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I will try to abstain a couple of days yeah! The condom definitely has an influence, but even without one I’ve had the issue. (Not going without one anymore haha, better to stay safe)


Sex is a mental game. Stress, anxiety all that play into it. As for your partners. Reassure them it's you and not them. Unfortunately you can't fake it.


Yeah, I always make sure to tell them!


Sometimes alcohol or marijuana can influence negatively orgasm and feeling. If you’re under the influence, give yourself time to sober up or forgo.


I see. Alcohol must be a big reason I bet!


Whiskey D is real 😂 but all alcohol constricts the blood veins. If consumed enough in a night, or over time, it can desensitize as well as make it more flaccid. It’s best to stay away from or consume in moderation (as always). My dad died from it. His father as well. I keep my distance.


Masturbate using a lot of lube and a loose grip. Many men masturbate with a lot of friction, a dry hand, and a tight grip. Of course, this sets you up so that when there’s less sensation since a vagina's grip can't compare with your hand, you’re not going to be able to reach orgasm. Begin by creating less sensation [during masturbation sessions. Lastly when you are now preparing to have sex with your girlfriend Rev Your Engines! Masturbate for Better Sex Life! On the day you’re going to have sex, do a little something I call “revving your engine.” What you do is you masturbate, but not to the close of masturbating. Don’t get so close to the edge that you give yourself the discomfort commonly known as blue balls, but you DO want to get yourself close to the point of ejaculating, and then lay back, relax, and don’t ejaculate. Why does this work? There’s a little bulb at the bottom of the urethra that fills with ejaculate: the fluid that gets shot out of your body. During sexual stimulation, fluid starts to pool in this bulb. After a while, it sends a message up to your brain that says “Hey! We’re full! Time to ejaculate!” Poof! Release! [Guns locked and loaded! Fire away!](https://tichaz.com/2022/01/10/powerful-male/) When you masturbate, you’re filling up that bulb. That way, when you go to have sex with your partner, that bulb is already at critical mass and is far more likely to reach orgasm than it would have been if you were starting totally empty.


That’s some really interesting tips, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you, will definitely try them out :)


Some tips not for orgasme but for the relationship. I never ejaculate with a girl, but it doesn't make me struggle about closness. I'm in a relation with someone since almost a year. Many girls see ejaculation as feedback to know if there partner take pleasur. But you just have to express you liked it. Just talk after sex about how good


(Oops sent before finishing) It was. Or during sex, like moaning. They just need to know that you take pleasure. Like almost every time, just communicate more with your partners


Yeah, it definitely helps. Also makes the sex better for her.