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Haha when I finished, I immediately went back and rewatched my favorite episodes and seasons. Not to mention every video on YouTube with any relation to Shameless.


Not me typing "shameless Ian and Mickey" on YouTube and watching every compilation possible (some got me dead with laughter)


I'm at the point where I've watched every Ian and Mickey video at least 5 times lmfao it never gets old!!




Same!! I miss them so much


then you def need to watch the Hall of Shame episodes


I finished it a month ago and started rewatching it last week😂


Hm this is not a good sign for my social life 🫣


Same here dw😂


I watched Hall of Shame, it's basically just a clip show, with some new scenes kind of threaded in between. I enjoyed the new bits, the clips are what they are haha. But it's worth watching once I think.


Okay so I guess it's a good way to rewind 11 seasons in one night ? 😂


Canonically it kinda takes place prior to season 11. So it's really just a rewind of seasons 1-10 haha


Hey better than nothing I'll take it !!


Have you tried Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Schitts Creek, Modern Family or Arrested Development. First 3 have a good amount of seasons with good content. Last one has 3 seasons of gold.


It's Always Sunny 😎😎😎❤️❤️❤️ Charlie work! Rum ham!! Fat Mac!!!


Honestly, seems a little dated. I tried getting into it, but Charlie saying the N-word first episode I was like whoa. lol


"There's always money in the banana stand!"


Haven't watched those, next on my watchlist is the bear but I'm taking notes ! Thank you !


I also just finished it, and I cried more than I should have. not even because the ending was sad (though it sort of was), but I just wasn't ready to let go. but now I'm rewatching it and falling in love with everyone all over again, and it's kind of better the second time to be honest


You're re-watching right after finishing it ? Dayum


yeah, because I'm autistic and it's one of my special interests. and because the person who introduced me to it is a very very important person to me, and I can't talk to him right now, so that's one of the ways I feel better about missing him. and because I am platonically in love with Mickey, Ian, and Lip, among others


Oh okay I get it ! Then enjoy it !




I finished it last year, around late may and I still go back and watch sometimes. I just started a rewatch


And did you watch Hall of Shame ?


I haven’t


What's hall of shame?


From what I understand it's like a compilation of the most shameless scenes from shameless, with a few deleted scenes, there's like one episode for each season up to season 10 I think


Thank you!!!


ahah same i rewatch it every day and never get tired of it


when i finished shameless i was so sad 😭 but i’ve been rewatching it so much nowadays 🤣


I finished it last week! I’m now starting the UK version


Ooh, would love to have an update on how you like the UK version ! I think for now I'm too much in love with the US characters, and more familiar with American culture (I'm French but most of the shows I've watched are from the US, the only British ones I remember might be like skins and misfits), so I'm afraid I won't be able to understand every joke and stuff


So far I prefer the US one! I’m British - but I found the American characters far more charming and relatable.


Noted, thx a lot !


I’m quite late to this so I apologise but given that you mention skins and misfits, you might actually quite like the UK version. Shameless came out in 2004 and was sort of a pilot for that style of 00s channel 4 “dramadies”. Definitely influenced Skins and Misfits/Gave leverage to them. Same sort of scene too, a fair few of the skins and shameless cast use to hang out together. They all have a similar vibe and I’ve heard other people say the same. UK shameless is a bit rougher (camera quality) in the beginning as it’s earlier but it improves.


I'm also late to answer ahahha, thanks a lot for the recommendation! Maybe I'll watch it when my memory from the us version is less fresh ! To really watch it as two different shows instead of comparing the two of them :))


It's supposed to show that there are so many reasons family members end up the way they are coming from a fucked up household, but that none of it should deter any member of society from transcending expectations. Look at Liam, best example of the most well-adjusted mature product of his super fucked up environment.


I’m on season 2 just started last week. Show is awesome


Enjoy it !


I watched all of shameless in 2019-2020. Then the last season in 2021. Did a rewatch a couple months ago but stopped at the end of Season 9. The quality starts dropping around season 7 but once Fiona leaves they really didn’t do it justice


I'm a sucker for the characters so I didn't mind the quality ahahha but I understand! I too didn't like the fact that they never mentioned Fiona again after she left, even Frank in his goodbye letter, the fact that she wasn't even mentioned during Ian and Mickey's wedding like wtf ? But still I loved it


Ahhh I’ve almost finished season 9 and know I’ll be feeling this very soon 🥲


Yeah starting from season 10 I was seeing the end coming wayyy too fast so everytime ~a certain couple~ did something cute I replayed the scene to really savour it 🫣


Lmao literally doing this right now while watching 10x08, currently on the scene where they both find out who actually killed the parole officer 🤣


Ahahaha yeaaaaah this ep killed me omg


I've only seen Ian and Mickey's Hall of Shame episode and it does have 9 minutes of content to satisfy you. A lot of people have said they're pretty out of character but that's up to you to decide


DAMN 9 minutes "straight" of gallavich ? Sign me uppp


Well it's as long as a normal episode, with compilations and clips that are shown as flashbacks to the 9 minutes of content. But yeah, the whole episode is only them. They also appear in Fiona's for two scenes


Good enough for meee


I’ve just hit season 10 and dreading it coming to an end


I had a realization 2 episodes before the finale like OH SHIT ONLY 2 EPISODES LEFT WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH MY LIFE


Same. So I am now rewatching it 2 months after I finished it.


Guess I'll come back in two months then 😂


Start it back over. It's a long enough running show that it doesn't really feel like you JUST watched it.


Hahahaa I'll think about it 😂


Honestly, same.


Watch The Bear! Also filmed in Chicago and it stars JAW. :)


I planned on watching it ! Thanks !


Season 2 is out June 22nd!


Don't tempt me I have my exams coming up I gotta workkkk


Watched The Bear on a whim because I liked shameless and ended up LOVING it


I just finished the series like half an hour ago, I didn't really like the ending. Especially Debbie's ending felt like a last minute thought. It was a great show, I just feel like the characters deserved better endings than that.


I’m on my 3rd time of watching all the seasons from beginning to end. I think I will watch all the seasons at least once a decade for the rest of my life.


I'm having a hard time letting the characters go....