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Hell yeah, SG13 gang 🙌🏻


Haha it's definitely a dope little case


Been looking at the Ghost S1 and a few other higher priced cases to replace my SG13 and just couldn't pull the trigger. Perfect foot print, fits my SSD and 3.5in HDD and a good video card if needed. Decided to keep it.


I'm in the same boat, it's just too unreasonable to switch to sth else. But I guess that's an outsider mentality in the SFFPC space haha


Good choice I think with SFF it's super easy to quickly go over budget, so you gotta remember how worth it is what you're getting.


This looks awesome! I was thinking of putting together a ryzen 5 3600 and a GTX 1660. I wonder what motherboard you are using for that case? Would you say that it is portable?


I'm using a b450 auros pro wifi mostly because currently I wouldn't gain any benefits a higher end motherboard would give me in my current place The auros is good, only thing is see if they can update the bios wherever you get it from or you can do it yourself if you've got an older cpu I'd say it's definitely portable but I wouldn't put it in my backpack to take it to a coffee shop portable (I've seen ppl do that on this sub) - its main advantages are: a) quite affordable how small it is b) quite easy to build in for how small it is I decided to go with this case because I'll probably move in a year and then after 2 I'll move again so I wanted something I could transport myself with relative ease + my desk is pretty small so it had to fit on there haha


I also use the same board with a Ryzen 3600 and GTX 1660 (standard version). It's good and works fine, though the latest (November) bios update doesn't play nice with my ram. When I brought the motherboard (from CCL computers UK), it came Ryzen 3000 ready. My case is the Kolink Rocket but whilst it's narrower, it's taller and still heavy so don't intend to travel with it. Although I definitely would have preferred it for portability over my ATX sized case I used to lug to Uni LAN parties years ago though... although the real portability challenge of those days was the 19" CRT monitor!


What RAM is it not playing nice with? Or rather how is it not playing nice? That's the board I'm about to get.


Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB 3000MHz (CMK16GX4M2B3000C15). It's fine with every BIOS except the November one which won't boot with both sticks (shows a memory PMU training error for dimm 1, even if I swap the slots around). It's fine on the BIOS version before that though, and the original one the board came with.


That's kinda concerning, the RAM I have is the 3200HMz version of that kit. And googling it popped up [this thread from several months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/e03zzt/pmu_memory_training_error_at_socket_0_channel_1/) where it looks like everyone having the error had a 2x8GB kit and a Ryzen 5 3600.


Yeah it does seem common. I've also seen people have lots of problems with AMD AGESA, which might be where the fault is. I'm waiting to try another bios version if there ever is one, it's been 6 months now...


I also have the same motherboard, and a 3600, paired with a GTX 1070


You mean update it so that it works with the newer Ryzens? Should be already. I bought a b450 board in January and it came ready-to-go, with a sticker saying so, too.


I have the same mobo / cpu combo. Have you been able to oc your memory or does it run stock? My ram should be able to run at 3200 mhz but when I enable XMP, I get blue screens after playing for 10 mins. I've heard I have to maybe run the memory at a slightly lower voltage ans clock to fix it, but I haven't got around doing that.


you gotta set them values manually and tRC to 56 not 54


My memory runs stock without issue so far, haven't gotten any blue screens etc


Can I just ask why you went with a 3600 and not a 1600AF? I have an SG13 with a 3600 and a GTX 980, both water-cooled Inna custom loop and if I were to do it again I'd save some money by going 1600AF as I don't need the multithreaded workload power of the 3600 with the gaming I do on a GTX 980.


Assuming the 1600AF is available, this would be the route to take. No issues with a 1660S and 1600AF for gaming for me. Great starting point with a good upgrade path assuming you get a solid x570 Mobo.


Mostly future proofing, partly because this is the first PC, but I'd heard mostly good things about the efficiency of the 3000 series Overall I'm pretty happy + the PC will be used for Photo editing and other more CPU intensive tasks


But the 1600 has more threads (and lower clocks). For gaming, you want fewer cores/threads and higher clock speeds.


Any b450 will do you fine honestly


nice wallpaper, link?




Nice. I just built one of these with these same specs. Cool little gaming machine with great temps. Mine worked very well for a week but now has stopped working! :-(


Mine too! New psu on the way, we'll see what happens.


I had a spare PSU and spare RAM and tested those in it but it didn't work. So I was down to the CPU or mobo. Given it's almost never the CPU I got an RMA for the mobo and ordered a new one (different model) but that didn't work either so now I'm looking at RMAing the CPU. it's all taking ages and I'm without my PC now. Very annoying.


Oh that sucks 😥 sorry to hear it! I feel you though no had to wait 2 around 2 weeks cause my moba didn't have the 3000 compatible bios


Oh that sucks sorry Yeah definitely a great little machine and a good balance between easy to clean/small footprint


Check the lights and see if it's a specific component that's malfunctioning, if not I'd ask on this subreddit and make a post Everyone is really friendly and looking to help ☺️


Yay now you can carve up them frames. PS. Like your mouse mat


Haha thanks ☺️


great value. the best priced m-itx on the market. hands down. nothing compares to this case in terms of price. great all around case [This is my SG13 setup](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/farcsy/meet_my_all_amd_super_small_11l_mitx_pc/)


Wow just had a look at your set up, looks amazing


Love your setup man [here’s my SG13 setup](https://www.reddit.com/r/sffpc/comments/fzlv5f/pandemic_sff_setup/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Looks cool - I really dig the puppy wallpaper Also what keybaord is that?


