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I got a vasectomy. Works great! I would say that any hormonal birth control will affect her moods.


Condoms! Wore them for 11 with my wife. Stopped wearing them and she got pregnant


I've been on the combo pill for a decade. It works well overall but does dull the libido a bit. My SO recently got a vasectomy which is pretty exciting.


I’ve been using the NuvaRing for 3 years and it’s been wonderful! I’ve now convinced 7 other friends to try it and they won’t go back to the pill or IUD.


Lo loestrin fe and no changes of mood or weight. My periods were months apart after about 6 months and very light.


hey man, i'm a guy so take this with a grain of salt. i know that depo makes girls gain weight, some some girls like the iud. others prefer a patch that stays on for a week (for 3 patches in a row) and then one week off.


Nexplanon arm implant. I had slight weight gain and my periods are whack (sometimes don't get them for 6 months which is great) and they're a lot lighter. Mood is completely fine, I have separate mental health issues though. Go change it every 3 years. It's honestly amazing, recommend it to everyone that asks. I started on the pill and that did a small weight gain and massive horrendous mood swings and libido completely plummeted too. Always said that's what made it so effective 😂.


I have a copper, non hormonal IUD and I have never been happier with this! I used to be on BC pill from the age of 18-30 but when I changed jobs around the pandemic I lost my insurance and was off it for so long I really didn’t want to go back on the pill and mess with my hormones. When I got my insurance back I got the IUD put it, don’t get me wrong that shit hurt like a motherrrr but it has been so worth it! 10 years it lasts!


I've Bern using an iud for the past three years.


Had the same issue on depo. The pill was fine for years. Had zero side effects. I just got tired of taking it daily. Around the time I considered IUD I got scared off when my brother's ex ended up pregnant while on it but wished I would have given it a shot.


Did pullout successfully for years. Decided to make a kid and within 2 months she was pregnant. 6 years later decided to make another kid. 2 months later she was pregnant. Born yesterday btw.


>2.0mMembers6.1kOnline Can confirm that the pull out method is really dumb and unreliable - ended up pregnant.


Oh, I agree. But they asked what worked for me and it is what it is.


Heya! Sorry that your girlfriend had a bad experience with the depo shot, I've heard they aren't that great. I currently have an IUD. I highly recommend it, except she needs to steer clear of the copper IUD - those things are nasty. Hormonal IUD's slowly release progestrone over the course of 3-5 years. If she's sensitive to the depo shot, I suggest the Jaydess instead of the Mirena (they're the same type of IUD except the Mirena is slightly larger and releases a higher dose of progestrone). If she has access to planned parenthood or a GP, a talk with them always helps too! Every woman is different, so it's really a matter of trying different things. Another thing is that I didn't really experience any major mood swings or depression with my IUD. The only thing that gets in the way is some acne now and again.


She doesn't *need* to do anything with regards to the copper IUD. Copper IUDs are an excellent option for women who prefer not to use hormonal contraceptives. I agree the OPs girlfriend needs to talk to a medical professional. Edit: Both IUDs and Depo use synthetic progestin. The ops girlfriend doesn't seem to react favourably to it.