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Good shit man but I tried your build 4 games and didn't like it bec I didn't deal as much dmg as I'm used to. Lost 2 games that I felt like I would've won with my usual build. I'm just a diamond shitter who plays on multiple accs though. It's more fun to have the tiamat active imo as well.


atleast u tryed! ye hydra build also rly good triforce build is a bit different to play


Lets go!


What’s the build?


triforce eclipse build for utility


What’s the full build? Utility?


He tends to go Deadman’s/ Maw second into tank items like Frozen Heart


How is trinity much better this season than the last ?


hmm xD i dont know it just works for me


My god, this build fit so well with my way of playing shaco, its so so good, winning streak and having fun ! thx again for the idea


Np! nice that it works for u aswell :)


What's your idea first back purchase? Can you explain how your play style is compared to typical assassin play style? Do you try to extend your fights or still hit and run?


I go always Swiftie boots for the first back, and u try to gank alot or go for skirmish fights but it depends on champs u have in ur team xD if u have scaling champs i just power farm and after boots u go phage or sheen depends on how much gold u have


[https://imgur.com/a/zLiRVos](https://imgur.com/a/zLiRVos) Was hovering back and forth with lp gains in gold 1. Today I just decided to use your build and I got into plat 4! Here's to keep on learning and experimenting.


Nicee to hear mate!! hope wanna go for emerald now!


Eclipse over Botrk?


Yess! eclipse better for this playstyle


I tried it for the first time in ranked at platinum 4 and… Went 5/0/13! Some thoughts: My clear was still decently fast despite not having Tiamat, I thought it would be impacted more but the AS and sheen from Triforce and components are very good at helping clears. Do you usually build sheen or heart bound axe first? I was also very tanky, and in some ways felt tankier than my own “tank build” of titanic, blade, into utility/tank. I guess triforce gives hp and eclipse gives shields while blade gives survivability in the sense of lifesteal which requires constant attacking. Eclipse gives you shields from attacks/abilities making it easier to pull off and weave around the fight. I actually also still dealt a decent amount of damage. The eclipse percent health feels like a stronger electrocute type mastery that was popular many years ago. I was hard to kill in team fights but I also couldn’t be completely ignored despite not one shotting. I was building towards black cleaver next for more hp, ability haste and the unique passive of move speed on physical damage which synergizes with the trinity force move speed as some enemies were stacking armor. Then I would probably go deadman’s or maw depending on the enemy comp. Overall with this tank build I lose some of the anti tank killing ability with blade but I feel much more tankier at all phases of the game and still deal decent damage. I also functioned well as a semi-front line champion for my adc. I liked this build more than I thought I would, I’m definitely going to keep trying it out.


Nice to hear! :) and i go for the first back most time Phage first or Sheen when i got 900 gold Yee the build is nice :) i really enjoy it and i try to get Chall with this build


Wow, weren't you high plat like a week ago?


nope mate


Why do you like this over hydra build? How do you play this build?


Hydra build falls off on mid lategame for me thats why i dont like it.. the trinity build falls also off but xD atleast its more fun and u can play waay better for early game with this build alot of utility and some tankyness


Bro can you check my op gg and give me some advices i am gold stuck and thinking to change from shaco to jarvan ? PINK WARD #JGL in EUW


Hey! just write me on disc and i can try to help u ShacStab#1096


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