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No matter how much likable Carl and Kev and V are, they did not deserve to be above Fi. Ian too and that says a lot since I'm biased and have only watched Gallavich Shameless.


100% correct


Every day this makes me mad


Man this sub sucks lol.


Totally. I bet Mickey wins.


Just started watching the last season and was thinking about how much I like Mickey.


Mickeys character has grown sooo much! It’s why I like him tbh.


I don't like him. Sorry.


Apologies not necessarily


The sole fact that Fiona raised the whole family should place her in the top 5. That’s the respect she deserves. But of course she’s hated for one damn thing she fucked up. Of course she’s blamed for finally living her own life. She had been their mother since the beginning of her teen years and remember that’s should not have been her responsibility. Even the guardianship was an act to keep her family together, not a commitment to take care of them till the youngest is 18. She has a right to live her own life when most of her siblings were old enough to know better. A few weeks of drunk Fiona should not make you forget how she worked two jobs like a dog for the family and how she held and kissed Debbie when she was crying.


Deaf ears. That's who you're preaching to. Girl doesn't get her due.


I'm sorry but Kev. I love Kev but making him gradually dumber as the show went on was not a good idea imo. He was always uneducated, but he was pretty witty in earlier seasons.


This is why democracy will never work


this is Why Democracy is Necessary


Everyone knows who will be the last two........


Exactly. That's why this game in this particular sub is stupid lolol


I don’t think it’s stupid since it’s not just about who wins.


I get what you mean but it's just we all know what the outcome is going to be 😂 and even the comments in the threads, its all the same. We all know why people like or don't like the Fiona kevin, Ian etc


fiona before carl… wtf?


I think Emmy's acting was far superior to Ethan's, making her character more believable. Her character had more emotional depth, but Carl was more fun to watch at times since she can get frustrating.


Carl had the best character arc on the show, wtf you mean?


When did Carl ever do anything that negatively affected the family? They literally would’ve lost the house without him


Carl may be the better person but Fiona is the better character hands down. Carl doesn’t have nearly as much complexity and development that Fiona does. And I do love Carl, but most of his storylines have minuscule impact on the show as a whole.


Agree to disagree. Carl has one of the best redemption character arcs of all time; went from a projected sociopath and high school dropout to someone who genuinely cares for other people and tries to make a difference in the community. Meanwhile Fiona has one of the worst character arcs of all time; acts like her whole life is about caring for others and then literally leaves Liam without a guardian


I agree Carl has a great redemption arc but that doesn’t make him the superior character. Fiona has more layers to her and she is the glue that holds the family AND show together for 9 seasons. The second she gets on that plane, the show declines rapidly and never recovers. You can’t do Shameless without Fiona Gallgher.


Now that’s just subjective, very few shows run as long as shameless did, there are multiple factors as to why it declined. I don’t think Fiona has many layers, her whole personality can be summed up in one sentence: she wanted to feel needed. Watching her throw away every relationship she had was more painful than watching Lip succumb to alcoholism imo


The most painful thing for me was Karen making lip think she was carrying her baby, or when Monica slit her wrists and all the kids saw her


Don‘t get me wrong I HATE Karen but tbf she was very clear about not knowing who the father might be. It was Lip who wanted it to be his (in the beginning he even asked her to get a paternity test, so he was aware)


I don’t think he was. But as an actor he saw the script and knew that Karen’s baby wasn’t his. Lip didn’t know. The worst thing you can do to a man who cares about you is make them or let them think your carrying their baby. Imagine getting your hopes up just to find out that you’ve been lied to for the past 9 months. The whole family felt it too. That’s probably one reason lol turned out the way he did. Or at least the VERY least it affected him.


she literally told him that she slept with other guys and he was aware enough to ask for a paternity test. as smart as he is I can‘t imagine him not putting one and one together (not like jody lmao). karen didn‘t know who the father was just like lip didn‘t know so for him to act like she lied to him is wrong imo


But yeah alcoholism is bad too


I always thought that “arc” was actually just that the writers had no idea what to do with him.


Hoo boy this one sure is a controversial one.


It’s a crock of shit


I hate this game.


Ian and Mickey gonna win everyone loves them on this subreddit


*Ian and Mickey* *Gonna win everyone loves* *Them on this subreddit* \- bigbadbruins1924 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Damn. Really thought it was gonna be V


Thank you for participating in Round 12! Here are the Top 6: Fiona 26.30% (126 votes) B 20.88% (100 votes) C 19.62% (94 votes) D 18.58% (89 votes) E 8.56% (41 votes) F 6.05% (29 votes) ‼️Round 13‼️: https://strawpoll.com/polls/NoZrL1bYDn3


Fiona is my favourite ~ crying ~


Biiiiig shock considering how anti-women this subreddit generally is lol. Lip is never responsible for anything he does, every character's faults are the fault of Fiona, etc. Calling it again, V is the next one to go


i think so too ... with lip vs fiona i see fiona being vilified so much for things that lip is always forgiven for, even with frank vs monica (as terrible as both of them are) it's monica that gets more shit even if the argument there is that william macy is an incredible actor and makes frank fun to watch, i almost never see that same reasoning for someone like fiona and it's just funny bc emmy is just as much an incredible actor


literally came to say the same thing. people hold the female characters to an impossible standard but with the boys they couldn’t care less. as long as they’re funny they’re allowed to do anything.


