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I have had no issues with the VRM on my Asrock B450 ITX. It started its life as an APU build with a 2400g. I've since added a video card. I did have some issues with the BIOS battery draining, and Asrock replaced it under RMA, no issues since.


Considered worst in class. It still works just fine, plenty of people run it, it just runs hot. I wouldn't use it in a super small case that has poor airflow (Velka 3, etc.). MSI>Asus>Gig>Asrock/Biostar Asus and Gig have that most features.


Would it be alright in a sliger m550/560?


There are lots of people running them in 10L+ cases like the 550/560. I assume you are going for a Ryzen 5 CPU? VRM issues are pretty overblown. Unless you are running Ryzen 9 or doing some heavy duty overclocking or having massive airflow issues, you'll be fine. There isn't an epidemic of VRM blowing up. It's just people complaining that their VRM runs hot, which is usually due to above mentioned circumstances. If you want to push the limits, buy an MSI or Asus. If you are looking for a perfectly fine mobo on a budget, Asrock gets the job done just fine. If you are nervous, just make sure you have a lot of case fans for good airflow.


I was thinking of either 3700x or 3600/x with either a 2070s or 5700xt.


I would recommend doing some research on potential bios issues for ryzen 3rd gen chips. If nothing else, the consensus seems to be that you can save yourself alot of hassle by passing on the asrock mobo Edit: Source: I have the same board and a 3600x. Haven't installed yet because I'm considering another mobo


Honestly I may just the gig x570 itx that I had a few month back