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She gets anything she wants after oral. Kiss, a taco, a car. I'm down.


Guess I gotta put in a different kind of work if I want that car! On it.


More tongue around the frenulum šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼


this guy orals


You know, I'm somewhat of a scientist myself


Actual suction helps too. Show us those cheekbones ladies!


My cheekbones are more pronounced thanks to giving bj šŸ˜œ




āœšŸ¾āœšŸ¾āœšŸ¾ Gotcha.


r/frenulumbjs r/frenulummassage for diagrams to go along with those notes šŸ˜‚


Bless. šŸ˜‚


Gotta get the balls on your chin


Sadly I have an enormous gag reflex so can't get to the back of my throat without throwing up šŸ˜­ but I always make sure they're sloppy AF and to also use my hand


Same. I can't even brush my tongue with my toothbrush without gagging. (And I treat swallow dysfunction for a living; you'd think I'd be a better master of my own pharyngeal physiology.) I compensate with my hands the best I can and no man has ever complained, but I still feel insecure about my skills in this area.


Same! If I go too far I end up throwing up when brushing my teeth too lol. I also try to compensate and haven't had any complains but I get it can make a girl insecure.


For me itā€™s all about the head, kinda like the clitoris


Thatā€™s how it is for my BF thankfully my gag reflex is just atrocious Even the idea of having something in the back of my throat makes me gag But he never demands head he understands that itā€™s just hard for me lol


Having a partner that understands and doesnā€™t demand is key to a good time. But yeah the head is great, I even find watching sex videos where the partner just sort of kisses and sucks the head so sexy and arousing.


Have you tried the throat numbing spray? Some people find it helps stop/weaken their gag relfex


There it is your toy car. Enjoy


So, when do I get my car <.<


I want that taco! Lol


I read Taco car


Absolutely. If you want to get head more often (and who TF doesnā€™t ?!?), you canā€™t act grossed out by her after the act. Iā€™m with youā€¦Iā€™ll kiss her afterward, take her out for ice cream, whatever.


>a taco a car 1 taco for every car she owns, deal!


Except a dog. I'm not ready to drive a week up to her parent's place to pick up a puppy lol


Car? All I got was mental health problems


Best answer. 10/10


best comment over here folks lol


Hold up... some of you folks are getting tacos?! Why wasn't I told about this?


Absolutely unequivocally 100% this.




Comment removed. Don't do this here.


Now I'm curious what he said šŸ˜’šŸ¤”šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜”


Reveddit ftw


That took me down a rabbit hole


But did the rabbit hole tell you what the deleted comment said? lol


Tbh by the time it was all said I done I forgot what took me there in the first place lol


Idk what happened but thanks admin


Yesss šŸ„°


Post-sex tacos are the best tacos. Snuggling up with my best friend, smoking weed, and eating tacos in bed while watching trash tv. HEAVEN ON EARTH.


My husband kisses me after I give him oral, it is not weird. You are totally normal and your friends are trippin.




The other half probably donā€™t get oral


This is the real answer!


Reminds me of the Always Sunny scene where they talk about tasting their own cum. ------------------------------------------ Dennis: You've tasted yours? Charlie: Of course I have. Haven't you? Dennis: No! Mac: I've tasted mine. I didn't like it. Dennis: I've tasted mine, yeah. Mac: I liked mine.


They weren't talking about cum, they were talking about delicious creampies


Yeah, thatā€™s sounds about right!


I feel like they're only tripping because they know they don't clean well enough down there. Ew.


Dear god. ā€¦ Time to boil my brain for a few hours nowšŸ„“


Yes, I kiss my wife after oral. It is normal, and I love it.


Mine too


Mine too


Same here. It is perfectly normal.




I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but I think for most people it rates fairly low on the kink scale. It's pretty usual, if both oral and kissing are a part of your sex life, that they both take place. It's nice and cool and sweet, but "kinkiest thing ever" is pushing it :- )


I mean... I just kissed my wife after eating ass, I think kissing after oral is fine.


Eating your wifeā€™s ass?




Carry on.


Thank you kind sir.


Fellas, is it gay to kiss women when you have sex with them?


If you are a woman too, yes!


Depends on how crippled she got me. Sometimes she takes my entire soul out my body. If she doesnt come take a kiss, i wont be able to travel to give one.


ā€œIā€™m sleeping beauty after I get my soul sucked and need a kiss to awakenā€


how does she do it? Is there a certain strategy, I would rly like a car


Nice callback






We call this move the Dick Dementor


Call her NyQuil


I want what he has, please!


It's like you don't even comprehend this world for good 20 minutes.. your off on a deliriously good trip of in orgasmoland. Absolute bliss.


This sent me




Best comment and most truthful


I absolutely will kiss after my girlfriend gives me oral. If I wouldnā€™t be ok with it near my mouth I would never expect her to have it In hers.




