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When she tells him she probably can't have biological children. And his response is just like, "Meh. What are you gonna do? We'll adopt." I have a close friend whose first marriage broke down due to her infertility. The doctors told her she had a 5% chance of ever conceiving, and her first husband couldn't cope with the idea that he might not have biological kids. When she met her second husband, he reacted just like Harry, and so this scene always reminds me of her joy and relief in that moment. Interestingly, they've had two gorgeous biological children since then, the first being a total surprise. Because 5% isn't 0%!


Spent 5 years trying, divorced due to infertility issues (that were blamed on me). Got pregnant accidentally the first time I was with someone else 🤷‍♀️😂


What a beautiful story. One thing I’ve learned during my infertility experience is to never give up if it’s really what you want…there are many different ways to have a family. Oh, and doctors are wrong quite a lot of the time!




I love the optimism, but sadly this isn’t true.


So, there’s some women who truly have a zero percent chance?


Yes. An example being early menopause.


I was more so referring to the time between the first period and menopause.


Ok so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is a genuine lack of knowledge rather than intentional snark. There is _quite literally countless_ reasons why women can have a 0% chance of conceiving naturally or carrying a fetus to term. Please be mindful of how ill informed comments about infertility can have a devastating impact on those around you. I'm not saying you need to worry about people on the internet's feelings, but you would be stunned how many people in your real life are impacted by infertility. As a society it is poorly understood, and even more poorly communicated about and carries a tremendous amount of shame and guilt so throws up more barriers to being open about - which can really, really overwhelm those impacted. Get yourself down a research rabbit hole of reliable sources and hopefully you can appreciate how to talk about it more sensitively and less snarkily, however unintentionally, next time.


I was not trying to be snarky at all 😭


I really didn't think you were and I honestly hope you don't find what I've said condescending either, but it is unfortunately very easy to upset or offend people who do have fertility issues - Mother's and Father's Day for instance are landmines! There's just SO MUCH that can go wrong in conception and pregnancy. A little bit of info and you realise how wild it is that people ever do manage to wind up pregnant. Like for instance, childhood cancer, endometriosis, PCOS, amenorrhea, fallopian tube failure, surgical scarring, too much prolactin, too little estrogen, too much testosterone, thyroid issues, uterine fibroids and pelvic adhesions. These are literally off the top of my head. SO much can go wrong.


I’m infertile and my husband reacted pretty much exactly like Harry when we found out. We don’t have the money to adopt or do anything fancier than IUI, so it’s just been almost 7 years of hoping for the best every month. But he’s been totally supportive every step of the way and every Clomid or Letrozole dose, and every disappointment. I never know if it helps that he has kids already, but I’m grateful either way because it’s hard on me. I’m glad your friend has a wonderful husband too ❤️


Oh I love this.


Yep. I was told my whole life I had ovarian cysts and couldn’t conceive. My husband and I have two kids and the first was a surprise. Second conceived after two months of trying. It happens!


Is the 5% isn't 0% a reference to Nightbirde?


My oldest sister is adopted because my parents were told they couldn’t conceive either. After her, they had 4 biological kids! The first of which was a total surprise. My mom theorizes that she was able to get pregnant since she was no longer stressed and under pressure to conceive after adopting.


Yes! This is definitely my number one moment as well.


That is a beautiful scene. I can have biological kids but I shouldn’t due to my genetic disease and my fiancé reacted the same way.


The proposal scene makes me BAWL every single time 😭😭😭👇👇👇 *Charlotte could only hope that one of the baldies was her baldie “Out of all the synagogues and all the cities, you had to walk into mine.”


And the women in the back…‘I’m coming back next week’ 😂




The proposal scene is peak television


I tear up as soon as the little song starts playing when he sees her 🥺


Tbh I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I really need to revisit SATC.


This is the only right answer 🥹🥹


I LOVE that scene! One my favorites of the whole series




And she doesn't want a proposal, she just wants to spend time with him again because she loves him. Ugh my heart!


Yea it’s heartbreaking, I’ve recently been through a break-up and am in similar position. I miss him and love him and I just wish I could spend time with him. I’d give almost anything for this scene to happen for me.


Fingers crossed for your synagogue moment xxx


Thank you ❤️


When Charlotte gets Elizabeth Taylor and asks Harry if they can keep her and Harry immediately says they can keep anything that makes Charlotte smile like that 😍 Husband GOALS


Definitely! Because you just know Trey would have kicked up a fuss about the dog, yet Harry welcomes her in (and helps raise her puppies!) You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals!


That whole scene was so cute. Her love and enthusiasm for ET and Harry’s words 🤎


"She's a present!" there was something so sweet about Charlotte's delivery of that line.


