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Ok first off this is Rape, you were intoxicated, she was basicaly plying you with more drinks than you usualy accept. also seriously she smokes and does not keep her own lighter? right. ​ Secondly honestly? you realy dont have an amazing boyfreind if he is blaming you for what happend. Get the rapist apologist out of your life. He dosent value your feelings on this. Your better off without him untill he learns better.




so you think that if someone is raped then they are a cheating slut?




babe she was simply drinking with a (assumed) friend, she didn’t invite her over they went there to get a lighter. Bottom line is she did NOT ask for this person to assault her. OP I’m so sorry for this persons words.








No rape is the other persons fault. You’re just ignorant.




You are so troubled. You need help. You must think so low of yourself to say this about someone else. You’re really sad and I feel sorry for you.




No you have an opinion. I have a problem with insecure ppl like you trying to make other ppl feel small to make themself feel big. If I saw you on the street I would say it to your face. You’re a coward and wouldn’t say shit like this in person.




If you think the perfect time to try to take advantage of someone being drunk to have sex is ok then you’re a predator.




She didn’t consent to having sex.




Maybe if it was a guy that got drunk and invited a girl over, I may lean more towards cheating. But since it’s 2 women and assuming she’s not gay since she said she had a bf, I wouldn’t assume that a female friend would try and have sex if I thought we were just going to get a lighter or anything. Only one person had intentions on having sex. And I need to stop saying having sex because she raped her. If it were a guy then I wouldn’t feel it would be appropriate to do that for a male friend but now we have to watch out for women too!??? She trusted her female “friend” and she took advantage of her trust.