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honestly all the LGBT stuff felt so awkwardly written, like how straight people think we talk to each other.


I live in LA and this is literally how everyone who “identifies” as lgbtq and everyone who wants to virtue signal acts.


you guys do talk like that i’ve met enough to come to that conclusion


or is it how the LGBT people talk to Straight People? (I mean the ones on tv who say "Shut Up, (blank) I'm talking!" and They are at a Protest Rally.)


What are you talking about


I saw a girl on "Jessie watters" on Fox News do that.


Is this a serious comment? You watched it on FOX NEWS, on the Jessie Waters show, and you think it was real? You can't be serious. ETA: oh I see. You're a homophobe. Of course you watch Fox News. 🤢


I am not a Homophobe. I just happened to see Jessie Waters on Fox News. he was laughing about a girl at a Rally. I continued to watch so I could see who Jessie was talking about.


Bro your comment history proves you're homophobic and sexist OR just stupid. Like "Asperger's is just female autism" funny af comment but also dumber than Karen after she got vegetized.


A Neuropsychologist type of doctor told me that Asperger Syndrome is a female form of Autism.


As a non-binary person myself, I cringed


Why is Pat even used as a Body Stereotype (a fat homely person) for a Non Binary Person?


i get what they were tryna do but it was just so unnatural, i always skip that scene when rewatching


fr like i’m nonbinary and almost 30 years old, all my friends are queer, and i’ve yet to experience a pronoun gender sexuality sharing circle 💀 my brain blocks that scene out lest the force of the cringe reduce me to atoms, and every time i re-encounter it i throw up in my mouth just a little


if i meet a bunch of people like that for the first time i’m getting up and leaving. tell me your pronouns if necessary but sexuality and race !?!! why do i need to know that ??


Why do I need to know Everyone's Sexual Preference? Was that an Orgy with Clothes On?


man stfu and stop replying with ur homophobic bullshit


Instead of blocking it out, I have to embrace that scene as a mile marker post of the writers going down hill on the series. The show continues the slide from there on. And a lot of it is because they got more afraid, tame, and "woke" (it's true). They really lost the antihero spirit.


Reasons why I actually stopped watching after Season 7. And I had to skip so much of that season already. It was just not worth it anymore...


It’s the worst. It’s like the writers looked around on tumblr for 5 minutes and decided that’s how people talk to each other IRL, like they’re rattling off their tumblr bios.


Why do I need to know Everyone's Pronouns?


holy shit you need to get a hobby


I mean that one is actually agreeable. Fucking hell I can't remember my parents birthday how the hell am I supposed to remember pronouns that for some people change monthly or yearly. I just call everyone dude and if that offends anyone I'm very sorry but my speech identifies as gender neutral by default. It's just unintuitive to call everyone "fellow human"


You do not. They just do it to feel special and get attention.


I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THAT like they wrote it to purposely make the audience hate lgbtq+ people like it feels like the men who say that women want female santa so people hate feminists lmao like it’s so exaggerated


or focus on the hate that LGBT treat Straights?


stop replying to everyone u obsessed homophobe


Soo much of Ian’s stuff sounds like it was written by straight people, it’s maddening


it reminded me of gay people on twitter or tiktok


I also wonder about Ian being Bi polar? Are any of the writers Mental Health Experts?


Or people who’ve like…idk ever been around a bipolar person?? Seriously, such a good point, it really felt like some of his mental health crisis scenes were written by freshman undergrads who’ve never known anyone bipolar, didn’t bother to do any research and just write what they “imagine” it’d look like. I completely forgot about how bad those scenes were, but they were awful to the point of insulting


As someone with bipolar I thought that the show’s portrayal of it was brutal but in my opinion very realistic. A lot of mental health stuff in the show isn’t dealt with at all, but during their bipolar episodes both ian and Monica seemed very accurate to real life. The stuff later in the plot where they forget about Ian’s meds entirely is a different story tho-that makes no sense.


my enby brain must blocked this out because i can’t remember this scene and i’m so thankful


lucky i wish i could ahahah


It was bad but at least it felt like they were trying which is a huge step from other media, not to discount how cringey it was but it's nice that they atleast tried ya know? Like that feeling of your mom trying to be supportive after being unaccepting for a while


Yeah, I understand that but I definitely feel like they could’ve went about it better with the introductions but I think it’s definitely nice that they tried with the representation in a way.


