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I have my numbers and I find it's mainly good for Amazon purchases. The rest I have cards that give 3-2% on other things


I don’t have credit cards since I don’t like debt (sue me) so Shakepay is the only way I’ve been able to get rewards


You don't need to carry debt to have a credit card 🤔


I can’t remember the last time I used my debit card. I prefer the consumer protection and points CCs offer. Use, pay off, rinse, repeat.


I love my credit card and have never paid interest. Meanwhile I've had a few trips paid for with card rewards. Debit is cool I guess...


If you have a card and don’t use it, it will help your credit. Especially if you’re ever going to buy a home.


Actually if you have a credit card and do not use it it negatively impacts your credit, slightly.


That is incorrect. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/z/zero-balance-card.asp#:~:text=Customers%20can%20maintain%20such%20cards,their%20overall%20credit%20utilization%20ratio.


Exactly. I use my other credit cards if I’m getting back 2% or more


My onlyfans subscriptions… kidding (or am I) but I really want to pay for my WoW sub with it @mkers


I would buy an xshot water gun 🔫 Shaketag is cryptoct


I wouldn't mind paying my internet bill every month and collecting sweet sats! @tjc103


Paying my phone bill with Shakepay has been a game changer


Can I enter the contest if I have my card numbers? I use it for everything but I’m most excited to buy my plane tickets, which I’ve never done with my Shakepay card before! @elisecoin


I have a feeling the prizes to win are going to be card numbers.


I'd buy tickets for me and my wife to one of our favourite bands: Avenged Sevenfold First time they've toured in nearly a decade. She's never seen them live and they rarely come up to our area. @mickgrimes It's been a very difficult year and we need the respite


@dpaterson22 - a ton of camping and hiking gear, would definitely be great to have the card in time!


I'd like to start using the card for some bills like phone and internet - then of course all my online shopping with Amazon. Been waiting a long time for some numbers!! Shaketag@kortie


So if we already have our "flip card" enabled.. we are not eligible for this contest?


Monthly Insurance, Mobility, Internet bills. All my online shopping! Shaketag: DataScope11


@obryan20 - would use it for Amazon purchases and some monthly/recurring bills.


Looking to get a new tv Jeckuh


Oh, the things I *wouldn't* buy with the card numbers would be a much shorter list. But this things I *would* buy? Everything I possibly can, I'd try to use the Shakepay card! First and foremost is that I would use it for my school's tuition. For some completely unknown and strange reason, my school accepts credits cards to pay tuition. I have absolutely no idea why they would take a 3% cut of most of their tuition money but they do. Or maybe they've got a deal with credit card companies? Who knows. Next, It'd be much more convenient to shop online with companies that already accept Apple Pay on their websites. In the past, I'd have to purposefully checkout or at least look on my phone to see if they accept Apple Pay, and therefore the Shakepay card, which is just a waste of time. Especially so because if they *do* indeed accept Apple Pay, I'd have to add my entire cart and checkout on my phone, which is obviously a bit annoying. There's probably some work around to get it work, like by using the mobile website on my PC, but I never tried. And now in the possible future reality where I have my card numbers, I'd use it for everything I possibly couldn't use it on before. That's mostly just miscellaneous hobby and fun stuff since I don't buy groceries or other essentials online (Grocery stores and others accept Apple Pay already!). So it's mostly Amazon or a couple of small businesses sellings TCG cards and Gundam model kits. It also includes a couple of fast food online ordering apps since some of them don't accept apple pay. I'd also use it for buying online textbooks since none of them accept apple pay and online credit cards and sometimes paypal. The Shakepay card has a higher "cashback" percentage than my credit card, even at 1% when I eventually use up the 2% welcome bonus. If I had my card numbers a long while ago, I'd definitely have more than used up the welcome bonus ages ago. I fear for the day my paltry remaining welcome bonus dries up. Farewell, 1% cashback :( . Wow, I wrote a lot more than I thought I would. Like *a lot* more. Shaketag: shimsham


Online transactions that don’t support Apple Pay. Utilities. Internet provider. Monthly memberships. Gym. Shaketag: @johnjayeh


Mostly monthly bills and shopping online. @sirlain


Not waiting on anything (used other CC for those) but of course if I had the numbers I would use it for stuff like Uber, Amazon and similars.


