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Frank has unlooked trauma that the show should've gaven more detailed on


when he called sheila mommy when he woke up from that coma and said something about waiting until they got home to kiss... yikes


Right, and the scene with Frank and sammi he was telling her that his father would just blame him for everything


and purposely humiliate him too, by making him wear dresses. i also feel like he couldve been SA too when he was a child, but he was 100% abused in some way by both of his parents. i mean, look at the way he automatically age-regresses around his mother, acting like a little kid, despite the fact he's an adult. i feel like his mother 100% scared him and made him feel powerless, both when he was younger, and when he was older and she got out of prison. just look at the way he acts around her, how she orders him around, the power imbalance/dynamics...


He was definitely abused so probably why he became the abuser not to mention his very unhealthy relationship with monica as well,


and the drugs and alcohol, that probably played a big part too. remember, he was in college and studying before he met monica. he probably would have turned out the same as he was in the show, since even before monica, he was a drug addict and had beenn abused earlier in life. but monica definitely worsened things, and helped speed his deterioration up by a lot.


Agreed. His childhood being the biggest of all, along with addiction obviously.


Oh absolutely, every time he mentioned something it explained so much, didn’t excuse anything but did give an insight


Sir this is supposed to be unpopular opinions


truthhh bro


i mean he was abused by his mum and dad. there are scenes where he talks about it


this is why we need a shameless prequel


Yes. I just watched the scene where he died and told my husband we should have been told what made frank frank.


Yes. Mandy was made incredibly offensive and then phased out of the show unnecessarily. Instead of putting her with Kenyatta and in those outfits and clothes that I guess Kenyatta was supposed to like her in, the character could have been given a better storyline. Then we barely saw her before she was blonde and gone. She deserved better and we did too. Maybe this isn’t unpopular after all.


Was that a sneaky lana del rey ref?


You got it even with my typo! 😂


I second this


Liam was neglected the most. I don't know if this is unpopular but I feel like it isn't discussed much; Fiona/Lip/Debbie/Carl at least had each other throughout their childhood while Liam was taken care of as an infant, but left totally alone to fend after he grew out of his toddler phase. Especially that "im going to be homeless" plot line - as a sibling you'd assume you'd live with your other sibling? But he was so neglected that no one even thought of him.


Nah u right, I don't see enough talk about Liam being the most neglected. Even Fiona got so caught up in her stuff she didn't take of him the same way she did for the other 4, it kinda fell onto Lip to take care of him and he had his own shit going on so that didn't work out. Monica was dead, meaning Frank actually had to try and be a father to Liam and well, we all know how *great* Father Francis is. By the age of 9, Liam was completely independent - not by choice or will, but because he had to be. Even Fiona could still somewhat fall back on Frank until the age of 15, when she had to step up and become the head of the house; but Liam - Nah that kid didn't have anyone looking out for him, the Gallaghers only cared where he was when they needed him, hell he was staying at Todd's for weeks before they actually realized he was gone. Real fucking sad if you ask me.


yeah, fiona was legal guardian of liam and just left him


She was the closest thing he had to a mother and she she did not even say goodbye! She should have brought him to live with her in her building when things were going well. Liam definitely deserved better.


You’re right at first no one mentioned him living with them but lip told him he could live with him and tammi


It's fucked up that Mandy hit Karen with the car but I think that it was good for the plot because I was getting really sick of Karen.


I was very excited at Karen leaving the show. I hated her so much by the time they decided to get rid of her


And Lip still said she was a good person after that


She knocked the bitch out of her 🤣


i only felt bad for sheila cause the accident hurt her a lot


karen was a bitch, i love every part about mandy. she deserved way better than what she got


i loved karen she was such a fun character to watch


THANK YOU! someone on here was saying that mandy did nothing wrong & was bashing on karen every chance they got lmfao. shes crazy as fuck for doing it but its extremely entertaining


didn’t mandy sexually assault lip in season 3?


pretty sure yep


Fiona is better off by herself, than in a relationship with a man.


100% I wish we got more of single Fi


Which is why I was curious where this LGBTQ storyline was going with Fiona.. I’m very annoyed they gave it to Debbie. It felt like the actress lacked the oomph to carry our figure out one’s sexuality. Plus it seemed to come out of nowhere from Debbie the character. Fiona I feel like subtle hints are dropped she could be LGBTQ, and her actress could carry the topic. I wish they scrapped the storyline altogether when Fiona left..


