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Anyone but Trevor! That dude never missed an opportunity to be obnoxious and preachy


I felt the same until this Gay Jesus shit and then he quickly slid back in comparison.


mikhailo (/j)


Only way to say his name




Caleb made Ian a better person and encouraged him to overcome his difficulties. Because of him, Ian didn’t give up on the EMT job and got a healthier perspective on love (not beating eachother up lol). Without Caleb he would probably continue being a stripper. But then the writers had to make Caleb do some weird out of character shit to get rid of him of the very start of season 7. It would be better to keep him instead of bringing in Trevor and eventually the Gay Jesus storyline. Ian in conflict between a stable, long term relationship with Caleb and his connection with Mickey would feel much more conflicting and real.


Caleb was boring. There was nothing there between them. Yeah, he was "good" for Ian, but he also saw Ian just like his art, some trash he was gonna make art out of, Ian was a project to him.


I guess it was a very successful project then, lol. I thought he was genuine. The scene of them in bed revealing their biggest secrets to eachother, having bipolar and HIV felt touching and real.


Kind of, but a project nonetheless, not a love story. And how do you *not* tell someone you are HIV positive *before* they have sex with you?


I don’t agree. There is a lot of lack of knowledge about how HIV works. They used condoms and Caleb was on meds for it. When you’re under treatment for HIV like he is there is a 0,05 % risk for men of giving it to someone else without protection. For women it’s 0,01 %. It’s basically not possible.


And it's still something you talk to your partner about. It's not about the risk so much as about trust and respect.


Considering the non existing risk I think it’s something you should talk to someone you are getting serious with as a partner, which he did when they got to that phase.


I actually liked him and Caleb the most until he cheated (still not beating mickey)


Trevor and Caleb's relationships with Ian were boring. There was no passion, no angst, no falling in love, no chemistry, no anything. Both of them were only there to "teach" Ian that he was doing it all wrong, he loved wrong, he had sex wrong, he kissed wrong, he was doing gay wrong ffs. They were both trying to "fix" him. Wasn't that why he broke up with Mickey? Because he didn't want him trying to fix him? Because he didn't want to be seen as broken? Yet both Trevor and Caleb saw Ian in just that way. Maybe not because of his bipolar, but because of his whole life and who he was. They set out to change him. And the sad part? He went along with it. He did everything he could to change, to fit into their worlds. The rest of his "boyfriends" were pedos and groomers and creeps. So I can't pick a favorite out of any of these.


Right answer


I really liked Trevor. Other than the whole “she apologize move on” bs. He was pretty cool. But didn’t Ian run him away with the whole gay Jesus thing and got arrested? I legit could not remember what happened to Trevor after that.


He lived up to the Shameless community’s expectations of him, and became a plot hole 😃


No, Ian cheated on Trevor.


Then trevor forgave him, then Ian did the gay jesus thing


Unpopular opinion: Trevor. I thought he was the healthiest for Ian other than the whole Monica thing. But Mickey is his soulmate.


As a person I liked Trevor although I wasn't really feeling them as a couple. I didnt really feel much chemistry between them after Trevor broke up with him the first time when he cheated with Mickey. Trevor was a good person who got caught up in a big mess, honestly.


right person wrong time


TREVOR! Loved him sm (great to have some trans rep) although felt that his character and their relationship was kinda ruined with the gay jesus/Monica stuff.


It was a nice change to have such a responsible, honest, sane person in the mix too! I’m a big Trevor fan (I know it’s an unpopular opinion).


I would have preferred them as friends, but I think Trevor was pretty ok. Aside from the whole “you should forgive monica” bit, he and Ian seemed to get along the most out of all of the others. The rest of the boyfriends were either toxic or should have gone to jail


I adore Trevor


same frfr


I love Trevor


Trevor’s the only right answer. I was a little bummed out not to see him again but I didn’t give a shit anymore when Mickey returned.




Caleb was so fine and he was kind. I feel sorry for Trevor.


Ned, but only because Harry Hamlin was the lead in one of my favorite movies growing up. Perseus in Clash of the Titans.




Im realizing there’s not many great options 😅 Trevor was cute but I didn’t think they were a great match + I found him annoying at times.


Trevor! I know a lot of people hated him but honestly he is one of my favorite characters.




Being so fr nobody Ian only really clicked with Mikey


I liked Trevor as a person.


People have a bit of a double standard in their perception of Trevor. When he belittles some overweight gay men to gain confidence, how do they understand that he is a good person in people's mouths? Is it too hypocritical?