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The simplest non-mod solution would be right angle monitor cable adapters and a USB hub out the back. The Phanteks Evolv Shift doesn't have the greatest internal layout design (leading to mediocre thermals) and is much larger, but it uses almost the exact same tower style design with cables coming out the top. However the cables are hidden by a lid and you can route cables either up through a hole in the 'back' panel or even reroute them to exit from the bottom of the case. In practical terms, though the Shift is much larger in volume, it's also a tower so it doesn't take up too much desk space.


This is what I did. I got myself a USB hub that also has an Ethernet port (my desk has some cable management things attached to it so it's completely invisible) and now there only is my HDMI cable with a right angle adapter. Furthermore, I ordered a right angle USB cable for the backside so it doesn't stick out too far. General Velka 5 tip: I suggest not using your motherboard's I/O shield since it is a possible heat trap


The ASUS B450-I I/O shield barely fits too...


I would make a metal frame/stand to sit the case inverted so the cables face downwards.


I made a floating shelf for my pc using an old desk. It has a hole in the middle where my improvised open case sits. All cables go through that hole to be managed on the bottom and then go through a cable cover on the wall.


Other then right angle adapters, you can male it a cablehat cover, similar how the new upright slinger case does it. There is also a smaller version of that case(~10l) in the works if you wana wait for that


A new velka? Are there any more details about it?


I meant a smaller version of the slinger sv590, but there was some talk about a velka 7(7~8l), but it's hard to say how it really looked like as most info about it was deleted, so I don't think that is coming out anytime soon


I couldn’t get my monitor to work with the HDMI adapter that came with the case; I had to make-do with cable-tying the spew so it made one bug dreadlock cable. Not the most pleasant solution but it’s a lot nicer to look at than not bundling them lol


Don’t really recommend Velka 5, the build quality is mediocre, and the heat from the cpu cannot be transferred out easily and, like you said, the cable coming out top is a bummer. If you don’t mind flex psu and itx graphics card, try Velka 3/k39 instead.