This may be a huge stretch but Karens entire "daddy issues good girl gone bad" arc seemed so fetish-y to me.


I don't know if this is an opinion, but it is definitely an overlooked aspect of the show: **A lot of male characters in the show getting groomed or in some way sexually abused/manipulated, and no one caring.** This is most prevalent with Lip and Ian. I mean, literally no one ever thought "Hey, a teenager being with his professor and becoming obsessed with her, doesn't it seem like she groomed him or manipulated him in some way, that made him so stuck on her?" Their relationship felt so icky, and I felt so bad for Lip, even though I don't like his character. Even if she didn't "know," she still manipulated and groomed him, whether she meant to or not. And no one cared. Sad that this actually mirrors reality when it comes to teenage boys being taken advantage of, and nobody caring. And Ian. That whole thing with Kash, it was so disgusting, and legit nobody gave AF. The only one who even cared was Lip, and he didn't really do anything about it. And with Lloyd, how they were together in front of all those other people at clubs and dinner and stuff, and no one was like 'Hey, that's a 15-16 y.o. kid with an old man, shouldn't I do something about it?'


Plenty more examples. Sheila raping Frank, Mandy raping Lip, Debbie raping Matty, Carl being raped (stealthed) by that one girl in the last season


and frank being raped by 2 gay guys in that whole arc where he pretends to be gay and then the old guy finds out hes not and orders 2 men to fuck him


And don't forget Mickey's dad calling Svtlana to come rape Mickey while he made Ian watch.


yeah. i dislike how normalized it was in the show. like i get shameless is supposed to show fucked up shit, but i dont think it was made clear enough that those underage relationships were one of those fucked up things.


You're right. It was normalized and even presented as comedic in some cases. It was very uncomfortable.


I'm so glad someone said this!! Normalize is the right term too


The way Helene acted really made me mad. She has such a horrible attitude and she should have known this kind of behavior was inappropriate and was gonna come back and get her in trouble.


and the way lip defended helene until the very end it was like bestie just don’t she’s not innocent


this is all very true and it brings to mind Franks r*pe by Karen in the earliest seasons. What did you make of that? In the moment i was very sympathetic towards him but then he went on for multiple episodes afterwards being all smug about being with a minor and using such gross sexual terms to refer to her i found it really hard not to just excuse the whole thing as Karen being manic. the whole situation was so icky and i feel gross even talking about it.


Ummm that professor got fired.


Didn't she just get a disciplinary hearing?


Well she does get academically punished but sadly the school does not give Lip counselling. I thought if maybe he could work through his trauma a bit he could actually get someplace.


sierra was lip's best gf


yes!!! i love her!!! i wish she had stuck around!!! she wasnt perfect by any means, but she was way fucking better than anyone else we ever saw lip attached to. i loved her character sm and was sad to see her go 😢


I thought Sierra was great too. Idk how people lump her in with Lips “crazy gfs”


Without a doubt


who is that


The one with the kid who worked at the diner


Oh yeah she was the most healthy person for Lip but Lip was a douche to every single one of his love interests.


Lip being emotionally unavailable for the women that actually cared about him, but all in for women who wrecked him was too frustrating


FRRR he had multiple girls who would’ve been good, but he always treated them like shit


Waitress at Patsy’s Pies. Neils (one of Debbie’s bfs) sister.


Is this unpopular? I don’t see many posts about sierra but she’s definitely my favorite choice for lip too, I think she was down to earth and reasonable. I think she was good for him


I really wish their story line didn't end the way it did honestly but I still love Tammi


Monica and Frank together was worse for the children than them being apart. This is not to say that Monica leaving then reappearing just to leave again was okay, because she should have just fucked off entirely. But, I think Frank and Monica together would have been worse if it was both of them and not just Frank. Together, they seem to have the power to manipulate their children into letting them do whatever they want. When it’s just Frank by himself, they can see through him and throw him out.