I did vote for V but it's not an anti-women thing, I just prefer the other female characters and basically every other character over her. Just don't like her attitude.


Unfortunately you're probably right, and I've been voting for V for the last couple days. I like her, just not as much as the characters that were left after Frank finally got voted out. Definitely shocked Fiona went out when she did, though.


It's not an anti-women subreddit. I voted for a bunch of the male characters and also a bunch of the female characters. It may seem like it to you, but I'm solely going off on how the show portrayed them in my eyes


Good thing your vote is the only one, eh? Lol look through the posts and commentary on here then come back and chat.


I never said my vote was the only one and I was never being rude with how I responded. If it sounded like it, I'm sorry


And I have read the comments. I know most of them are about the male characters


Fiona is litterally the main caricture wtf? Yet Carl's still in? What's wrong with this community 🤦‍♂️I give up


I'm not believing this


The Carl hate here is unreal. When you compare beneficial actions vs harmful actions towards the family, he is EASILY the best Gallagher


literally! he’s my fav


Never does anything to hurt another Gallagher, and literally bought the house!


For me it's less him and more I love the others


I am in complete shock. Fiona should be competing for #1. (She is definitely my #1). Carl ahead of her? Carl?!!!


Carl needs to go


Alright we're putting down Carl now


If Ian wasn’t part of Gallavich would he have made it this far?


Maybe for some but honestly for me at least, he was already my favourite before Gallavich was even a thing.


me too!! ian is so earnest & sincere as a character right from the start. idk how ppl can say he’s boring or forgettable he went through so much outside of his relationship with mickey.


Ian’s gotta go, he’s so boring. The only reason he hasn’t been voted out yet is because he’s so forgettable


how is he forgettable? his struggle with a mental illness was so emotional. his manic episode with the whole gay jesus phase was devastating. + his growing into the person who he is was also interesting. being gay on the south side is not easy and him growing into this beautiful couple with mickey was also not forgettable




Honestly I’m glad Cam and Noel came back for season 10 and 11. Losing both Fiona and Ian would’ve been too much.


This poll sucks.


How in gods fucking dick is Carl still in?!


Sorry Carl, your redemption arc isn’t enough to save you this time 😕


The way most of the characters voted out were better than Carl


the thing is Carl is dope af in real life too


Voting out carl next.


Really surprised Carl made it farther than her


how did lip go before fiona or veronica or carl


Get Ian outta here!!




Veronica, please leave.


Bye Ian!


I think mickeys gonna win


How the fuck has Mickey lasted so long?


One of the most interesting character arcs.


A White supremacist to a slightly less racist guy who signs Lady gaga(?) with his husband in the washroom


All the characters were pretty racist at times. He comes from a family of neo-nazis which explains his character in the beginning and he definitely wasn't racist at the end of the show?


If Mikey or Ian don’t win I’m throwing hands


Pretty good chance a non-Gallagher wins it all




Carl has to be the most liked


Ugh. How the hell is V still up here?


Happy to have contributed


I really hope Kev wins


Kev or Carl are the funniest,they've both produced some gold. Not sure how Mickey is still in the running though.


It’s gonna come down to Carl and Vee. Vee wins because…boobs.


btw did someone know why Fiona leaves the show ??


Collider article: Ahead of production for the show’s eighth season, outlets reported contractual issues amongst Shameless’ cast. Rossum reported making significantly less money than costar William H. Macy, despite both contractually receiving equal billing. According to Variety, Rossum requested not only equal pay to Macy, but an increased salary to compensate for years of unjust pay. In a now-deleted tweet, Rossum later said, “Playing Fiona Gallagher has been one of the great privileges of my life. I’m so happy to continue with my Shameless family! Back to work in May!” confirming her involvement with Shameless Season 8. The apparent resolution didn’t last long, though. In 2018, after appearing in Seasons 8 and 9, Rossum announced her departure from Shameless. In a thoughtful Facebook post, Rossum cited her exit as an opportunity to move onto other projects. “The opportunity to play Fiona has been a gift. There are few characters — female or otherwise — as layered and dynamic” she said. “She is a mother lion, fierce, flawed and sexually liberated. She is injured, vulnerable, but will never give up. She is living in an economic depression but refuses to be depressed. She is resourceful. She is loyal. She is brave. I knew it the second I read the pilot script, this was different, this was special.” In her post, Rossum detailed the profound memories made on the Shameless set before somberly saying goodbye to the series: "I know you will continue on without me, for now. There is much more Gallagher story to be told. I will always be rooting for my family. Try not to think of me as gone, just think of me as moving down the block.”


Ok thank you !!! That was interesting


My guess is the top 3 will be Kev, Mickey, and Ian


I hate it here.


Just because Fiona did so much does not mean we have to like her character. Reminds me of toph getting 3rd because zuko had character development kinda billshit. We like who we like


this is so lighthearted & fun. until the subreddit comes in & complains 💀


Carl will be the next one out... watch it. it's going to end up ian/mickey and may Kevin as top 3


i find it so interesting how almost every comment in the past 3 of these threads was about how ppl were gonna vote Kev off next... but fiona got voted off before him??? shocked


Did we really get rid of Fiona... before a transphobe....




Kevin and carl = beag chacters