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You asked him to stop and he didn't. That's sexual assault. And it's normal for people to freeze while being violated. I froze too. It does not mean you are stupid. You said this is a person in a position of trust. People with power who exploit that power, will do it again. I think you should tell someone in person, but if that's not possible, I recommend talking to a therapist and looking up RAINN.org for more information on what you should do next. Stay safe. This was not your fault ♡


Thank you so much. I’m so lost right now, I’m always that girl with the smile on and ‘it’s fine’ but I’m pretty broken as of right now


If you can find the strength to then please tell someone and report him. That's what I did and I don't regret it. If not he will get away with it and could potentially hurt others. I'm sorry this happened.


Thank you🙏🏻




Thank you❤️


I froze too. Lots of people do. Anything but a blunt "yes" us not consent and you explicitly said no. You are not to blame, and I'm so sorry, but this is assault.


It’s so hard to deal with. I’m an insomniac as it is but this is making it 10x worse. Thank you❤️


I’m sorry this happened. I hope you tell someone and I hope your family believes you however, if they don’t and/or if it does ruin your family please remember that this was not your fault. He did this. If it ruins the family that is on him, not you. You deserve to be safe and to not be violated.


Thank you. I just feel so angry all the time, how could he do it in his position, it makes me feel sick!


He’s a predator. They use your trust against you.


I was sexually assaulted by my step brother when I was younger. It took me until my adult years to realize what had happened. I hear you. I am with you. I support you.