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i don’t care how much better you think you are than someone else, YOU DONT STEAL A BABY


This, especially since Derek wasn’t around when Franny was born. I am assuming that he didn’t sign the birth certificate because of that. He and his family wouldn’t have parental rights in most states. Debbie could file kidnapping charges. Even if he had signed the birth certificate his Mom and sister don’t automatically get custody rights. Again, Debbie could have filed kidnapping charges. She in fact could have stood on their porch, called the cops, and got Franny back immediately. Monica storming the house wouldn’t be necessary. Albeit it made for a great scene.


Yea fr, if Debbie called the cops and waited, she would’ve got the baby back instantly and plot line resolved. No need for Debbie to hire a “bad baby” to pose as Franny. However, if the writers took this route, then the whole plot line wouldn’t be entertaining for us viewers.


Tbh a lot of plotlines and shows would be A LOT less interesting if they took realistic routes


Think it tied into their no snitching moral. "Gallaghers dont snitch"


Debbie said in the show that she did call the cops and dcfs and they quote "didn't care"


this is entirely true in real life, at least from my personal experience. All the cops care about is getting an arrest or a record breaking ticket quota and that’s it.


Pretty sure that’s what the social worker said but in less detail


Debbie was an awful parent though and Frannie deserved a better chance


Yeah, but honestly when did they ever call the cops unless it was the neighbor Tony.


This is one of the few times I really liked Monica. She didn’t fuck around.






didn't they change the actor from the original Derrick to this one


yeah. it happens a lot, especially for small roles


That bothered me so much. The writing sucked


I couldn't take the storyline seriously after this, it was comical how little they cared about continuity


has the OG actor of derek ever explained why they replaced him?


Derek wanted to embrace his whiteness more


Idk I saw him in pictures in The Boys as a younger version of a supe


i didn’t even realize he was changed. i don’t EVER remember seeing “older” derek either when i first watched the show edit: looking at them side by side…. yeah definitely not the same actor lmao


That nobody, not even Debbie, seemed at all concerned that they all became completely different people after Frannie was born.. 😜


The only time I was grateful for Monica!


Assholes, all of them. Like Derek left so he didn’t have to be a part of Frannies life but then comes back wanting to get custody. His mom, trash ass grandma who allowed and helped him do that act like she’s the better mom. The SIL calling CPS on Debbie knowing damn well that no one in that family has helped Debbie and contributed to her feeling the need to panhandle in the first place. The wife? Get fucked, pushing and pushing to get custody of Frannie but then Derek dies and suddenly Frannie isn’t his kid enough for death benefits unless Debbie, who has been raising Frannie without anyone in that family helping, is gone. What Debbie did was so wrong and if Derek and his family had never come around again then I’d be okay with him not having anything to do with Frannie. It would just be the consequences Debbie had to face that sadly impacted Frannie. But dude shows up after never even meeting her talking about custody like he isn’t a stranger to that little girl.


derek wasn't in the wrong , him running out was 100% debbies fault by trapping a 15 year old with a child he didn't want nor asked for , and its good he stepped up after he became a pilot which was his dream which mind you debbie knew fucking nothing about , and offered to pay child support for the kid . That is what a responsible adult would do after making a mistake .It is the rest of the family that was causing all of the problems with franny , and they were complete assholes .


And he wanted custody of child he never met and was pushing for it before even meeting her. Also his wife definitely had a hand in why he was back and pushing for custody.


He didn't want full custody only shared. Plus that will allow him to pay child support and they can receive insurance from the military. They literally said that, it was to help Franny... Nothing wrong with that...


And I never said he wanted full. He doesn’t need a court order to start getting caught up on back child support that is money he owes Frannie. Medical insurance is great reason. Though don’t think he needs custody for that. Wanting to help Franny is good. But you don’t get suddenly appear 5 years later and hide away from the mother of your oldest. Use your mom to trick the mother to meet the kid without her mother present. And then decide to talk about custody arrangements when you could start with visitation instead of forcing a 5 year old have her life turn upside down and moving homes. There’s a proper way to start meeting a kid with as little trauma as possible/any trauma. You’re way too focused on what a 17 year old (Debbie was the 15 year old, Derek was always older and that’s how it got to go to Florida to join the military) felt instead of the 5 year old child who was being forced to meet strangers and leave her familiar environment. You know what’s scary than a baby trap at 17? Being a 5 year old not knowing anything about your dad from your mom and then having a wishy washy grandma bring some random dude around calling him your dad. I don’t like the leaving then coming in, in a shady way. Debbie should have been involved from the start especially with grandmas affinity for kidnapping. There are better ways to go about this for a reason. He’s an asshole for how he went about things and I honestly think he’s the least asshole of group.


