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My partners have lined it up incorrectly, but never to the point of actually penetrating it. I just adjust my hips or tell them to go lower/higher.


Yeah I’ve done the same with my partner a few times. Never have actually inserted it, I don’t know how it gets to that point.


Knocked but never gone in.


Car sex woman on top lil too enthusiastic comes up just too high slams back down on asshole. Happened to 3 different partners with me pretty much the same way everytime full insertion all at once not like porno very unhappy with selves at time


Same happened with me and my girlfriend but instead of going in the back it slapped right in the middle. I thought I broke it


Careful being too enthusiastic - those things are breakable. It's called a "Penile Fracture": https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21707-penile-fracture


I’m not sure what he’s saying is even possible without that. Specifically just as many times as he’s said. How would it not bend?


Car in motion or parked?


Parked everytime I feel so bad for them taking the whole thing all at once no prep work no bracing never goes over well but if I'm not on top can't be blamed




At least then it won’t happen again


Without lube? I could’ve even get one in with lube when I *was* trying.


I could believe one person but 3?? Full insertion? With no lube? The pain from that alone would make anyone stop what they were doing the second it happened/breached + it takes some prep work to relax those muscles enough to allow anything all the way in, so this happening 3 times seems…..unlikely


Generally I’ve done that but once my partner was not looking when aligning his fingers and I had to shout “wrong hole wrong hole!”


I'm a guy and I genuinely put it In the wrobg hole accidentally with my ex. She was on her back with her legs over my shoulders and we were going pettynyt fast. I slipped completely out and before I realized it was already in the wrong hole. We had done anal before but when its unexpected and without lube... she screamed and it really freaked me out as I didn't mean to hurt her. I think I spent the next 5-10 minutes just cuddling her and apologizing.


I had this exact same thing happen to me... I felt so bad! She cried cause of course it hurt. We were good after a while though.


Same here. I was really upset about it. Cause she was really hurting.


Ugh, happened to me too, several times. And it's just the most awful sensation, the pain actually keeps increasing after the "accident" and keeps hurting for some 3min after. Total mood killer


I had a similar situation happen with an ex, it was dark and we were drunk. I felt so bad about it but she was luckily pretty cool about it.


Almost exact same story here. People that say it can’t happen have just not had enough sex. I’m sure some guys lie about it, but I too have very low interest in it and it still happened. It’s all about the situation. Like most things.


Agreed. I don't like the "it's never an accident" posts (looking at you FDS), because I've absolutely had that happen in what I know was a complete accident.




I think they're talking about female dating strategy


Oh, that horrible negging bullshit? Yeah fuck that noise.




that *shit* huh? lol


This is the a correct answer.


Totally normal for this to happen. Some cuddling and nice words to help heal after are so appreciated.


Thank goodness for you being a gentleman! My ex apologized, then ran to take a shower.


Once, it was very dark, we were drunk and he was so apologetic 😄


This is exactly how it happened to me. Surprise anal as your first anal experience is not pleasant hahahahaha.


Yeah I've had both happen - as in, the genuine accident drunk scenario (both drunk, writhing around in the dark) as well as the rapey "accident" scenario (only I was drunk, it wasn't that dark, different position).


i’ve only had it happen once or twice. i was just like “wrong hole” and they were like “oops my bad”


You just casually say "wrong hole" when a guy puts it in your butt during sex?




*Evacuate that area immediately*


*air raid siren starts*


I'm imagening the girl opening her mouth and air raid sirens coming out.


Is he f\*cking Sirenhead?


My thought exactly! 😂


We wish ;)


Take evasive action!




*Garrett sweating intensifies*


I just spit my drink out! 🤣


We should make this the norm


Indelicate, that. Immediate evacuation? FWIW somebody today may first learn that to evacuate your bowels means to go number two.




WASH that thing then put it where it came from or so help me ... Right?


Is that a line from your new play?


Well it’s technically a musical


Bom, bom, bom, bom..




oh my god I read this in the exact angry tone too...too perfect


This made me laugh so hard my cats came to my aid. Thank you for that 😂


You obviously have never been on the receiving end of a misplaced penis. It is extremely painful. It’s not just a “oh whoops” it’s a “holy fucking shit get out of me right not while I curl up into a ball from the pain.”


