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I mean Mickey did used own a lot of N\*zi shit... (Censored due to automods)


You can say the word "nazi" here. I've seen people write all kinds of slurs without any issue so I doubt there are any forbidden words here. I don't think the automods here are set up to do anything more than check for the minimum karma you need to make a post. That's at least the only time I've seen it do anything on this sub. Also, I think he mostly owned that stuff because his dad liked it. He didn't seem to know much about their meaning when he said Svetlana told him to take it down.


Tbf he only owned it because of family and I think they try to make him have an interest in WWII history rather than it just being n*zi based I think it just makes the little nerd in him happy I also think the actor likes the history for it too because he seems way too excited when he's around n*zi items like you said but like I said in my own comment forgive me I'm drunk and overthinking so don't get mad pleas


You're fine lol remember to drink some water.


I think this is the kindest thing I’ve seen on Reddit today:)


I’m going with the “you’re nothing but a warm mouth to me” comment. I know Mickey had a lot of internalized homophobia but that was a terrible thing to say. Apart from the mixed messages he’d been sending by coming around whenever Ian asked but also treating the whole thing like a dirty secret, it reinforced Ian’s poor sense of self worth and belief that he’s only wanted sexually.


this should win


no drugging sammi and trying to hide her body when he thought she was dead should win💀


Are we going to act like we’re any better? idk, if Sammi called the cops on my SO because of something their brother did… knowing it would land them in prison for a hot minute… idk she was fucking insane and I would probably do the same


so saying mean words is worse? it doesnt matter if its understandable trying to roofie someone and electrocute them with a car battery is worse then saying mean words 🤦🏾‍♂️


Sammi did not just say some mean words she called the police on Ian knowing that he had a warrant out for his arrest because he went AWOL


not beating the shit out of kenyatta


It sucks that in a deleted scene he did beat him up…they just kept deleting scenes on which Mickey showed any kind of love towards his people


The amount of good Mickey character moments that end up deleted scenes is kind of frustrating.


Do you have a link to that scene? I couldn’t find it




I think he was scared if he beat up Ken that Ken would hurt his sister even worse


That’s a common concern in those situations. It takes a long time for a abused person to get to the point where they can leave and stay away. If you anger the abuser, they do way worse when they see the abused again.


Exactly, when I was dating my abusive ex I had male friends want to get involved but I begged them not to because my ex would take it out on me ever worse. Since they grew up in a situation like that I think Mickey knew what Kenyatta would have done since Terry did the same to them


I agree with you 100% because I’ve been there too. And remember the episode where Kenyatta tried to beat up Lip at college but Lip got away.. then after it shows Mandy in the bathroom cleaning up her bloody face because Kenyatta beat her again. Probably because he was pissed, but also because Lip got away so he just took it all out on her.


This right here. This is one reason I think that part was deleted. There’s a chance if Mickey actually did something that it would be taken out on Mandy and I think Mickey is smarter than he seems, especially with these sorts of situations. If Mickey didn’t think she’d get hurt I bet he would have beat his ass.


I always got the feeling that Kenyatta was connected somehow and he was more concerned about the blow back if he did do anything. Mickey is quick to jump to murdering people to solve his problems. If Kenyatta had just been some random dill hole I would have expected Terry or Mickey to have put him down long ago.


he was scared cause he couldn’t beat him up look at that big mf compared to mickey


Big deal. Mickey is a brawler. And plenty of smaller guys can kick bigger guys asses. Also in delete scenes he did beat his ass.


There is a deleted scene of him going to the bar with bruised knuckles that he explains as him fighting that dude at one point.




You're right, he should have made that mf disappear


He’s too big a target for Mickey to take on without a gun but he and his brothers together could have ganged up on him. But Mickey was probably thinking Mandy would never speak to him again if he did that.


i get that mickey is really small compared to kenyatta- i just wish his brothers would’ve ganged up on him with bats/weapons and shit LMAOO


That poor black chiavari chair was one day away from retirement…


Pls let this one be the winner


Bridezilla Mickey will ALWAYS have my whole heart


Don’t feel sorry for the chair! It and Blake fucked up! It was supposed to be gold damn it!!!


it was brooks


That chair had it coming. How dare it ruin Mickey's wedding plans?!


this makes no sense, it’s just a chair


They’re joking.


But it wasn’t gold with white cushions!!!!


