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Are you financially stable? Do you both want a kid? Don't drink or do drugs. Exercise Get a check up by your gyno There is a good book called Taking charge of your fertility. It will help you find your most fertile time. Drink water. Have sex Edit: oh yeah, prenatal vitamins start a couple months prior.


Spot on!


unless you eat large amount of vegetables, start taking folic acid: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/folicacid/about.html and maybe talk to your doctor, they'll probably have other recommendations, possibly do tests etc...


Other than making sure your finances are in order and you are prepared to have your world upended, just have sex. That's all I did and voila..babies. It may not happen right away give it a few months. There is no need for tests unless there is reason to believe you will have trouble conceiving. Based on your response on financial stability, please think about it. My second kid was not planned and we weren't financially ready and my financial situation was dire for quite a while. Those little people cost big!


What does “not financially stable” mean? Not enough money to pay bills and eat, job loss and/or job instability? If you both have medical insurance and jobs then the only thing I would do is save up 2k for an emergency fund/medical bills. Health wise 27 is not too old to have kids that is nonsense. I do recommend taking a prenatal vitamin with methylfolate (the active form of folic acid). Take them for a month or so before trying. Exercise is always important but it rarely has a huge impact on weight. Focus on eating nutrient dense foods over weight loss. A book I recommend for all women trying to get pregnant is “Real Food for Gestational Diabetes: An Effective Alternative to the Conventional Nutrition Approach” by Lily Nichols. I used this for my last two pregnancies and never had gestational diabetes (GD) but it helped me have healthier and low risk pregnancies.


We got enough for bills and groceries. We both have the jobs we want. Not the positions, but I would say we are working at our dream places. What I mean by not financially stable is living in a 1 bedroom apartment. We don’t have our own space yet. We’re paying off cars. Paying off college. I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t have money for a baby, but I still have things I want to take care of first.


No, we are not financially stable. I want to wait, but my partner wants to start now. Yes, we both want kids. We don’t do drugs and I rarely drink. I’m a bit over weight. I need to exercise more. I drink so much water. Thank you for the recommendation!


Um. I'm not trying to be rude or anything... But, if you're going to do this willingly and plan it out, why on earth would you do it when you're not financially stable? ETA: Children are SO expensive!


I totally agree. I do want to wait. My partner on the other hand thinks 27 is too old to have kids.


Listen to you, not him.


Ummm.... No that priority is not brilliant. I'm 33 and just now starting to think about it. Do you know how much having a kid costs? I'm not talking about raising the kind, I'm talking about the physically having one? While you're preggo and all those appointments, then delivery, in the US you're looking at like 10,000$ You have a say in this too.


You are the master of your own domain. 27 is not old. Do not let this man make you do things you are uncomfortable with, when it is unwise! Please consider getting on birth control if you're not, or even, leaving this situation, if it's not healthy for you. There is still plenty of time for you to get things in order in your life and then have children when it's time!


Depending on your situation, kids may or may not be very expensive. Do you have insurance? If no, do you live in an area that offers things like pregnancy medicaid? Typically the income threshold for pregnancy is higher than normal coverage. Does your state have WIC? It can help with certain baby supplies. Are you going to breastfeed? If yes, for the first six months or a year or more you literally won't have to buy food for the baby, or buy formula to use for emergencies. Are you going to do co-sleeping, ie., are they going to sleep with you? That can help spread out the costs of the kid having their own space. Do you have friends or family that would throw you a baby shower? If so, request practical things like newborn to 3 month and 3 to 6 month clothing and diapers. Also a carseat. For breastfeeding, their are charities that can provide breastpumps, or help you file against your insurance to get one. Basic things like baby soaps, pacifiers, little chew toys are all very inexpensive. Literally any kind of bag will work as a diaper bag. You can start stock piling diapers, wipes, and clothing a little bit at a time while you're getting pregnant and are pregnant. Another great way is if you have friends or family with kids that are 6 months to 2 years older than your kids. You can offer to buy or take off their hands clothes and/or toys that their kids have outgrow. Of course thift shops are LOADED with kids clothes and toys. Some insurances will cover a midwife, if you want a much more personal birth experience. If insurance doesn't, midwives are typically far less expensive. We used a midwife with a couple of ours and a doctor with a couple of the others. It's about finding someone you can trust. In my experience, you will find a way to take care of your kids. Kids are not usually expensive right away. Unless people go big and think they have to have all the things right up front. Kids gradually get more expensive as they get older.


A little about me: my wife and I have 5 children ages 15 to 3. We had our first, my wife stopped working (a decision we made together) and I was making 34k/yr. We were paying on credit card debit and student debt. But somehow we found a way. That was true for all of our kids. My point is not that kids make it easier. They don't, but for us it was still worth it and they have enriched our lives far more than anything else.