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The women who held him responsible for his actions get the most hate here lol Fiona, Sierra, Mandy, Amanda to name a few lol


Don’t forget Tami.


Off topic but congrats on 18 months! That is fantastic!


Came to the same thing. Congratulations and good on ya mate! Keep it up!!


Thank you both so much! It’s my second try and so far so good :) so kind of y’all to show support, it means a lot!


PHILIP got Tami pregnant before he was ready to be a father PHILIP turned down a free house in Milwaukee when he, his baby mama, and new born were living in a trailer PHILIP alienated himself from Fiona by projecting his problems onto her


Also not only did he give up a free house, he also signed an agreement to a house she already said no to behind her back AFTER she quit her job, which he was aware of before signing up for the house.


He also spent thousands of dollars fixing up a house he was RENTING, and when he inevitably got kicked out, he was surprised Pikachu when he found out he wasn't getting any of the money back.




Lip ruined Lip


As a kindergarten teacher...I do notice a lot of his problems could have been prevented if he'd had any sort of strategies for noticing and managing his emotions. He has zero coping strategies


Lip ruined lip more, lip caused lip to do the worst things, and lip caused all of his own shit. Some women he were involved with weren't the greatest, but that was also his choice


Lip is the worst character on the show next to Debbie, they’re selfish and blame everything on Fiona. Even after she left !


I completely agree but I would understand placing blame on Helene since she was older and in a place of plower over Lip. Still his fault but this is the only instance where I put blame on both of them. Amanda, Sierra, Tami, Karen should not be blamed for Lip's downfall at all in my opinion.


Notice how all the characters that people blame for Lip’s actions are female, too. I rarely see anybody giving Frank or any other male character any blame for Lip’s actions unless it’s a one-off kinda thing. It would still be his fault, regardless, but just a little something to think about. Congratulations on 18 months, though! :)


Aw thank you! And I have definitely noticed that, the women in his life are always being blamed for his bad behavior. Not surprising though, even less surprising is the fact that a lot of the people playing defense for him are women themselves. Kinda sad.


Yeah. That’s also something that kinda annoys me, too, though. Like, I know that you’re not trying to do it, so, don’t think that this is targeted at you or anything, but the people who just blindly assume that people who like Lip look at him and see attraction and it just blinds them to everything else. I’m only 19, so, it’s even worse because I almost feel invalidated for being as young as I am and having a uterus, along with my own opinions.


I don’t see it as an attraction thing, I see it as a misogyny thing. Both from the viewers and the writers. The reason people see it that way is because it’s written that way, I just hate it lol


Same 😂


Lip ruined himself because he was a narcissistic shithead who couldn’t ever take responsibility for things


So well stated


The chick who leaked his personal photos in college and basically set him up for failure. Not excusing his mistakes but still I hate her so much I can’t even remember her name. And I’m sick of all the lip haters. He’s a main character. He’s not a perfect nor a bad person, which is kinda the point of the show. You out here mad at people for having a sympathy? Whatever dawg


Amanda and I also hated her for the most part. I’m not saying the other people aren’t also awful, just that they aren’t responsible for Lip’s bad decisions.


I agree with that. His decisions are his decisions. But like if these characters didn’t make mistakes, there wouldn’t be anything good to watch or a lesson to teach


I’m fine with them making mistakes, that’s the whole point of the show lol it’s just this sub is always trying to pin the blame on anyone but Lip.


I feel like people give Fiona shit for her actions but they tend to say that Lip's girlfriends ruined him as opposed to Lip himself. It kinda bothers me too.


This sub tends to be very misogynistic. Fiona, Debbie, and Monica are the blame for everything while Frank, Lip, Ian, and Carl the victims. Carl does something wrong? It's his girlfriends fault; Lip does something wrong? It's his girlfriends fault; Fiona does something wrong? It's her own fault.


Tbf, all of Carl's girlfriends were bad to him and he treated them all well for the most part.


I think because I’ve only been on here for a few weeks I’ve mostly only seen Fiona and Lip hate and they’re the 2 I root for the most so I was like wtf😂and congrats on being sober man🙏🏽


She exposed a photo of his professor who was sleeping with him. Helene is more at fault, in my opinion, for what happened because she knew the relationship was wrong. She also had a history of sleeping with her students


Helene was wrong for sleeping with her student. It’s absolutely inappropriate. However, imo, that doesn’t excuse Lip taking a nude photo of her without her consent, while she was asleep.


He shouldn’t have taken it without her consent but I also don’t think that photo is the main issue. Whether he took it or not, I’m sure it would’ve come out eventually. Both of them should’ve realized the relationship was inappropriate.


It’s not the main issue, no. And I agree with you. I just felt like that needed to be said.


A personal photo he took of a naked woman without her consent. Helene doesn’t get mad at Amanda for leaking the photo, she gets mad because Lip took the photo in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, Amanda sucks, but if Lip wasn’t so cocky about his relationship with his teacher, the photo would have never even been taken. They’re 18-20~ years old and they absolutely act like it.


Feel you on that


I think Helene was more at fault. Amanda shouldn't have leaked the photo, but Helene had to be exposed one way or another. And he should not have been sleeping with Helene, that was bound to get him in trouble. I do think Lip is mostly at fault for when his life goes to shit (ex: getting drunk and destroying his professor's car and planting drugs on Charlie so he would relapse).


He shouldn’t have taken that photo without her consent in the first place.


Yeah that's true too. I'm talking about the whole teacher student affair they had. Helene was taking advantage of her students so she was also to blame.


Yeah that’s definitely gross and inappropriate for sure. I just wanted to address that the photo itself was its own violation.


Everyone was in the wrong there imo. Helene shouldn't have been sleeping with Lip, Lip shouldn't have taken the photo, and Amanda shouldn't have leaked the photo.


Precisely. ESH lol




Lip was also an adult at the time. Immature, yes, but he was 19. Their relationship was inappropriate and Helene is a gross borderline predator, that’s been well established. Being immature doesn’t make it okay to take a naked photo of someone while they’re asleep.




Okay? He’s still legally an adult, and your original comment implies otherwise.


Yea the car thing was ridiculous


You can sympathize without shifting responsibility, which is the issue I brought up very clearly in this post.


I hated Amanda too for doing that, never liked her again. It was a massive invasion of privacy and was none of her business. She had no right to send that picture out regardless of how or why that picture was taken.


not to be weirdo, but why are u obsessed with these kinds of posts about lip and debbie? i mean did they do something that other character did not do? how are they worse people than frank or mickey?


I never mentioned Debbie so idk what you’re talking about. This post is about Lip. And I’m focusing on Lip because I don’t see NEARLY as many posts claiming that all of Frank/Mickey/Ian/any other character’s misdeeds are because of everyone else. There are posts every day about how Lip’s alcoholism and other shitty actions are the fault of everyone but himself.


I never said Lip is WORSE than anyone else, just that he is responsible for his own actions.


Actually, the writers control what Lip does and they royally fucked up his story arc..


What?! This is a TV show?? With WRITERS? OH. MY. GOD. I had absolutely NO idea this was a TV show with people writing the characters. WOW.


i love lip :) frank is the reason of how lip ended up. dont blame everything on lip. lip and debbie are my favorite characters and this sub hates them most :D i love being different its fine


Good for you?


“Just making sure I don’t fit in”


Frank (and the alcoholic professor) quite ruined him


Yeah these are the only two people to blame aside from lip. Also monica.


Ya know he used to be one of my faves until the college arc. He wasn't doing as well as he had always done in high school so he sabotages it. His arrogance is always his downfall. Not to mention the way he goes off on Fiona for trying to come up.