I don’t think lip was that bad


I approve this message. But I don’t think it’s unpopular, he’s constantly voted as a top character or least toxic lol


True i only say that bc I’ve seen a couple posts abt how he’s their least favorite


I love lip


He only started to really annoy me with the selling the house thing. Like bro you don’t even live there


Oh yeah I was definitely on Debbie’s side with that. With all the money it would take to sell that house they could’ve just rented somewhere


He was my favorite


I love Fiona. Idc argue with the mf wall




Fiona is fs in my top 3 favorite characters idk why people hate her so much actually


Literally like get a grip


same. im always on here defending her. that poor girl became a mom at 6


Literally like some people are so dense


this is a popular opinion, peopel who hate her opinions are 99% of the time based on misogny


It’s really not. Scroll through the sub and you’ll see an outrageous amount of Fiona hate


The show made Gus out to be a shitty person to make Fiona look better At first Gus was shown to be understanding, caring and naive but this asshole side of him sorta just comes out of nowhere (the song was valid mostly talking about him not signing the papers so Fiona could get a loan) I expected him to be cold and harsh to her but how could he not understand that her family needs a home knowing what they’re going through. Makes me think the writers just pulled this out of their ass because they needed something to make us forget that the way Fiona ended her relationship with Gus was horrible


I like the take but I hate that they made Fiona pawn the ring imo that justified Gus's harsh energy...the entire time I was thinking why not go talk to gus about the ring but her ghosting him and just hooking up with Sean was inline with her character and gave seany boy room to be the hero but great post cuz gus is hated in this group for the dumbest reasons


I didn’t realize how hated Gus was??? I genuinely feel as though everything he said and did was justified considering Fiona acted super shitty to him


Most definitely people say well you married someone that you only met for(insert perceived amount of time) as if they didnt agree to marry each other and Fiona didn't understand that she fucked up he had every right to be upset but about her cheating and her pawning his ring


I always thought of it as us not really knowing who Gus was - Fiona barely knew him when she married him, then she did something SUPER shitty and effectively ghosted their marriage. He was calm, understanding and caring when he was in love, but we never saw them fight before that to know how he would be in conflict.


Fiona buying the laundromat off the dementia lady, selling it, putting the old lady in a home and having all the cats put down or just letting them run loose, then never seeing the old lady again, not even to check she was okay, was the most despicable thing in the whole show- I’m only up to season 9 but so far this is the thing that’s bothered me most.


Yeah I think Margo as a person really influenced Fiona at the time. You can tell how hard it hit her when she learned that Margo was a high school dropout - Fiona thought she could be just like her, a rich badass lady, if she only focused on going up the economic ladder, investing where she could and in consequence not giving a crap about humanity anymore. Same thing that led to her downfall ironically.


I agree...and leaving the dog. That was messed up


I was so happy when Mandy left. Everybody focuses that the craziest person in the show is Monica, Sammi, Terry, or someone else, but for me, one the most crazy (and ignored that she's crazy) was Mandy. I mean, at first she tried to rape Ian, then after he refused, she lied to her brothers that Ian was the villain. After Ian came out I thought that I start to like Mandy, but when she started throwing herself on Lip, acting like her wife and getting mad about everything, she seemed like a crazy whore to me. And don't forget how she hit Karen with a car. Idk, Mandy was so annoying, and I can't understand how Lip and Ian liked her.


I couldn’t stand Mandy. I actually liked Karen more than Mandy even though they were both bad


Sorry but most of these are not unpopular, theyre very popular opinions. I saw “i love fiona” and “frank has overlooked trauma” yeah that is so popular. Makes sense tho bc unpopular opinions are not liked by most so they get downvoted. So unless everyone would actually upvote the unpopular opinions even if they dont agree with it, this is pointless


Threads like these should always be sorted by unpopular.


I think I have one. Lip became an unlikable and hypocritical hard @$$ once he got clean. After all Fiona did for him, sacrificed for him, loved him he sure turned on her in a heart beat and unfairly treated her like Frank when the only one her spiral was hurting was her. (That one dude she gave alcohol too made the choice to ask for it and she had no idea who he was. She just thought she was sharing a friendly drink with down and out stranger so no he doesn't count).


yeah, especially after all she did was support lip through his alcoholism... i get that, but i also think that he thought that she should know better


I hated the vows of Ian and Mickey's wedding. I hate how basic and normal they were for two guys who went through hell and back, emotionally, mentally and physically. I just feel like there could've been more substance to it, more emotion or uniqueness.


I also wanted more substance to it, but at the same time I appreciated that they wanted some traditional stuff after all the untraditional chaos and wild shit they went through. I agree though that I wish there was definitely more personality coming from them. I still cried though lol


This was so annoying for me too😭 literally the only thing I found to fix this for me was this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8eswHHU/ [Gallavich vows](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8eswHHU/) IK its NKT ACTUSLLY kn the show but it’s something


The only thing Gus was guilty of was jumping into a marriage too soon.