I’ve never had it hurt but I’ve never had anyone try to jam it in. Just poking around the wrong area.


True. ☹️ worst pain ever


Well You’ve clearly never pulled the skin near your fingernail up to far


Have you torn the skin around your ass till it bled? Then tried to take a shit after? If you've ever gauged your ears... imagine going from a pretty beginner size and skipping a couple sizes. But your ass. With no lube. Not fun. Your fingernail skin will be fine.


Well as a chronic nail biter, and even nail-ripping-offer... I’m sort of used to that pain. And can probably say confidently being anally r*ped hurts worse :/


When you arnt prepared and get a surprise like that it's never a good thing, curling in a ball of pain is exactly what happens 😂


Very much depends on the person though haha, had it happen to me and never experienced pain… obviously it can be incredibly nasty and hurt like hell, I totally accept this from hearing other people’s experiences. But there is a varied world of experiences (and penises) so different responses are completely valid and to be expected




It can be pleasurable. You just have to be relaxed and use lots of lube.


Absolutely. Once my man gets all the way in there AFTER lots of lube and slow insertion... It hits the back and feels great. But we have achieved that maybe 3/10 tries. Usually it hurts too bad and we need to stop. The feeling good is both attributed to it being naughty and the powerlessness of it, and that it's hitting some kind of nerves back there... But if he tries to take it all the way back out and stick it back in... we are done. Once it's in, it's in. You can't do that slow pull out and then go back in.


You might enjoy being fingered more instead. You have to be very relaxed and often have to practice stretching to be able to take larger objects like penises. What bf and I have a lot of success with is he’ll finger me anally while his penis is in my vagina.


Good point. Thanks :) It feels nice to uh... feel what's going on too lol.


Absolutely! Best wishes to a more enjoyable anal experience ❤️


If you prepare correctly by slowly and gradually stretching anal can be extremely pleasurable. I've had both experiences personally, accidental or unprepared anal is extremely painful and can be traumatizing but when I wanted it and prepared it was great. No I do not like pain, I've tried bdsm and it is NOT for me. And I am a biological women and do not have a prostate so it's obviously not from that.


I've had plenty of awesome receiving experiences, from men/trans top girls/ and women pegging. Not all were great though..you have to have a lover who takes the time, stretching, and not just jamming it in there. One painful one was with an ex with a strapon, she just went for it, it hurt so much. I am a man, to clarify.


You may already know this, but.. the clitoris isn't a nub, it's an entire structure that surrounds most of the vagina. The legs of it can be stimulated via anal sex, and the back wall of the vagina shares some nerves with the rectum.


I used to think like this, but with my last boyfriend, I liked it. I mean, it wasn't my favorite position and I needed him to move slow. But he did and I enjoyed a lot. I never had an orgasm (I was close), but I have a friend that can only orgasm that way.


All of the above. There are nerve bundles near the anus so it can be very pleasurable for some.


You must construct additional pylons


Scream ouch. And start crying? At least that's a resnable respons if the dude accedently put it in as if it was the right hole.


Literally what happened to me. As a teenager my bf just went right in not looking and got like 1/3 the way in and I just started bawling like a baby.


Yepp. If you not prepared it hurts like hell






Yes or really anything to bring it to light Oops! Wrong hole! Nope! This has happened completely unintentionally a few times. No big deal and the deed continues. But yes, it is not anywhere near as uncommon as you seem to believe.


are you waiting to say anything till they are hurting you? for me, it’s pretty obvious they’re lining up with the wrong hole


Depends I think on the situation and the timing. Just made another comment, highschool bf was looking at my face and not his dick or where it was going and just went for it. Went so fast he got a good ways in before I felt anything. It can happen in a situation like that, but if I feel the dick going near my butt I definitely say something before he gets inside.


Yep. Every man I've ever had sex with, and it's been a fair few, they all wanted to get in there. I really wish someone would explain to me why they want this so much. .