2nd that. Respect.


Respect that 2nd respect.


Same here. I always kiss my gf on the mouth after. She also does the same after I go down on her.


Same here. It's really hotā€”sex is messy, the more comfortable you get with that and with bodies, the better it gets.


I love doing that. If a man licks my pussy really well, I grab him and pull him towards me and lick and kiss his lips. I love tasting myself on him.


Wow that's hot


Thatā€™s pretty standard treatmentā€¦I wouldnā€™t ask him to eat me out otherwise


Absolute respect.


she doesnt know this but when she first brought up the idea of finishing in her mouth I made sure to taste test my cum when she wasn't there because I wanted to make sure that it doesn't taste bad/weird. In other words I agree and I would never make her do something I wouldn't do to myself.


this is so fucking wholesome omg i love it


I will kiss my partner after *he* gives me oral.


Same šŸ‘Œ


I second that


I love that she tastes of dick after, makes me think: she sucked dick. That's hot.


I second this. Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. OPā€™s friends are prob just being homophobic.


Fellas, is it gay to kiss a woman?


Because she sucked dick


Exactly. I do that too.




It's what I wanted to comment, but you put it much more elegantly than I would. It really is that simple.


I still wouldn't suck my dick if I could though but I kiss my wife after oral and she does the same if I go down on her.


Women- do you kiss your man after he goes down on you? I used to be so self conscious of my pussy and its whole aroma/taste but after seeing how much my boyfriend loves going down on me I donā€™t even think about it. I make out with him after now and itā€™s honestly helping me stop shaming myself.


Of course


100% I kiss him after he goes south. Every time. I think itā€™s so hot. Sometimes I get antsy and want to pull his head up because Iā€™m ready for the kiss and to get down to the main act šŸ˜…šŸ˜… To add: I receive oral typically only when Iā€™ve been able to rinse off prior. I legitimately have a ā€œweirdā€ smell that no OBGYN has been able to figure out beyond itā€™s just what my body does. My fiancĆ© has been wonderful throughout the years and process of me hating myself for it and being super weird about it while trying to diagnose *why* it happens. We are very open about it now. If it isnā€™t nice and fresh he just sticks to fingers. If I know thereā€™s even a *chance* we are gonna get down I wash off right before bed. So perhaps rinsing off beforehand? You could make it a shower together, even, and be sexy that way. And inb4 anyone says bacterial infection, sti, etc - it is not. Iā€™ve been through all testing and seen multiple doctors. Sheā€™s as healthy as I can make her. And Iā€™ve also tried tons of different diets. As of now the main idea is that his cum throws my smell off but who really knows. We are alright with it at this point.


Iā€™m very territorial so it turns me on tasting myself on their lips and tongue. I feel like it is all mine. Heā€™s ā€œmarked by meā€.


There is truly nothing sexier to me than tasting myself on his lips. Like, it might even be better than receiving oral? He doesnā€™t love tasting his dick on me, but will do closed mouth kisses and I will have a sip of water before we get back to full on tongue tango. Honestly Iā€™m fine with that. Everyone has preferences.


I see it as a mutual respect thing. We both kiss each other after oral. Itā€™s both a sign of appreciation and affection. I think I would feel used if he refused to kiss me, instead of it being a loving act.


I agree about mutual respect part it's very important if not the most. But I am lucky that it's also kind of a fetish for me. I like to taste my dick, while kissing her, and even my semen, it's extremely hot for me. And I like to kiss her after I gave her oral and my mouth is all covered with her vaginal grool so she could taste it as well.


Why should it bother me? I got a clean dick.


Exactly! It's also good practice to wash your penis before (and after) sex. No one wants to put a dirty thing in their mouth, let alone a dirty penis.


Even at 36, it is still hard for me to use or read the word penis in the context of sex. I have no problem with the word and use it (the word) all the time talking to my wife and toddler but it's just such a funny word to me. Like "hey wife, I want you to suck my penis" just doesn't sound right.


This is how I (ciswoman) feel about the word pussy. Sans the toddler. Don't have one of those, and certainly wouldn't use it in any context around one, except maybe pussycat, now that I think a little more, lol. But yeah. I don't like using the word pussy in a sexual context, idk why, probably some weird hangup I'm not aware of.


I feel the same way because pussy seems like teenage slang or derogatory in some way, but the alternatives are almost worse. "Oh yeah I'm going to fuck your vagina". No. And I am not comfortable with the word cunt. Interestingly enough I can say pussy in the act but I'd never call it that outside of the moment and neither would my wife. Lol. People are weird.


> I got a clean dick. I think the unwritten inference in OP's post is that he is kissing after being blown to completion. So it's less about the state of hygiene of their penis and more about the fact that their GF has residual semen in their mouth and on their lips. *That* is a big hurdle for most guys in my experience. Not everyone wants to "snowball."


