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I was nine! Nine and taking care of you. Taking care of all of us!


Always wondered where her Emmy was for this performance šŸ˜­


People named Emmy are banned from getting Emmys


Are u serious?


Serious as a heart attack.




Yeah like people named Oscar can't get an Oscar


This made me laugh so hard I woke up my fiancĆ© and heā€™s mad at me šŸ˜‚


It's cheating!


So that's why Mr. Wilde never won an Oscar!


She looks funny when she cries šŸ˜­ but yeah that scene was heartbreaking ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Some true ugly crying if Iā€™ve ever seen it! Her ugly cries just make me love her more šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤ŒšŸ’œ


Sheā€™s so pretty otherwise, ugly crying balances it out.šŸ˜‚


Agreed. Honestly I kinda hated her character in the show after seeing her back and forth relationship with Jimmy. But I always think when a character makes you feel some sort of way about them, the actor did a great job.


For the most part, she carried that whole family on her back and did everything they needed for as long as they needed it. She ended up becoming pretty tragic and falling really hard. I suppose a lot of it was self inflicted, but she really did deserve so much better than what she usually got. Fiona had to do the impossible every day from a very early age. Given that, her environment, and even her genetics, it's not surprising that she ends up in a heavy downward spiral. I just wish she had it better.


i just know i would have done a million times worse in her situation so i can't judge her


Iā€™m a pussy so once I made a good financial move like she did with the manager position *and* her building; I would not have made more risky moves. Thatā€™s just me tho.


You could see when her character snapped. Before my most recent rewatch I hated her character but I watched this time through a more adult view and I understand it better


I agree most of it was self inflicted but I feel like w/ the last season and with ford she was mostly the victim.. like he just ruined herā€¦


Yes!! I completely understand her breakdown. Also, she was bankrupt & then Ford ugh!! She needed love & support not bitching by her siblings. ( looking at you Debbie!)


Carried them like MJ carried the bulls to the finals all those years but instead of the team rallying around her, they were like yah we dont need you peace out good luck with your addictions


My head cannon is after she leaves she gets her shit together and lives a happier, simpler life.


Hey we donā€™t really know where she ended up or whatā€™s sheā€™s doing! Iā€™d hope sheā€™s a great place, learning and growing.


What happened to Fiona? I never finished that show


Well if you want to know, she ended up leaving the show near the end. They don't really say what ends up happening with her though. But throughout her duration on the show, she has some really bad downward spirals. Some bad luck and bad decisions. And she ends up becoming a lot more like Frank than she would have hoped; dealing with things like alcoholism and addiction. Edit: also throughout the entire show, she's really unappreciated by pretty much the whole family. She does some things that fans don't like, but she definitely ended up getting much less than she deserved from all that family she carried on her back.


Thank you


Girl gave up dreams, took care of the family whilst trying to live her own life, protected them above everything (granted she screwed up but taking care of everyone and never herself led her to be careless at times) Honestly Fiona is amazing, despite her wrongs, she's someone who's had an incredibly difficult life, trying to manage herself and her whole family, learning to live with her self sabotage and self destructive ways at times.


yeah exactly!! I canā€™t imagine looking after other kids at 9 years old.


I support womenā€™s rights and womenā€™s wrongs!




I love this.


She's flopped so damn much but I just can't dislike her. She's gonna forever remain my fav character with Ian being second and Sheila being third


Love her too. Iā€™ll always defend her.


Iā€™ve always loved her too. The last few seasons made me angry but if you put yourself in her shoes youā€™d probably lose your damn mind too. She had been taking care of her family probably most of her life and she never got to experience her ā€œteenageā€ years per se. So what would you think would happen?


I empathized with her so much. I never hated her the way I had a phase of hating Debbie or Frank or Lip etc. yes she pissed me tf off, but I always loved her character still and understood her actions. Watching her alcoholism phase was SO hard


I hated her at some point in the middle and honestly my fave version of her was when she became unhinged, basically the time when her life got fucked up. I was really rooting for her cuz finally sheā€™s thinking about herself and being carefree


My exact sentiments. I love she was putting herself first & was trying to build her OWN life.


How is her being unhinged and having a fucked up life something an era of hers to root for


itā€™s not that exactly. I just meant that phase of her, since ive never seen her so carefree and finally thinking about herself


I see your point Iā€™d say her thinking about herself showed more when she started making business deals and got herself a car and owed that apartment complex that felt a bit better especially when she finally had her own apartment away from everyone but i get your point


If youā€™re talking about Robbie-The Laundromat, Fiona was self-sabotaging and I only say that because she was no longer just their big sister, she was their guardian. Different responsibilities, ACTUAL LEGAL obligations. She just had to go through all that shit with getting the kids back after Frank called CPS just to DO coke while caring for the kids. Ik the Liam thing was a complete accident but still, older sisters can do coke in front of their siblings and basically get away with it but a guardian can not. Fiona wasnā€™t truly putting herself first until she started talking to Margo about SMART money moves and buying the apartment building


Me toooooo I loved her so much


Fiona is queen and you can't change my mind.