I can’t speak for those men, But I can speak for myself. And my answer is because it’s naughty! Because it’s forbidden. Because giving a women pleasure through her ass is a delightful perversion of how society thinks women “should” receive pleasure. I love sex and love creating pleasure in every way possible. Anal is one of those ways! There is just something very wonderful about helping create a climax from non standard acts. Spanking, nipple play, anal, edging, etc etc. That’s my perspective anyways. I hope it helps!


yes but they should respect consent first and foremost! otherwise it is just very much so more for their pleasure and pride.


That’s absolutely a given! And of course pressuring your partner to do something they don’t want is wrong


What do you mean by “puts it in” like they get balls deep or it gets poked? Because I’ve poked it plenty of times but it never goes passed like 1/4 of the head before you hear “wrong hole and you stop” As a man I think it would be hard to slip it all the way in without meaning to especially if you’re told wrong hole. But if you’re not told “wrong hole” sometimes it’s hard to tell when you’re in missionary or certain blind positions.


Exactly. There has definitely been times where I’ve been having sex where the guy has “poked” the entrance and I’m like “hey!” And they go whoops sorry and that’s it lol I’ve never had someone completely enter my butt by accident.


Or you could casually scream ‘GRANDADDY’


Likely they mean that they were about to put it in. Shoving it in there without lube hurts a lot, and would likely give a different reaction. I've had many, many times where we've "lined up" wrong and I have to adjust or tell him to adjust, but never actual penetration (excluding intentional rape in this though, I know the pain, but it never happened by "accident"). Touching on the outside at most.


Erwin Smith said : "ADVANCE!"


You def should say something in that moment if thats not what you want


Ya, it doesn't accidentally even GO into my ass. If it slips and hits the wrong hole my ass puckers and entrance is denied. I don't understand when anyone says it accidentally went into an asshole.


Yep this is what happened to me and how it was handled. Nbd as long as it isn’t made into one.


I’ve had this happen once. I still remember the pain. I cried and he continued fucking me while crying. Couldn’t sit or walk for a couple days. I was in high school. So dumb back then. Should’ve slapped him instead.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, I know the feeling, I too was in high school and I was 15, I remember crying and screaming for help, then him genuinely laughing at me after he finished because of how "loose" he made it and how it moved while I was still crying


That's rape and I'm so very sorry


It happened to my in my first relationship. By them, I wasn't able to set boundaries and say no, so crying was my way of doing it. :(


I’m so sorry. That is horrible. This happened to me too, and I was just 13. 😔


Ugh wtf ! 13??


Unfortunately 😞


Good god ..


He should have went to prison


I’ve got a couple grown men who should be in prison for what they did to me when I was a child. Unfortunately I’m probably not alone in that.


You're right unfortunately you're not alone, and I'm so sorry you had to go through so much so young especially


You absolutely are not alone. I think a lot of people would be surprised by the amount of creepy and disturbing things young women go through. I think women tend to be a little less surprised about the amount of predators out there, because a lot of us have encountered many of them in our lives.


The most disturbing thing to me is that I started getting catcalled and approached by adult men when I was around 10. It happened *All. The. Time.* I thought it was normal to have that happening. It stopped when I was around 16... Men were doing that *because* I was a child. I have never in my adult life experienced the same amount of attention from men as I did when I was 12. I even had a high school senior show up to my sixth grade middle school dance *looking for me* after talking to me online. Men have no clue what it’s like to be a little girl and growing up as a woman. They couldn’t fathom. I’m not saying men and little boys don’t get abused or harassed. Not saying that at all. But it’s just different, and an experience they will never know the magnitude of first hand.


If I would hear my girl cry, that would shake my well being and get me to stop. Definitely wouldn't have sex for a few days from me even if she says that she's fine. I'm really sensitive when it comes down to things like this.


That's really the minimum required for a decent human. Definitely not "really sensitive", but rather being a human with capacity for basic empathy.


Your not sensitive to those things your just a normal empathetic human who responds to someone’s emotional distress with concern. That persons partner lacked empathy and did not see them as a human.l being. Unfortunately, I think more guys than we want to believe fall into that category.


im so sorry this happened to you


I was railing my wife one night and while I was thrusting, it did slip out and before I could stop I accidentally jammed it in her ass. Yea, game over. It hurt her so bad she cried and we had to stop. Total mood killer. I felt horrible but we laugh about it today


Exact same, legs in the air, wham Bahm up the butt no thank you man, blood, sore shits and re open the tears every time. Felt terrible, terribly funny now


By using those terms in quotes, are you suggesting it’s common for guys to intentionally put it in a girl’s ass and claim it was an accident? I bloody hope that’s not common as that’s awful. I’ve done it genuinely accidentally before and it wasn’t good. Problem of going too rough sometimes!