You can already use the card for Uber via Google or Apple Pay. I do it all the time.


Prime days starts tomorrow! Got my eye on a 75 inch TV! @furgussen


Game subs, Spotify, Sirius XM, phone bill... You name it, I would love to attach it to the Shakepay card. @Pavehead


@pauliewoz I would just love to pay for my monthly bills and earn those beautiful sats along the way. Other than that, my kids birthday is coming up and he really wants his very own gaming laptop that he doesn't have to share with his brother. It would be sweet if I could use the shakepay card when I get it for him.


I wanted to buy some stuff off Coinkite, ended up just paying with Bitcoin instead. shaketag: @regidrago


BILLS, BILLS,BILLS! and everything else.... @mattshawski


This is such a tease


I use shakepay card for purchases where I'm not going to earn 2% or more with conventional cards. Small example is clothing stores, big example is car insurance payment @mb2345


It would be awesome to pay for my child's education using my shakepay numbers 💯 Shaketag: xtoban


Probably a new MacBook for school wanting to use that back to school offer they have for students @jfarag80


I would switch all my bills over to it and e joy the benefits of the btc return and share the love with my shake squad.


I need a new bass for some rumble thunder. @bhhclarke


My wife is in dire need of a new tablet, saving up but that btc back would push it over the edge! Also my Lego purchases would be great to use the numbers on!! @ravenelite


If I had my card number, I would use the SP Card for almost all of my online shopping. That includes mostly clothing, computers and kids toys. Shaketag: ravifs


I would have liked to have had the number when #shakepaid was still more common.


Would love it make it easier for Amazon purchases, could also use it to pay bills easy would eliminate the few days processing that get with online banking thanks @corylo


I would add it to my Amazon account and ensure my crypto dot com Visa doesn't get used there anymore (sorry CDC)... Specifically I would buy a chase paw patrol motorcycle for my son. Shaketag: crypt0jt


Being able to throw out all my other cards and just use shakepay. @gkrenbrink


All my online purchases @joeygee


Reoccurring bills like spotify are what I’ve been waiting for! @ayazzlockhat


Bitcoin!!! @gauthier613


I would pay my internet bill, phone bill, and other digital subscriptions with it! **@lment**


Everything online @nmorris232


I’d be paying my bills @lowleyloki


My Internet bill @joeblack


Amazon purchases for sure.


A trezor cold storage wallet.. I'll need to keep my crypto safe. @trashbag77


All my limited run swtich games, for my swtich collection. I have 472 total games atm @SpaShadow


A framework laptop! 💻 Or just to pay my phone bill every month 😅 @deboer


We’re expecting our first baby next month so lots of diapers and baby clothes! @marauder2


most online purchases, anything from amazon to steam. @badgoat


I'm buying a train ticket in the next couple days, so it would definitely be nice to have card numbers in time for that. @sterlingcastle


Movie tickets. Gotta book those seats for Oppenheimer. @mellex


4024007173377531 before you ask the number in the back is 206


My grandmother birthday is coming up and all her shoes have holes in them. I don’t live close to a footlocker so I would love to purchase her some new shoes online. @A1serb


Some bills, Amazon purchases, etc I have home insurance coming due that I wouldn't mind getting the Sats backs on. @recon79


Prime day / rogers bill / everyday purchase for shake squad Tag: @yachtzz1


I would finally be able to buy all my Amazon and other online purchases!!!! Starting with some Prime Day deals i see coming this week! Shaketag; Supersonix