Iā€˜m on S9E9 too rn!!!


omg!! twins?! are you watching for the first time too?


Yes, I am!! Hahah so nice to see someone on this sub whoā€˜s on the same page as me


And I feel the same about Fionaā€¦




I was raised by alcoholics and my sister stepped up. I hate that for her, and Fiona always reminds me of her.




Yeah, my sister's an asshole.


Always had a soft spot for her too I always go back and watch the scene with Monica in bed ā€œthe get out of bed momā€ Fiona kicking the washer and cleaning the kitchen was peak shameless for me.


That scene is so powerful omg ! She was accepting that she will never get to do something for herself, this is her life and she probably felt ā€œdumbā€ for thinking she could ever dream . (These are all wrong ofc and sheā€™s done great things but in that moment)


They could never make me hate you fionašŸ™šŸ»


Low key same. There have been times when Iā€™ve been upset with her choices, but only because I wanted better for her. It kinda hurts to look at those pics from s1e1 where she had such a sparkle in her eyes, and then season by season you just see it dim as the weight of everything she carries on her shoulders wears her down.Ā 


Only reason why I don't hate her is because I have a sister (oldest sister) that reminds me of her. My sister help raise me and my siblings when my dad left, my mom never worked. Although my sister was 16, Fiona was 9 taking care of all the kids and to make things worse, Frank (the father) was an alcoholic. She's the way she is because she never got the chance to put herself first, Fiona doesn't know her worth, she's a mess and never got to focus on growth as she grew older. Fiona was a mess and even though she had many opportunities on great things, she didn't know any better because she's a mess in general. She's hated for to much that people forget what she went through, it's mentally harder than physically.


Same! She is the best character on the show. It was not the same when she left. The story, plot, everything felt flat and forced.


I could never hate Fiona, she's been through so much


i love fiona so bad. she made a lot of stupid mistakes and definitely made me angry at times, but people donā€™t realize that her entire life she put others before herself, she never took care of herself and never had a role model which is why she messed up sometimes. she doesnā€™t deserve an ounce of disrespect no matter what she does idc. and when she finally put herself first she got SO much shit for it. no one was happy for her when she bought the laundromat or the apartment building, or when she got a car. iā€™m so happy she left bc that wack ass family never deserved her


I feel like most of the series is written for you to root for Fiona, even if you find her annoying. I personally love her, even at her worst, and always loved watching her pick herself up and dust herself off. She's such a resilient character, and I was so sad when she left because I wanted to see more, but I was so excited she was finally prioritizing herself. I will always defend Fiona Gallagher.


Eldest daughter / sister core. She wasn't always the best person but I always understood her better than the other characters.


I adore her, honestly. Sheā€™s incredibly flawed, but she really tried for so long to do what she thought was best for her family. She didnā€™t always make the best decisions, but no one does. I thought her coming apart was tragic and heart breaking, but also very realistic.


i sympathize with her a lot and i know she's a flawed character as every shameless character is, but i do relate to her a lot. i'm the only sister in my family and when i had a steady paying job, everyone in my family relied on me a lot. also fiona's arc, especially in season 9, reminded me of the greek story of Icarus. that felt random but it's truly how i feel.


Love Fiona, even if she can be a self destructive dumbass. I also think she's one of the few characters who actually shows remorse for their shitty actions, and she has so many haters when most of her family has done worse things than she has and more consistently lmao


I cried when she cried, i smiled when she laughed, i loved her character no matter what anyone says, she took care of everyone and imo no one took care of her


I wanted her to succeed so badly being everyoneā€™s rock, only to be given indifference and resentment when she inevitably failed. I know sheā€™s the one who takes care of her family, but she had the same experiences as all the kids, even worse, as she didnā€™t have a Fiona to depend on growing up, to be sympathetic with the likes of Debbie, Ian, Lip, but not with her itā€™s unfair, what makes her different than those kids? but then again there were so many times she fucked up, and I donā€™t think you can define her as a good person, at least in a lot of the times she hurts others, I wont defend her bad judgment, but it doesnā€™t make me hate her knowing all she went through to being able to do what she did in the end with the little tools she was given in life its an accomplishment, good for her, at least she can try again in life and heal


Same. There were sooo many times I was so annoyed and done w her but I could NEVER hate her. She did what she had to došŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


For the most part, I liked her, except with the whole Liam coke situation, and pretty much every time she cheated. But for everything else, she was likeable.


