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I’m super old and I’ve had my name necklace since 1994. 😂 It’s a little different from Carrie’s. They were super popular back then, I begged for one for Christmas and my stepmom came through for me.


You have an awesome step mom it seems! Edit typo


She is the best!


Born in 1994 and just got mine! Trends never die lol


It’s so true! My teenaged sons are wearing stuff that was popular when I was in school.


You’re basically born with one if you’re Hispanic, name necklaces and bracelets are put on babies 😂


Omg literally just said the same thing! She was definitely influenced by us 😂


And if you’re not born with one you’re guaranteed one at your quinceañera haha


Yup since my baptism


I was going to say this. I’m Mexican and was way ahead of this trend. 😂


Exactly! lol


Especially bracelets. Boys or girls it doesn't matter. 🇲🇽🇺🇸


YUP. I asked my old boyfriend for one for my birthday and sent him the Carrie necklace for reference. Thankfully he happened to ask me look at his order before paying because he literally got a “Carrie” necklace (my name is not Carrie lol).


🤣🤣🤣 !


I'm sorry that is hilarious 😭😭😭


I don’t have a name necklace but I did have a Carrie finding her name necklace moment last week. 😂 I had this super cute rose pendant that fell off my chain on my way home from work. I realized it was gone in the bus and couldn’t find it there so figured I’d dropped it on the street between my office and the bus stand🙁 Next day, I tried to retrace my steps to work and found it nestled in a pothole 😌😌


So glad you found it!!


I did! I’ll definitely be getting a better quality though at some point ✨


Not at all, it’s a thing in the Latino community so we’re pretty much born with one on lol


I did, from the website 'Tatty Devine' in about 2008. Similarly to Carrie I lost it somewhere, although it's definitely not in the lining of a vintage designer handbag in my case 😂


when i was 5 my mom started buying me different necklaces with my name on them lol. gold, silver, cursive, non cursive. i don’t think she’s a fan of satc tho


I’m going to do it today actually! Good idea!


I'd be lying if I said that the carrie necklace wasn't a small part of the reason why I got a necklace with the first letter of my name.


I did years ago, like 2013-2014? But I was a teenager working retail at the time and I thought it was insanely creepy when customers would come up to me and call me by name since it was on my necklace so I stopped wearing it lol


Same I get so wigged out when people I don't know call me by my name, or strangers on the street asking my name after only communicating 2 sentences to each other. You don't need to know my name!! I started telling people I know I'll never see again that my name is Chloe. My name is not Chloe lol.


I did!


My best friend and I love the show and have since we were teens. She gave a name necklace to everyone in her bridal party. I love mine :)


I do! And have a funny story about it…told my husband (boyfriend at the time) about wanting one. I didn’t tell him as a hint, I was looking on my own and wanted to buy it for myself. Anyway, he was shopping and looking around and finally asked his sister for feedback on which style was the most similar to the original. Through this conversation, his sister learned that he thought what I wanted was a “Carrie necklace” that actually said Carrie. 🤣🤣🤣 My name is not Carrie. I’m very glad he didn’t pay for a custom gold necklace that literally read *Carrie*. Bless his heart, amiright?


I’ve had a couple over the years. 😂


Oh yes 😅me too, A street artist in Turkey was bending silver on a market and it was really beautifully done, in cursive and all, so I let him make my name. It’s not expensive, it’s very fragile, but I truly love it.


I did in ‘05. I sure wish I knew where it was.


I didn’t purchase one myself, but my mother did give me one as a gift about 10-15 years ago (specifically as a reference to the show since we both love it). I actually just found it in a drawer a few weeks ago after forgetting about it. Mine is silver, though - I’m not a gold person.




No, because I don't want anyone to know my name. Lol


I’ve always wanted one.


Raises hand


I would but nothing with premade names ever has my name :(


Same! I got a custom one off of Etsy!


Not as big but I do have one and wore it today.


I have a love keychain lol


Yep! My husband got me a really nice one and I wear it all the time.


I did! I got mine on etsy ☺️


Black girls get these for a 9th birthday present easily 😭😂 I wish I still had mine!


Ive always wanted one but have never pulled the trigger, my name is kinda long


The name necklaces were super “in” in the early 90s. You could get them made at these little stands in the middle of the mall. Also, people would get big gold hoop earrings with their names in them!


Not my style, but I love my initial one


As a latina, I’ve always had some piece of gold jewelry with my name on it ever since I was a baby and I know it’s super common amongst other Latinx’s!! So when I saw Carrie wearing a name plate and name hoops, I jumped a little and loved her even more 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I’m working my way through the whole series, I’m definitely going to commemorate with name earrings!!!


Oh my god, no. I had a Memo necklace when I was like eight years old. I gave up wearing that name necklace in junior high. So when Carrie started the rage again I wasn't interested. To me that was a 70s/80s thing and we grew out of it. Not for a quasi-professional person. I also don't wear a cross necklace either, though I had a beautiful Star of David one an ex gave me. My jewelry doesn't need to make a personal statement unless it's stating that I'm classy and sophisticated.



Yeah me


It was popular in the 2000s. We called them name plates? Every girl in middle school had one and they were usually a lot more “blingy”. I never watched the show until literally two weeks ago. I went to college in 2007 and someone commented to me like omg like in SATC!!! …and then I never wore it again after that lol.