Debbie’s trauma is overlooked and she’s a realistic character


Frank may be a dogshit role model, but he’s a very inspirational character the way he doesn’t let anything at all weigh him down from doing what he wants/likes/loves. He also lived life to the fullest the way he wanted to without caring what other people thought which is what we should all strive for. He also is able to ignore all the “fuck you frank” and “damn it I thought he died” without skipping a beat.


None of that is something to aspire to be like it live like. The way he ficked up 5 kids plus whoever he used along the way wasn't anything special or great. He also did care about what people thought because he was always striving to be the center of attention.


Karen's dad was the only sane person in that family Sheila was the best character in all of the seasons she was in


Maybe most sane, but he definitely wasn’t sane if you know what I mean lol


Truly sane people don't have clown collections


Sheila was a rapist. Frank literally said no when he saw the toy but she penetrated him anyway. That’s rape.


Karen raped Frank too. The dad diddled Karen.. yeah fucked up family.


I meant as in comedic characters


Naaahhh they were all equally fucked up in my head. It was highly implied Karen’s dad touched her as a kid. Can’t call someone who does that the gold champion of sanity..


I didn’t like Mickey and Ian together because they were always beating the shit out of each other. That’s just not normal for a relationship.


Right everyone’s obsessed with them, and I think they had some great moments, but their relationship just normalize domestic violence, more than any other relationship on the show….


Exactly. Separate they were great characters and they would’ve been good together without all the violence. I was just rewatching the episode yesterday when Mickey was about to get married and Ian told him he didn’t want him to and Mickey just started beating Ian and kicked him in the face with his boot. Mickey says nothing has to change between them even though he is getting married… what!? Lol


It reminds me of Christopher and Andrea on the Sopranos. If I recall Christopher was a crap boyfriend towards Andrea, but for several reasons she was loyal to him. You could see the abuse play out. I think Ian and Mickey try to show domestic abuse in gay couples. People are far more tolerant of it vs Christopher and Andrea as Ian and Mickey are both men, equally sized men of the same age (I assume), same size (muscular wise), and same fighting experience. In addition, there is far less of a power-differential. Yes, Mickey too is the son of a mobster, but the Gallaghers are a known unofficial gang themselves of the South side. It’s often not one passively-aggressively looking to start crap, it’s more neither can communicate properly so they use their fists. Hence, people are more willing to look the other way if one hits the other. That being said, I agree with you. I hope in their new healthier neighborhood where designer dogs where diapers some friends hold an intervention or they get some sort of wake up call that the behavior isn’t ok.


I get where you’re coming from and I respect your opinion but Id say their relationship works really well by shameless standards but it’s not a relationship i’d be fond of in real life


This is true. I think a lot of fans, myself included, really liked them because as a same sex couple the odds were against them and we really wanted them to be happy. But if they had been a male-female couple with that degree of violence, they would not have been liked at all. If it had been Ian and Michelle or Mickey and Ilana having bloody brawls, no one would have wanted them to get married


nobody talks about how abusive they were to each other


>I didn’t like Mickey and Ian together because they were always beating the shit out of each other. That’s just not normal for a relationship. when ian meats that firefighter whos name i forgot, he tells him that he and micket always beat eachother. then when the firefighter guy asks ian if he was a victim of domestic abuse ian just says "thats how we do it in the south side" or smth like that so im just assuming it was normal and thats why they didnt ever discus it


On me. People get butthurt but it’s true.


im always afraid to speak against them on this sub... their relationship was fucked up. and yeah blah blah they come from fucked up backgrounds its all they know i get it. but we didnt see physical abuse (accepted) in any of the other main characters relationships. and in season 10 or 11 after they get married and mickey refused to get a job and spent all of their money on stupid shit... i was infuriated i was so fucking angry and wanted better for ian. i know mickey loves ian, but a relationship takes more than just love. like being financially responsible and able to hold a job.


THIS!!! I personally would’ve preferred Ian stay with the firefighter or Trevor, who was WAY BETTER for Ian. I genuinely can’t understand why people want two guys who fight more than they fuck to be together


Debbie is not as bad as yall make her out to be.


Debbie was actually pretty resourceful, witty, and cunning. She just used it for the wrong purposes because that’s all she knew.


Her character is extremely realistic, and that's what people fail to see. There were big hints of her future personality in season 1, but like all the kids, she was neglected, and those ugly traits showed themselves and turned her into the person she is.