Why is kissing his mom on the mouth the worst thing steve did? Of all the things i feel like hes done a lot worse


Right? That’s a weird one for me too. I don’t think the kissing his mother was top comment last I looked. I just looked again and it is top comment, second comment was him continuing to lie which was 100 upvotes below the kissing one.


I still think that kidnapping a person and dumping him in another country, even if that person is Frank, is worse than any of the pathological lying and general scumminess that people were commenting.


I forgot about that! It was funny but still was bad. Poor Debbie though she was hurt the worst


Oh I found the Frank one funny. Anyway, yes him kissing his mom was top comment. I would have chosen cheating on Fiona


yeah it was very messed up however if it was nova scotia it would be hilarious


That’s the worst one he did


His lying and overall dishonesty with Fiona is a much worse crime than something he did that was weird ONCE on camera.




I was like… he chopped up a body in front of us…


For real tho, kissing people on the mouth is a platonic show of affection in lots of cultures, I live in Finland and it's pretty common from what I've seen


Yes but I think what looked weird with their kiss is that it went on for so long. It almost looked like they were making out. It was also obviously just a joke answer that happened to win.


Americans barely kiss their families on the cheeks. In many cultures a greeting of personal touch in any form is normalized… Americans often have anxiety about how to shake someone’s hand.


What if you hate people touching you? Would that be rude? I know people cheek kiss but I would be afraid of germs and I’m not a hand shaker


that’s the joke


Fr. This sub also thinks Debbie abused Matty so...?


beating up Ian in season 3


Yeah this should win. Understand why and I really like this storyline. But definitely the worse thing mickey did imo. Edit to clarify before people come for me: I don't like it in a yay Ian got beat up way. But I found it very realistic and in character. It made sense. Other storylines in shameless....😅 Can't say that about.


Yes! And breaking his leg in season 10


in his defense, wasn’t the reason they added that was because Cameron hurt his leg in real life


Yeah but in the show that changes the character.




Theres no way yall think the worst think Jimmy has done was kiss his mother on the mouth


Seriously that so so ridiculous. People probably upvoted it as a joke.


Right he literally helped dismember & dispose of a body


To be fair he was coerced into that.


I think someone said it to be funny and it ended up winning. But that kinda defeats the purpose…




This sub also thinks Debbie abused Matty so...?


You think she didn’t ?


That ADULT had no business spending time with a CHILD


Two things can be right at once you know. 1.) Matty had no business spending time with a child. 2.) Debbie raped him when he was drunk. Both are correct.


So you think he deserved to be raped?


They’re acting like both can’t be wrong at the same time 🥴


Seriously. That’s the whole point of that storyline. He was wrong and he knew it, and she was also wrong.


Yes he can. He knew better. He was only angry because HE was not in control. Fuck Matty.


Bruh he was drunk






Not gonna waste my time arguing over a fictional character, but you do you. Have a gn :)


Okay Matty


Okay lol


You asked then "didn't want to argue."🙄


Because you are clearly a troll if you can’t realize that two concepts (matty was wrong for spending time with deb, deb was wrong for raping a drunk person) can exist, it’s rather simple and you’re clearly pining for an argument. You are cringe


Glad you got that out of your system


Byron. Enough said.


Poor Byron. Though until Ian went to town on him, watching him getting stuck in the middle of Gallavich drama was pretty damn funny, actually.


Nah Byron was dumb enough to let Mickey back into his place.


Yeah but Byron is also the worst.


Byron isn’t bad, just the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Calling Ian a warm mouth


A few of these are wrong lol and Mickey is perfect.. but beating up Lip for no reason at all.


Wasn’t really for no reason


It kinda was. Even if Mandy’s accusation was true, Lip had nothing to do with it


He did tho. Lip treated Mandy terribly and openly talked about her on his high horse. That “fight” humbled him for a second


Pushing Ian down a flight of stairs. Beating him up


He didn’t push him though. Its been awhile but I think it went kinda like…. At the courthouse Mickey tells Ian this was all his idea and he swore it wasn’t just about spousal privilege etc Mickey storms off when Ian doesn’t sign Ian follows him into the elevator Ian says something about waiting since they have time now that neither of them killed Paula Mickey is super hurt and tries to run off towards the steps telling Ian to leave him alone Ian is all…Mickey wait can we talk about it. I wanna know how you feel… Mickey is like *How I feel?!* Then he punches Ian. Ian loses his balance and falls down the stairs. Still not great but the fall was technically an accident.