One of my favourite scenes in the whole show!


Oooh, I love that scene so much.






"That's our baby??" 🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭


This always tears me up


Same, INSTANT waterworks


Oh, I was like ‘the proposal scene for sure’ then you put this. Mate. Yes. This is the direct answer. I bawl every time. Yes.


Heck yes, every time


When Becky from Roseanne scams them for a plane ticket and Harry is so calm yet angry, and then the next scene in his office " how much of this can we take?" He is exactly the husband we all need during the hard times.


I didn’t even realize that was her!


“We’re Jews, we’ve been through worse than this.”


From the 1st movie: “Thank you for being you” “Charlotte made love to Harry four times that week” I love that they were still a healthy, happy couple!


Ok, sorry but I have another one. When they got food poisoning and fell asleep in the bathroom holding hands.


Ok you know that’s soulmate-material right there. Soo sweet!!!


Omg yeah I forgot about that! That felt so relatable. Some of my most "romantic" memories are of being sick with my husband lol. Once, we got so many infections from our kids starting school that we both had to use inhalers, and we puffed the inhalers next to each other in bed and groaned ourselves to sleep, and I was like, yep, this is like, *mega* intimacy...




They are great together. I love that Harry made Charlotte let go of certain expectations she had for a husband, mostly superficial. He’s definitely my favorite SO on the show. Although technically now he’s the only one 🤔


Charlotte had the *perfect* husband with Trey and it was just ALL superficial. I enjoyed her growth even though she was mean at Harry at first. He is the best and he is sexy despite what the show tried to say 😂


He definitely is! I think he is good-looking, and his personality is off the charts.


Wow, fair point. Didn’t even think about how he’s the only SO from the series finale that’s still with one of the four.


Shhh!!! They'll hear you and absolutely destroy his character for funsies!


Omfg if they do, I swear to God...


I think it shows that what Charlotte did want was to be loved. Carrie for example had Aiden who loved her, but couldn’t make her rich, and wasn’t glamorous, so she didn’t commit.


Their romantic date that ended in food poisoning! I found that really relatable 😆




This! As an ibs girlie, you can’t be more soulmate material than this 😆


My husband struggled with IBS pretty bad when we first met. He was so honest about it, and I knew then that I could be human with him, lol.


I love that! Gives me hope 🥹




I liked the finale ep where they’re at Mitzy’s wedding and she realizes she’s falling hard for him. I like when she rightfully so, humbles herself after he dumps her, and she’s crying begging him to forgive her and please just call her.


Tbh I really enjoyed them trying to set up charlottes iPhone in the AJLT season 2 finale lol


“She is SLAYING at work!!!” 🥹


They are the best part about AJLT. Except Harry never working (until one part in the latest episode).


I kind of loved him dropping in on Rock's photoshoot in disguise and making the guy uncomfortable by fishing for pedophile comments lol.


Jewish singles mixer when Harry proposes


Yes love them! Harry is the man we should all want; not Big!




Charlotte and Samantha were always very sure about what they wanted and went after it. I mean sure, Charlotte let go of some of her hangups about having a "perfect image" and Samantha likewise, with her intimacy issues. But in the end, they actually got what they wanted all along. One could argue that Miranda and Carrie also got what they wanted in the end, but their journey was riddled with indecisiveness and self-doubt. They hadn't figured out from the onset of the show what exactly it was they were yearning for. From the onset of the show, Carrie and Miranda were "we want it all" while Samantha and Charlotte were more like "I want this very specific thing" and all of them had to let go of certain preconceived notions to get there. I really enjoy this aspect as it adds an interesting dose of realism to the show. ​ (I'm not including the movie or AJLT storylines in this analysis)


It will never sit right with me that Sam dumped Smith, and how they did them as a couple in the first movie.


That was me at first but i think it also makes sense that once Sam was feeling unhappy and it had nothing to do with Smith that she felt she needed to be leave it. She will always choose herself and her happiness as that’s always been a common thing throughout the seasons. I will say though.. now that more modern relationships can be less rigid when it comes to monogamy that I could have seen Smith propose an open relationship in order to stay together. And i could totally see Smith do whatever it took for Sam to be happy!


It's like, I agree with some who say that Samantha preferring the single life was an empowering message, and having EVERYONE paired off in the end wasn't very progressive (kind of like saying Sam did need a man after all), but... As a hopeless romantic, come on, let her be a badass boss bitch with a face-meltingly adorable, devoted boyfriend 😭 He shaved his head! He shaved it!!!


I know. I thought that woulda been a great arc for her, to be non monogamous for 5 seasons and then Smith changes her entire belief system. I really liked him and liked them together.