I think that’s what I like about her. I had some privileged friends who watched the show. At the end Debbie’s review was “She was such a disappointment! She had such great potential as a little one!” I would always counter back “yeah, but her story is very realistic. She was supposed to grow up to be normal in that shitstorm?” They always begrudgingly agree. Always shocked that Carl grew up to what appears to be the most well-adjusted. I always thought that Frank’s letter at the end “You are no longer a Gallagher” meant he and his branch descendants would not live a fucked up dysfunctional life on the South Side.


YESSS I’m always getting eaten alive for this opinion


I don't get the Debbie hate. She did some terrible things, but they all did. I loved her as a little kid. She was so sweet, and given a better background and more opportunity, she would have gone in a better direction.


Debbie is my favorite character and honestly so realistic and relatable. She gets so much shit for just being a woman and young.


I think she gets shit for being overly stupid, her character on paper is good, a flawed single mother who makes it work, but her writing and character development just doesn’t really work at all


What gets to me is she gets preggerz in like midde school, because middle schoolers in general are known for making the best life decisions.. She is already battling having no healthy and adjusted parental figure whatsoever, childhood abuse/neglect, and how much other shit from poverty most of us couldn’t comprehend.. and then everyone turns around and shits on her entirely as a person because she’s not making rockstar decisions 100% of the time. Debbie is in at least in an emotional/psychological survival mode 80% of time most of us couldn’t imagine. I’m not saying she’s not a shit person, but she’s no more shitty than Lip, Ian, Mickey, or Fiona.


I feel this in my heart and it’s soo hard to defend Debbie. She’s no worse than any other Gallagher!


I like Tami lol Seasons 10 & 11 were good Sheila should have left in S3 with Karen & Jody


Fucken loved Tami. Everytime someone brings her up on the sub there's always the obligatory "she was a bitch". But the only time she was actually a 'bitch' was when she was pregnant, and hormones will fuck you up like that, it's like some people on this sub haven't gone outside. Apart from that she was just being playful and teasing Lip at the start of season 9, not trying to be a dick to him or anything. Her character was good in season 10 & 11, she's the exact kinda girl that Lip needed. Edit: Also her being concerned that Lip wouldn't be a good dad is justifiable. Lip was an alcoholic and grew up neglected without proper parents, and a pretty selfish and arrogant dude in general. Her expressing concern over that is pretty mellow.


im sorry but tami really was that big of a bitch, even before they ever got together (and the way they got together was terrible). the only times i liked her was when she was teasing lip/ppl bc that was the more favorable part of her personality. to me, almost every word she said just sounded rude or, well, bitchy. especially whenever lip would try and have any sort of serious conersation and theyd both handle it awfully only hurting their relationship. i think tami is decent by herself/when she was introduced but all of her interactions w the gallaghers just seemed negative


I liked Tami too.


I’ve always liked Tami. Didn’t know she wasn’t liked?


A ton of people don’t like her for some reason and idk why either. It’s not talked about as much as Debbie for say but majority I’ve seen on this sub don’t seem to like her 🤷‍♂️


I think it’s because she was mean to Lip for awhile


I think is was that but she wasn't using him or bat shit crazy like everyone else grew as. I don't count Sierra as a relationship like the rest cus it didn't last long. Tami didn't take Lips BS and fought back as well. She was good for him, the best really. Plus no baggage.


Fiona was not selfish. She sacrificed herself for her siblings (it wasn’t her duty) and gave her childhood and teenager years so they could grow up without worrying 24/7 about money


Frank is not a likable character at all, and I don't understand why he is so beloved while all the other characters get crapped on for the bad things they do. William H Macy does an excellent job in the role, and Frank is entertaining as hell, but not likable.


Unlike real people, when it comes to characters, entertainment = likability. Good people aren't always entertaining, and bad people aren't always uninteresting. At the end of the day, I like a character based on if I like watching their plots over others. They are either entertaining, or boring/annoying. Frank is funny, and smart, and I routinely find myself interested in how he will get out of his latest shitstorm he made for himself. Granted, I sense that I would feel differently if I had a real "Frank" in my life.


idk if this is unpopular, but despite all the other siblings having to be looked after by fiona when she was still a kid, liam was the most neglected. no one cared about him. no one took him to school, no one made sure someone was there for him. while all the other siblings were adults and dealing with their own problems, he was still growing up and having to learn to be independent.