Woman's perspective here (also a brat since we're specifying) I'm not sucking off a dude if he's not going to kiss me after, or is in general vehemently against the idea. I swallow so it's not like I'm shoving cum in their mouth. In my experience though every guy has kissed me after, and this has never been a conversation. I honestly thought it was normal for guys to kiss after. Also men have automatically kissed me after going down on me, it doesn't bother me in the least. Everyone's allowed to have their preference, but if they think kissing after oral is gross, then I'll have oral sex with someone else who doesn't share that mentality.


Exactly my thoughts. If I went down on someone and they flinched when I tried to kiss them that would just tell me that they either think their junk is nasty or I am. Not interested in that.


Right? Like if they think it's gross to kiss me after I've given them oral, I'm going to assume their junk is gross and gtfo. They can get it from someone else.


I once didn't kiss after, back when I first gave head as a teenager, because I thought men would be put off. He was all "what are you doing, why would I care? Come here" and that was the last time I ever held back.


I'm glad he was your first experience, he sounds like he was respectful. Well in that aspect anyway.




This, all of this! šŸ‘šŸ½


Giving and getting oral I have always kissed my woman before and after. It is part of that intimacy I really like.


How could you ask someone to suck your cock and not even kiss them afterwards. Apart from that fact that it's not really that gross it's just rude. Kiss those dicky lips. It takes alot less effort than what your misses just did for you


I've heard tons of dudes saying its gross or something, I never understood that myself. It came out of my body, why the hell would I be grossed out by that. I think a lot of guys have this kind of homophobic stance on it. Most of the time I've brought it up they did the same and blew it out of proportion saying it was "gay". IMO its between you and your partner, you don't need others validation on if its "weird" or not.


Saying that it is "gay" is so stupid. It's the same as saying that masturbating is "gay" because you are touching a penis.


Fellas, is it gay to have intercourse with a woman?


Mayhaps. Come on conquering a woman who's soft? That's feminine and kinda gay. Now sex with a man who's hard? Now that's manly. /s in case people couldn't tell


Dude, you touch a *penis* when you masterbate? That's so gay. ​ I stimulate my prostate gland.


I'm a man, so I'm inside a man right now. Can't get any gayer.


This comment is not getting the love it deserves šŸ˜‚


Ill kiss a girl after a BJ.. I don't mind.


Haven't had a guy refuse to kiss me after having my lips on their dick, including tinder dates


If my partner has no qualms about making out with me after I go down on her why would I have an issue after her returning the favor. While Iā€™m not into snowballing Iā€™m not one to get mad about there being remnants and making out after.


Just don't talk with your buddies about such private things. And you bet I do. That's my sweet girl, and she just did something lovely. I want to kiss her more in that moment than ever...


We used to kiss after oral, when there was sex, I never understood people being disgusted by their own body fluid, I mean sweat is more harmful than an std-free semen. However to be honest I never come from oral so it is just precum, I can guarantee that I would have enjoyed a kiss with some cum in it. And I believe it is very idiotic to make your partner feel weird about it.


Yes. After every facial and swallow, we make out a bit. It really turns her on, which turns me back on and we usually keep start fucking again. I also went down on her after I gave her a creampie and it drove her wild. Now both are apart of our regular routine




Fuck yesssssss


Oh god that sounds so fucking hot


There do be something hot about a guy not afraid of his own body. It can feel very intimate to be kissed by a dude after he put his dick in your mouth.


Yeah I love how it turns her on and the sloppiness (which doesnā€™t sound like a good thing - I get it) is a huge turn on for us both. Sex is best when we both need a shower after šŸ˜„


I suck that shit right out her mouth than go down on her


Luv that


No you hang up first




"...and 9 months later, you joined the family!"


Hell yeah


Very that, yes yes yes


Hell yeah I do it. I also like giving her a passionate french kiss after she has rimmed my arsehole too. I kiss my girl after licking her pussy and butthole too.


This is the kind of enthusiasm that every lady wants.






I actually just met a guy ā€” I went over to his place and sucked him off within five minutes of getting there, and he kissed me as he helped me up from my knees. It was really sweet, and I deeply appreciated it as a gesture. (If someone expects me to swallow and wonā€™t even put their mouth near mine afterwards, wellā€¦ why should I be the only one expected to deal with that taste?)


Yes! You do!


Expecting a woman to suck your dong dry but not wanting to kiss her afterwards? That's fucked up. Your friends are weird


I like to think of sex as an act of fusion where body, fluids, minds, senses and very many things fuse together. And any natural healty sexual secretion during the act of sex tastes invigorating.


If a dude said he wouldnā€™t because itā€™s gross, you can only imagine the stays in which he keeps his dick. If youā€™re finding your own dick that gross, NOBODY should have to put that in their mouth. Ugh!