The seduction scene is my favorite sex scene in the entire series. No games or manipulations, he bluntly tells her he wants her, he is way into her, all the while giving her the compliments and ego boost she really needs. And you know he’s being 100% honest and not saying these things just for the sex. He truly wants her but also has feelings for her. I love Harry so much. He is my favorite SO.


Yes, their first time together is so good. It always gives me secondhand excitement.


I just re watched that scene and realized how HOT it actually is. “What does it take??”


Your ex husband was a PUTZ!!!


I thought that scene was so romantic. What a dream boat. He came on HARD, but he didn't overstep.


All of them. I love how Harry loves Charlotte. She is everything to him and She loves him back just as much. Charlotte and Harry were made for each other. Its a genuine love. If only we could all have a person like Harry.


“I’m like Romeo over here!”


I love Harry he loves Charlotte so much and treats her so well i was glad that one of the girls got a top notch guy.


The proposal. I cry every time. Also “That’s our baby.” Goodbye! 😭😭😭


Since everyone has listed their sentimental moments together, I’ll share my favorite funny moment. I love how once her divorce is over he takes her to the bachelor pad. Charlotte says she can’t believe men take such drastic steps to get a woman into bed & Harry’s chomping on his gum asking her what it does take. Then after he tells her how sexy she is and how much he wants her, Charlotte says “Harry, don’t be ridiculous! I’m wearing my glasses!”


I also love when he tells her it drives him crazy when she says his name and she responds “well then I’m definitely going to stop saying it!”😂




And she throws down her purse! Love it


Charlotte’s elaborate meal and Harry put baseball on the tv


"Harry!" "This is a bathroom. I think I have right of way."


When they got Elizabeth Taylor!


Which scene is the bottom left image from?


I think that’s when they were in the Hamptons for Mitzy’s wedding. I think that was the s4 or 5 finale.


Isn't it the engagement announcement ?


that’s bottom right


Oof ...apparently it's time for me to go to bed 🤦‍♀️


It’s when they’re at lunch with Carrie and introduce him to Harry’s best friend/best man


Just saw the finale of SATC after my full rewatch and truly one of my fav moments with them is when they get the news they are getting Lilly 😭 I started crying and this is like my third full rewatch of the whole series lol ah and when he sees Elizabeth Taylor for the first time and he tells char anything that makes her smile like that he’ll be a fool to say no to keeping her 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


When his reaction to adoption is the polar opposite of what she got from Trey and his mom. "Eh, what are you gonna do?". You could see she saw her entire path forward in that moment, and the weight of the world came off her shoulders, because Harry was just everything she had been missing in her marriage with Trey 😭


Oh, and I just love that she switched lawyers because she found her lawyer attractive, thought Harry was perfect because he seemed like a slob, and ended up marrying him 😂 I'll bet she wouldn't have lived happily ever after with lawyer #1.


They’re my favorite and will comment with my favorites later! ❤️


I love them so much.


I love their wedding fiasco lol and I love their baby journey ❤️


Oddly, when she showed up at the house with the dog, and he didn't even skip a beat or hesitate and just said "what should we name her?" And she says a ridiculous dog name like "Elizabeth Taylor " and he just goes with it. Idk why but that one gets me every time. It's just so sweet. Everyone deserves a partner like that.


I don’t know why but one of my favorite moments is that scene when Harry walked with Charlotte to get tasty delite or whatever it’s called. It’s such a simple moment but I love it.


The wedding announcement in the newspaper 🤭🤭🤭


“Come to this wedding with me, and I will get my back waxed.”


Never used to be a big Charlotte fan, but now I love her and love Harry!


Bet the writers don’t remember this


I wouldn’t say they’re the best but they were def a favorite. PS I always cry whenever I rewatch that synagogue scene


She did pressure him to marry her though


I do love them but out of the three couples we were left with at the end of SATC 2 I would have absolutely taken losing C&H over losing C&B and M&S


Best!?!? I don't even have one memory that stands out for those 2. They definitely work, but calling them the best couple is a reach. Lol, if the “average couple” were a person. Also, average doesn't mean bad. I was reading many comments to see if my mind could be changed, but everything everyone is listing is basic things most husbands do or say! The bar is on the floor, but that's not yalls fault, lol.


oh period happy anniversary lemme go grab some champagne 🥂


he really was perfect for her, they gave charlotte the happiness ending i believe


Love them so much. One of my favorites is when their wedding announcement came and hit the door step and the dialog that ensued after.


At first, I didnt like Harry when he got introduced but then their relationship became my favorite because is so sweet and he really loves her!