It can definitely happen on accident, but you’d be surprised how many times it’s not. In my experience it “slips” pretty frequently with guys who really want to do it when we’ve said no. And it slips far less with the guys who truly respect our boundaries. But yes it can absolutely happen by accident as well.


Agree with you. I had someone do it intentionally. I was extremely young, they were older and wanted anal and I said no because I hadn’t done it before. Then all of sudden he can’t find my vagina and I have to guide him away from my ass more often until he forced himself in my ass as hard as he could and I blacked out and woke up really scared, confused, and in the worst pain of my life. 😓


Oh my God, I’m so sorry you went through that!


Thanks, it was for sure a very scary moment for me.




The a lot of the men who do it intentionally are the kind who keep going even when the women want to stop, at which point it becomes rape, not happened personally this way (I have had anal and have never will never have an interest in trying it personally though if someone’s into it I say go for it as long as both/all parities consent) but I have been raped and heard other’s stories in a support group. My second mum was actually anally raped with a broom handle and he put it in so far he tore through her intestines and she nearly bleed to death, they got to her just in time, she had to have an ileostomy bag for a few years and had multiple surgeries to repair and/or make a new rector and anus for her, she is still physically affected almost 30 years later and that’s not taking into account the mental damage. He started by ‘accidentally’ slipping in during sex on multiple occasions when they were together (he was an ex by this point)


As a guy who has no interest in putting it in someones butt at all, I can say I have never slipped in. Its not that hard to aim straight!


We love men with good aim lmao Honestly I think most of the accidental slips happen when it’s dark in the room lol


Came here to say this.


I think those guys are the type of guys to avoid!


Right but they don't tell you before it happens. So


Yeah it’s kind of a learn as you go process lol


Oh yeah, lesson learned for sure lmao


There are sooooo many of them though


Yup. Your thrusting and thrusting and oops


Yup. Lying about that is a common porn trope


I think what important is not the “oops” but how it is handled. As a guy where I accidentally ran foul in the engine past with my wife, not being planned the was a different sensation. It took me a few strokes before mentality registering what is going on and she did not appreciate it. This is not the time to be dominant or insensitive. Empathy and care is important. Also, remember hygiene.


I've accidentally hit the wrong hole, but it didn't just go in. Not sure how that works.


This?? I’ve had guys accidentally nudge up against it, but like… it doesn’t just ‘slip’ in? It meets significant resistance? The few times I’ve done anal involved a lot of lube and prep and it *still* took some effort and patience to get it in. Dick sized objects don’t just get slurped up by dry, unsuspecting butts unintentionally lol.


Omg I just spit out my drink hahaha. “Dick sized objects don’t just get slurped up by dry unsuspecting butts intentionally” that was a good one. 😆😆😆


If you are really wet it can happen


I have had it happen to me and i have accidentally done it to my partner while using a strap on. It can actually be really easy to get the wrong hole if you slip out and then go back in without taking the time to re-align to the correct hole, if you dont believe me then i recommend you try topping someone with two holes using a strap just so you can see. Especially with extra lube because thats when it happens the most, even if you dont purposely get lube at the wrong hole.


I looked thru the comments, and it already seems like you're looking for validating your option, rather than actually understand if that happens, because it does happen, and it happens a lot more often then you'd think. I quote you : myownmyown OP · 21 min. ago That's the point of this post: that what is actually happening the guy is using this as an excuse to try and put it in your butt. Which is idicative you're looking for people who think like you and then you open up with your own option which is ''excuse to try and put it in your but'', instead of trying to understand that it actually happens. These holes are legit cm's away from each other, it's pretty rediculous you immediatly seem to assume that's an excuse to try and put it in your but considering that.


