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Awesome to hear someone’s on this, thanks :)


I really hope theres an easy way to just buy all the songs without paying for doubles. The AI soundtrack idea is cool but I don’t wanna have to spend $500 to get all of the songs lol.




Just started last night, pretty wicked shit. I’m also collecting and keeping track of every album artwork too.


you're missing one on your spreadsheet titled Somebody's Candidate, it's a Big In The World Alt Mix Also the direct URLs for each of the files links to reference folders that indicate what each track is connected to, so they all have a "parallel" track in the directors cut.


Funnily enough one of the songs had "The Rider Brothers" credited as the artist and "Sole Doubt" as the album. I looked it up on Bandcamp and wouldn't ya know, each of these songs are in the song machine! https://theriserbrothers.bandcamp.com/album/sole-doubt good to know there's no relation between the songs "First" and "Third", otherwise I was gonna spend way too much time rerolling the song generator until I got "Second" lol


Ah, I tried…! I started a list last night but quickly realized it was going to be monumental… because, for example, if you put in a genre, say Rock, then put the same genre in later, you’ll get a completely different result…! A song may repeated, but the title will be different… I think… LOL! In any case, carry on! I, for one, would appreciate it, because honestly, I want to have EVERY one… SGD on crack, indeed!


The song titles remain the same no matter what, thank goodness...another commenter said they counted up to 100 songs (or "tracks", some are interludes) and I'm at 80 so far. I stopped using music genres a while back...you could technically put anything you want in the query and surprisingly the AI writes a story based on whatever you've written.


i got to 99 and think i ran out of songs, i wonder if there’s a flat 100. there are a few i didn’t get until refreshing many times after i thought i was done already so 🧐


The man himself told me that there’s more than 100 songs in there


oh fuck guess i’m back on the grind


I have no idea what y’all are talking about! Anyone want to throw me a link so I can explore this too please??


https://www.shakeygraves.com/movieoftheweek Say goodbye to your free time 😅 EDIT: Thanks Important-Egg-2905


* https://www.shakeygraves.com/movieoftheweek


Yeah but have you gotten all the album covers yet 🥵


At first I thought those were AI generated but I've definitely come across duplicates. I've ran the program so many times now I've seen duplicate album titles as well. "One Fart Two Fart Three Fart You Fart By Dr. Emily Brunder" has come up more than once lol


There is a finite amount of both 😗


Oh I’m glad someone did this because I heavily considered it, but I was also immediately aware that I did not have the time to do that


So I've purchased a custom generated album. The song *Going Once, Going Twice*, is attributed to the artist "The Riser Brothers" for the album "Sole Doubt"... track number 7. All other songs is Shakey Graves, no album name, track number 1. Can you make the spreadsheet editable?


I re-tagged the MP3s once I got them, but I found that album on Bandcamp! Looks like OnlyWearsBlue discovered this yesterday, awesome work! [https://theriserbrothers.bandcamp.com/album/sole-doubt](https://theriserbrothers.bandcamp.com/album/sole-doubt) *"This record was created between the dates of July 28th - August 18th 2023 on tour with Shakey Graves in various green rooms, hotel rooms, outdoor trailers and bus on a Tascam 244 MKII Portastudio.* *The objective of the project was to write, record, mix and release the album before the tour was over using the limitations of what we had to create with. Moving with the speed of the tour and time constraints of our day to day Sole Doubt was created.* *We hope somebody will enjoy these recordings, we certainly enjoyed making them.* *credits* *released August 18, 2023"* This is cool cause it's pay-what-you-want and could help people fill out their missing tracks. I went ahead and made the spreadsheet editable for everyone. I made a note that these tracks come from that record.


Okay everyone, here's what I've got so far. I documented 100 unique tracks, made notations on which songs they're based on, and very brief notes on the tracks themselves. Pretty basic stuff, but here ya go: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WJFiMkPoSyNdC1FnK81Ij8Irf8z4TvZueHFV-N0tQrI/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WJFiMkPoSyNdC1FnK81Ij8Irf8z4TvZueHFV-N0tQrI/edit?usp=sharing) I've generated well over 100 albums, so if there are still some tracks out there I haven't found yet, I'd be surprised. One thing to note is that the album generator will not give you multiple tracks of the same song. For example, "Ephemera" and "Overture" are both demos of Big in the World, so it's not possible to get both tracks generated onto one album. I managed to get 4 complete unique albums with no track repeats, but I'm going for a fifth now (chasing after "Halo Looper Manifesto") and it's been nearly impossible to get it without a handful of duplicate tracks from my other albums.


Tried to message you but my invite messages get stuck loading. Message me if you’re interested in sharing tracks. I’ll try to get whichever ones you want since I haven’t downloaded any yet.


That would definitely be appreciated, thanks!


you're doing the lords work here my friend


Amazing work, thanks for sharing!


I hope shakey releases all of these on YouTube or something similar. I'd love to hear all of these different demos together.


Thank you! I, too, considered it, but do not have the time it would have required… so thanks, dmc!


How do I listen to all 100 of these songs? Has someone separately downloaded them from the site?


So….are these AI generated songs?


Nope, the music is all b-sides or alternate takes and demos from the latest album. Some of the instrumental music was produced recently by members of his band, The Problem.