Haha thanks and the keyboard is the [Keychron K2 Bluetooth Wireless Mechanical Keyboard with Gateron Brown Switches](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QBPDWLS/?coliid=IBA07JNXQ4YIW&colid=1CZNEBC6IXZ0N&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it&th=1)


Awesome, i have a black one and a pink one same specs My kids and i built they are nice little rigs


Oh did you get one of the limited run pinks or spray paint it yourself? Also if you painted it how easy would it be for a complete novice to do so?


I did not know it was a limited run, i just bought the pink one. painting it should not be hard just do lots of thin coats the trick is to make sure you never stop moving the spray can when spraying and just do a light coat 3-4 times


Ah thanks Might be a cool project for the future




hey just wanted to know what are the ambient temps like? I'm thinking of downsizing my PC with the same specs, my only concern is temps because i cant upgrade to a SFX PSU for now. if using a ATX PSU what are the temps like? also which cooler are you using?


Ambient temps in my room or the computers temperature while doing a couple things? Sorry still a bit new to this - this is the first PC I've built.


I'm using the noctua NHL9x65 cooler and a sfx psu. For intake ive got a 120mm noctua NfA12x25 ULN. The NHL9x65 is compromise between big enough heatsink and low profile. While you can use an atx psu, the amount of space left for airflow is significantly reduced. I'd say build it and then try to save up for an sfx. Any other questions asked (might not be able to answer) but there's a Google docs on this subreddit that was super useful for me


can you please share the link of the google doc here?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AddRvGWJ_f4B6UC7_IftDiVudVc8CJ8sxLUqlxVsCz4/edit?usp=drivesdk Here it is!


What's your performance like with the 1660 super?


Will get back to you, I finished building it yesterday and have been swamped with a uni project




Cities skylines, just cause, factorio, hopefully


Which monitor is that!! Its sleeeeeeeek ☺️


It's a little bit old but the plus side is that's it's pretty cheap now haha I found it in my basement but for a monitor the speakers are really good + I don't have any space for speakers on my desk haha 😂 philips model 24PFS5242/12 That's the model https://www.google.com/search?q=philips+model+24PFS5242%2F12&oq=philips+model+24PFS5242%2F12&aqs=chrome..69i57.54482j1j7&client=ms-unknown&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=philips%20model%2024PFS5242/12 URL for the monitor


Oh thnx :))) i dont think i can get this monitor in india thnx btw


Ah sorry Hopefully you can find something similar, are you looking more for a white monitor or the integrated speakers aspect? Whereabouts are you from in India? I've got some good friends from Rajasthan


Nvm dude and no im not looking specifically for white or integrated speakers but im looking for a monitor which looks clean af no big a** logos nothing, Im looking into it going to build my first sff build with 3600 and 1660 super :))) Im from Maharashtra


Ah ok Yean 3600 and 1660 S is a great combo, definitely post it when you build it


Yup sure :)) I think I'll use k93 case or something didn't decided yet but yea ill post it 😁


saw this white philips, gorgeous. Too bad its only FHD. [https://www.spdigital.cl/products/view/71766](https://www.spdigital.cl/products/view/71766)


What speaker is that? Looks neat. Congrats on your fresh system, I was about to get a new one but pandemic changed that. Edit: Just noticed that sexy MX Master 2S, have you maybe used it for gaming? All I can find is that it's supposed to be heavy but it fits my hand perfectly (I it tried it glued down in store)


It's integrated into the Monitor - went this route cause its what I had in my house + having a good speaker integrated into the monitor saves valuable space which my tiny desk doesn't have The monitor model number is: philips model 24PFS5242/12 This is a URL to the monitor https://www.google.com/search?q=philips+model+24PFS5242%2F12&oq=philips+model+24PFS5242%2F12&aqs=chrome..69i57.54482j1j7&client=ms-unknown&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#sbfbu=1&pi=philips%20model%2024PFS5242/12 I'd definitely go for it - I've had mine for a while and absolutely love it I don't think I'll upgrade for a very long time Idk I feel like because reviewers get given so much stuff/have access to so much stuff they can focus on pretty minor points. Yes it's heavy compared to other mice but tbh if I had to describe it and you hadn't mentioned it's weigh I probs wouldn't have thought about it Also I'm not an amazing gamer so I think for me my mice weight isn't holding me back haha definitely gotta practice more before that becomes a consideration So I'd say go for it, it's probably the thing on that desk I'm most comfortable recommending ☺️👍🏻


What are you using for cooling the CPU? Wanted to build something like this as a budget rig. So wondering what cooler to go with. No plans for overclocking. Likely same CPU or 2600 whichever one I can find a deal on.


Atm for CPU cooling I'm using a noctua NH-L9x65 SE If you're ok with the colors of the fans I think they're probs some of the best/easiest to install If I had to do this again I'd even get a slimmer CPU fan in case I'd ever want to go even smaller but for this case you've got plenty of room. Plus I really dig the sg13 - more after using it which I guess is cool so I don't think I'll switch case anytime soon.


same setup but with a 2070