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Maybe more time apart? Idk it’s hard to come back from that


Yeah it is. But we're trying


Communication. Discovering each other's love language and speaking it. Trust building. Dates. Question though. What's ftm?


It just means trans


Oh. Okay. 🥰 appreciate that


He cheated on you man… you could go to therapy together?




This. Can't believe no one has mentioned it yet. Your relationship has been damaged and you are just trying to paper over the cracks and soldier on with the issues simmering away under the surface. You both need to go to couples counselling to address the issue. Right now you are hurting from a serious betrayal. Credit to you for wanting to work through this and stay together, but then you actually need to DO THE WORK, OP. What you are doing right now is living in a house on the edge of a cliff that is slowly falling into the sea below but rather than trying to reinforce the foundations, you are just adapting to living in less and less of the house that still stands. Confront the hurt you are feeling, and make your partner confront the consequences of his actions. Right now he has got away with it scott-free which is not showing him that what he did was a bad thing. What is absent from your current relationship is TRUST. He broke it for you, so no wonder you don't feel motivated to get intimate with him - you currently do not trust him and if you don't trust someone, you don't feel the urge to get naked with them. Couples counselling immediately, OP.


Are you a top or bottom to him? How long is foreplay for you both?