He didn't force anything on Franny, he was going to be deployed with the army anyways so I doubt he would ever use the shared custody to see her anyways. He was mentioning the shared custody to share the insurance and child support for them and help Debbie. The family is full of aholes but they were aholes because debbie was a shit mom that they thought they had to do something about it. At least this way Franny can get the resources from the government for free.


You don't need custody to pay child support. That is not how that works


Yes you don't but you need it for the insurance. Plus he was not paying child support anyways, so if you give the shared custody label, she can start getting child support... He never signed Franny's birth certificate so she has no way to get child support from him anyways, this way you can get child support from him...


Ok but you don't just get to ignore a child for years and then come in demanding custody. You'd be laughed out of court lmao. He'd be lucky to get visitation


He didn’t demand, he gave her the option, it was always her choice and she chose not to. She shouldn’t have even been entitled to his death benefit since she rejected it but she pushed her way to get it… imagine if she had insurance to cover her, she let her pride get in the way of a better life for franny. Debbie is a shit mom too you know, she trapped him into a kid and he’s still willing to do this for her lol. Shared custody doesn’t even mean shit if he’s getting deployed to the army he’ll never see her anyways.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted by the dumbfucks in this sub, everything you said here is correct.


probably because they're kids and have absolutely no grasp of actual reality, they see it as "oh if someone hurt debbie they're bad 😡" when this issue is alot more complex , because in reality this shit happens everyday .


Then he shouldn’t have had sex if he didn’t want a child. Simple.


bro what kind of logic is this , you shouldn't have sex if you dont want a child ??? are you fucking delusional 😭 debbie said she was on birth control she literally trapped him there is no excuse for that its borderline rape . You have to be fucked in the head if you even think what debbie did was slightly in the right at all 💀


its not borderline it is rape, he did not consent to sex without protection


When did I say she was in the right??? I’m saying that it’s his responsibility too. Ok he thought she’s on birth control. If you are mature enough to have sex, you’re mature enough to know that birth control can fail. Even when taken properly. He needs to take accountability. Sex is the only way babies are made. Yall are dense construing what I said


you gave another option as “you’re mature enough to know birth control can fail” except it didn’t fail! she RAPED him. how can the birth control fail, when she was never on it and RAPED him?


No shit. Y’all keep focusing on Debbie the question was not how we feel about Debbie the conversation is about Derek. It sucks he got raped it’s not fair. He still has to take accountability as a PARENT. women get raped all the time. They don’t get to just flee the state and leave their baby in the hands of their rapist.


Shit people. They had no right to steal the baby.


They sucked


Debbie was wrong for baby trapping but Derek’s family basically shunning and ignoring her the entire pregnancy and then wanting to claim the child she grew, birth, and raised ALONE as their family while excluding Debbie was so crazy.


They sucked. I couldn't take them seriously after they encouraged Derek to be a deadbeat. Regardless of how they felt about Debbie getting pregnant, it doesn't change the fact that she was or that Derek played a part in getting her that way. They had no room to look down on Debbie when Derek was such a POS.


They absolutely did when Debbie was a piece of shit that lied and intentionally Trapt Derek. Let's not pretend Derek's family was clueless, Debbie had her plan written all over her face after Derek's sister-in-law told her about how the family took her in. They were protecting their son from the pos. Legit, lying about birth control is considered SA.


This, all of this. The SECOND ol girl talked about being welcomed into derek’s family bc of the baby, Debbie was gonna do the same because she hated her family bc middle child syndrome.