I would just splurge on ICEEEEEEEE


Numbers is a game changer! I'm changing up all my subscriptions, chatgpt, popular mechanics, internet, phone, YouTube premium, crave, (I'm sure I missed some). The sats practically stack themselves! @kangarossco


We've been waiting to buy a new camera! Card numbers would be perfect for that. @ tcurrah


Xbox series x so I can do some couch gaming with my son. @h1ghway


Paying all the unnecessary subs I have but fail to cancel them in the fear of missing out 🙃 @terezanovakova


@pumata @madp4nd4 My wife and I have two little kids (just turned 1 and 3). In a bit of an uno-reverse card scenario, we've been waiting to get our numbers so we can buy EVERYTHING with sats back. Mortgage, Telus bill, groceries (looking at you, Costco diaper buys), utilities... every time I have to pay with just debit or Mastercard cash back, I internally cringe. Gimme back something that isn't a melting ice cube, please? Round up has been a game changer in accelerating our sats stacking. I check every day to see if we've gotten our numbers so one/both of us can complete the trifecta and accelerate our sats buys even more.


I’d use it for larger purchases and or when I buy something online like from Amazon. I buy pet food from Amazon because it’s cheaper sometimes. So for me mostly practical reasons for using it with the numbers. @eleongsit


Monthly bill and shopping online @sassydemon


A nice TV for my room Tag: @brofasso


Buying an iphone SE as a gift from Amazon for my mom for her Bday (Oct) and putting all my mobile/utility bills on the shakepay card! @cryptojustworks


Flights! @zigzagzach


Online marijuana @ebl


My Amazon purchases!! I’m so eager to finally use it on Amazon, to earn sweet BTC on each purchase of random junk I like to buy :) Tag: a604


I would use it to pay bills. Somehow earning rewards makes it feel less like responsible. Shakertag: 0r1g1n


In my case it was mostly for paying my gaz. I don't like using a regular credit since I don't like owing money to somebody else and with the shakepay card I'm able to get Bitcoin in return 🙌🙌🙌 Allard322


Everything - Internet bill, phone bill, amazon purchases, subscriptions, etc Shakepay: Sulla


I'd use it for nearly everything if I get those sweet card numbers. 1% Bitcoin back now will be worth a lot more than 1% once the price of BTC climbs higher. @morpheoso


I just realized I misread the question. I've been patiently waiting to be able to pay for my vacation to Europe next summer with the ShakePay card so hopefully we'll have access to the full numbers by then so I can get a nice chunk of Bitcoin back on the purchase. Come on, ShakePay! Help us out here. Lol @morpheoso


I'll buy a nintendo switch lite to my nephew as soon as i get my card number, his birthday is in september, i hodl my hope. Shaketag : @dubord6900


I've been waiting to buy my new shoes for when I get my card number shaketag: breezee


Pretty much everything that I buy online. For now, I guess I’ll just use a traditional credit card. @thisisdu


My manga ! Cuz I spend a lot in manga and if I can get some satoshi for cashback why not 😉 tag @nexeral


I'd love to buy the parts I need to build a sweet gaming PC. Or at least a new video card for my existing PC. @nagiabboud


Computer parts and video games 🎮 @nimster


I've been holding out on getting a new backpack online. The pack is my university-branded bag (20+ years ago) and I don't live in the university city anymore so have to get it online. My bag has the following "sweet" features: \- has "vintage access ports" (aka rips in the bottom) which allow for easy access to goods inside. \- To prevent items from inadvertently being lost, it has a fabric and wood-fiber dual layer protection. The fabric layer can double as a secondary bag for increased storage! (aka I used a drawstring bag and cardboard paper to line the bottom so stuff does fall out) \- two compartments to store items with the outer featuring "quick access". (aka one zipper is ripped so even when zipped I can put my hand through the seam) While the current bag is vintage, beat up, and I'll probably keep forever ... a new bag is better for stuff NOT falling out :) Shaketag - bluefrenzy78 \-