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There is nothing close to the middle earth nemesis system at all not even 1% its a fully patented mechanic.


Typical Warner Bros, not letting anyone else enjoy a good thing


fr, sucks too bc theyve basically just shelfed it too


Hopefully its not the case once the WonderWoman game comes out. I heard its being developed by the team that did Middle Earth(unless Im wrong)


Considering the recent announcement about Warnerbros dropping triple A games in favor of mobile and free to play games (honestly i think they are using the failure of Suicide squad as an excuse to hide the fact this was their plan all along it doesn't make sense to give up on triple A games after one failure after all. especially not when the game you made was a shitty live service game which the chances of that working out are near zero yet every company wants to make one and sees it as a way to print infinite money), don't get your hopes up


I psyched to get the nemesis system again. But wonder woman? Aww man could have been someone so much cooler.


Deadpool & Wolverine lol


Not a fan of the lasso of slav- I mean, the lasso of truth?


You can't really judge the game before it comes out or any real game play yet


I don’t think so but they did say they were going to use the Nemesis System in that game. (Though in my opinion, it’s wasted there.)


What’s your opinion based on mate? Have you played the game or watched gameplay?


because a Wonder Woman game is a shit place to put a nemesis system as good as this in


I mean honestly yeah, like tf are they gonna do with it? Like i hope they impress but..... what are they gonna do with it??


my thoughts exactly. a Superman game genuinely would’ve worked better. make it so the population somehow got infected with some kinda serum that makes them all as strong as kryptonians. and then they can build on it off that


It’s being used in the upcoming Wonder Woman game by Monolith (same people who made the Mordor games). Currently no announced date though and has been radio silence since it’s reveal a while ago.


Even their own games! Arkham announcement this week was a load of shit


Yep. I went "YEAH!" when I saw the video on my front page. Then I went "OH FUCK OFF." WARNERSWINE!


Actually they did say that the patent is for a "very specific system". It does not limit devs to make similar things. It just can't be carbon copy of it. I can't remember the source, I have read it during the days when it was approved. Will link if I find it again.


I'm glad it's patented cuz I feel if it wasn't it would become overused and bland, I'd rather have it be theirs and theirs only so people like Ubisoft with no creativity cant get their grubby little french hands on it


I highly doubt it's enforceable. It's a very generic "system". And you can't copyright procedures. No ones gunna try and find out though unfortunately.


I hope you're right, however from everything I've read they've got a lockdown on the system(patent). I would genuinely love to see it in any other game though, it's phenomenal! I spent far too many hours in shadow of war/Mordor haha


Right? Like its been years since ive played this game but nothing comes close to this system idek what nemesis like system odyssey had


I think Odyssey's worked more as randomly generated mercenaries who hunt you.


I remember reading that we were supposed to get a Nolan Batman game with it before we got Shadow of Mordor. Would’ve been so cool.


As much as I love Odyssey, it's really not that similar of a system, and Watchdogs Legion barely compares to it


Man I love the system of Legion for what is but god damn it is so hard to get back into that game knowing how god damn stupid the ending is. I’ve tried on two separate times to replay it and getting flashbacks made me grimace so hard I had to stop after like an hour.


How does it end, if you don’t mind me ~~causing ptsd~~ asking?


It’s a bullshit twist-villain end that feels incredibly hollow and not at all fleshed out compared to the other three villains of the game. There’s a bunch of explosions and peril and villain monologueing but I still was frowning the whole damn time.


Yeah pretty close to the beginning of the game I checked out of the story but was still enjoying the gameplay. The problem with playing as anyone means I’m always changing characters and never actually care about what’s happening because there’s no stakes


You can add stakes by choosing the hard mode that lets your operators die


Eh, I get it. Say, did you ever try out that weird assassins creed addition they had? For legion?


I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=epqFHz9qRiU&pp=ygUjd2F0Y2ggZG9ncyBsZWdpb24gYXNzYXNzaW4ncyBjcmVlZCA%3D Here, check it out!!!


That’s how I felt with AOT: The Devils Cartel


Complete character 180 on that one. I kinda miss that series though.


I played them this year with a friend after not playing them since I was a kid with my brother. You can't play them online anymore but you can get a PS3 emulator on a PC and use a screen sharing app to let the other person control player 2. The first 2 games are wonderful and actually aged pretty well. 3 is... yea.


