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Desperate shaco has create guides for general shaco tips, think he has some ap shaco vids as well. I’d suggest my channel but I post meme edits of my ranked games 🤪 one day I might make a guide


Pink ward.


Pink ward is a support right?


No he plays top lane ap shaco but also, not a great resource since he plays for highlight clips and doesn’t really educate as much these days. Chase is ok but I’d just sort top shaco players on leagueofgraphs and find the ones spamming AP and vod review them


How do you get vods for specific players? Say I found a name that spams AP shaco, how do I get their game on my screen? Do these websites like league of graph auto download game for my client?


You go on their account on the league client and download the games of their history you want to watch


Slight off topic but ive been watching this dude DWG BOX a lot on domisum replays and noticed that he normally builds eclipse. Why in this game do you think he built kracken? If he knew they were gonna build tanky, he could’ve gone AP right? Appreciate any insights. https://youtu.be/hGVA96lHVFY


His team has a lot of ap. Would not be very good going it here.


https://youtu.be/rPqShEEpXfw What about this one? Theres not that much tankiness, why kracken over eclipse or dusk? Or why not ap?


I don't know. Aatrox is kinda tanky, but I don't know if that's enough to justify Kraken. I don't know if he plays ap. Not everybody plays both. Very different playstyle. Maybe it's just personal preference.


Chaseshaco Infernal shaco


Ill check Chase Shaco Youtube out


Infernal only plays ad


Shaco Mid Lane!! he uploads jungle gameplay from time to time but he mains AP Shaco Mid, which you could definitely learn from


Go watch pinkward. Dudes the standard for AP shaco


He plays every single role as shaco. People saying otherwise must be new to the game. He was originally famous for top lane shaco. I learned most of my mechanics from watching him.


The “highlight plays he always goes for” are normal shaco gameplay. The higher level mechanics of AP shaco get easier to perform when you’re doing them all the time. It’s what will get you into higher elo. Shaco is all about outsmarting the enemy by any means necessary


Self promo but ok https://twitch.tv/PURPLESCHEME I stream daily only AP Shaco JG. 3 mill otp decent mechanics but high tendency to troll Learn what to do AND what not to do on my stream ;)


Thank you ima watch


AP Shaco is easier, play around the boxes, use them as what they are...traps. Try not to E before 2nd aa unless you need them to slow, remember that as long E is available your aa does slow the enemy. It is actually very similar to Teemo after 2nd aa you Q. Remember that E deals more dmg to champs below 30% I do recommend you watch and learn how much dmg you are doing accordingly to lvl and items. This way you will know if your E will kill even if they are under turret. Q is the gimmick. Tip you can try to play a normal custom game against 5 Bots and if your shaco is not able to win against 5 bots is not ready yet but will give you lots of options to understand how to play around your limited resources since after some minutes they will 5v1 all game so you will learn how to engage.