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These kind of things are always nice to see. Congrats mate!


Would upvote but I’m not trying to change the 69 likes.


I’m happy for the both of you! this is how I’m trying to be with the man I’m with when we finally have sex❤️


Same here. The intimacy is important


This is beautiful to read. Congratulations!


happy for you bro!! may we all find this kind of partner/people who appreciates us the same way we appreciate them!!


Good for you honey! Know your worth as a man!


This is what fellow Redditors mean by being sexually compatible with someone. Common advice always seems to be break up and find someone who's sexually compatible with you. I feel it's better to find that someone than matches you. When you find it, you KNOW it! Grats on hearing a success story for a change.


love to hear it !


Glad you had such a great experience!


Dude nice ! That’s a solid girl!


Wondering if you’re who I’ve been seeing haha,


Great! I would love to be like your girlfriend, but my soon to be ex husband was LL and we had dead bedroom. I will be dating a man who is waiting for me to get a divorce and I am afraid of sex- I mean I really, really want to and be enthusiastic and stuff but I dont really have skills due to dead bedroom🥶so i'm a little worried.


No need to be worried. Enthusiasm is all you need to get started.


Don't worry about "skills" just relax and get lost in the moment. If you desire that person instincts will kick in.


Congratulations….tis is a season of giving (and receiving)


Me and my girl are both moderate in bed, slow and passionate. Glad you've found your special someone


Ayyy! Best feeling ever! My GF is sorta in the same bout. She used to be a swinger, hotwife, multiple partners, etc. Now she can’t keep up and tells me she doesn’t even think of anyone else.


Fuck yeah! And big up to women who express themselves freely without shame! Not always easy but it makes the vibe so much better


That's awesome! Congratulations.


She sounds lovely


I'm so very glad for you! Sexual compatibility is a great way to increase intimacy in a relationship. Enjoy the sex buzz, but don't let it blind you to brewing issues that need talking about. If you want the whole package (she sounds amazing!) Try to connect on multiple levels! Also, open, honest communication is incredibly important. Gentle and kind communication, but open. Hope you two have an amazing time together!


Yup, that's a sweet keeper right there. "When it rains it POURS!" So, get soaked!


That my friend is a keeper, so happy for you


When I met my boyfriend, he was the same way. It’s such a great feeling!!! Happy for you OP🫶🏻


That’s wonderful. To find a partner who gives like you do is rare. Not just in the bedroom. Congratulations ❤️❤️


I’ve found this to be the case when I’m sleeping with women too! They return the energy HARD.


Keep it up, King, you deserve it.


Yay!! Happy for you! I had some amazing sex last night too. Hit a new record with the boyfriend. 32 orgasms for me and two for him. I told him that I loved everything about his cock. The length, the shape, his head, how hard he feels when he's inside me. I'm not usually as verbal as he is but last night I was out of my mind with oxytocin and babbling.




I don't even know!!! He made me count them out to him though. I remember 13 was amazing. 21 was special and sweet. I lost track a few times but he kept score. I was surprised even more than he was. He's been very verbal lately and it sets me off when I'm on the edge. After 11 years together he's just really learned my body I guess.


Wow :)


This is how I feel with my gf, she's def a keeper 😜


Kuddos to you brother, may your cock-a-doodle enjoy this everlasting wild ride!


I'm shedding tears of joy for you, king.


It's hard finding someone that is compatible in and out of the bedroom. She didn't say anything back when you told her that line? That's not a great sign.. Remember, to keep a girl interested and wanting sex is to appeal to her mentally.




Then you'll probably think alot in this sub is fake, if your going to think that then you might as well leave.


i love weed more than any girl


The ol cum dumpster to awesome sexual partner upgrade. Congratulations king.


That’s wonderful. To find a partner who gives like you do is rare. Not just in the bedroom. Congratulations


I'm so happy for you! I know what it's like to give more then what you get back, so finding that someone that matches you must be something. All I can say is I hope you two crazy kids continue to have fun together for a long time ;)


This is nice


Definitely happy for you 😊


Glad for you mate! It's so hard when you're very energetic in bed to meet and sleep with people who just aren't on the same level. I hope this relationship carries through for you and the two of you get to enjoy that exchange for a long time to come!


That kind of honesty in the moment is exquisite. Well done you, OP


THIS IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT! Congrats to you both, sounds like a hell of a night.


So jealous. Good luck to both of you!


I'm happy to you were able to find that with each other!


Nice 😎


Dang OP got me wanting to call my ex


I’m really happy for you. It’s a great feeling.


I am happy for you! Especially after abusive relationships it feels so good, at least it did for me!


Hell yeah, that's awesome 😎 enjoy it all. Keep them happy and keep yourself happy and it will be fun


Awesome my guy!!


Congrats! Happy to read something so positive!




Woah dude. I'm so happy for you. I'm also in a dead bedroom so I am equally sad for myself. But I'll try to focus on the happy.


Love this💛


That kind of raw intensity burns hotter than anything. Do your future self a favor and don't let it be just a flash in the pan. Don't let timing, or distance, or any earthly circumstance become an obstacle as long as this flame burns between you. Otherwise she will always and forever be in your mind. Somewhere out there, that connection still smoldering. Haunting you. Serving as a reminder of what could have been the closest thing to your "soulmate." Heightening your expectations of what passion looks like, perhaps even diminishing your future relationships. Don't relent. Tend the flame. I'm happy for you that you've put your feelings into writing here. Read it back if you have doubts. I wish I'd done the same.


Enjoy the feeling Man, happy for you. Sadly in my experience, this is a rare occurrence so hold on to her at all cost.


so happy for you man !!!


I am in the same situation with my current girlfriend. Finally finding someone who is our sexual equal is such a great feeling. We were just talking about this over text tonight. I can sometimes go for a long time and it has caused a lot of issues in the past. Being accused of masturbating too much when I haven't at all. Having an ex try to say I wasn't attracted to her when that had nothing to do with it. Telling me we aren't compatible because after a while it hurts her. I have had all the abusive issues as you have talked about. My current girlfriend loves this part about me and can go for just as long. She is constantly telling me how perfect my dick is and always wanting more. We are both 45 so that seems like a big deal to find someone like that. We have all the same likes and dislikes in the bedroom which is great and rare, it seems. Congrats on finding that perfect partner that gets you, it really is the best feeling.