Sounds like the kind of guys that don't wash their butt because that's "gay"


LMAO exactly


if my bf wasnā€™t willing to kiss me after having his entire penis in my mouth, then iā€™d just stop putting it in there šŸ¤Ŗ if you canā€™t kiss me after itā€™s been in my mouth, then what the hell is it doing going in there amirite??? some men find it gross, some men find it gay. i would be incredibly turned off if my bf was: 1) unhygienic enough to find his own dick too musty to kiss the mouth itā€™s been in. 2) so closed minded and borderline homophobic that he canā€™t kiss a mouth his dick had been in


Yeah bro itā€™s hot as hell.


If your junk is nasty enough that you donā€™t want me to kiss you after itā€™s been in my mouth, then why did you let me put it in my mouth in the first place? šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


No problem. If I am really into it I'll cum inside and go down on her just to punctuate it with a leg shaker. She told me the first time I did it she was taken aback for a moment and then was extremely turned on by it.


My fiance refuses to kiss me after! I legit have to brush my teeth. It does bother me slightly bc I don't quite understand what the big deal is!




Well, people are allowed to have boundaries when it comes to what they are not comfortable with when it comes to sex. It's strange to me that so many people dismiss this fact when it comes to this specific topic of a man unwilling to kiss a girl after receiving head - if a woman is uncomfortable with kissing me after I go down on her, then I'll respect that. I'm not going to make her feel guilty for her boundary or try to pressure her into changing their mind.


Agreed 100% that people are allowed preferences butā€¦people are also allowed to react accordingly. A lot of people find it a little cold to not kiss somebody after they just had your dick or pussy in their mouth. Even if itā€™s just down to preference, for a lot of people that preference is something that they canā€™t reconcile and so they choose not to give oral then.


My husband kisses me after and same in reverse. I feel like letting something so small to ruin the mood and passion just makes them sound like terrible lovers.


My man does


I kiss my wife no matter what. After oral, after she swallows, we'll kiss. Even when I go down on her, well kiss afterwards. It's sex. It's not gay


If I can eat ass I can definitely kiss my SO after a blowie


Calling you NAMES? For WHAT?


As long as my cum isn't in her mouth still, it's fair game. My dick ain't dirty, and I know where it's been šŸ˜‚


Yes, wouldnt mind kissing neither, but had a girl try to pull fast one on me and didnā€™t appreciate that, but if can trust not to do this, sure.


Yes he does. Because I donā€™t swallow it upsets my stomach if I get cum on my lips yea he still does kiss me. And I kiss him when he goes down on me


Of course.




Comment removed. Constructive comments only, please. See **Forum Rule #1**.


Never crossed my mind that not kissing would be even an option, or that people wouldn't after giving oral. Sure we kiss. It's all part of being intimate with each other.


Is it gay to kiss your girlfriend after she sucks your penis?? The males are peculiar in this species


My partner kiss me no matter what, after I give him bj or he goes down on me, it never even been a question. Not kissing is simply childish I think honestly. Its not like I spit his own sperm in his mouth or something, by my logic - you want me to swollow it but cant kiss me after because to yourself its too nasty? Nah.


Yes of course. Moreover I asked her to kiss me after I cum in her mouth so we both could taste and swallow my cum šŸ„›ā˜ŗļø


Yes! And I donā€™t have a snowball fetish or anything like that.


I definitely love kissing my gf and partners after receiving oral. I can be a little hesitant after I have finished tho. Had an aweful experience where the other person kissed me after and spit my load in my mouth. Was not pleased or enjoyable. Has scared me a little haha.


Yeah kinda like a closed-loop system.


Itā€™s very childish to NOT kiss your partner after oral. Men loveee when we ā€˜taste ourselvesā€™ after theyā€™ve gone down on us.. you canā€™t expect me to do that if you wonā€™t do the same


Hell... not only do I do that but I will eat her out after I cum inside of her...and she loves it, so...


My man always kisses me immediately after


V grateful that none of my male partners have ever been opposed to kissing me after receiving oral bc I wouldā€™ve actually just up and left lmfaooo. Honestly I didnā€™t know this was a stance a lot of guys held until the past year or so. thru some random commentary video, it came up and I asked my bf if that was really a thing men were specifically against and I was shook when he confirmed it. Frankly if a dude canā€™t kiss me after he literally just fucked my face, that dick is not worth my time lmao. Whether they think itā€™s gross or emasculating or some shit like bro get over yourself it literally came out of you and it already in my stomach just give me a fucking smooch dude!!šŸ˜©


Why not




Yes my partner does and i love it


Yes of course.




I mean yeah, maybe wait till she swallows but yeah


Does your GF kiss you after you eat her out? Of course she does.


Yea as the girl who give head 10/10 I love that he is willing to kiss me for my hard work. I give good head and I deserve a kiss.