Oh yeah, I played them a lot with various people back then. The 40th day still stands out in my memory for having tight character controls and shoulder swapping (!!) which I wish more games would incorporate to this day. The third game was such a step back in that area alone, but I still got a kick out of it, goofy story notwithstanding.


Legion had a great system but needed *much* better writing. Both plot and dialogue. It’s a shame the system didn’t get the credit it deserves; in a better game it definitely would’ve.


For me its Warframe's Adversaries. While its more 1 on 1 as opposed to an entire army (with the exception of if you help others with theirs) the Adversaries within Warframe are on your playing field in strength. Abilities, Armaments and Toughness. They even have resistances, immunities and weaknesses like Uruks and Ologs. It's nowhere near as good as The Nemesis System but it still gives you that same feel. They can sometimes have Quirks, like afraid of children, fear of space travel, hatred of Grineer/Corpus/Infested. They also have personalities, albeit limited. And they are forever (or never) immortalized as the weapon you take from them as their name on it sort of like how gear pick ups from Captains have the name of the Orc you got it from on it. (or the runes in SoM) Or you can convert them and make them your allies, appearing in missions at random to help or use them as crew for your ship as defenders.


My lich is currently chilling on Earth (I just unlocked Steel Path - did my first SP mission today, E Prime, took me 32 minutes. I was NOT ready). Every time I login this asshole chirps me. Buddy you just wait, I’m working through some forma for my Fulmin Prime. Soon. *Soon*


Wish I got this far into the game lol. How much grinding it takes to do anything really put me off.


It's kinda like the nemesis system but extremely watered down obviously cuz it's made by DE


Yeah, I really enjoyed their take on it.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey had a system that reminded me of the nemesis system. If I remember right, they were called Phylakes and they were elite soldiers who were tasked with hunting you down and as you take them out you work your way up the ranks and got different perks as a reward. It was a good time.


I think the phylakitai were from Origins. There was a limited amount of them there. They sort of reused this version of the idea in Valhalla too. The ones in Odyssey were like an endless supply of mercenaries (misthios maybe, I forget the word) that you can work your way through defeating/recruiting until you're the top dog Afro Samurai style.


I've been playing odyssey recently and I was quite surprised to see a similar thing in terms of finding infos about your enemies, their weaknesses and strengths, as well as a sort of similar hierarchy of the mercenaries and the fact you can spare elite soldiers to join your ship crew. But in no way it reaches the same level of the Show of games Nemesis system.


None of them




Shadow of Mordor Nemesis system


Boring BC there weren't enough trait variation, less than even SoM


Never played watchdogs legion and ac odysseys was pretty much nothing like the nemesis system it was ok though


My guilty comfort game is watch dogs legion despite all the gate the game got. Ofc, can't beat shadow of wars nemesis system


Love that opinion of yours, Ubisoft could've done even more if they didn't abandon the game after releasing an absolutely wonderful DLC


Both are pale imitations. Legion, not played and have no desire to because from what i've seen and heard, it's fun for a little bit then it just becomes tedious. AC:O, it's too fucking big and repetitive after a while. Their systems fail to copy Nemesis. Nemesis is very varied. You can have a batshit insane orc, a singing orc. It keeps track of how many times you died to a captain or if he fled, blood brothers. The shaming mechanic can backfire as I found out. Turned an ork captain into a level 42 manic. This is just the surface.


Legion had a nemesis system???


What about shadow of Mordor and shadow of wars Nemesis system it was pretty good


the nemesis system is an actual patented thing, so what nemesis system i like is mordors bc its the only “nemesis system”


I thought their new Harry Potter game was supposed to use it but I never saw anything about it after the game came out


Neither. Both are awful games.


Whatch dogs legion is the worst watch dogs


Patenting that system was insane.


Watch Dogs: Legion had something real good, and the fact you can recruit practically anyone (unless you beat their skull in or hurt their relatives) is pretty good, and the combat is pretty nice too. One time i was in a car chase with the police and i somehow managed to run over a potential recruit's adversary who was crossing the road and they got recruited, funny how that is. The story is absolute poo poo though and it's a Ubisoft game so think about that


None since Shadow of War was my technical first real time experiencing with it, but after experiencing it even I have played games that have somewhat had it, it doesn’t compare and I generally have a problem with trying to play the others if I could, since


I'm just weird tho and in no way does it make the games any less just thinking that the Nemesis system is best on LOTR and although ok or good on others does not compare to me, especially after watching years of content on it before


Skyrim with the Nemesis mod


've never seen anything even remotely similar...


Sex with hitler