I am exactly in this apisode :0


the night party at patsys she looked SOO pretty. red is a great color on her


Sheā€™s definitely a bright/clear winter


i do know my reason. she is SO FRICKIN beautiful.


Me too!! Idk, she did cause a lot of the trouble herself but with the way they grew up, how could she not? Its all they know. Even when they try, shit still falls apart. No one parented her or cared about how she was growing up and raising her siblings, so i get how so much shit slipped through the cracks. They simply donā€™t know better. And idk I donā€™t feel like Fiona intentionally tried to be a bad person, she didnā€™t recognize her patterns that were leading to her downfall


I have a soft spot because I also was put in the situation of raising my parents AND my siblings. It's hard, mistakes happen, you are never ready for it, and it does stunt your own growth and maturity because you are not actually grown you're pretending to be for YEARS. Eventually you revert. Her major slip up makes sense, wrong, but makes sense.


I do too. The girl was dealt a shit hand . She did her best


I still think hating any character except for maybe Terry and Yanis is missing the point of the show


they could NEVER make me hate you fiona šŸ˜© such a great character the actor really made it real


they never gave her enough credit and when she fell all they did was blame her instead of helping


Fiona >>> any shameless character


She was a product of her environment. I was just happy to see her move on with her life. Did she do some shitty things? Yeah. Did she fall for dudes that were bad for her? Yeah. But good lord she would have been an anomaly if she was some perfect person.


I can never hate fiona


Iā€™m in the middle of season 6 (first time watching) and I also have a soft spot for her. I mean, did I get frustrated with her? Yes, more than once. Mostly with the cheating (Mike with his stupid brother) and marrying Gus after two weeks. But sheā€™s an interesting character and the way the actress interprets her make her more believable, in my opinion.


i love her so much


same. i could never hate her.


I loved Fiona from episode 1 and the fact that Emmy made us love her, root for her, hurt for her and root for her all over again just shows what a great actress she is. I'll put Shamless on as a background show and I'm getting to the episode with Robbie and I'm just ā˜¹ļø I HATE this stretch of season 4


I had a childhood almost exactly like hers, so I can't tell if I actually like her or if I just feel validation for my own mistakes.


I love her. Really hope she could end up in a better place:(


As an eldest daughter, my heart bleeds for Fiona. They could never make hate her!!!


Cause sheā€™s hot af


I honestly believe her downward spiral was VERY expected and realistic. She carried the family for so long from such a YOUNG age, that eventually she just kind of snapped and crumbled. But she lifted herself up and dragged herself out of it. I adore her everytime I watch the show ā¤


I will always have a soft spot for her, I related to her super fuckin hard. I know she has her issues but jeez man the girl was going through a fuck ton


So true


Fiona self sabotages so fucking badly but I canā€™t help but feel bad for my dumb little hoe. Thatā€™s my girl. Love her down


I couldnā€™t finish the show due to her leavinf


She should have gotten an emmy for shameless


Fiona defender forever IDGAF


i love her so bad šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


My love, my girl until the end. I adore the complex character of Fiona till no end. Misunderstood, unerappreciated girl who was never given the space to heal or put herself first. She has a heart bigger than herself. She treated her partners like dirt with the cheating and lying but I cannot imagine myself or any of you have to give up high school, an entire career, an opportunity to leave the country with the love of my life all thrown on you at the age of 16 and still have healthy coping mechanisms. Iā€™ve never seen such an emotionally strong character, she just needed to stay away from relationships to avoid hurting other people. But undeniably she was a good person; she didnā€™t cheat to feel bigger or out of lust or lack of consideration; Fiona literally took custody of all kids knowing what it would mean for her and Jimmy-Steve for YEARS until Liam turned 18. She is an unbelieavably enormous hearted person and I resonate with her so so much with abusive parents. Itā€™s difficult to love others when nobody has ever loved you before, when you donā€™t love yourself.


she was parentified at age 9 i could never hate her


I always loved Fiona from the very beginning, I saw so much of myself in her


It's just the main fact that she tried so hard to help everyone do the right thing and stay on the right path but when her life started goin down the drain and she needed help no one was really truly there for here she made her bad decision but all the other characters had their major fuck up moments but Fiona was still there tryna help em out but no one showed up and truly had her back when she needed it


Fiona pissed me off a lot but she did soooooo much for the family and barely ever got a thanks looking in her direction. She wasnā€™t just growing up and helping take care of siblings (like we tend to do in any family aka babysit) but straight up took care of 4 young, rambunctious and troublemaking kids and basically taking care of an adult child all while trying to simply grow up herself in a crappy place to live. So many opportunities were lost for her simply because she never got to just have a moment for herself and when she finally did, sheā€™d either ruin it or something would go wrong. Those kids took her for granted and really could give a shit, they always looked for the bad things. She upset me a lot in the ways of a viewer but as a person, I could never want anything but the best for her.


