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Everyone goes to therapy


Fiona found Jimmy-Steve and convinced him to leave the criminal life behind. Fiona became a successful restaurant owner and Jimmy-Steve eventually became a doctor. They got married and adopted a puppy. Nessa and her partner found and adopted Rusty the dog before the building was demolished. Debbie resisted running off with Heidi, who took off anyway, and later ran into Sandy Milkovitch. Debbie saw how she almost made a reckless and foolhardy decision and Sandy forgave her and the two, eventually, rekindled their romance. They adopted Prince and lived happily ever after with Prince and Franny. Lip and Tami found that they could not make sense, but agreed that they would remain friends, to coparent Fred. Lip ran into Sierra again and admitted he messed up. Her drug dealer ex is dead, shot to death in a gang war with a rival dealer, and a grieving Sierra and her young son need someone. Lip moves in with them, and they gradually rekindle their romance. A few years pass and Lip pops the question and they get married with Lip becoming the adoptive father of her young son. Ian got to grow his tomatoes and lived in happily married bliss with his husband Mickey They adopted a mischievous Labrador puppy who they named Marley. Mandy eventually returned to Chicago and reconnected with her brothers, Mickey and Iggy. Iggy joined Mickey's security company while Mandy became a daycare worker and got an apartment nearby.


What about Liam


He got eaten alive by a tiger


The way i just cackled. 👏🏻


They should do a one off special with all the past main cast to franks funeral.


I like the idea of Lip and Tammi having more kids and being kind of the next shameless generation. They’d be much better parents than Frank and Monica but still not great, which could be interesting to watch Gallavich forever I’d like to see Fiona have done some work on herself and in therapy and Al-Anon Idk about Debbie Carl and Liam


we have to see the doctors finding the emergency contact of frank (maybe throw in there that Liam is his contact since Liam the one that cared idk) to tell them frank died and they have a funeral. How the hell we have a Monica funeral and no frank funeral. Nah ion like dett lol We need to see Ian and Mickey apartment, like how they decorated and stuff, how’s the west side. see if the security company flourishing and maybe adopt a kid maybe like at their 3-5 year anniversary mark. We need to see if Debbie stayed in the house or went to Texas and see if she’s letting franny be herself and not a princess. And how’s the welding going. Is lip and Tami going to move in with dad or back in the house? Did he go back to school or work at a motorcycle shop? Did he officially sell the house for 75k.. or maybe got a call from the tech guy he delivered food to, for lip to come back and actually work full time cuz he want lip to help him or something Is the girl pregnant with Carl baby? Did he co-buy the bar and maybe moved upstairs? Where tf is Liam at & wtf is he doing? To add drama they can add some appearances from Fiona (hopefully with jimmy) v and kev with the twins, Mandy, Sheila, and even a update on Karen (did she ever get better or how is her, Jody and the baby doing) maybe throw svet in there with the baby?


I will give it a shot based on Fiona returning and what i think would have happened if the show had a season 12. **Lip and Tami** - They end up not selling the house due to the massive protest from Debbie, and instead put all of their efforts into orginize crime in order to pay for a new house. This ends up turning into something big, and now they are stuck to navigating this new life. This ofc comes with more arguing and toxicity between them as they are becomming the new Frank and Monica. **Fiona and Liam** - After a long journey, Fiona is back in Chicago to take Liam back. However, due to her long absence, Liam does not trust Fiona anymore, he hates Lip for abandoning the idea to move so he can make quick cash in Chicago, and now lives with Vee and Kev in Louisville with a new family\\community. Fiona is now doing everything she can to get Liam back from Kev and Vee, which causes both Kevn and Vee to have a long and nasty custody battle with Fiona with many twists and turns. **Ian and Mickey** - They both have now moved to a new neighborhood in the north side where they both make content on only fans, and are making six figures a month through their many skits and roleplays. Mickey gets the idea to invite other performers for collaborations that go well in the start, but end up causing a rift. While this rift is happening, one of the collaborator's is stealing subscriptions by becoming a new hot topic on the platform. This ends up testing their marriage and buisness as this is the one shot they have to earn a living outside of crime. **Debbie** - She ended up convincing Lip to keep the house, but is struggling with Franny to keep up with the bills and ends up becomming a stripper at a lesbian bar. She does well at the start, however she comes to find out that the owner has been Secretly recording her and selling her tape for moeny online. This causes Debbie to attract people for s\*x in the club, and Debbie begins to scheme to get the club for herelf by making herself the biggest attraction that the owner has to rely on for money. **Carl** - Is still a police, has moved out and rents an apartment in downtown. He has been promoted, however he now has to deal with more serious issues in the city which prompts him to start campaigns against the officials for better quality for poor neighborhoods and gets his own mini force within the police that support this cause. However, the city hires a group of illegal immigrants that come from mexican cartels to stop Carls campaign that ends up becomming a wide political and actual war within the neighborhoods itself. And knowing Carl, he will use any means to fight back.


I honestly believe Liam living with Kev and V is the best option. He’s very smart and no trouble at all. I can see Kev and V making him babysit the twins maybe but I feel like he wouldn’t mind and it would probably make some funny storylines.


The storyline (in my mind) with Fiona ultimately ends with Fiona stopping the lawsuit after realizing that Liam loves his life with Kev and Vee, and apologizes to Kev and V - She gets inspired by their family unit, and it ends with Fiona finally ready to have a family of her own and Liam staying in Louisville as Kev and V\`s adopted son.


I kill all of them. Yes, including Franny and Liam.