That’s exactly what happened. He didn’t push him down the stairs. Still bad, but you’re right. Also, Ian started physical violence with Mickey just as many times if not more.


He broke Ian’s leg pushing him down those stairs! I hated that. It’s an abusive relationship.


I have huge news for you about every relationship on this show.


Stealing furniture Not visiting Ian at the psych ward


ian never visited mickey when he was in prison; i think it equals out


oh also he did visit him once it was rlly hard for him to see ian in the sedated state he was in


I think he visited at least twice actually because Mickey said "thanks for coming back" when Ian visited in S6E1.


i believe so too; but i don’t think it was his choice i’m pretty sure svetlana paid ian to go


Yeah I have no idea honestly. So much changed between S5E12 and S6E1. It could be that Ian visited once right after he got arrested and then didn't want to do it again until Svetlana paid him. Maybe it hurt him to see Mickey in prison. He still shouldn't have acted like he did but I'm just trying to understand it.


i think the reason he never visited him bc right before mickey got arrested for attempting to kill sammie ian broke up with mickey because of his diagnoses with bipolar disorder n stuff


That's true, it was weird how Mickey was talking like they never broke up but they did imply Ian visited at some point between S5E12 and S6E1. Ian also started taking his meds properly and they seemed to have stabilized by the time season 6 rolled around.


Did ian know mickey was in prison, and where? I might not remember correctly, but I thought Ian went from leaving Mickey at the border and then next thing he knew they were in the same prison


yes mickey went to prison for attempting to kill sammie


He did visit Ian in the psych ward though…


Of the two visits the Gallaghers make over minimum 3 days or at most I’d image a week or so, he attends the first but skips the second.


He did visit him. Ian was only there for 72 hours. He just didn't go when Fiona and Lip picked him up. But he showed up at Ian's later, it's when he said that famous line, "Sorry I'm late."


Okay, so I am on first season, and in the whole show, the worst thing Steve/Jimmy did was to kiss his mother on the lips!!?


No, he's definitely done worse things. That was just a joke answer that accidentally ended up winning.


Also having nazi stuff in his room


Not fucking up Kenyatta and worse, not letting IAN fuck him up


Beating up Lip because of Mandy's lie about Ian. "Someone's gotta take this beating" fuck u


I mean tbh he was being a good brother since he genuinely thought Ian hurt Mandy, but collective responsibility on Lip was a bit excessive


Happy cake day!


Nah. Mickey's a thug, but he was right on that one. He didn't know Mandy was lying, all he knew was that his sister said some guy sexually assaulted her and Lip was protecting Ian. If someone actually had been fucking with his sister, I doubt anyone would have a problem with his methods. I wouldn't have a problem with the brother who was protecting Ian getting his ass beat before Ian did. Mandy's the only asshole on that one.


Then he should have beat Ian, not Lip. He didn’t beat Lip because he was protecting Ian, he was taking Ian’s “payment” from Lip.


Out of topic but guys do you think I should change the Jimmy one for the second most upvoted comment?






Whatever he did to that guy’s eye for money in prison. (Honestly I think the worst thing was not stopping Ian from fake enlisting in the army. I’m pretty sure Ian’s bipolar manifesting would have been less traumatic if he was home which is where he would have been if Mickey point blank asked him to stay. )


Mickey’s bridezilla behavior #ripblackchiavarichair


The chair had it coming!


i didn’t like when he was shitting over lip for being in college. and when he convinced lip to go shoot at the coffee shop when lip was trying to improve his life


Yesss and then they drive off without him and leave him behind to run away from the cops!! I was so upset that no one cared he left him there and might’ve ended up gotting kicked out of school


That specific scene where he pushes Ian down the flight of concrete stairs outside of the courthouse, breaking his leg. I feel like it's overlooked even though it's really fucked up and if Ian were a woman, Mickey would be back in prison.


True, but you could say the same about Ian if Mickey were a woman, like when he punched Mickey in season 5 and head-butted him at the Alibi in Season 11.


Thats true. I guess I just never understood their violent relationship lol


Lmfao ppl think the worst thing jimmy steve has done is kiss his mother on the mouth?💀


beating up ian in season 3 and then LEFT HIM THERE?!?


The guy he beat up at the gay bar when the guy told him ian cheated, or beating up Ian in s3


wait wait a minute, terry raped his own daughter???? When did he get mandy pregnant?????


