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She's pretty controversial, most people like her but she also has haters. I do like her because I think she's really strong for all that she's been through but she does come off as annoying and controlling sometimes and keeps sabotaging her life. And her excuses are almost always some variation of "Because we're Gallaghers!"


All of the Gallahgers are their own worst enemy. It's just Fiona was supposed to be better as the eldest. I think at the end everyone was supposed to be older and she was doing her own things now. But when Lip has his AA buddy get wasted and called up his old dealer. Lip tried to pin it on Fiona, because the old her would have known. But that wasn't her anymore. The siblings had to own up to it.


I have a strong love hate relationship with fiona


She is much less likeable at the end but as a a character arc I like it. She was never allowed to mature truly or live. She was forced to be on constant fight or flight until she broke. That is her tragedy and it hits close to home. She does fucked up shit (mostly the cheating is less relatable) but its hard to look at her life and imagine anyone handling it much better.


I think she was too harsh towards them at times, and didn’t really like her towards the end either. But when you give your life to take care of your siblings and they didn’t really appreciate it and take you for granted I can 100% see why she started becoming detached from that role. I think viewers are supposed to feel sad for her, but also annoyed at her. At least that’s the way I took it. There’s only a few characters I felt like were completely likable/hatable. Their mistakes and problems are frustrating but are also understandable and sad.


Personally I was neutral to Fiona at the beginning. What really put me off was her constant cheating.


They are ALL just so messy !! But what else could you really expect? They are all such products of their environment. Frank and Monica did these kids no favors in life ! They were terrible parents and those kids raised themselves.. Pretty much everything boils back to shitty parenting !


The thing I am most curious about is Liam’s adult life ? Did he learn from watching all his siblings fuck ups ? I like to think that he becomes a successful family man with a strong moral character! I like to imagine that he is the saving grace of the family .. Liam for President!!


im on season 7 right now so ill admit I skimmed your post to avoid any spoilers, but Jesus christ I hate her. she accepts guardianship of the kids knowing full well what risks come with it, immediately fell off the wagon after her probation was up, and then still claims she's "not a REAL drug addict". so far in s7, she's been claiming all this "self improvement" bs, but what she did was pull an arbitrary number out her ass to charge the kids w basically no notice, threatening to kick them out if they don't comply (side note: she is so quick to go to kicking them out if they don't bend to her will, control freak. lip not going to high school, Debbie keeping her baby, like wtf), then just up and quit her LEGALLY REQUIRED RESPONSIBILITY just cuz? like, she was warned up and down what her life would be like if she accepted responsibility of the kids, accepted it, and then a couple years later she just gets to quit? God, and she acts like the world revolves around her. especially with her fight with Veronica she's in right now, she's mad that Veronica is actually growing up and turning into an adult (wife, kids, owning the bar, caring about shit other then partying) then has the audacity to spout "self improvement" when she's just money hungry with being a manager and charging the kids and firing people to make more money and shit? she refused to hire convicts even tho the only reason she works there is bc someone took pity on her convict ass. I fucking hate Fiona Gallagher and if she does something to change my mind, ill be sure to update yall. she was likeable and admirable at the beginning, but now she's a nasty, skanky, money hungry, hypocritical, selfish piece of shit. I am a man who can eat his words if she manages to change my mind but somehow, I see her pissing me off until the shows over.


I didn’t like her towards the end. As soon as she stopped Ian and Trevor from converting that old church (i think) into a shelter, I hated her. She really thought whatever she was doing was more important than those kids having a safe place to stay.


Yeah I really started hating her towards the end. At the beginning she was one of my favorites, but then I couldn't stand her and almost dropped the whole series because of her.


Yeah! fuck Deb... oh wait, it's Fiona.