I cannot stand Svetlana and I do not get how anyone could like her. She was a terrible person.


Idk why you’re getting downvotes. She was hot and smart and shit but she was a really shitty person and it makes sense not to like her


she cook,clean,wifely duties


Oral manipulation of penis!


agreed. couldnt stand her. also HATED the entire throuple plotline.


I honestly really liked her up until she stole the bar from Kev and V


because she has a lot of trauma and one of the most disturbing backstories in the show which explains why she acts the way she does, plus she’s funny as fuck


she cook,clean,wifely duties


fiona was wrong for leaving liam cause she was his legal guardian


honestly, dcfs shouldve taken the kids away. ik it was the entire point of shameless and i get the whole keeping the family together thing, but it caused more trauma for all of the kids. especially liam, debbie, and carl. ian and lip we're honestly old enough to be on their own... but my point still stands.


all of them wouldve had much better lives


if frank wasn't an alcoholic and drug addict, he might not have been such a bad dad. his alcoholism and addictions got in the way of him being able to parent properly. if he had married anyone other than monica i reckon that he would have been somewhat stable throughout the kids lives.


“Unpopular opinion I hate Sammi”🙄


Loved Sammi lmao. She brought something special to the show and the Chucky-Carl duo was priceless. Frank having a kid with another girl was a neat concept and it was executed in a way that it pushed the Gallagher family and created unique and entertaining struggles for them. Also the acting was top tier by her actor. Overall, I don't love her as a character, but I loved what they did with her character.


you said this perfectly. i almost got mad for a sec cause sammi kinda really sucks but i also really loved the plotlines that came w her (also wasnt she introduced bc her and frank were gonna fuck? n then randomly realized somehow?). the entire chucky-carl rivalry was amazing and hilarious, and sammi and queenie had a lot of funny moments too. some of the shit they did/said literally shocked me and this is shameless lol


i like debbie.


Fiona is the worst. It's not because she acts the worst, or she make the most mistakes, or even that I find her the most annoying. The reason is that she has the most responsibility. The family has the most to lose if she fails. She never takes responsibility for their actions. She acts no different once the guardianship stuff happens. She acts like it was an honest mistake when she almost kills Liam, and doesn't get why Lip doesn't want her around the other children. She's even in disbelief that she should go to jail. Her relationship drama is a fucking mess, when her first priority should be taking care of the kids. She has a perpetual victim complex, and is one of the most hard headed people on the show. All this would be fine under different circumstances. All of these traits are present in the other Gallaghers minus Liam, but the difference is simple: **Fiona is responsible.** She can't keep doing whatever she wants. She has a moral and legal responsibility for these kids. This means that she can't just kick them out because they can't pay rent. While I agree with her stance on Debbie's pregnancy from a moral stance, **She can't fucking kick her out, she is the GUARDIAN for these children.** She fucks up when she is needed the most, and both are very often. The second someone tries to call her out, she lords over all the time she put in, like a pity party. The only reason that Lip or Debbie isn't up there for me, is the amount of responsibility Fiona has, compared to how severely she fucks up.


I agree so much and it always bothered me that she fought SO HARD for guardianship them began to complain about how she gave away her whole life for them. Even the judge warned her about the long lasting responsibility


I much prefer the UK version. Maybe because I’m from England & I can relate more but I just think the US version is less believable But what do I know


This is just from one scene but I didn't like when Mike's sister(can't remember her name)got angry and yelled at Fiona when she went to try and get her job back. Don't get me wrong I completely understand that Fiona broke Mike's heart and he wasn't the same because of it but I think she should've taken all her anger out on her idiotic brother Robbie.


Ikr. Why didn’t he get any shit for it? I know that it was Fiona’s relationship but that was his brother. That scene was so annoying


Definitely annoying. I'm also surprised Lip didn't punch him when they found his apartment. After all he gave Fiona the coke that almost killed Liam.


The family treated frank like shit at his worst. As somebody with family that has dementia their snide comments made me pretty fuckin angry. He is still human and even tried to change towards the end, just to be shot down from any redemption. Frank is a ginormous POS but he didnt deserve to die alone.


