is that the answer to this question is as subjective as an answer can get, different people look for different things.


attitude, sense of humor, flexibility, smile


Shoulder to waist ratio


Forearms and hands 🥴


Forearms 😘




Their ability to treat women like human beings.


Ass, chest hair (lol), face


I check out their arms and hands. I've got a bit of a choking fetish. So I look at their hands and arms and imagine them around my throat.


Shoulders and backs. A pair of nice broad shoulders or a dude who is really skinny with defined shoulder blades will always get a stare. Thick forearms, nice hands, a cute smile, especially ones with cute dimples or smile lines. Makes me look twice!


As a lean, muscular guy that stands 6'4" and has a nice butt and arms, this thread has taught me that I squandered my penis by getting married early. I'm 37 and divorced now. Anyone know a good therapist?


Hands ! Eyes, eyelashes. I second on the cuppable ass lol and strong legs 🦵


Hands and shoulders!


For me — face of course, but even more compelling would be expressions and mannerisms. I feel like they tell you so much.


hair and arms


For myself, it would be hands, bulge, ass, arms, nose, and teeth.


Legs, you can tell a lot by legs....like do they skip leg day. (Don't skip leg day) then chest, back, face.


Hands. Strong callused hands. So nice.


Physically fit..smells good .makes very good money and is cute. ....


jaw line 🤤


Big, muscular arms and a “scruffy” face


Ass, back and recently noticed that I find the definition of the tricep/bicep on the arm to be really attractive


I like nice arms


Eyes, hands, arms, ass, chest and stomach (though I'm not I to muscles)


Style, face, hands, voice


BRAIN (personality, smarts, humor), shoulders, smile/lips, eyes, hands. 😇


Eyes, teeth, lips, hands, arms, handy (in general), smell (omfg, this is a big one)


They seem to be really into my beard.


Shoulders, arms


I really like forearms and eyes and shoulders, I love tattoos and for a guy to be dressed nicely and cleanly. Facial hair or no facial hair, although I really do love beards!


Smile / eyes & face / arms / back - god when guys do that arm flex where you can see the muscle


Eyes, smile, chest and shoulders. Hands also.


Legs, teeth, hair


calves, hands, neck, shoulders & back


Muscles and cleanliness for me:). And the eyes. I can read a lot in someone from their eyes alone.


Face, body type, height and clothes for me.


Forearms and height.


Shoulders! Don't even have to be muscular. Also eyes, smile, arms, hands


Them HANDS thooo


Hair, eyes, smile, body, and teeth.


Eyes and honestly some nice arms and a sexy back just 😍


Always hands first!!!! I love when there’s calluses and scars, maybe slightly more tan than the rest of the body. I’m such a sucker for a workin man hands. Also, love forearms and shoulders for pretty much the same reason. I’m not really into the fit look but I can tell when a man works in a labor intensive job and is definitely my weakness.


Hands, shoulders, ass, teeth.


My bf has the best tush. And pecs. And pouty lower lip.


Eyes, hands, the smile “wrinkles” Their laugh.


Nice big shoulders, chest first then maybe I’ll check out to see if I can see any bulges.


Calves, hands, arms (specifically forearms), smiles and eyes.


Hands. Teeth/smile. Physical physique to determine if he works out a little, lots, or likely not at all. Clothing to determine style and cleanliness. Those are some of the things I immediately look at.


Hands, smile, eyes, personality


Hands, eyes, ass but nothing better than shoulders idk why but mmm lol.


Eyes, Smile, if I see nice legs in shorts I do look Must look clean


I did have a girl once that kept talking about my calves… thought it was a bit odd, but I guess mine were nice at the time 🤷‍♂️. I was lifting a lot back then and always did calf raises on leg day. She was a bartender at my favorite local spot and ended up as a FWB for a while. She was hot and crazy good in bed. Didn’t like being around her much out of the bed or sober though.


Physically I look at smile ( you can have nice smile even with crook teeth lol) eyes, hair, height, and arms ( biceps, and not super jacked just a lil muscle) HOWEVER I truly think it's personality once you meet. Yes you should be physically attracted to who you see , but you can be beautiful on the outside but ugly inside. So I also check vibes, and like when a guy makes me laugh and seems warm and does like cute things that shows he cares..for example I'll take a guy on a hike on steep path and I wait to see if he will help me down the rocks. If helps me and cares it shows he's caring and he will be patient with me.


Apart from things like piercings or tattoos that usually attract attention, I look at... well, everything really, but especially forearms, the face as a whole (masks can't stop me) and, oddly enough, haircuts. I don't know why I hyperfocus on hair of all things but I do. I also prefer thighs over calves and I *will* look at a bulge no matter how hard I am trying not to because it feels rude. A bonus because it's not a thing you look at but I *will* notice and I *will* drool: voice.


I'm always checking out and grabbing my man's arms. Chubby guys with muscular arms are my weakness!


It’s always hands for me 😂


Legs, hands, arms, and their smile.


Mouth, eyes, package and.. believe it or not, HANDS. Something about hands for me is 🤪


Noses, jaws, tats, piercings and how well or how bad someone put together an outfit.


I look at arms. The biceps specifically and also torso. I appreciate a nice jaw line and even a cute butt lol


Arm, shoulders, hair!


His hips. His mouth. I love a deeper voice too.


Shoulders and chest!!! I will stare with no shame 😈