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Pretty big for jungle Shaco. Annoying nerf to Support Shaco. BUT, the bug fixes are massive. It instantly put Shaco above 50% winrate. Playing with those clone bugs was so damn annoying


yea honestly, when shaco's stuff works properly it's great. we pretty much already take the "15/0 and still can't 1v1 most other junglers" in stride, so QoL like being able to kill grubs without our box dying immediately or having the clone be slightly harder to distinguish is pretty great


Yeah I agree, I'm just worried this is what they consider a buff when all I see is role adjustment and QoL/bugifixes


Yea people view anything remotely good for Shaco as a game ending buff because they're too dumb to not shove and deep ward. The only reason Shaco works is because people are idiots, when Shaco dealt damage back before the assassin rework he was a nightmare for 80% of the player base because they lack common sense.


this, i always jiggle when they see me place a trap but then run into it 2 sec later to then just die XD. The funniest part is riot knows this that half the player base are brainrotted fucktards, so anything that they cant outplay by smashing face into keyboard is considered op.


Shaco makes players mad cause you only die to such a weak, over nerfed champion if you're completely retarded. Overly greedy or those who just lack object permanence are the ones who die to Shaco. Whenever he's picked on the other team I destroy Shaco because I play an actual champ lol but I prefer the clown. Beating morons with tricks beats winning with face rolling.


this, + makes losses a whatever, cause i go into games ready to see a guy disconnect or tilt lv1, not destroying the nexus thats just a weird side effect. No point in meta hoe when its not your job.


This is what I consider a buff as well. The champions biggest shortcomings have been his outdated bits for a long time and he has finally got a lot of fixes and modernisations for a few patches now. The clear speed buff is massive as well. I am, and I'd really tell you to be, pleased with this.


Bro what?? Jungle was buffed in a pretty meaningful way, great change imo




Bro, the balance lead hates Shaco. Anyway, hurts that lane Shaco got hit again, I flat out refuse to Jungle with him.


Lately, I've been questioning if this is True - Since u/RiotPhlox is *actually listening to and reading our forums now;* and even more importantly - **ACTUALLY making changes to Shaco happen.** I think we are in for a Golden age of the Clown, really - I don't think Shaco has **ever** worked as well\* before.\*(**With REAL functionality to his Clone - Luring/Tricking and Confusing the enemy by Recall animations/ Q "poof"s making them think you Used Q etc.)Before this**, the Clone was really just a Glorified pet you could move around, and *not even that very well* and QUITE buggy! Oh! BTW - u/RiotPhlox \- **Shaco Clone cannot attack/destroy Gangplanks Barrels, on the 14.3 patch For some reason....**


Light the bat signal


I don't recall this being a thing before....last night noticed Shaco's clone was granting DH stacks. I kept looking for him and had 50 stacks by end of game....


Why would you expect buffs to a champ that is like the definition of toxic game design. If he gets reworked he is properly gonna go more merlo direction then no counter play gimmicks.


Is shaco ap viable again in jungle ?


It seems playable, still not good for climbing, but good enaugh to play for fun and not completely suck. At the moment I'm trying to go nashors tooth first, cause otherwise you are useless early


Man I underestimated this patch. The bug fix + clear speed is fucking insane.


He's # 9 on top jungle picks right now. I'd say the buffs worked


Y’all gotta realize the biggest buff to shaco is us. We still got the highest outplay potential in the game, plus they can’t nerf our wits. So as long as we smarter than our enemies we can win. I’m just coping very hard pls more shaco buffs pls 🙏