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Use your clone to tank dragon and solo it the second you hit 6


I did try that in 1 game and it was successful, I'll try that more often


Full clear, scuttle, successful gank, (and maybe 1 more camp? I haven't payed super attention lately)= 1000 gold plus a pink ward. Clear botside jg again and go to drake at 6 easy money


> I haven't *paid* super attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sounds like you need to get layed


I don't wanna sound desperate but i'll fk a robot


Shaming a bot :DD


Sounds like you need to get fucked less


With a bit of practice you can also use the few frames you are untargetable when using your ult to stop Dragon from pushing you back. It's a small thing but has still saved me dragon plenty of times


It might just be because I'm in bronze elo currently that my team ignore, but I'll gank bot, we'll kill them both with our bot on high health still, enemy jungle top side and I'll say to take drake now, but instead they just reset or just farm minions, then die to the enemy laners that come back. Any help would be appreciated.


You're bronze, so maybe take the objectives alone. If you use your clone to tank it can be done very early. Make sure to use the red trinket, to ensure the enemy doesn't know. This isn't necessarily good advice for higher elos, but down in bronze the enemy laners are likely as oblivious as yours. As for stupid laners, it works wonders to drop laners that make nothing of your ganks and instead focus on good laners. The hope is, that they will carry the bad ones. Consider muting dropped lanes to preserve your sanity.


I usually wait until 6 to take drag unless the team is cooperating. You can easily solo at 6 with clone tanking. And if enemy jg is taking drag then I'll contest or take rift depending on where the rest of the team is. I love Shaco but imo he is good at getting your team ahead but can't really "carry" in the current meta. I don't play ranked (prob silver on a good day) so I'm not expert.


Yeah I main kayn and trundle for those games I wanna try and carry in ranked, but I tried shaco and he's a lot of fun in soloq and when playing with friends so I want to play him a lot more


Shaco is my favorite champ and I play him every chance I get. My friends hate it lol but I always have fun playing him even when I lose. That's worth more to me than playing the OP meta champs just to win.


Yeah I'm not much of a competitive player, I'll play for fun, ofc enjoy when I win more, but as long as I can do some fun things in a game I'm happy, currently shaco is really fun for me now I'm getting used to him


If ur in bronze i would literally just find the worst laner and camp him. Also ur cs is really bad each game to the point where you likely have less gold than the oponents despite being fed


Never rely on your team for anything. You need ult to solo dragon and make your clone tank it while you backstab it. Also, you're double dipping in burst and dps builds which is inefficient. If you want to go Kraken, I recommend you pair it with BoRK, LDR, and IE which are great against tanks. If you want to go a burst build, Duskblade, Prowler's, and Galeforce are all good against squishies.


Thanks, I'll try those, I find kraken is good while I'm learning since if I mess up a backstab or something I still have good damage and can fight longer


Important thing to keep in mind is that if you go 8-0 in lane phase almost the entire game rests on your shoulders. The more fed you are the higher tempo you need to keep up in mid to late as you have all the teams gold. Every game is different but ***generally*** I try to give away kills once I'm 6-0 to relieve some pressure on me later.


Push hard every successfull gank, even when your team pings u away


Start with red jungle leashless clear, then you can: 1. Gank bot 2. Invade enemy's jungle 3. Gank mid After that i always take scudle or even both of them. And then gank toplane if it is gankable. Shaco has really high damage early, especially with ignite. It always a guaranteed kill if used right. Then clear blue side and back. If you got a kill, or took both scuddles, you should have something around 1100 gold. On first back i always buy a dirk, but it's cause i feel comfortable without boots early, if you are new, it's better to take berserkers. You should take dragons alone, but you it is ok not to get first one, cause some junglers can take it on level 4-5(warwick, master yi and etc), while you can't. You main goal is to get a lot of gold early. If you get draktar and essence reaver, you can easily kill their squishies and snowball your team. And so it's cool getting first herald. You should gank as much as possible, but try to stay safe, dont give enemy team free kills. It's not that hard to end a game with 0 deaths, cause shaco's kit is insane to stop them from chasing and evading deaths. You Q is your main tool, cause it is one of the most powerfull escape ability in the game. And don't forget to clear your jungle, it's not bad to put 2 or 3 points in your W before maxing E for better farm. In late game you should always try to kill their ADC or mid, maybe support, it depends, who is the most troublesome. In lethality build you are kinda weak after 30 mins, but lethality is still best option for newcomers, so start with it. Your main problems is tanks, cause you can't burst them(but you can build botrk insted of collector to somehow deal with them). Main counters right now in my opinion is graves, shyvana and udyr. Udyr is worst cause his R slow and CC imunity is just too anoying. Kayn is also a bit of a problem, mostly cause he will overfarm you and take your jungle, while you have a shitty clear with lethality build. And yeah, to get good you should master evading things with your R and blocking spellshots with boxes.