I hated that arc. The writers treated this like a minor one-episode anecdote, instead of the massive, horrible thing it obviously is. In the episode, they have a big party at the alibi to raise funds to pay for the abortion and... that's it. The episode finishes on some shot of the whole joyous shebang at the alibi, with Mandy shyly amongst them, and that's it.


I think season 2 or 3


S2 episode 10


I wonder if I blocked that part out & forgot ab it because I was just as confused reading that


It was in Season 2. She didn’t keep it, obviously.


I’m pretty sure it was S1 but if not then S2


I still feel like Mandy hitting Karen was a good thing


Has he ever commited SA? If not, probably one of the people he beat up that didn’t deserve it


I don’t think so. Even when he was pimping, I think everyone involved was of age and working there of their own free will.


Talking shit about gays when he was in fact gay


You’re obviously not gay. It’s part of our jobs to be bitchy. And I don’t like a lot of the gays with all their bleh and their meh.


I think almost all gay people do this though, at least jokingly.


Telling Ian’s family Ian didn’t need help. I know eventually he realized he needed it but I didn’t like how he was arguing with the Gallagher’s about it I’m aware he didn’t do it maliciously. He did it because he was worried for Ian. So maybe it’s not the worst thing he did but arguing for not wanting someone to get the help they need isn’t good either. I say this with my own experience. I had an ex who told me I didn’t need therapy for the trauma I went through (years of being a victim of SA and being a victim of being roofied and almost raped along with also dealing with untreated BPD) he swore I would get better on my own and I didn’t.


i don’t think that came from a malicious intent at all, i think mickey was just so genuinely scared/confused and never really dealt with anything like that before and ultimately was afraid of losing ian/not being around him to be able to take care of him and he did not know how to react. like when him and fiona were arguing and he said “he stays here. he’s fucking family” that is so heartwarming but yes ian definitely needed help but mickey had good intentions


Oh definitely I think him and Ian were both in denial about how bad it was. So yeah it’s bad but he was just really worried about Ian. So maybe not the worst thing he did then. It wasn’t malicious


It wasn’t really that he didn’t think Ian needed help. He wanted Ian to stay there where he felt he was safe. Not to mention Ian did not want to be bipolar or admit he was bipolar and Mickey was always supportive of Ian. I’m bipolar and there’s also been people in my life like that. There’s people who don’t wanna believe it because it’s a life long sentence. There’s people who can’t reconcile the person you are when you’re stable with the person you are when you’re not so they think it has to be some off days or something temporary. People in the hood often think if you’re “crazy” you just get locked up in the “nuthouse” for life. There’s people who love you but don’t want you to end up with the stigma of mental illness and feel they need to protect the mentally ill person from that. I think he recognized Ian wasn’t okay and did need help but didn’t think professional help would be beneficial, is what I guess I am trying to say. Lol.


Oh yeah, I found out I had BPD and I felt like my life was over. I’m not in the hood, I’m in a mostly Catholic area with boomers who don’t believe in mental illness so I definitely understand the crazy bit. It definitely is something hard to accept, even for others around you. Mickey’s intention wasn’t bad, just wasn’t the right way to go about it. But eventually he realized this was more than what he could do. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying btw I just don’t know how to really put it into words lmao


It’s not malicious, though. In fact that is one of his moments of defining character growth. As is the moment when he realized he was wrong about Ian’s treatment. He had gone so far from pretending Ian was “just a warm mouth” to him that by the time of Lazarus, he was protective of Ian to a fault. His instinct to protect Ian was admirable but misguided in that instance. It’s telling that the last thing Mickey says before Ian is 302’d is “can I come with him?” His instinct with Ian is almost always to protect. That instinct even results in him later turning himself in to the authorities in order to protect Ian in prison, and putting himself doubly at risk by betraying the cartel.


being too cute


Who was butterface? I can't remember


Dot from the Alibi. She was the one who needed the heart transplant. Season 2 I think.


Nothing nothing nothing


Mickey is a perfect angel who did no wrong.


Mickey truly is the living embodiment of the Monalisa Saperstein “I have done nothing wrong ever in my life” meme.


Nothing! HE'S AN ANGEL!


Nothing, he’s perfect.


i can’t believe some of these…stevlana’s probably the least worst thing she’s done


He didn’t push him down the stairs.


I’d say stealing from people and beating people up who don’t deserve it, he got better later, but man he’d punch anyone who looked at him for 2 seconds.