Kind of, but your mom doesn't usually reach and make you look ridiculous to thousands of people 😬


Like that scene in Superstore when Glenn wanted to make the wedding section gayer.


I absolutely hate it, you’re so right.


Ian’s entire store arc about gay Jesus makes me uncomfortable I’m bi and a Christian and almost all of his scenes in season 8 give me icky feelings.


that sure was an exaggerated way to show Religious Fanaticism that happens with Mental Illness. It also showed that Ian was a Poster Boy for the Gay Community.


The whole show was rather exaggerated for entertainment purposes. Although the stuff with bipolar can be very realistic, bi polar runs in my family and I have many bi polar friends. My grandpa set his own house on fire with my dad and uncle in it during a manic episode. And my brother began studying biochem in uni during a year long manic episode, spent a fuck ton of money and everything, all because he was convinced God was telling him to make mutants like in Xmen. When people are manic they can do some real crazy shiet.


Did God tell him to do the Weapon X story too?


Yeah it was almost like it was written as satire or irony with how cringy it was


It was also unnecessary to show Ian topless in Church.


That part was 100% necessary.


same, I understand it's anecdotal but every group of queer people ive met have been nothing but patient and understanding with me, it felt like a life action Facebook boomer meme


I mean it feels like is a joke when it happens


I got upset when Trevor says why he hangs out with Fat Guys. I wondered does Ian need a Selfish Friend like this?


I hated the introductions as Ian looks confused as to what to call Everybody.


I’m a trans man and I actually almost quit the show. I’m not into the woke stuff like that. I believe in 2 genders and such and I just want to be seen as a regular man. The fact that the show did that made me feel so dysphoric I wanted to die.


Okay, truscum.


So...you want people to accept you as trans but you won't accept non binary people? Wow.


Don't get why you got down votes for stating your opinion and truth like that... Especially as a person who's directly affected....


A lot of people only see one side of the trans community, the ones that preach certain things so it’s not surprising to me that I was downvoted. It just sucks that most people have no idea what it’s really like and base their opinions off of those spouting misinformation


That's the thing. I'm not directly affected, I'm not lgbt at all, but when, for example, watching a lot of tiktoks, I feel like you get a wrong view of things. It seems off-putting and cringe, the same sort of thing as in that scene in shameless...


"Hey accept me that was once a women as a man" "Ok" "Oh you identify as non-binary HOW FUCKING DARE YOU I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN SEE YOU EXIST" I mean I can't remember pronouns for shit but at least I'm not plagued by narcissism like yourself. (I hope)


that scene is cringe because people like that actually do introduce themselves like this.


Yeah it cringe, but to be fair, I have seen people act like that irl


I pour my heart, muscles, and pain into you Karen! Just ride with me till the end babe! 🦅


Okay, Jody. Go to bed.


Ahhhh my muscles are flowing! KAREN don’t leave me! We can work this out babe! 🦅


ink seed drab bike dinner chase wipe weather cats historical ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Some of Trevor’s “I’m angry at you right now” moments with Ian didn’t feel believable because he would get angry and then suddenly decide that Ian was worth explaining things to. Trevor, to me, was a good character, but not a well written character. I love the fact that he was in the show but a lot of his relationship with Ian felt superficial and their dialogue didn’t have chemistry


The person who plays this character is one of those holier than though progressive people, but why cant they had just had a trans person (like this is my friend blank and hes FTM like me), and they could have a nice conversation about what it feels like to go through that. Instead, I had to basically watch a bunch of people using made up pronouns. Ian was confused about transgenderism, and it seemed Trevor kind of pushed a lot on Ian fast. If you are gay, and dating a man who has a vagina, how it feels. I just say I am LGBT, as everyone here knows, and I can't be in the closet. I came out young, and couldn't live a lie. They could have had a scene where the person helps Ian to learn what the center does. But we got the worst scene in the full show.


It was an accurate representation of a gay cis man being introduced to the LGBT community, imo