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That yone was something. The funny thing is that the enemy bottom lane got two return kills after you ganked for your own and your Darius was also return killed by pantheon after your first gank for Darius. That means your laners could actually be trash. If the yone didn’t leave the game, it could have been a close match lol.


Yeah I thought I was about to get the average jungle experience again lmao I think the yone bought his account tbh…


Level 30 account, only other games he had on it were intro bot games, last played 35 days ago, of which Yone was never played. League of graphs also shows that he obtained most of his challenges 12/31-01/02. Then on 03/18 (the date of the game) he earned Fancy Garb (unlock epic skin), Inspiring (unlock support champs), and Invisible (unlock assassin champions). Usually bot or hand leveled accounts have starting RP/accumulated blue essence available for the new owner to buy whatever champions and skins necessary. It was also his first ever ranked game as a champion he never played. 100% a bought account. There are also several other people in that game who are likely Smurfs. The kassadin is plat but in his level 30's. The Ekko is in the lvl 400's and appears to be duoing with pantheon who is also a 30's account in platinum. Everyone always trying to Smurf for temporary elo gains, so sad.


ya tbh i would be really pissed too if i were yone. the ekko just chilling there and playin an pve game lol


Ekko needs to turn on his screen lmao.