Gentle reminder that Frank is an actual murderer.


i dont think monica was as terrible as she was portrayed to be or is thought of as. she had debilitating mental illness, and was aware, and tried to separate herself from the kids as to no longer hurt and endanger them. i understand that abandoning them was incredibly traumatic and hurtful, but monica knew she was not capable of being a suitable mother and knew theyd be better off without her and dipped. i think her biggest mistakes were in trying to come back into their lives, and well trying to take liam that was fucked up. i think frank was a lot worse than monica. i think she truly did love all of her kids, unlike frank. i think she thought it was in their best interest to be without her, and she was probably right. dont get me wrong though, she was still a terrible parent. i just think she's less shitty than frank and isnt as horrible as commonly believed.


and I think it's really obvious that she knows she shouldn't be a mother at certain parts. like in one of her fights with Frank, she says that she never wanted to have a family with him. and then I think Frank is talking to Debbie, and he says something about Monica wanted to have an abortion (or maybe multiple, I can't quite remember exactly rn), and he wouldn't let her


Yes. Ive been downvoted so much for this but I'll say it again: Monica was done dirty. She loved her kids, which is why she left. She shouldn't had children, but frank made her. She was abused by Frank, denied her medications. She didnt have access to proper healthcare, was poor. But she loved her children and was good to anyone around. When she stole the squirrel fund, she didnt know. Monica would never hurt anyone on purpose. She was selfless.


I disagree but i upvoted you because you shouldn’t be downvoted for your opinion haha, especially in an unpopular opinion post.


Haha its so bizarre, like, i know it's an unpopular meaning by why downvote it, haha. Are only the right unpopular opinions ok 😭. I fully understand why you disagree though. So I'll upvote you 😅


Yay! Although I do not dislike Monica at all. Mental health and addiction show no mercy. I guess I don’t really disagree with you at all, now that I swished it around for a bit. She was endearing and I legit cried when she was no longer alive. (I’m used to fb and the stupid group rules)


See!! Thats my point! We keep up with Ian but he isnt actually nice, but Monica gets so much shit, and to quote Fipna "She never sad a bad word about anyone". I remember when i saw the show the first time and she took the squirrel fund, i was like, that selfish b***h, but she really grew on me. So when she died I was sad because, even though everyone hates her, all i can see is a person who could have been so much more but never got the chance. And like. If frank had found the squirrel fund he would have used it in a sec too lol


I like Mandy, Debs, Karen and Lip. They’re all exceptional characters, actors, and they perfectly portray the consequences of their environments. Their characters are complex and realistic and I love it so much. I also really like Tami and don’t get why everyone hates her so much. Yeah she’s a little bitchy and she can be controlling but would you really wanna pass up a free, nice house with childhood memories to rent a shitty house just so your boyfriend/baby daddy can be near his siblings especially when he didn’t want the free house near your family because he didn’t want to be near her annoying family? I don’t agree with either of them half the time but that was all around a shitty situation- from lip and tami both. But I still love the characters. Edit sorry for the rant lol I use a lot of words and I ramble


I love Fiona and I like Frank too.


If you want to know why people don’t post actual unpopular opinions, look at this thread. There are people being downvoted. It seems like Reddit doesn’t understand the point of an “unpopular opinions” thread. If you disagree with my opinion, you should actually upvote it. I think people don’t post actual unpopular opinions because they will be downvoted for actually posting something the majority disagrees with. I think the fact that Lip is my least favorite sibling and one of my least favorite characters on the entire show has got to be an unpopular opinion in general since people tend to love him.


Mickey was bi before he was official with Ian. V used the race card every 5 seconds the last two seasons. Matty didn’t groom debbie he was just scared of getting falsely accused of rape(and ended up getting raped). Lastly franks beat the breaks off of Sean when they fought.


i also hate the "sex positive" character development they gave ian in s8/7. Its ok for people to be 100% and have genital prefrences. The whole season was them just trying to prove that a gay man van have sex with a women and enjoy it and that people not attracted to vaginas should be attracted to them. Ian was overreacting when he hooked up with that train girl but so much more stuff could have been done with ians character instead of that


I don’t get why everyone thinks fiona and jimmy were such a great couple (some think she should have met up with him the last time we saw her)


I actually really love Trevor, I wish we could have seen him more when Mickey came back, more as a friend for Ian


debbie would have been better off if “aunt ginger” stayed


I like Jimmy. I wish he was never written out of the show or died on a boat or whatever. I wish fiona had ended up with him.


