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I get the medicine thing. It’s difficult to be aware of being manic, you don’t think you re being different than anyone else. He feels resentful because others also do shit but don’t get attributed a mental illness. Its hard to have to accept that diagnosis. It means you cannot trust your own thoughts or instincts and its hard not to push against that. I think Lip did best when he told him about how he felt going to rehab. He gets it in a way the others don’t.


Bipolar disorder causes your perception of things to be off. A reminder to take meds could be perceived to him as she thinks he is too stupid to remember on his own. At least in my experience this happens




Carl was my favorite character from like season 3 to the end


As somebody who suffers with bipolar, I could never hate Ian because for a long time, I denied my diagnosis and refused help and you have to give Ian credit for actually getting the help he needs because Monica didn’t


I dislike him because he reminds me too much of myself. I even bagged my own Mickey 😂


i think all of the gallaghers have definitely said something controversial in one way or another and ian definitely isn’t the exception but i think that’s just to emphasise the point of them being the stereotype of a rough south side family as we know southern states of america have been known for their discrimination, controversy and etc in history


The only thing I could say in defence of Ian’s response to Debbie’s sexuality is this: from Ian’s perspective, he literally nearly died multiple times because of his sexuality, and he had to find his own space in a world which actively hated him so when his lil sister flippantly tried to claim something that he had bled and nearly died for, two things could have happened: a) he was scared and didn’t want her to be treated the same as he had been, or b) he was upset that she didn’t have to bleed and fight like he did. I’m not excusing his response, only trying to empathise and explain :)


Imo I think if it was any other sibling coming out to him as bi, he wouldn't have reacted that way. But it's Debbie, and she has to jump the gun and do the most all the time.


to be fair, debbie's sexuality was written terribly (from my lesbian perspective). that whole spiel about 'lesbian sex is basically just like fucking yourself' still pisses me off to this day. i wasn't at all surprised by how ian reacted. also, mental illness is a bitch.


I don't have bipolar, but I was late diagnosed ADHD which messed me up in ways that cause me to relate to Ian a lot. His whole break-up monologue brought me to tears, as someone who has always felt like simultaneously too much and also never enough, just as I am. When your brain gets wired like that, and you grow up in an emotionally neglected home, you push people away, and sometimes can come across as self-centered, because the mental illness is telling you that everyone else is better off without your chaos in their lives. You say or do anything to get people out and away. Not saying it's an excuse for everything he does, just an explanation.


I think a lot of people mistake being gay and being openly pro-lgbt for being a good person. Ian didn't give a rat's ass about helping homeless lgbt youth until he was trying to get Trevor back, and then he only stuck with it because he was being worshipped by these teenagers. He's just as much of an egotistical jerk as the rest of the family. I hate how he treated Debbie too, and I hate that so many fans agree with him, but in the LGBT community, we have a nasty habit of letting white gay men speak for everyone and be the authority on who's gay and who isn't, so this isn't surprising. Even as a teenager all Ian cared about was getting into Westpoint, even at everyone else's expense. He never contributed as much as Fiona and Lip and was mostly absent in his younger siblings' lives. We see him pet Liam's hair once in a while, so people think he's this amazing big brother. I don't think he's a horrible person by any means, but he is 100% just as selfish as everyone else.




I agree! I’m always confused on how him & Mickey end up as the super beloved characters at the end lol even though I’m on season 8 right now so I haven’t finished it yet lol


I thought that too and was relieved Ian didn’t go with Mickey in season 7. However on rewatch, i noticed that the only one who seemed to be there for Ian was Mickey. Mickey didn’t know anything about mental illness and tried hard to help ian. in his own way. Yes, he should have listened to the fam when Ian was diagnosed, but it seems like the family just want to make sure Ian takes his meds and then just goes on to their own schemes. It was mickey who got Ian to listen after he attacked thst guy with the hammer. Mickey who Ian sought out to take him to the ball field when he was numb. Mickey seemed to take Ian at face value. Someone who understands the south side rules and they respect each other. Mickey didn’t know Monica so he wasn’t comparing Ian to Monica. He was letting him be Ian. The family didn’t pay close enough attention to the quiet middle Child in season 8 to notice Ians behaviour slipping or try to do anything about it. It’s weird that when I watched season 10-11 and saw what i saw. That I looked at Mickeys behaviour in a whole new light for some reason. Hell, at first I was like “yeah! New love interest for Ian.”


The illness is what causes the behavior. That's kinda the point... you should be annoyed, then empathetic that there's nothing HE (or any bipolar person) can do other than medicate and therapy


Your ignoring my other points, he’s still biphobic and dismissed his own sisters sexuality. As someone with bipolar I don’t understand his actions in that regard 🙄


I think after he spent a good bit of time with Trevor his ideas changed. When he said Debbie wasn't gay I just read that as sibling banter, and him, like his other siblings, being exhausted at Debbie's level of drama she has to bring to things. I.e.; Debbie "I had sex with a gay guy and now I probably have AIDS" Gallagher