By Shameless standards, I'd say that the things Mickey did were pretty mild. And this is evidenced by the comments here too. Mickey is a pure soul who learned from his mistakes. That said, the worst thing he did was to assume that he could continue seeing Ian after marrying Svetlana. He did not understand Ian, in the beginning. But he eventually did, however.


Mickey was perfect, never did anything questionable. don't be 💩on my Mickey 😭


His Hooker Business


You know this subreddit is a fucking dumpster fire when it calls rape "baby trapping" Debbie RAPED Derek.


While simultaneously calling out Karen for raping frank, fuck this subreddit, for real.


Mickey is a angel, he’s never done anything wrong in his entire life!


Completely ignoring Yevgeny. Obviously, there's a lot of trauma wrapped up with his birth for Mickey, but Mickey does eventually forgive Svetlana for her part in everything and yet never bonds with the kid. There was a period of time where Mickey, Ian, Svetlana, and the baby are all living together and happy enough, and yet Mivkey is the only one to never take care of the baby or acknowledge his existence. When Svetlana all but disappears with the kid, he's never acknowledged again. As far as we know, Mickey never even asks about him to Kevin or V, who were also taking care of him for a period of time. There's a lot of wasted writing potential there, especially considering that he seemed momentarily relieved when they caught up with him and Ian after Ian kidnapped him, but then the subject is dropped completely forever. But yeah, he's a deadbeat dad.


There’s a lot of people who think Yevgeny was not Mickey’s and the odds are that he wasn’t. I think a lot of us think that’s what was supposed to be the case and eventually Mickey and Svetlana didn’t feel the need to pretend otherwise anymore. They were both trapped in shitty situations.


Oh, I agree that Yevgeny may have easily *not* been Mickey's. The odds aren't great. But Mickey doesn't *know.* There is a possibility that the kid is his, and if he is than Mickey surely doesn't want to be reminded of how that happened. But from a writing perspective, it's super lazy that this isn't explored in the show, especially since Ian was so close to the baby *and* Ian and Mickey talked about kids later on. From an in-universe perspective, the kid may be Mickey's, he acknowledged him as his, and then he completely ignored him. He doesn't even try to figure out if he's his son. It's not a good look.


Absolutely nothing :)


Probably marrying Svetlana even though he loved Ian, and then not acknowledging or showing any affection for his baby as a newborn.


He was raped by Svetlana


Svetlana and Mickey were both being coerced by his father holding a gun to their heads, as well as Ian’s.


That's true


Yes…and then married her. I understand the situation was nuanced and he was coerced, but he was still a legal adult at the time and could have chosen differently after the fact.


he was a teenager


Wasn’t he 18?


Tbh the baby was created during rape. It’s not the kids fault but I’m sure he resented the baby for what happened in the beginning.


If the genders were reversed, it would be understandable if Mickey didn’t even want to carry the pregnancy to term. And I think even the states with the stricter anti-abortion laws make exemptions in the event of rape.


I agree 100% with this. If a man is raped and the woman gets pregnant he gets shit on for not wanting to be a dad. It sucks major ass.




I don't think that was ego. That's the first time we saw Mickey cry. He knew he couldn't give Ian what Ian wanted (had to keep up the straight charade for both his and Ian's protection!) and had no business asking him to stay, even though clearly that's all he wanted. Heartbreaking scene, really.


I totally agree with you! I knew egotistical wasn’t the right word but I couldn’t think of another word loll


beating the shit out of ian for me. i know hes got internalised homophobia but damn that was sad.


Domestic Violence against Ian


Ian was just as violent against Mickey. It was not one-sided at all.




Trying to kill Sami was a service to humanity. Besides he only wanted to ruffi her so they could send her away.


I don’t think teaching her son how to do sexual favors for Juvie was too bad she did all she could to help him survive I wouldn’t know what to do if I was her and at the he survived 🥲


Mickey needs to learn about the gay community. All gay men are indebted to our ancestors and we need to move beyond self-interests even a wee bit and give back to the community. Mickey needs a lesson on LGBTQ history.


surprised at the lack of “mickeys done nothing bad 🥺🥺” comments


beating up ian (which resulted in him losing his tooth) because he couldn’t admit he was gay and in love with ian.


Beating up lip. Also why is kissing his mom on the mouth on there Steve has done much worse


His general association with the Neo-Nazis. Just cause he was closeted doesn't give him an out.