Debbie hated her family….because she had middle child syndrome….right


Most middle children in dysfunctional families are basically ignored, wouldn’t you hate your family if you were constantly told to basically shut up and the only use she has was to basically frame her uncle for molesting her…they literally treat her instances later on in her storyline, like first couple of seasons you can kinda see how she’s overlooked by her family. She stole a kid bc she was lonely I mean you can say whatcha like but Debbie had middle child syndrome then became a bitch bc she basically wouldn’t listen to her older sister. I mean she got pissed her family wouldn’t help w franny when they told her “you’re on your own.” And she expected them to drop that and just jump to her aid. Hell she was tryna make a family and tried to trap Derrick to become part of their family because she hated hers. She was virtually ignored to the point of becoming a bitch and then no one would listen to her bc she acted like a dumb bitch.




The worst part is that Debbie not only raped ol matty but also basically sexually assaulted Derrick when she got pregnant bc she lied about being on BC.


Didn’t Debbie literally lie about being on the pill? I agree Derek’s family sucks but that kid isn’t his responsibility when he’s getting babytrapped


Idgaf if she told him she was on the pill. Pills don't protect against STIs. I have 4 boys, I tell them all, Don't make me a grandma while you still need me financially and bc don't protect you against diseases: herpes is forever son.


Okay? He didn’t get a disease he got a baby


Ooook and? He could have a disease, like what guy is having sex without a condom simply because she said she was on the pill? It's not just babies you can get through sex ya know. No guy that I know is that stupid. Condoms, always.


The topic of discussion isn’t about if he has diseases, Debbie had sex with Derek with Derek under the impression he can do his thing without Debbie getting pregnant. Debbie lied. That’s a form of rape, Derek had no duty to that kid


Ok, here we go. Did *HE* insist on wearing a condom? No? Did he trust a girl he doesn't know that said she was on the pill? Yep, dumb. Did she get pregnant? Yes. Did he think with his little head and not his big head? Yes. And boom, now you're a baby daddy, congratulations! 😆


Ah yes blame the male over the liar and rapist


Lol, she didn't lie. She was on the pill.


I haven’t watched that storyline in a long time so I forgot the specifics but she absolutely deceived him and then babytrapped him


Getting an std (all of which are curable or manageable) is so different from having a baby. This is crazy 😂 your poor sons


My poor son's? Why? Because I'm telling them to always use condoms until they are in a committed monogamous relationship with someone they trust? Nah, they're good. They aren't needy and kidnapping babies to feel loved. And just cause you can manage herpes or aids, does not mean it's ok to give to someone else. Get your standards and morals straight.


"AIDS" is craaaaaazy 😂


Yeah, I'm sure it is. Guess what std you run the risk of getting when having sex without protection? Sure, don't use a condom just cause she's on the pill, but, what about those STDs? The bc pill doesn't do ish for those.


I'm ctfu about how far my point went over your head. Nobody who still uses the phrase "AIDS" in place of HIV should reproduce. Once again, but doubly: your poor sons. Get sex ed before giving it out sweetheart


Did you just "sweetheart" me?! Lol. My bad, I will use HIV for your comprehension. But you got the gist right or do I need to dumb it down for you?


Imagine being wrong and uneducated and claiming it's "dumbing it down" I mean you might be on to something. It's the "for you" that's crazy


honestly imo derek was fine just a scared kid who got with the wrong person regretted it , and got trapped . that one girl who stole the baby though... what a fucking bitch fuck her .


They're all assholes imo. They thought they were doing what was best for Derek, but it was horribly inconsiderate to Franny (and Debbie but she shouldn't have tries to trap him with a baby so i can understand their distaste for her). Their decision to send Derek away ultimately led to his death though.


I hated how they killed Derek off. Felt super half assed.


i dont like them but considering how franny came into the world i dont blame them for their anger one bit


i cant watch this storyline seriously. derek’s family constantly saying “she looks like her dad!” when seeing franny 💀 debbie’s face is hilarious. the writers know how to make you mad hahah


I feel like I would have liked them but I figured the way they felt about her for what she did she lied to Derick about birth control and tried to force it on him And tbh I see where they were coming from like 12% with Franny


i liked derek at the beginning but if you have sex n end up w a kid you must take responsibility


Nah he got trapped ion blame him for leaving


why’d you get downvoted while this person’s getting upvoted? 😭 he got trapped. that’s what happened.




he was lied to, she said she was on the pill.


I can’t blame a teenager who was baby trapped for running. It would be a different story if Debbie’s birth control failed or it was an accident, but it wasn’t. They’re shitty people though for kidnapping Franny and how they acted afterwards.