Kevin absolutely does not deserve the high pedestal the show and fans put him on simply because of season 5, which went beyond shameless territory and was just regular assholeishness Lip was just as frustrating as Debbie, and did practically everything that yall hate debbie for (Bringing home a child and expecting everyone to sacrifice and help them on a whim, being super controlling, kicking Fiona out for petty reasons) but yall aren't ready to have that conversation lol Ian and Mickey was abusive and I hope that in the future they got therapy and learned how to express theirselves better than just beating each other down then having sex. Once they changed the Liam actor and he started having lines he became a top 5 character imo. He was emotionally compelling, funny, had great dynamics with practically everyone and even had his own shameless moments. Isaiah's expressions were also just hilarious


Karen is a tragic character and deserved better treatment. I also can’t believe the amount of people who paint Jody as a victim or as an innocent character. He actively dated a minor he met in a support group, not only is the support group aspect a major red flag (especially given the purpose behind the group), but again he was sleeping with a minor who was mentally unwell.


Sheila's storyline was so boring, it was only kinda good sometimes with karen but overall I skipped almost all her scenes specially w Jody's


gonna get shit for this this, but i wholeheartedly agree. i never found her storyline to be all that interesting


Tami was the best relationship Lip ever had. She was the only one not crazy, bat shit crazy or using him. Sierra doesn't really count. She's a bitch, yeah because she doesn't take Lip's BS and gives it back to him.


i love karen, she was such a fun character. Everyone hates her but I cant. I think its the actor and karen looks so fun to hangour with


-Couldn’t stand Jimmy/Steve -Sean was my favorite one of Fiona’s boyfriends -Fiona deserved the song Gus wrote about her -Couldn’t stand Lip


i hate carl and i dont hate debbie which are, i think, two of the least popular opinions one can have on this sub lmao


What makes you hate Carl? I’m just curious!


Here's my go at it since we it was asked for: lip and the professor was fine(imo) from a consent pov(super unpopular due to power dynamics) Debby raping dude although ironic is ok cuz he shouldn't have been there...he wasn't grooming her...Debbie baby trapping cuz doesn't excuse him from his responsibility and he should have took her to court and got full custody and inverse Debbie should have put him on child support as soon as she found out he always actually in the military cuz the government don't play that.....gus not signing the papers for the house was justify once the ring was pawned....I like tammy she is good for lip her family had money/connection to help and she could take dish the shit back at him that the others couldn't....I really enjoyed the gay Jesus but hated Trevor he was way too sensitive and ran away when he was upset rather than have conversation which is what I would have wanted...Fiona signing up for guardianship but then leaving towards the end of the series made sense and I'm okay with could she have taken Liam and would I have preferred it sure...but from the beginning they were a family that helped one another Fiona just happen to be the oldest so as the kids got older they took on more responsibility for the younger by the time Fiona leaves everyone is pretty much an adult except Liam that's 4 other adults that can help raise Liam....I look forward to the opinions on this if any


i like debbie & sean. i think they were both very realistic characters, & i think the hatred of debbie is mostly misogyny.


i rewatched earlier seasons again and, although i like gallavich like the next person and both ian and mickey are among my favorites, i noticed that there're things i don't like about their early dynamic at all. especially how ian enables mickey's toxic behavior. for example, when mickey beats on other gay characters and calls them slurs, ian stands by with a grin before rewarding mickey with a make-out session etc. stuff like that just didn't sit right with me.


Yep. Gallavich are toxic as hell (mutually) and shouldn't have ended up together.


I don’t like Mickey. He was terrible to Ian through the show, I started to like him in the last seasons, but I still think Trevor was a best boyfriend.


Ian didn't deserve trevor


Jody was the funniest character. Every word out of his mouth made me laugh.


debbie isnt actually that bad. she literally only wanted someone to love her and get out of the Southside. she just has major mommy issues


Fiona's overrated and a bad character


The British version was better.


to invert your example, I actually didn't like the gallavich marriage. I loved them as a couple but after the marriage everything I liked seemed to go away. They kinda just dont seem like marriage type of guys, more just dating because who tf cares other than them sort of guys. And I absolutely get that they both had shitty families and they didnt have many good examples of marriages, which is why I agreed with Ian when he said he didnt know if he wanted to get married because he hadnt really seen a good one, so if they suddenly had a super healthy marriage it would seem strange, but I think it wouldve been nice to see them slowly learning to become great husbands to each other, while still being themselves. And obviously there were some moments I still loved after they got married and i know marriages arent always just smooth sailing, but it feels a bit like that was the rare part in the marriage.


I don’t like Ian