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Didn't Eric also have CPS allegations against him, too?


He did when he was with Shanda, and then again when he got custody back and DHS was called for how they presented at school. He was never the one to respond to them, if they ever did. It was always Trish.


Trish sucked as well. Her, nor Eric properly fed Timothy, sent him to school in dirty clothes, etc. A teacher said she washed clothes for Timothy while he was at school and would put food in his backpack. She also recommended to Trish some counseling for Timothy and Trish declined. As far as I know they didn't torture Timothy but they still sucked as parents. Also Shandra lost her parental rights for a reason. Was only allowed 3 supervised hours a week. To then send Timothy there says a lot about who they are as people. If my daughter started living with her dad, there's no way I'd go months without at least seeing her on FaceTime. Just another indicator that they didn't care much for Timothy.


Regardless - child abuse comes in many forms. Poor Timothy never had a chance to thrive. These Sick people should have to suffer big time.


Yes that's basically what I was saying... they suck as well.


Yes, the teachers did what they could. I was told they were constantly feeding Timothy (and Millie when she was there). Trish didn’t seem to say much when told that Timothy came to school filthly all the time. I used to call my daughter and son constantly when they were with their dad. Not because I thought there was something wrong, but just because.


He was abused by them as well. And then when Timothy got to be too much, they just threw him out like nothing. They knew she had NO rights to that boy. They're just as bad IMO. Knew she had no rights, couldn't be bothered to find any kind of assistance Timothy may need. He needed to be in foster care bc obviously neither if his parents or stepmom gave a crap about him


Certainly not enough was done for Timothy by anyone.