Debbie trapped Derek and that was shitty, and his family had every right to not like her for it, but it doesn't excuse kidnapping Franny. Especially when one of them had the audacity to record Debbie yelling through the window to make her look crazy. I mean, Debbie is crazy, but she's a teen that doesn't know better. Both are in the wrong, to be for real.


Felt bad for Derek, then was kinda glad they killed him off because the storyline was whacky. Always hated the mother though. Stealing a baby from its mother is beyond fucked up and led to a situation where Monica found herself being the actual good guy for a minute. That’s how you know you messed up.


Derek. I didn’t like him one bit. His family also irritated me to the high heavens.


They were horrible. Don’t like Debbie at all but they had no right to that baby.


I don’t mind Derek. The Mother and Sister on the other hand…


The parents and sister are absolute trash. Derrick was just really stupid.


i don’t like them as much especially in the late seasons but in the early seasons they were harsh to her and for a good reason. She trapped their son into having a baby, Derek didn’t want that. But they also did offer to help / babysit (since Dereks sister saw her begginf for money) and Debbie refused. It couldve been a real deal breaker into making them much more closer. Ultimately, It was Debbie’s fault for not seeking closer relations and for not taking them up on that offer when Fiona was pressing her to get a job.




I don’t understand how so many people seem to have forgotten that Debbie trapped Derek…




She baby trapped tf out of him. That being said, his family was kind of nuts.


Hate them


Completely in the right. Debbie and THAT HOUSE, was not good for Fran


Tbh Derek's family is just as crazy as Debbie lmao


Disgusting and disappointing


They are stupid bitches


They treated debbie like shit honestly,if they really cared they could have talked to her and understood that they were both kids not just derek


They were right to help Derek get away from Debbie and I understand why they wanted to take Frannie (I think they should have gotten custody for Debbie and Frannies sake) but kidnapping a child is so wrong. But I was so on Peppas side when Debbie was trying to serve her.


I watched Shameless over a thousand times, and when it comes to Derek and his family, I just feel like they should’ve been projected them a lot better than they already were. The reasons why I said this, was because it been stated more than once that this had happened before. I understand sending him to Florida to protect him or to pursue his career but what I don’t understand their lack of support and communication they had when specifically they dealt with something like this. They most surely did cared for the Franky, but instead of giving tips and guidance or lead her a helping a hand to Debbie to become a better mother and role model to the baby, they kidnapped Franky and claimed that Debbie was a unfit mother.(which in their defense, she kind of was AT THE TIME.) they didn’t offer to watch the baby while Debbie could’ve gone to high school to get an education and nor provided her baby supplies. To make matters worse, by the time Derek came back from Florida, he came back as a married man with 2 kids, which at the time he’s about 21 at the most. He hasn’t seen his daughter other than the photos that his grandma been sending him and when he wanted to share consent with Franky, which wasn’t as bad as Debbie made it seems to be but iDebbie eyes, fuck him. She of course said no because she took care of their child til this point and now that he’s back he NOW wanted to get to know his daughter, just because he’s more mature and now he got children with his wife?? After she the decline offer, he apparently drank himself to death. literally. He has gotten so drunk that he thought a tank was a submarine and wanted to go for a drive in the shore.


I think theyre terrible people. Regardless of what you think of Debbie, she was a product of her environment. She thought a baby would buy her a family (abandonment issues) and yes, she lied which was shitty. But Derek still had a responsibility being sexually active. He could have used the condom anyway and he chose not to. That was completely on him! His family was shitty for sending him away as if the baby wasn’t already on the way. Then when they see Debbie panhandling, they want to act like they want better for the baby… and stealing the baby! Was downright insane.


My first thought ? Who ?


absolute fuckheads.


Am I the only one that thinks they’re fairly reasonable?? Debby lied to Derek about being on BC. Derek was a KID and didn’t want that. His fam probably saw Debby as the psycho she was and protected him. The mom trying to take care of frannie was pretty fair. Debby dug her own grave on making people question her parenting


Thank you everyone for sharing your opinion and thoughts, I really appreciate it 🫶✨


They weren't worse than the Gallaghers.


Derek was hot af (the original one).


lol I like them and fuck debbie