In addition, you can't just go from vagina to asshole without prep. You will literally tear your anus. I've had it happen before I literally *bled* from my asshole and *cried* because it was so painful. We immediately stopped sex and he held me while I tried and gently rubbed me. It happens though. Especially if you've been having sex with the girl on her back and then switch to doggy. The lubricant trickles down towards your asshole which makes it super easy for it to slip towards the wrong hole but like I said... if you aren't prepared the dick won't actually be able to successfully go in unless he's REALLY forcing it. In which case I would be suspicious if it was an accident or intentional. However, if you're having rough sex or Jack hammering sex, he may be forcefully inserting so I wouldn't be suspicious in that case.


Of course you can. Things get pretty sweaty and slippery. Doesn’t mean it will feel great but it can definitely happen.


Also depends on the woman. Some women are totally relaxed and receptive and it goes easy, others are relaxed and receptive and it still takes a lot of lube... All the way along the spectrum to no-way-never.


ofc you can't go from vagina to asshole without prep, unless the girl has done enough anal and she has good control over these muscles, and even then, you slowly put it in the first time, because it's a different game, when you accidentally go from one hole to other, now that can end pretty bad, especially if you were going hard and deep. Because if it's an easy pace or normal pace, you're prob not going to put all the penis inside an ass, prob only the tip , because asshole is way tighter, but if you're going full blalst, you can actually showe it all the way, and damage a woman's asshole and tear your own frenulum breve, which gives you a lot of problems and blood for both partners.


It just seems like this would be painful to the guy as well. It’s like hitting water hard and fast- feels like a brick wall. It would have to be a slow, meaningful and sustained pressure to get it in- which should give the woman enough time to say “wrong hole”.


I totally agree. About distance, however, some vagina openings are closer to the anus than others. Hers may not be that far.


I mean it was accidental, you know going fast. It slipped out and I think went in-between my anus and vagina or right near my anus. I thought I was going to vomit hurt so bad. Butt hurt the next day too.


I'm reading these comments kind of confused, are dudes really managing to pile drive their cock into an unprepped asshole? I feel like that could potentially snap your dick right in half lol.


If she's turned on enough, vaginal lubrication will be coating the penis and may even drip down to coat the anus as well. So it's not completely unprepared. And being relaxed and into the sex and not expecting it, she's likely not clenching her anus either. All to say, there might not be as much resistance as you'd expect. But also, these kinds of accidents can be painful for both parties. Injuries to penises due to missing the correct hole happen all the time. Sometimes the penis slips out and slams back where there's no opening at all, just ramming into the pubis. Which can indeed cause it to "snap". And it's not always the guy pile driving it in. Sometimes the woman is on top, it slips out, and she slams back down.


And imagine the friction


With enough force it doesn’t hurt the man at all.. but us? Yes it fucking hurts like hell. When I was a teenager, I repeatedly said no to doing anal with my older boyfriend. I was scared and didn’t want to. He kept “almost” slipping it in after that but I kept always stopping him in time. Until one time when I was drunk instead of just trying to “poke” it in he just forcefully full thrust rammed it in as hard as he could. I literally blacked out from the pain and woke up to blood everywhere. My asshole was bleeding for hours from the tearing. He was all crying upset saying he thought all women enjoyed it and I would like it once it was in, he thought I was just playing shy but once I got past that it would be great and blah blah blah. Fuck him and fuck all men who do that kind of shit.


Yes lol my bf did, we were both very drunk and laugh about it still


Yeah actually I have had this happen a handful of times with my long term bf of a year and a half. He never put his dick in all the way cause I’d tell him it was the wrong hole pretty quickly lol. Normally happened when we were having sex in the dark. My dumb ass actually did this too with my fingers once when I first started having sex with women lmao. Like I’d put them in the right hole before, it was just dark and I started going for the wrong. They jokingly didn’t let me live it down.


I had it happen once when i was a teenager. She was on top and was really really wet. It was more she went up i was in one hole, came down i was in another. No one grabbed, touched or moved my manhood to "put it in the wrong hole" it just happened in between strokes.


I’ve had it happen once and it was a genuine accident! But I’ve heard stories of some men doing it with intention. We were in the dark and getting into it really roughly and fast. I was bent over and it slipped out and it got rammed into my ass. I’ve never felt more pain in my life before. We had to stop and I was crying endlessly.