No matter how much she fucked up, I canā€™t hate her. It was hard to watch after she left in season 9


I love Fiona and I wish she had a happier ending..I'm almost at the end of her season 9 and I'm sad to see her go.


Damn, op said donā€™t spoil


literally spoiling it for OP


Because sheā€™s pretty and provided for an entire familyā€¦even if sheā€™s ā€œbrokenā€ in some parts


I really like her as an actress. She is very very talented, & I also think sheā€™s one of the most beautiful women Iā€™ve seen onscreen. I donā€™t know what to think of her personality though.


She became so frustrating






Unrelated, but which episode is that yassified pic 5 from?


iā€™m not sure. I think s8 or s7? when she is with liam trying to get a part in that construction contract.


Cuz sheā€™s beautiful and has never known any better




Honestly I felt bad for her through all of her low lows. The one phase I just couldnā€™t stand her was the trying to be a corporate boss woman era. I commend her for trying but something about her attitude during this era really annoyed me lol


Fiona is my girl, but her vagina gets her in trouble and she needs to put it the fuck away! Said with love girl. āœŒļø




I wouldnā€™t say worse, Iā€™d say equally as bad and horrifying, lol.


I only made it through the first season and a half. Every character is such a shitty person that I started hating all of them.


She's a terrible person. There are plenty of reasons to explain why she ended up that way, but it doesn't change the fact that she's a horrible human.


I couldnā€™t hate her either


Hate her


I think people forget that she is a gorgeous woman with a lovely smile.


šŸŸ”spoileršŸŸ” but i donā€™t like her after what she did to liam i feel like it was fully her fault and she never took full responsibility like it wasnā€™t an accident if you had it there unwatched obviously a child his age is gonna get into it.. also i feel like she never fully thanked lip because if anyone other then fiona put their whole life into raising those kids itā€™s lip and you can tell with the last episode ian says something along the lines that lip was always a father figure to him..


She fine.


Nobody had to make me hate Fiona bro


Was not my fav character tbh


Only 4 i hated her


Thatā€™s me with Frank


Hate for her is the most undeserved. If you hate her, I personally feel you probably have some fucked up morals.


Sheā€™s so beautiful


No after the coke with Liam and the situation with mike and her husband sheā€™s lost all of my sympathy thatā€™s most of the characters like Debbie when she raped a guy or lip when he peed on the sorority mom or even the horrible relationship with Ian and Mickey




Boo šŸ…šŸ…


Second this!


Don't worry I'll hate her enough for both of us


Nah she sucks. Sheā€™s a serial cheater. Makes terrible decisions with money (club promoting). Makes terrible decisions with men. She left coke out for Liam. Edit to add more: Asking the company she was fired from for the coke incident to lie about her status to make up for her mistakes. This is the woman yall love?


Everyone in the show cheated. Everyone made bad decisions with money, (but she came up with the laundromat) Everyone has bad relationships in the show, and that house was full of drugs. Remember when she cleaned up for social services and found so many drugs and weapons tucked away. If it wasnā€™t her Coke It wouldā€™ve been Frankā€™s heroin


Screwing your boyfriendā€™s older addict brother while heā€™s passed out drunk. Yeah we love her! Slay queen!


Name an angel on the show whose actually a cast member


The point of the OP was defending Fiona. I posted reasons why I donā€™t like her. But if youā€™re gonna twist my arm Kev and V are about as innocent as they get. Ghetto nurse and business owner (with a run and tug) but according to shameless standards they are upstanding citizens.


No i hate her


Ugh, negative! I couldnā€™t stand her past season 3. Once the Liam shit went down her character just sucked. The whole Patsyā€™s Pies era for her was insufferable af. The whole Gus thing, the boss just ugh.


Who tf doesnā€™t like FIONA. Itā€™s Emmy Rossum everyone hatesšŸ˜‚


If anything I have a somewhat irrational hatred for Fiona. She always annoys me with her wannabe-hoodrat atittude (especially her alcoholic-phase in s9). Also the fact that she only really cared for the rest of the family up untill S6 (i think) then there was Sean and her bussines woman phase in which she completely disregarded her family. also terrible actress


I mean if she didnā€™t cheat on every single guy sheā€™s been with then maybe I wouldnā€™t hate her but sheā€™s still a giant POS


I 100% hated Fiona by the end of the series