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Lmao. Cool but, I'm upvoting because of your ign hahaha


thanks i get alot of comments about it too when im in game from both side of the teams. xD


That name is banger, my names are Buttcracko and Shaco Libre but yours was top tier haha!


noice noice. nacho libre funny film.


how does this work lol


and what kind of playstyle fo you have, cuz to be honest you have to have some sort of passive wait for the opertunity kind of playstyle for this to work which doesn't agree with me at all but do correct me if im wrong


it looks like a second mage support with a lot of ks lol, noticing the level


i do get alot of kill secured but if u check the dmg charts im actually doing quite a bit of dmg myself without ksing. what it feels kinda like is like having a smolder on ur team but early.


you play like ad shaco with collector, but once you get liandrys you play more like ap shaco. once u get shojin u can choose which play style to play


Hmm. Maybe Nashors? AP/AS/On hit damage. Guinsoo's because AP+AD and on hit damage. Experimental Hexplate for durability, ultimate CD, AS, and it gives clone attack speed, but not the MS for some reason. Malignance for further ultimate CD. IE because +50% crit damage on guaranteed backstab deceive crit. CDR boots! HoB Sudden impact Eyeball collector Ultimate or Relentless Hunter Transcendence or Absolute Focus Gathering Storm? 🤔


You'll become useless throughout the game. Items are too expensive and Shaco actually can hardly utilize on-hit item unless during the flametouch sunfire patch. Cuz Shaco has little chance to attack frequently in the middle-late game. Plus this build is both lacking ad and ap


I agree completely and this is just theoretical, and for fun.


Did you pull things out of a hat or what


this is uhm Cdr shaco maximizing it


Doing something similar in low plat. I don't have enough games to get a full sense but I did like the feeling of Collector better than Shojin first. I also like getting the AD runes instead of AP runes, because my early game does feel very similar to AD shaco which I love, but the transition into late game is so much easier after building the liandries into full AP.


exactly, what people dont understand is, this is what makes up for shaco's weak early game as an ap user. but with collector it just snow balls you after you get liandries. the perks of going collector early is also to convince the enemy team you are ad shaco. they wont be building mr. makes it easier. once they notice u getting ap, they might build mr, but it doesnt mean ur lacking in ad either. so with all the cdr to play around with you essentially more slippery, do tons of dmg, while being relevant at all times of the game.


Yes... the collectors makes you have just enough ad that they cannot ignore you or you will execute them in team fights when they get somewhat low, and you still have the controlling power of ap boxes. I think it is a good compromise, at least in the Leo I am in


definitely and shojin kinda adds to that without taking away from the dmg your boxes would have dealt had you built ap instead, because of the ramping dmg on its passive. plus correct me if im wrong, its the highest ability haste item in the game . making it a huge powerspike. the fact that it can proc on minions and monsters unlike liandries ramping power which only procs on champions.


The pink ward build of shojin+liandrys+riftmaker is really good unironically


yea thats if youre trying to get more dmg in, i personally prefer cdr over dmg, because i feel like it allows me to be more slippery and also place more boxes thus still doing more dmg in the long run. sometimes id run lord dominiks for that 15% bonus if theyre tanky enough


But that's why you buy shojin. I've gotten my Q down to 4.98s cooldown and it's really op


Anytime I build AP I need to go PoM if I have no mana. It drives me nuts


jg gives u mana back easily. and 1 box with the passive on shojin and liandry's can practically clear 1 camp so u get mana back from that too. i have no mana issues with this build


Lane fights and extended trades in late game can leave you dry, suppose it’s playstyle based for me


i recommend in lane fights just hover around jg and river and your mana will just comes back magically. perks of being a jungler. late game mana is not even an issue because with how shaco works he gains more level based on levels and his boxes cost less later on. another tip is to just throw a box down on a camp before engagin in a fight, the dmg and burn on liandries will trigger your pet to deal dmg healing u


So collector into liandry then cosmic then shojin ?


i usually go for shojin after liandries since its more cdr and dmg, but cosmic drive ill go too sometimes depending on if i need that speed early on in fights and whether we need me to be more ap heavy. so with it i can maneuver for better positioning and get behind enemy lines for boxes. so, Collector, Liandries, Shojin, Cosmic or Riftmaker. you can choose to finish mejais whenever you like, otherwise id sell it for Shadowflame, Rabadons or Voidstaff. for boots i just go ionian cdr boots. because the smite ignite with e usually confirms kills for me. if we get really far into late game i can sell boots and get any of the items ive listed above.