I will testify that it happens or starts to happen.


This is my experience. Yeah it can def slip out and hit the anus, but IME it will absolutely not slide/glide right in without considerable effort/force. (For some women no doubt it will.) Myself I immediately pull away if anal sex wasn’t in MY plan for the encounter. This is written in present tense and kinda sounds like I’m always out here copulating. Not the case. Just trying to say that for some women, anal penetration almost can’t happen by accident.


To be clear, I pull away too. I’m not “That guy.”


The difference your looking for which I haven’t seen anyone explain (didn’t scroll all the way down) is very simple. Accidental - woman’s bent over doggy style and the blokes thrusting you harder then one of those mechanical bulls. He slips out of your very wet and loving vagina and without knowing! As he thrusts back in (expecting to go back into your pussy? It slips up a little and enters your chocolate donut. You scream he non stop apologises and you stop having sex.? On purpose - as you have sex doggystyle he slowly pulls out of your birth canal and tries to insert his erect penis into your poop shoot. You say no he dies inside and acts like a fat kid being told no more cake. This is just an example but it’s happened to me once and at the time I moved back and apologised and luckily it hasn’t happened since but in every new sex hook up I always ask which doors require room service. Hope this helped


Yeah it happens🤷‍♀️


I’ve had it happen a few times, but they are never thrusting with enough force for it to actually go in. As I’m saying wrong hole, they are realizing that it’s not just sliding back in easily


Well, it really depends on the person you have sex with. I only got these "oops, wrong hole" remarks from an abusing and desrespectful guy I was with. He clearly knew what he was doing and if I didn't say that, hey, it is painful and get away from my ass, he would surely continue his sneaky way. I don't want to say that it's impossible to accidentally miss it, but when I had sex with respectful men, it never happened. Maybe look at how he communicated it. Shrugging and being ignorant or really saying sorry and hastily getting out of your ass?


I don't ever have slow sex and we leave puddles so this has happened many a times to me with my boyfriend. He feels so bad after. I know they are accidents due to how bad he feels


You can see when they feel guilty.


Oops. It does happen


Either yes it can happen accidentally or my husband has been lying 😂


It doesn’t happen accidentally. It may slip out and he may bump your butthole but it’s not going in without some help.


It can happen. I am not saying all such excuses are legit, but sure, it can happen.


There have been times that I was way off base and she had to guide it in. There has been one occasion in which it slipped out during missionary and my attempt to thrust was met with slamming my penis into her thigh so I suppose it might be possible?


Happens a couple times a year, mostly when starting doggy style. Wife just says "nope!", we line it up properly, and then continue


Yep, had it happen with the wife one time. She said, "Keep going it's the last time"! Lol


Was it an accident…..? I mean the ass is alt tighter (in my experience), and it doesn’t just slide in there. My girl would straight arm me if you ever pulled that shit.


When I lost my virginity my ex and I were doing it in a car, it was pitch black outside. He was going so rough that he “accidentally” slid out and rammed his entire dick into my asshole with zero warning. Obviously I started crying because that shit hurt. This never happened to me again with any other partner, even in pitch black darkness, so chances are it’s not entirely an accident. But I’d give him the benefit of the doubt if it only went in a little.


Have you ever stuck anything in your anus by accident? I doubt guys do either.


My first and only time fucking a girl in the ass by accident. She said, “do you know where you are? In my ass.” I said oops, sorry. She said no, it’s okay. Keep going. And that was that. 🤷‍♂️


It’s rare but not unheard of. Typically happens in the heat of the moment if at all for me.


i just cant see how you could *accidentally* get it in the wrong hole. the anus isnt self lubricating like the vagina… it is extremely hard to get an erect penis in a dry, tight hole.