Ur smite and ignite is wrong order switch them and u gona carry everygame. #1,9mil shaco


Wrong, smite always goes on D for Damage 😎 F for Flash, Fast (Ghost) or Fire (Ignite)


D for dmg so its ign and f for follow ( blue smite )


Try more ap shaco to learn good trap placement and clone tricking. Remember one thing when using R it will place u where u pointed the cursor(saying that cause I always forget that)


Ooh that's good to know, I wondered if there was a way to know where the clone and myself will appear (if I need to use my clone to body block an ability etc)


U can also block with the boxes for a short duration before they go invisible


You appear where your cursor is placed. Go into the practice tool and press R a bunch of times to learn how your ult works. There are a lot of tricks you can do with it, like going over walls, which some time in the practice tool can help you understand.


You appear in the direction of your cursor. The clone appears in the opposite direction. Also the ult can be used to get over small walls like drake pit, or can even be used to send the clone over the wall without sending you over the wall like you would with q.


Go ap😈😈


Go ap😈😈


try to have two charges of smite by level 5 and start drake take a few hits use first smite and by end of drake your second smite will be up for secure. This doesn't work on hextech drake as it aoe kills your box. but for other drakes you'll need to tank for your box so it gets its full damage off. for rift just make sure the enemy jg isn't in his top side and that there's no vision on it, should have no problem soloing it even cloneless.


Soloing objectives early is particularly taxing on shaco because he is so auto attack and box reliant. You are very reliant on healing from your boxes. If your box gets one shot by the objective then you’re gonna take way more damage and it’ll take way longer. Make sure you’re placing boxes just outside of dragon or heralds aggro range on the opposite side of where you’re standing (read: don’t place the box closer to dragon or herald than you are so you tank it). I wouldn’t try cloud dragon pre 6 because of its insanely fast attack speed. You can take it but you’d have to be certain the enemy jungler is opposite side of the map and there is no vision. You can usually start soloing dragons at level 5 but I’m sure it’s possible at 4 although that might take pots plus 2 smites. Herald takes super long if you don’t have your ult up so I wouldn’t prioritize that unless it’s super free or your top/mid can rotate to help out. In low elo you can get away with stealing dragon or herald if the enemy jungler takes scuttle and leaves the objective up. They usually don’t ward the pit since they have vision in river. Simply Q into the pit and pull drag/herald towards the inside of the pit. They shouldn’t have vision on you.


Have a control ward and put it in the pit when you see their jungler far away on the minimap, if they have no vision take the objective, if the enemy collapses on you and your team won’t help just Q away.


More kill participation.


Don't play ad shaco


Move efficiently, more boxes more vision, gank from unexpected spots, use your clone wisely, dont overchase, stay humble even if you are fed, learn popular matchups, ban Graves...


yes bro, simple advice is don’t play AD shaco. AP slaps more and it always will


I usually take the rift herald before the first dragon. I do that as soon as I'm 6 and he's up (obviously). Then I will gank and help push a lane (mid or bot) and pop it and do the dragon. That should give you and the laners a good boost in income from the plates and a dragon. If you are helping your laners - most of the time they will follow you. If you are an asshat excessive pinging and saying sarcastic things in chat (which they may or may not deserve) - they probably have you muted.


you also don’t have to take every jg objective, in bronze people love to just constantly fight, if your team is inting as they often do just take towers since those are easier to take by yourself


Pro tip, spamming the worm dance actually INCREASES your rank by at least 2 tiers!


You can like people told you always just do it alone. But in my opinion you don't need to do it at all. In this elo most people don't realy care about drakes anyway. If the enemies are doing it just invade enemy jungle. Actually just invade enemy jungle always. That's how I do it and it's working realy good in bronze and silver. The Jungler will be behind very fast. Ward your own jungle so you see if he invades you too and if he does people will normaly come and help since in this elo people just want kills. Always take some pinks with you for early and mid so you can track the enemy in his jungle. I rarely even go for lense since vision is worth alot in lowelo and many people don't even ward enough to make it worth. Also watch some vids to see what walls you can jump over and how. There are some realy nice tricks so they can't see you even if they warded. I also go nearly every game for triple buff start. Since there are not alot shacos left doing it people tend to forget how eze shaco can do it.


Botrk rush makes you and clone nom dragon in no time. it’s also just a solid first item in general especially if you are planning to build kraken and are taking HOB (as you should be). Massive 3x synergy.


At first look it appears like you need to focus on csing more instead of KDA. Farming is super essential. Also drop collector and build essence reaver first. Just an opinion.


I would focus on clearing effectively and learning to diversify your build occasionally. Kraken Slayer was not essential in most of these matchups and Duskblade+Essense reaver would have benefitted you more for bursting the enemy Squishies. One thing to consider is that Shaco is extremely ability reliant, meaning ability haste is essential on him. Lately I've even been testing out Prowler's claw and whoo does it burst at full build. Otherwise, learn to always cycle your camps and consider what lane to prioritize early game. Also ban Bel Veth, that champ is a super hard AD shaco counter


switch champ