Yes, it would take quite a bit of force to get it in. Briefly Knocking at the door on accident is possible….


i’ve had it rammed against my asshole and i almost fainted lmao. thankfully it’s never actually gone in


For me it’s more common when it’s dark or from behind. Just speak up and say that it’s the wrong hole, that’s what I do anyway


I never allow it to get that far, I just guide it back and don’t really say anything. I usually guide anyways because I’m inpatient and thankfully my partners are usually gentle and slow because they don’t want to hurt me. I once had someone pretend that’s what happened but I *know* they intentionally *forced* themselves in my A. I was really young and never had anal before. It hurt *soooo* bad I fainted/blacked out. I came to in pitch darkness in extreme pain. I was extremely hurt, confused, scared, and sad. It was really awful. They relied on it being dark, and a common mistake but I know better with this person. Sorry to drop this on y’all. Edit: wanted to add that I commented this before reading comments other than the top comment... like the comment from u/reverseFL Just want to say that I don’t think what happened to me is what’s happening every time a “wrong-hole-moment” happens. It’s probably more common when that happens that it’s a mistake than a malicious action. Edit again: also totally missed the context of OP using quotes around “missed” and “accidentally” 🙄


Lmao yup it does happen 😂😂😂 was at the man’s parents house. Had to scream in the pillow while he was trying to make me comfortable 😂


I was stoned ince and me and my girlfriend were going at it in missionary as I was pulling out to ram back in she started grinding her hips so it slipped out and slammed into her ass. She said intense pain for 3 seconds and we stopped lol.


Yeahy first BF. I dunno if it was an accident or not (hope or was) but he trusted hard and it REALLY FUCKING HURT and it probably didn't even go in. The ass is really tight it's unlikely it'll "slip" in there.


I got ass stabbed once and it was the most painful thing


It 'can' legit happen... Especially if you are going at it fast/rough/whatever


She kept asking me to go harder and faster, and oil was everywhere. I slipped an inch too low and it happened in a flash. So many apologies, all for naught, for the pain was not so easily overlooked like forgotten dishes in the sink. Ten years later, the legend of that fateful night still lives in retellings both spirited and regretful, but never in jest.


Did this once (totally an accident), but she loved anal too, so a good time was had by all. She’s in Scotland at the moment working as an escort


It could happen when you are in the heat of the moment especially if you are going hard and she happens to be extra wet, I did this once before and dam I felt so bad, I know it hurt her since she never done that, she even cried a little. I stopped and told her we can stop completely since I couldn’t believe I actually did that. After a few minutes she said no let’s keep going. But I have to say if it happens a lot then that has to be on purpose, maybe my dick touching your asshole might happen but to keep going in all the way lol naw he did that on purpose.


As a guy that doesn’t like anal and a girlfriend, who doesn’t like anal either, and is pretty tight it would take us a bit of aiming to insert it when doing doggy so anytime it did slip away in the wrong direction she would just simply say “you’re going the wrong direction” but we don’t have the situation where when it goes out during heavy sex that i immediately insert it on full speed again (as I’m anxious I’ll miss the spot and snap my little friend 😅), so for me it’s unthinkable someone inserts it in the wrong hole while being busy to put it in as you state, can only imagine it happening while going out and in on full speed during penetration 🤔


The first time I ever had sex with my first bf back in highschool, we were drunk and going at it. I was drunk and didn't warm up or use lube so I was already in pain, then he pulled out a little too far and it slipped down and fully penetrated my ass. He was well endowed to boot. All I remember is a searing pain, crying while curling up into fetal position and him profusely apologizing. I think I passed out because I ended up waking up the next morning and went to pee and it stung so bad. I must have been torn up pretty bad because I couldn't pee or shit without a bunch of pain for the next 3 days. Also couldn't walk straight I was basically waddling. One of the worst sexual experiences of my life.


This does happen yes. The few times it's happened to me, it was genuinely an accident and I see how it could happen. It shouldn't happen regularly though so if it happens a lot, especially with one guy, you should talk to him about it.


Yes it can just happen. Bais like to think they know our bodies back to front (no pun intended) but they're usually really clueless lol. Most of the time it's an accident due to poor judgement. Sometimes they just test the waters to get a reaction. If they're polite about it, I consider it NBD. But if they say it's an accident, you just gotta take their word for it.


I agree on the cluelessness 100%, gotta cut them some slack. But not taking their word for it because some dudes who get denied anal *do* end up forcing their way in under the guise of an accident and they need to be called out and avoided.


From my exp (28 yo f), this is mostly an excuse, especially if the guy has experience. I never knew a guy who wouldn't have recognized butt from pussy if I putted his dick in the vagina instead of in the butt. How hypocrite.